Oh yea, and OMG Cleck, how GORGEOUS is your new sig?!?? Emma is sooooooo beautiful!! Are you seeing any red in her hair yet, or just very fair??
Cleck I love the new signature! She is so beautiful.
I am still is awe that we are mommies now haha
Oh yea, and OMG Cleck, how GORGEOUS is your new sig?!?? Emma is sooooooo beautiful!! Are you seeing any red in her hair yet, or just very fair??
So far there isn't enough hair to tell. We noticed in the sunlight it has a bit of a red tint but not enough to know for sure.It's still a waiting game. hehe.
He's another who's feeding every 2 hours or so. My poor nipples are stinging!
He's another who's feeding every 2 hours or so. My poor nipples are stinging!
I'm glad I'm not the only one with the nipple issues..They keep telling me to feed every two hours though so I have been keeping at it. I'm on such a tight schedule now that my boobs leak like a faucet if I don't feed every two hours.
This morning I had waited too long and while I was sitting on the toilet(TMI..lol) I screamed for DH to hurry and grab the baby so she can feed because I was leaking all over the place.