--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Hey girls! I haven't been in our thread for awhile although I've snuck around the rest of the forum. All your talks of weight loss. :dohh: I know I should start trying to lose the weight too because I want to try for another in 2010 but I just don't have the motivation in the wintertime when it's harder to get out and walk. Otherwise I'd be out walking every night. I need a treadmill. :haha:

As for all the rolling are you guys having babies that roll completely over yet? Cause I swear rolling over means all the way around. Emma started flipping from stomach to back during our 2 month photoshoot. I even have the picture progression of it cause I was snapping away at the time. And she just got a huge grin when she did it like it was hilarious. But I honestly thought rolling over meant a complete turn. :shrug: She doesn't roll from back to front yet so I haven't written down in her baby books that she can roll yet. I am proud to say that she is now not only patting at her toys on her playmat but grabs ahold of them and swings them around!! :happydance: Which also means every object she can get her little hands around she is grabbing and shoving into her mouth. So now I have to be super careful what I put near her. :dohh:

Shadow- I think you may be right about his diaper being a bit bulky and hindering him from doing too much movement. After switching Emma to hers she'll stay on her tummy alot longer before flipping and I'm thinking its because her diaper is bulkier and her little legs are spread more apart. I use all-in-ones so they aren't SUPER bulky but definately more bulky than disposables. And either way don't worry yourself about it. :hugs:

I know I have a cousin who's baby sat up at 5 months, crawled at 6 and walked at 7. :shock: And she is telling me this, as if my baby should be doing all that too by that point. Yeah right! That is like amazing on milestones. We all beat ourselves up about milestones but we forget to remember that every baby is different and in the end they'll all get there! I keep freaking out when you girls talk about weight gain because Emma really doesn't gain much. In fact last week she gained nothing. Didn't lose but didn't gain either. I weigh her on our Wii Fit so not sure on the accuracy but she is just at 10 pounds. Which I worry about each and every day because most of your babies are 12 and up already. But she is so happy its hard to think that something could be wrong. It's so hard sometimes worrying about what is right and what is wrong :cry:
Is anyone concerned that their lo is putting too much weight on? Sam looks massive compared to babies his age and people are starting to hint he's fat. I'm overweight as you know so I'm getting a complex. I didn't think you could over feed a breastfed baby but now I'm wondering? He was 10 weeks and 14lb 8 oz last week goodness knows what he is now. DH and I are both 6 foot plus so he's long too. :cry:

Aww. :hugs: If you read my previous post I have the opposite concern of Emma not gaining enough. It's so hard isn't it? Worrying about these things. I'd be happy to have a chubby baby. You honestly can't be overfeeding him with breastmilk I don't think. I think your doing amazing. I wish my milk would make Emma gain a bit more. I don't know how to go about it though. :shrug: I REALLY don't want to start topping up with formula again. I feel like I just got over that and don't want to start it again. :nope:
Awww Cleckner thanks for making me feel a little better. Emma is doing fine hon, don't think they need to put weight on consistently you'll probably find next week she has shot up and if she's more active then she'll burn more.

As for rolling, it's more flipping like you said from tummy to back as I said in post but not sure what's classed as rolling or not to be honest. All I know it I'm extra careful now where I leave him as he can move now iykwim??? He also arches his back and wiggles all over his cot at night so I'm conscious of changing and stuff now. Having said that he wouldn't roll/flip today, obviously couldn't be arsed today :rofl:
:hugs: You really are doing a fab job with feeding Sam. You need to share some of that good fatty milk with me. :rofl:

As for the rolling, either way it's amazing isn't it?! I feel like she's turning into this big girl right before my eyes. :cry: Just seeing her sit in her bumbo seat makes me a bit sad that she's growing up already. Cause she sits there just looking all over like a big girl. :haha:

Anyone put any thought into when they'll start solids yet? I know Booth you said you have been. I am just starting to pump and freeze some milk to use when it's needed to mix with cereal, baby rice, etc. How does that all work? I try to read the weaning section but they are always so hostile in there about it because everyone has so much differing opinions on the subject. I want to try to get as close to six months as possible before starting solids but at the same time, if Emma needs to gain some weight I'd probably offer solids before any formula. She is SUPER interested in us eating now. Watches every bite and looks at us scoop up food. Like 'what are you guys doing'. haha. I explain it all to her as I do it. :blush:
:shock: :blush: Thanks for your encouraging words, guys... I am now delightedly eating my words!!! We tried our first real nappy-free time today and...


