--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

God have loads to catch up on! Still have no net at the mo using this quickly, missing chatting here! :cry: Cant wait for my internet to be up permantly.

elly75 - I hope i dont sound patronising but I've thought the same things as you and just realised all bubs are different! Archie sometimes takes 210mls, the other day he slept for 14 hours and when he woke up he guzzled 400mls!

jelr - ohh do you think tash is teething then? I think archie might be to... he gets a little grizzly and chews everything (including me!) Feel like i am repeating myself here but your losing weight good to!

maryjo - agree with keeping the weigh ins to this thread... i keep trying to keep up with others but find it to hard! I am defintely in! You are doing well on the weight loss front though! I would like to be under 9 stone to but it aint happening for me! :haha: If it makes you feel any better Archie sicks up a bit of feed after nearly every feed and some days he feeds patchy to sometimes takes hardly any then guzzles then wants more! His gaining weight fine tho... I do love choc to :-( So hard to resist and bad on my maternity pay! Feel for ya on the day time telly, its absolute crap isnt it?!

shiv - Well done on the weight loss, cake is good! We all deserve a break... the davina work outs are great. I have one but i havent started using it yet. :-( I understand about your nan... my grandad had 3 strokes and is now in a nursing home just laying there no quality of life and i wish that peace on him. :hugs:

Auntye - wish i had your attitude about waiting till after xmas... ive always been hard on myself about my weight!

vici - no one will laugh at you! Your losing weight nice and steadily, keep up what your doing as its obv working! Ahh on imi finding her thumb! Arch found it once but didnt like it too much lol. That bloody hula hooping is hard so well done on doing it that long! Gosh i bet your sis is making you broody!I am eating my words here but i do miss my bump to... though no babies for me for a looong time! Your doing so well on the wii fit and the weight loss :hugs:

shadow - i never get on with the pill tbh, all of them make me a hormonal wreck. My epiliepsy nurse reallyraved to me about the mirena coil so its worth a try! I will be giving it a go! You've lost weight since having vince so your on the right track! Your pics of vince are gorge! I dont think i could keep arch out of the nappy for long or id have to make sure he weed cause he still likes to do a wee ever so often when his willy hits the cold air! :haha:

booth - jesse is gorge! Glad the move went well! Gosh your braver than me ttc so soon! As much as i love archie i dont think i could cope with two babies demanding my attention lol, mainly cause of my course and stuff with studying!

pippin - same sounds like his getting on well! I think archie will roll soon to.. he keeps pushing up like mini push ups ! Every baby is different so never feel bad :hugs: Archie was 12lbs 3oz at 8 weeks so i cant imagine his far off to sam now his 10 weeks! FWIW, i see pics of sam on facebook and he looks fine! Absolutely perfect baby.

mollyapple - hmm, well well done on tackling the tube with the pram! With my monster graco its just not possible! I dont think i have an acheivement yet lol thats pretty sad!

Phew sorry to everone i missed!

My move went well thank you ladies... I am now a proper essex girl lol. I moved here from east london. Flat is lovely and settling in well! Just waiting for a proper internet connection!

Regards to the weight loss, everyone is doing really well. I'm doing OK... I could try harder but with the move its been a lot of take aways! Here is how i am doing:

Pre pregnancy weight: 9 stone 7lbs
Highest pregnancy weight: 12 stone 3oz
Just after Archie was born: 11 stone
13th of November 2009: 10 stone.

I have another 7lbs to lose and this is being stubborn! I fit in to all my old stuff now its just a lil "snug" and I'd like it to be the way it was like kinda loose round the waist! I'm finding snacking hard to resist... since archie was born i tend to snack rather than have meals and im finding it difficult to break that habit.

Archies progress... he was 12lbs 3 oz on his 8 week weigh in! He cried like mad with his jabs. I was so upset. :cry: He has to have more in two weeks dreading it.. He is a very smiley baby and giggles and coos non stop. He does proper push ups now and looks around with his head high. His rolled once and looked shocked and have a feeling this will be a regular occurance in a while! His been a bi grizzly sometimes so have a feeling his teethin but generally his very content. He sleeps for hhoourrs. Goes down at 9pm doesnt wake till 7am! :cloud9: The other da he slept for 14 hours then guzzled 400mls when he woke! :haha: Am absolutely besotted. :cloud9:

As for more babies...well i admire you girls TTC so soon! For me, it will be awhile... I havent decided for sure whether another baby is for me but if i do it will be when archie is in school. I do miss my bump and the excitement of being pregnant though and cant imagine never being pregnant again in my life so perhaps it will happen!

