God have loads to catch up on! Still have no net at the mo using this quickly, missing chatting here!
Cant wait for my internet to be up permantly.
elly75 - I hope i dont sound patronising but I've thought the same things as you and just realised all bubs are different! Archie sometimes takes 210mls, the other day he slept for 14 hours and when he woke up he guzzled 400mls!
jelr - ohh do you think tash is teething then? I think archie might be to... he gets a little grizzly and chews everything (including me!) Feel like i am repeating myself here but your losing weight good to!
maryjo - agree with keeping the weigh ins to this thread... i keep trying to keep up with others but find it to hard! I am defintely in! You are doing well on the weight loss front though! I would like to be under 9 stone to but it aint happening for me!
If it makes you feel any better Archie sicks up a bit of feed after nearly every feed and some days he feeds patchy to sometimes takes hardly any then guzzles then wants more! His gaining weight fine tho... I do love choc to
So hard to resist and bad on my maternity pay! Feel for ya on the day time telly, its absolute crap isnt it?!
shiv - Well done on the weight loss, cake is good! We all deserve a break... the davina work outs are great. I have one but i havent started using it yet.
I understand about your nan... my grandad had 3 strokes and is now in a nursing home just laying there no quality of life and i wish that peace on him.
Auntye - wish i had your attitude about waiting till after xmas... ive always been hard on myself about my weight!
vici - no one will laugh at you! Your losing weight nice and steadily, keep up what your doing as its obv working! Ahh on imi finding her thumb! Arch found it once but didnt like it too much lol. That bloody hula hooping is hard so well done on doing it that long! Gosh i bet your sis is making you broody!I am eating my words here but i do miss my bump to... though no babies for me for a looong time! Your doing so well on the wii fit and the weight loss
shadow - i never get on with the pill tbh, all of them make me a hormonal wreck. My epiliepsy nurse reallyraved to me about the mirena coil so its worth a try! I will be giving it a go! You've lost weight since having vince so your on the right track! Your pics of vince are gorge! I dont think i could keep arch out of the nappy for long or id have to make sure he weed cause he still likes to do a wee ever so often when his willy hits the cold air!
booth - jesse is gorge! Glad the move went well! Gosh your braver than me ttc so soon! As much as i love archie i dont think i could cope with two babies demanding my attention lol, mainly cause of my course and stuff with studying!
pippin - same sounds like his getting on well! I think archie will roll soon to.. he keeps pushing up like mini push ups ! Every baby is different so never feel bad
Archie was 12lbs 3oz at 8 weeks so i cant imagine his far off to sam now his 10 weeks! FWIW, i see pics of sam on facebook and he looks fine! Absolutely perfect baby.
mollyapple - hmm, well well done on tackling the tube with the pram! With my monster graco its just not possible! I dont think i have an acheivement yet lol thats pretty sad!
Phew sorry to everone i missed!
My move went well thank you ladies... I am now a proper essex girl lol. I moved here from east london. Flat is lovely and settling in well! Just waiting for a proper internet connection!
Regards to the weight loss, everyone is doing really well. I'm doing OK... I could try harder but with the move its been a lot of take aways! Here is how i am doing:
Pre pregnancy weight: 9 stone 7lbs
Highest pregnancy weight: 12 stone 3oz
Just after Archie was born: 11 stone
13th of November 2009: 10 stone.
I have another 7lbs to lose and this is being stubborn! I fit in to all my old stuff now its just a lil "snug" and I'd like it to be the way it was like kinda loose round the waist! I'm finding snacking hard to resist... since archie was born i tend to snack rather than have meals and im finding it difficult to break that habit.
Archies progress... he was 12lbs 3 oz on his 8 week weigh in! He cried like mad with his jabs. I was so upset.
He has to have more in two weeks dreading it.. He is a very smiley baby and giggles and coos non stop. He does proper push ups now and looks around with his head high. His rolled once and looked shocked and have a feeling this will be a regular occurance in a while! His been a bi grizzly sometimes so have a feeling his teethin but generally his very content. He sleeps for hhoourrs. Goes down at 9pm doesnt wake till 7am!
The other da he slept for 14 hours then guzzled 400mls when he woke!
Am absolutely besotted. 
As for more babies...well i admire you girls TTC so soon! For me, it will be awhile... I havent decided for sure whether another baby is for me but if i do it will be when archie is in school. I do miss my bump and the excitement of being pregnant though and cant imagine never being pregnant again in my life so perhaps it will happen!
Moods to... well im on no contraception yet apart from no sex contraception. I've been a bit scared to have sex since the episiotomy and im all fine down there i ust keep avoiding it. So yeah the no sex contraception is great!
I know hub misses sex and its been a long time for him nowbut my sex drive is zilch...
Hope you girls are all ok an hope my net is sorted soon so i can catch up more reguarlly!