:shock: :yipee: He's not a total dufus after all!!! :rofl:

Pips, is Sam bigger than Vince do you think? Smaller? About the same? I really really wouldn't worry about him being "too big", I don't think you CAN over breast feed, because he'll take just what he needs/wants and no more. Whereas with a bottle you can make bottles too big and overstuff baby by encouraging more and more into them... He'll get active before you know it and will be burning it all off left right and centre! I know Vince is a big boy, but I'm not worried at all. Babies come in all shapes and sizes, and all of our cubs look just perfect to me!!

Thanks for the advice on nappy-free time, MJ!! :D

Hey Shadow that is amazing, see he can flip too, just those nappies get in the way :dohh: Love the pictures. Sam is about the same size but of course he is a month younger so it's abit scary. I hope when he gets on the move he will burn it all off.

Cleckner Sam will be 4 months Christmas day so I though as a treat he could try some baby rice. I'm going to bf him till at least 6 months pretty much exclusively but maybe the odd bowl of baby rice now and again from Christmas day onwards. I'm so excited.
I'm going to bf him till at least 6 months pretty much exclusively but maybe the odd bowl of baby rice now and again from Christmas day onwards. I'm so excited.

:thumbup: Sounds cool! Vince has tried lots of flavours now, it's so much fun finding out what they like or don't like! We did give him half a jar of baby food once a day for a while, but I haven't done that in a while now and he has only been a little bit crankier before his feeds. Vince's favourite is fruity stuff, he loooves it, its so lovely watching them scoff solids hehehe!

Booth, MJ and now Shadow, you must be so proud of your boys rolling over! And Cleck your little girl must be a right strong'un, she's been doing it for weeks!

MJ - cake and choc is my downfall - I have to have some each day and unfortunately some almost always turns to lots!

Hi Molly Apple - nice work on the very thorough post! I am most proud of continuing to breastfeed even though sophia ate my nipple andit took 10 weeks to grow back - ouchie! You are brave doing the tube!

Booth - kudos to you for holding out on eatting the ripple! I have never lasted that long!

Elly - hope your mum doesn't come down swine flu x

hey cleck - I am sure emma would be grumpy if she needed more food, so I'm sure she is just petite! I haven't really thought about solids yet. I figured I would wait until 6 months unless Sophia shows signs that she needs more than mummy milk!

As for us - Sophia is still showing no signs of rolling and I am incredibly jealous of your guys. And I can't blame cloth nappies! Never mind as has been said - it'll happen in time!
I have some friends coming down for the weekend and we are going out for dinner on Saturday night and leaving Sophia with my dad. I am planning on defrosting some of my milk for a bottle. However, has anyone had any issues witheir LO's taking frozen milk (obviously defrosted!). I haev read that some babies don't like it.

Lovely to see the thread busy!
cleck, I'm hoping to hold out a bit till I add solids to Adam's diet, pretty sure he'll be on 100% formula by then, and I'm happy to keep giving him that as it's got all the vitamins and stuff in it, perfectly balanced for him. Then I am thinking about baby led weaning, and missing out purees and baby rice, though I don't know a lot about it yet, the weaning forum is a closed book to me for now since I'm hopefully some time from needing it. I might change my mind if Adam seems to be wanting solids, but definitely not before 4 months.

Shiv, the words "nipple" and "ripple" were rather close together in your post, they got me confused for a second :rofl:

The chocolate situation is going ok today, didn't get a chance to have a proper lunch so just had a Caramac (and I don't count that really) and then a little Milky Way this evening before dinner as I am starving. Tea is home-made curry and then I shall have my Wispa :D It might sound like a lot but it's good for me...
Christian tried to roll over today! He started on his back and end up on his side -- didn't have enough 'umph' to get all the way around. Hopefully in time!

As for big babies, we're finding that Christian is getting a bit big (15lbs and he's almost 3 months). He's dwarfing the other babies his age and we've gotten comments about his chubbiness which has made me upset. Unfortunately, I was unable to BF so been doing FF since he was born. We don't give him too much (within the guidelines or there abouts for his age) per feed and he doesn't get more than what's in the bottle. He seems to be content with that.
MJ - Caramac SO doesn't count as chocolate! When I was younger I used to give up chocolate for lent (not that I am religious at all) and I had caramacs then! Well done on the reduction of chocolate intake hon x

Elly - as long as babies are content then at this age I don't think we should worry about what they weigh , as soon as they are mobile they will lose any excess x
Evening ladies, hope you are all well. So nice to see everyone chatting again, its almost like those days before our LOs arrived :happydance:

We've had a lovely day, Imi didn't wake till 6am (went to bed for daddy at 9pm as I was at bingo), and daddy fed her then put her back to bed. I didn't wake till almost 9am and she was still asleep. She woke at about 9:30 :happydance: She has had lots of nappy off time on front and back but not even a glimer of rolling from us :( When on her back she loves to kick about and will make her way across her mat :rofl: and when on her front, she will army crawl the mat but is most content just laying sucking on her hand :rofl: We won't be going to solids for a bit yet, but then Imi is alot younger than some of your wee ones :)