Moods to... well im on no contraception yet apart from no sex contraception. I've been a bit scared to have sex since the episiotomy and im all fine down there i ust keep avoiding it. So yeah the no sex contraception is great! :thumbup: I know hub misses sex and its been a long time for him nowbut my sex drive is zilch...

Hope you girls are all ok an hope my net is sorted soon so i can catch up more reguarlly!
hiya ladys
sorry i have been awol for a long time rueben has been realy ill.
i have read throw but cnt rember much here is what i can:
Solids: iam leaving it till 6months as feed rueben on baby food now he wont eat anying outher than fruit bread ham chips and pasta. doing BLW with lo.

rolling:lucas was doing it at 6wks and has now given up and wnt do it.

and il jone you on the weight loss
Pre pregnancy weight: 11 stone 11lbs
Highest pregnancy weight: 13stone 3oz
Just after lucas was born: 12 stone 10
today 13th nov: 11stone 8
weigh in day monday.
whant to get down to 10stone 7
lucas is now 16lb he is wanting to get about so much and is sleeping from 6pm untill 6:30am.

sorry some of you have the blues.
hope you all have a nice day and will try to come in more offten
jelr - I don't want to tempt you into buying the jumperoo early - bu babies r us are selling it with £20 off - don't know if you would get a similar discout over in Ireland! that is what made me buy it early!

RR - you certainly should have a proudest moment - you managed to move with a newborn and stay sane!! You also fit into your pre-preg clothes. I would be pretty proud of that!

tmr - sorry Rueben has been ill, i hope he is on the mend now. welcome to the weigh in! well done so far!

afu - well i have friends visiting this weekend, so have just baked chocolate fudge cake. am haing takeaway tonight and out for lunch and dinner tomorrow.So will defo have put on weight at next weigh in!

have a great weekend guys, wont have time to pop in until sunday x
jelr - I don't want to tempt you into buying the jumperoo early - bu babies r us are selling it with £20 off - don't know if you would get a similar discout over in Ireland! that is what made me buy it early!

Me too!! But then the other day I popped onto Amazon and it was about a quid cheaper! :grr: lol
Hi chatty girls! We were just given the rainforest jumperoo by the same people who gave us the pink bouncy thing. It's great, but filthy, so after I spent about an hour cleaning baby sick off various bits and washing the washables (URGH) I popped her in it to have a little go. SHE LOVED IT! (unlike the rainforest swing, which she screams the house down in and I bought new. damnit) She's too small to spend any time in it really, but we had a good ten minutes of giggling and bouncing (with a cushion under her feet so she could push off).

Right now she's hiccoughing again on my knee. I swear this baby does nothing but hiccough for an hour or two a day and there's no real way of stopping her unless she's hungry and has a bit of a feed. Just jiggle away and eventually they stop.

Still no move date although our solicitor is muttering about the 27th. Fab. Cos I want to move THREE weeks after I packed all of our stuff up. That's going to be brilliant. sigh.

Surrogacy is an interesting thought. Having been pregnant now and had the baby, I think I could quite happily be a surrogate to a child that wasn't biologically mine. I didn't bond with Imogen when she was born particularly, it took a good week or two before I really felt like she was my baby if you know what I mean. before that, I was just going through the motions. Not that I didn't like her or anything, I just didn't feel particularly connected to her. So I think I could cope with carrying someone else's baby and handing it over - pregnancy was easy enough after all. But it would have to be someone I knew would be a good parent and a close friend, I wouldn't do it for a stranger. Labour hurts too much for that!

Mog isn't rolling over yet, or grabbing for stuff, but she's interacting a bit more and is quite interested in bright shiny noisy things, so that's nice. She's pretty interested in cats too, which is handy really, as most of our photos of her at the moment involve her being sat on by a cat.

Mum and Dad are supposed to be here soon, so I guess I'd better go clear the hall so the wheelchair can get through.
Hey girls

Ruby: I'm with shiv you do have an achievement with staying sane and fitting into those pre pregnancy clothes - wow and well done - I did think Natasha was teething as she is chewing on everything and her little jaws were red two days this week but that seems to have gone now - so its hard to know really. I just read you had an episiotomy - Are you getting any pressure down there since - I know TMI but I am having loads of pressure and sometimes pain in episiotomy area when having a bowel movement or when I had AF even though its all healed and am just wondering if its normal or should I get it checked out.