elly75 - I hope i dont sound patronising but I've thought the same things as you and just realised all bubs are different! Archie sometimes takes 210mls, the other day he slept for 14 hours and when he woke up he guzzled 400mls!
jelr - ohh do you think tash is teething then? I think archie might be to... he gets a little grizzly and chews everything (including me!) Feel like i am repeating myself here but your losing weight good to!
maryjo - agree with keeping the weigh ins to this thread... i keep trying to keep up with others but find it to hard! I am defintely in! You are doing well on the weight loss front though! I would like to be under 9 stone to but it aint happening for me!

shiv - Well done on the weight loss, cake is good! We all deserve a break... the davina work outs are great. I have one but i havent started using it yet.

Auntye - wish i had your attitude about waiting till after xmas... ive always been hard on myself about my weight!
vici - no one will laugh at you! Your losing weight nice and steadily, keep up what your doing as its obv working! Ahh on imi finding her thumb! Arch found it once but didnt like it too much lol. That bloody hula hooping is hard so well done on doing it that long! Gosh i bet your sis is making you broody!I am eating my words here but i do miss my bump to... though no babies for me for a looong time! Your doing so well on the wii fit and the weight loss

shadow - i never get on with the pill tbh, all of them make me a hormonal wreck. My epiliepsy nurse reallyraved to me about the mirena coil so its worth a try! I will be giving it a go! You've lost weight since having vince so your on the right track! Your pics of vince are gorge! I dont think i could keep arch out of the nappy for long or id have to make sure he weed cause he still likes to do a wee ever so often when his willy hits the cold air!

booth - jesse is gorge! Glad the move went well! Gosh your braver than me ttc so soon! As much as i love archie i dont think i could cope with two babies demanding my attention lol, mainly cause of my course and stuff with studying!
pippin - same sounds like his getting on well! I think archie will roll soon to.. he keeps pushing up like mini push ups ! Every baby is different so never feel bad

mollyapple - hmm, well well done on tackling the tube with the pram! With my monster graco its just not possible! I dont think i have an acheivement yet lol thats pretty sad!
Phew sorry to everone i missed!
My move went well thank you ladies... I am now a proper essex girl lol. I moved here from east london. Flat is lovely and settling in well! Just waiting for a proper internet connection!
Regards to the weight loss, everyone is doing really well. I'm doing OK... I could try harder but with the move its been a lot of take aways! Here is how i am doing:
Pre pregnancy weight: 9 stone 7lbs
Highest pregnancy weight: 12 stone 3oz
Just after Archie was born: 11 stone
13th of November 2009: 10 stone.
I have another 7lbs to lose and this is being stubborn! I fit in to all my old stuff now its just a lil "snug" and I'd like it to be the way it was like kinda loose round the waist! I'm finding snacking hard to resist... since archie was born i tend to snack rather than have meals and im finding it difficult to break that habit.
Archies progress... he was 12lbs 3 oz on his 8 week weigh in! He cried like mad with his jabs. I was so upset.

As for more babies...well i admire you girls TTC so soon! For me, it will be awhile... I havent decided for sure whether another baby is for me but if i do it will be when archie is in school. I do miss my bump and the excitement of being pregnant though and cant imagine never being pregnant again in my life so perhaps it will happen!
Moods to... well im on no contraception yet apart from no sex contraception. I've been a bit scared to have sex since the episiotomy and im all fine down there i ust keep avoiding it. So yeah the no sex contraception is great!

Hope you girls are all ok an hope my net is sorted soon so i can catch up more reguarlly!