My little sister had a MW app today and she heard the HB for the first time bless her :cloud9: Made me all broody hearing how happy she was. Also had a chat with my best friend who is TTC (only on her 2nd month). Was lovely to speak to her and offer what advice I could, but again, makes me so broody :rofl: She did comment on how she could not imagine how we must have felt after years of trying as she's cranky already which brought back some sad memories :cry: But Imi is here now, so i must stop remembering :cloud9:

I'm hoping to go and meet some local BnB ladies next week so that should be nice :D

On a plus note, I did 1hr and 4mins on the wii fit this morning, a 45 min walk with Imi in the sling and been good all day. 2 weetabix for brekie, a sandwich with a bag of baked crisps for dinner and a jamacian jerk chicken breast with homemade cajun wedges. O and I did have a couple of biccies with a cuppa when mum popped round earlier but generally I thought it was a good day :thumbup: O and although I normally only weigh myself once a week, the wiifit said I was lighter so weighed myself on my scales and 2lb gone since Monday :D

Shiv - :rofl: at your not giving up caramacs, i must tell mum that as she always gives up choccie for lent :D Imi has defrosted milk when I was expressing and took it fine. Maybe try her before then just to make sure? Hope you have a fab time out :)

Elly - great to see Christian is trying to roll, deffo the way forward :D and :happydance: for his big sleep :D

MJ - well done on your choccie intake, very good hun :thumbup:

Shadow - wow go Vince :happydance: Those pics are soooo cute :D And well done you for catching the roll like that :thumbup: Sadly nappy free time makes no difference to Imi :rofl: And I, like you, really need to stop baking :rofl:

Cleck - i know what you mean about LOs watching, Imi watched me so intently as I had my sandwich at dinner as if to say, "oi, gimmee some of that" :rofl: When I put Imi in her bumbo i always think how grown up she looks, makes me abit sad sometimes :blush: Try not to worry about Emmas weight, she may be slight but as long as she's gaining and not losing I really wouldn't be worried :D I wanted to weigh Imi on my wii fit today but she was asleep so thought better of it :haha:

Pippin - try not to worry about Sams weight, he's a chunky monkey like Imi :D She was 13lb 2oz at 8+5 and that was with her SCBU stay too! They all grow at different rates and with how tall you both are, I'm not suprised he's growing well :hugs:

Boothh - very well done on saving your Ripple, mine would have been eaten in the car :rofl:

Mollyapple - great to hear from you and fab to hear you are all doing so well (bar the illnesses of course) Think my proudest achievement is feeling like I can deal with whatever Imi throws at me. I feel much more able to comfort and console her and although i'm sure the next challenges are only round the corner, the fact i'm doing OK so far makes me very proud :)
Wow, look at all the smilies in that post :rofl:
^^ I was just thinking that, Vici! it's positively moving with them :rofl:

Oh, meant to say before but didn't get a chance to because Adam required attention and I hit submit rather than leave it - Adam did a whole load of real loud, proper laughs tonight :D - he'd been doing little chuckles for a while but these were proper and definitely not accidental! it was so so so funny - it was right after Chris got in and he was holding him on his lap, I'd just fed him (and he'd been annoying, not wanting his whole bottle, pulling away, etc) and he was all smiley and lovely, and I was telling Chris about our day and got to the bit about how we went to the big Tesco on the bus to look at baby clothes and they were rubbish, and he burst into laughter! and kept laughing - not like the creepy babies in the Cow & Gate milk advert, cuter than that, but a little helium-ish :D

Heh, Shiv, yeah, Caramc isn't chocolate, don't think it's even white chocolate (which is ok but not worthy of the name, IMO) but well done on giving up for 6 weeks, wow!!! I don't think I'd even attempt that.

and yay!!! Vici on the 2lb!! :D I haven't got a Wii Fit but I have a DVD and I keep forgetting to use the damned thing. it's not going to help me get fit/skinny sitting on the shelf...

oh and everyone who's concerned about their baby's weight - we all come in different sizes, so it makes sense that babies do, too! as long as they're happy and developing well that's what matters. (and for those who are thinking their baby is on the big side, you want to see pics of my nephew, who's now 4, when he was about 6-9 months - he looked like he was on steroids. I know that's not the kindest thing to say but it's true. he was bf. but my brother is 6ft 2 and my SIL is maybe 5 7. and he totally thinned out when he got active. now he is a well built little chap, not a suggestion of "too big".) Adam has always been average sized, even as a foetus, and now he's not even on the 50th centile. but he's tall. 25 inches when I last measured him. his daddy and I are not tall, he's 5 9 max, and I am 5 5. I hope he's not a small boy, just because as the youngest in his year at school he's likely to be littler for the first few years anyway.
It was, wasn't it? :rofl:

And bless Adam, I can't wait for Imi to laugh as I love laughing :D And def right about babies sizes. Imi was always big in my tummy and she still is :rofl:
O and there's 2 new pics of Imi in the album :D
Hey all.