TMR: Hope Rueben is all better now - Well done on the weight front you have have lost over a stone so far.

Shiv: Thanks for that - we dont have a babies r us - but I will look into some of the places and see if they are doing a discount. Meant to say yesterday - hope your nan goes peacefully honey as it does sound really hard on your grandad and mum at the moment.

Shadow: I hate it when that happens.

AuntyE: Natasha gets the hiccups for hours during the day too and she wont take her bottle at all when she gets them - I pity the poor baby as I know I hate getting them at all let alone three and four times a day.
jelr - no pressure or anything but it does feel "different" its hard to explain! It feels tighter on the outside, like the skin, but inside it feels loose. Its not the same as it once was! Maybe you should ask the gp but i am sure it is nothing!
Anyone put any thought into when they'll start solids yet? I know Booth you said you have been. I am just starting to pump and freeze some milk to use when it's needed to mix with cereal, baby rice, etc. How does that all work? I try to read the weaning section but they are always so hostile in there about it because everyone has so much differing opinions on the subject. I want to try to get as close to six months as possible before starting solids but at the same time, if Emma needs to gain some weight I'd probably offer solids before any formula. She is SUPER interested in us eating now. Watches every bite and looks at us scoop up food. Like 'what are you guys doing'. haha. I explain it all to her as I do it. :blush:

Yep, I've started my LO on solids now. She seemed to be really hungry so I pureed some butternut squash for her and she loved it. I know they say we should feed from six months over here but with my eldest back in 1998 the recommendation was solids from four months so I am just following that rathr than the six month guideline they now have. Don't worry about your LO not gaining weight, all babies are different. Over the weekend I saw the fattest little baby ever. My sister-in-law's sister has a two month old baby and boy is she fat, she is really cute and adorable though but I was saying to the mum that the health visitors are probably going to tell her off for over feeding. For example the baby was sitting quietly playing and the mum just decided to feed her because she was bored.......

AFU: We are fine, my Mimi is growing well and my weightloss is slow but at least I am still losing. I am no longer broody at all, went to the family planning clinic where I waited FOUR hours to have a copper coil put in which lasts for ten years. I am sure that I will have another one (mad) but in about three years time. I hope you are all well and that you have a fab weekend
Well i've cleaned the house this afternoon, done my washing and had 45 mins on the wii fit!! Very proud as i did 22 mins straight of hula hooping :rofl: Altho it was depressing to see the last time I was on there (a few weeks before I got preg) my BMI was 31.07 (pre preg i had lost quite a lot of weight to get to that point - from a BMI of 35 ish) and its now at 36!! :dohh::cry: Come on Vici, get motivated.

Thank you for all your lovely comments ladies, I know I shouldn't worry especially as I feel like I know you all now, but I do. I hate being this big and know what a struggle I will have to lose it - especially with the PCOS, this just gets me more down about it! I will do it!! I WILL!!! :growlmad:

Well done Vici, I wish I could start exercising but I cant because I still have very bad SPD ATM which is getting me down a bit. Dont worry about being big, I am a big lady myself nearly six foot and atm weighing fifteen stone - the heaviest I've ever been. I have lost nearly half a stone now by doin Weightwatchers at home although I am not attending any meetings because I just dont have the time. What are you hoping to lose, I am aiming to lose two stone so that I can weigh 13stone. I can now fit some of my old clothes but the majority of mine are too small atm. What day are you doing your weigh in? Mine's on Thursdays so at least on the weekends which are my weakness I can knock myself out with food and it's back to business on Monday lol
Well i've cleaned the house this afternoon, done my washing and had 45 mins on the wii fit!! Very proud as i did 22 mins straight of hula hooping :rofl: Altho it was depressing to see the last time I was on there (a few weeks before I got preg) my BMI was 31.07 (pre preg i had lost quite a lot of weight to get to that point - from a BMI of 35 ish) and its now at 36!! :dohh::cry: Come on Vici, get motivated.

Thank you for all your lovely comments ladies, I know I shouldn't worry especially as I feel like I know you all now, but I do. I hate being this big and know what a struggle I will have to lose it - especially with the PCOS, this just gets me more down about it! I will do it!! I WILL!!! :growlmad:

Well done Vici, I wish I could start exercising but I cant because I still have very bad SPD ATM which is getting me down a bit. Dont worry about being big, I am a big lady myself nearly six foot and atm weighing fifteen stone - the heaviest I've ever been. I have lost nearly half a stone now by doin Weightwatchers at home although I am not attending any meetings because I just dont have the time. What are you hoping to lose, I am aiming to lose two stone so that I can weigh 13stone. I can now fit some of my old clothes but the majority of mine are too small atm. What day are you doing your weigh in? Mine's on Thursdays so at least on the weekends which are my weakness I can knock myself out with food and it's back to business on Monday lol

My weigh in day will be Mondays. I;m hoping that will keep me good at the weekends lol. I'm not aiming for anything really, just want to lose weight and see how I go. Of course i'd love to be 10stone but thats never gonna happen :rofl:
Rubyrose: Thanks for that - no all is fine on the outside for me - it is more inside when I go to the loo sometimes it is like a spasm in my pelvic floor area which can be really sore sometimes - I got a letter from the gp saying I am due a smear but I had to register with cervical check which is a new thing here that provides free smear tests - before we had to pay - so I have done that and should have the go-ahead in about 5 weeks. I might wait till then and see how it is and get them to check then rather than to be poked at twice - ha you would think It wouldn't matter after giving birth but I would rather minimise the poking and proding down there by the gp if possible lol.

Mimiso: sorry to hear your spd is still playing up - Well done on the weight loss though you are doing really well to have lost half a stone already.

As for solids I have tried to post several times but it keeps telling me that it has to be approved my a mod and I think it is because I mentioned a book name is the only thing I can come up with, so I'm gonna leave that out and see if it works and I can pm anyone with the name of it if your interested.

Anyway I hope to wait to as near as possible to the six months but I think once they are over 17 weeks it is fine so I am going to just see how Natasha goes.

In the book she gives a complete plan for starting solids which is basically starting with baby rice and then she introduces a new fruit or veg pureed every 3 days. I really want to try and give Natasha real fruit and veg rather than jars as I hate fruit and veg hence my mad diet of juiced and souped veg so hopefully she will like a variety and not want to vomit like me lol.

It also gives a great idea of making up a batch and then freezing in ice cube trays so as you can just take out a cube or two when needed, which I think will work really well once I go back to work.

Well I'm off to bed, we are heading up to Dublin tomorrow to go shopping with my sister and brother in law - I hope to get something to wear to Natashas christening and hopefully start the Christmas shopping.

Hope you all have a great weekend. :hugs: to you all. Xx
Yay it finally worked - it must have been the book name that wouldn't allow me to post - strange but maybe its something to do with the hostility that you said happens over in the weaning section cleck - I dunno I'm only guessing with that - Anyway its there now. xx
My weigh in day will be Mondays. I;m hoping that will keep me good at the weekends lol. I'm not aiming for anything really, just want to lose weight and see how I go. Of course i'd love to be 10stone but thats never gonna happen

You would never know Vici - now that AF arrived so early maybe having Imi has kicked those PCOD hormones back into gear and you will probably be doing so much running around after Imi once she gets on her feet - I bet it will fall off of you. Xx
Pippin - As others have said, I don't think you should worry about Sam's size, as long as he is gaining weight at a healthy rate I don't think it matters how much weight he gains. My friend's son was born at 38 weeks weighing over 10lbs (GD) and put weight on following a perfect baby chart curve - but above the 95th percentile! He's about 6'4" now and well built so perhaps it was just that he was destined to be big.

JP is like Cleck's Emma and MJ's Adam, very slight and weighing less than other babies but she is very long. Everyone keeps commenting on how long her legs are but they always add they're not surprised as her dad and I are both long and lean with long legs! So I try not to worry and put it down to genetics but I know how you feel Cleck, JP dropped below the 25th percentile at her last weigh-in but she seems healthy enough and her immune system must be good because she can fend off a cold better than I can atm!

MJ - how gorgeous that Adam is chuckling, it must be such a lovely sound, can't wait to hear my first giggle! Btw meant to reply to your post re Lewisham, JP was conceived 16th/17th Nov, your due date was the day before mine but I went over by 10 days. Finding the coincidence most amusing!

RR - my buggy is a Graco monster too - one of the travel systems (Quattro?).