God ye have been busy - seven pages to catch up on lol.

Booth: The pic of Jessie is only gorgeous, he is such a cutie - you are a braver woman than me TTC so soon - Best of luck with it honey.

AuntyE: Imogen is a great sleeper bless her.

Shiv: I know your not lecturing me honey - its only cause you care - No I no myself I couldn't maintain it for long anyways - I'm taking Sat and Sunday off like I did last week and going to do it again next week before Natashas christening and if I have lost a bit I might do another week or two before Christmas and just healthy eat on the other weeks - I only actually did 3 days of pure fruit and veg this week and introduced other food tonight and had some stirfried veg and an omlette and I am going to have some fish tomorrow evening. Dont worry I like my food too much to be that strict for too long. lol. We are also getting a jumparoo for Natasha for Christmas but I am holding off on buying it as I know I will cheat and put her in it lol.

Shadow: You poor thing having that feeling all the time must be hell - I really hope the coil sorts it all out. Well done on your weight loss you are doing really well. I had loads of encouraging words about vince not rolling and then got to your post where he did lol - Well done Vince see as MJ and Cleck said it was the cloth bum lol.

MJ: I'm so glad Adam behaved for his jabs - bless - I'm dreading Natasha's second ones as she was so upset after the last ones - although DH will be coming this time as they are due over the Christmas holidays. Not at all on the experience with formula feeding - it is good to see what you do too as it all just a guessing game really for us all thats why I love this site to see what others are doing. MJ I know exactly what you mean about being proud that you are happy - I am so hormonal at the best of times I thought sure I would have PND and I also get cabin fever so easily and usually love getting out to work so I was a bit afraid that between hormones and being stuck in a lot I would be going off my head but I'm not I'm so so happy - granted some days I get rather crabby with DH but that is just tiredness and nothing serious - Isn't it the best feeling in the world to be a mum.

Vici: Yeah I hated that it took us 1 year and a half to conceive and I hated the dissapointment every month and I think I remember you saying you were TTC for much longer - that must have been really though - It is great to be at the other side of it with our little angels now. Well done on the exercise 20 mins hula hooping - fair play to you - I usually manage 5 and am bet lol. You are doing great with the wii fit and walking I wish I was more motivated to do more - Well done at the 2lbs since Monday.

Elly: Hope your not coming down with something - maybe get a tonic or something from the pharmacy when you are getting the creams - I got one today for DH as he has had 3 colds now since Natasha was born and he is never sick so I reckon he is run down and I find they always help.

Pippin: Ah that is brill that Sam rolled and found his hands - I can't wait for Natasha to do both especially find her hands - I think it is so funny when they are so amazed looking at them. Well done on maintaining your weight especially with all the cake lol. I wouldn't worry about Sams weight it is probalby as he is long and will be tall like both you and DH - I dont think you can overfeed them really as they take what they need.

Mollyapple: Glad to see you are well and over your dose - Well done on the BF - I think my greatest achievement is the first day I managed town with the carseat and pram and lots of errands to do and I managed it all by myself. Good on you with the surrogacy - I think that is a truly comendable thing to do for someone - I dont know if I could as I really struggled being pregnant.

Cleckner: I would say rolling from front to back or vice versa is rolling - I wouldn't worry about Emmas weight as if she wasn't getting enough food to maintain her she would be really unhappy all of the time - I honestly think they take what they need and she may just be very petite.

Well afu - Natasha is not rolling over yet or hasn't found her hands but she is starting to catch at her clothes and her bottle so I think she is on the way with that. She has started the cutest thing though - everytime I sing to her now, she does this kind of squeely thing and you would swear she is trying to sing along with me in her own way - My mum and brother were totally amazed by it today it was so cute lol - I'm gonna try the naked tummy time to see if that helps but I dont think it will as she is only in disposables so I don think they are hindering her too much. Well I'm off to bed as I'm shattered today DH has a cold and is snoring the house down at night so not so good for my sleep lol.
Sorry guys there will probably be two posts by me regarding solids as I didn't think the first one had worked and then I did it up again and I got a message saying a mod needs to approve it so dont know what that is about. Xx
Okay that is really strange as that last post worked but the two on solids didn't - maybe one of the words regarding solids triggered something so they need to approve it. I dunno - thought I was cracking up for a minute lol. Night all. Xx

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