I keep thinking I will get one of these umbrella stroller types for the tube as that would be more practical. At first I collapsed the buggy and carried the carseat - placing that on the escalator step in front while towing the buggy behind, then a friend showed me how to hold a buggy on the steps below me - but you have to keep a pretty good grip and the first few times its best to wait til there aren't so many people pushing onto the escalator! When you go up the escalator you kind of have to walk onto it backwards pulling the buggy but its easier than going down! You do have to be prepared to annoy the hell out of other commuters and that takes the most nerve for me!

I found a great site that tells you the access options for travelling on the tube (e.g. lifts, escalators, stairs between ticket halls and platforms and for changing lines) and I use this to plan my journeys before I leave the house.
https://www.directenquiries.com/londonunderground.aspx?tab=Underground Stations&level=1

Surrogacy is an interesting thought. Having been pregnant now and had the baby, I think I could quite happily be a surrogate to a child that wasn't biologically mine. I didn't bond with Imogen when she was born particularly, it took a good week or two before I really felt like she was my baby if you know what I mean. before that, I was just going through the motions. Not that I didn't like her or anything, I just didn't feel particularly connected to her. So I think I could cope with carrying someone else's baby and handing it over - pregnancy was easy enough after all. But it would have to be someone I knew would be a good parent and a close friend, I wouldn't do it for a stranger. Labour hurts too much for that!
That pretty much sums up how I feel. I didn't bond with JP for a while either which like you is another reason I would feel capable of surrogacy but if I hadn't experienced pregnancy and birth then I don't think I would have felt able to offer. In my mind I still can't connect the pregnancy with the baby and I really enjoyed being pregnant (even the bad bits) and I think I would be excited knowing that I was growing a wonderful gift. Also the labour/danger to my own health is why I'd only be prepared to do that for family. Plus as you say, its trusting that the child would be brought up well and loved and you would know that with your own family. I don't know that I will ever be actually asked to do it but I was interested to see what other's think after my friend told me it was the craziest idea!

On the subject of other people's babies, I received a msg from a friend tonight saying his wife has miscarried at 4 months. I haven't replied yet, I'm not sure what to say, I'm worried whatever I say will be the wrong thing, they were both so over the moon about starting their family.

Another friend has been booked in for c/s on 24th Nov as her girl is breech so bang goes her plan for a home water birth. I am getting the impression she is secretly pleased as she was worried about the birth. She used to show me pictures of women in labour and say "look at how much pain that woman is in! And look at all that blood and stuff!". She was also convinced seeing the birth would put her husband off sex forever! Talking to her you'd think giving birth is akin to being in a Tarantino movie so it might be less traumatic for her this way!

On the plus side for today I got a call from a vets near us who have my cat. She went missing last week and I've been hoping she would turn up but just starting to lose faith. I don't think she's happy about the baby after all.

And on a plus plus JP is doing just dandy and we're looking forward to my dad and stepmum visiting tomorrow - they haven't met her yet! BTW anyone else's LO have cradle cap? JP has it all over her head and I thought it would freak me out but it hasn't, it actually fascinates me - it looks like lizard skin! It seems to be clearing up nicely on its own. I tried the dentinox shampoo but the smell is horrible and it didn't seem to make any difference.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend xx
I love the smell of dentinox! I think Mog has a touch of cradle cap, so I've been using it just in case. And I like the way it smells. Maybe I'm a freak ;)

One of my cats moved out for a bit when we brought the baby home, not helped by someone else feeding her. I gave her lots of treats and some one-on-one play time, and now she's a total homebody again - phew. I was horribly upset when she went off though :(

I'd have hated to have a c section, I was pretty close to it before they finally managed to yank madam out, and I was so grateful to avoid it. After all, I'd already pushed for hours, and had an episiotomy, what was there to gain by a c section ;) Of course, if it had been the safest way to have my baby, then I would have been grateful for it, but I was happy that I didn't in the end, especially after hearing the c section ladies complaining about it on my antenatal ward! And OH saw some pretty gruesome stuff when they were delivering Mog, and had to look away every time they got the scissors out to snip me a bit more, and it hasn't affected his interest in the bedroom department. He tells me that it after the first couple of times, it has all felt completely the same as before doon there, although he won't elaborate on what felt different the first couple of times. Grrr.
Okay girls. Lots to read up on but thought I'd share the drama that occured here. :dohh: I live right on the coast and we had a horrible nor'easter hit us. Everything flooded. People couldn't get out of their homes and had to be rescued, etc. Thankfully our house was fine but our power went out, therefore there was no heat so DH and I packed up the baby and as much as we could and got the hell out of here. So I've been staying in a hotel the past few nights because we were told our power wouldn't be back on for a while. But I am back now. Thank goodness! But I will read up on everything later from you girls. :hugs:
Oh my goodness! I didn't plan on getting back on here today but I just weighed Emma on the Wii Fit again. Her last weigh-in was three days ago where she had gained 0. Well in three days she has gained .9 pounds! So she is now just under 11 pounds!!! :happydance::happydance: I am so excited. Crazy to be so excited about something so dumb but I was SUPER worried. I just hope it's not a mistake somehow. :shrug:

Also wanted to say a quick thanks to those of you that talked about your ideas on solid foods. I know it's early still but I really have no clue how to go about it so I've been trying to read into it a bit. And pumping as much as I possibly can to use to mix with the baby cereal. :haha: Which it's sad but I can only get about 2 ounces out when pumping. It's a hand pump but still I wish I could get more.

So I'm thinking I will try my best to make it to 6 months before starting solids. DH will be gone by than out to sea so I might let him feed her once before that though just so he can be the first to do it since he will be missing so much of her firsts. She is so interested in food already so I guess we'll see! I refuse to give anything this early though. I think 5 months is the earliest I'll start. :thumbup:
Yay it finally worked - it must have been the book name that wouldn't allow me to post - strange but maybe its something to do with the hostility that you said happens over in the weaning section cleck - I dunno I'm only guessing with that - Anyway its there now. xx

The author and all her books are banned from discussions :winkwink: the decision was made as best due to suing another parenting community.
Ah, I think I know the book you're talking about now, jelr :rofl: the lady's surname begins with a letter F? I haven't read it, am planning on reading up about baby-led weaning when Adam is about 5 months old. From what I've gathered, it's easier when baby is totally ready and able to sit up with a bit of support and grasp things.

MA, that's hilarious, the conception coincidence :rofl: - I was thinking, this weekend is the one-year anniversary. Actually tomorrow would prob be THE day, and Adam is 3 months tomorrow as well. :D My pregnancy really was exactly 9 months long! Oh and thanks for the link about the London stations - have to say I am dreading having to get the pushchair up and down stairs. I think I'll have to get a super-light buggy when he can sit up for trips into town. A week before Adam was born, I met with a friend who has a 2 year old and she carried him in his buggy up and down loads of steps, she held the whole thing in her arms, lifted to waist height. Can't see my back holding up to that, I have back ache most nights, just from Adam and he's less than 13lb... eeep!

I think I need to get strong, wondering about looking for a Pilates class that I can get to in an evening, because the way things are, I am afraid I'll strain something because I'm weak. :cry:

Good to hear that your cat has been found, hope she becomes reconciled to JP soon. My Betty is fine with Adam now, she hid a lot when he was first home, and she still has her hideaway under a chair, which she sleeps in a lot, but she will come and sit with us on the settee now. But she is an inside only cat so she had no choice but to get used to the new regime.

Shiv, have you managed to get swimming? I went today, had to really motivate myself to go at all because my friend has hurt her arm and cried off again (missed last week as well), but I managed. Chris and Adam dropped me off and went to the nearby massive Sainsbury's and then to the cafe in the leisure centre for an hour to kill time and then we went shopping. I did 40 lengths - first week I did 26, second week 32 and last week 34. So I'm quite pleased. Pool gets so busy towards the middle/end of the session, so I doubt I'll ever do much more than 40 unless I get considerably faster, because I don't like swimming in among some of the very single-minded selfish women who go there (they don't look where they are going, don't care if they hit other people...)

As for chocolate, not so bad - today and last night I had a bar and a half of multipack Dairy Milk (they are about 5% smaller than normal size Dairy Milks). It's hard though, I really wanted the other half last night (today that was all there was so it was easier!)

Cleck, yay for Emma's weight gain! I'm sure it won't be a mistake. There was one point when Adam had not been weighed by a HV for a month so I weighed him on my scales, which have no ounce increments, I weighed myself then myself while holding him, and it gave me a ballpark weight for him. Nothing accurate but it showed me he was gaining per se. :D
Aunty E - I had an episiotomy to and just had the same comment from my husband that it feels "different" though i asked him to elaborate and he reckons it feels tighter down there! Am sure it will soon spring back to normal tho lol sorry for tmi!

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