Shiv, Sophia is soooooo cuuuute!!!! What a lovely vid, thanks so much for sharing her with us hehehe
And I forgot to answer your question before, we were a Roses family as I recall, I love them the best! All the creamy ones, mmmmmm! (Apart from strawberry, YUCK!)
Ruby / Cleck / anyone else interested in weaning soonish: Yes, Vince has been on some solids for a little while now, and its going well for him for the most part. He is starting to get fussy just now though (literally today it seems!) and is prefering the fruity/sweet jars to the savoury stuff...
MJ LOL @ your stock-take... I think I would feel ripped off too, I love truffles also
Good luck with your HV tomorrow, I wonder why she's even coming... Do let us know! And also good luck Adam for his weigh-in hehehe 
Sam, awwwwwww bless Elinor, she's sooo cute. You really wouldn't know anything was wrong, she looks so content
I hope she stays happy and healthy before her next big op, will she need more after this one? Oh, and LOL @ the butterfly
that's pretty cute hehehe, I used a figleaf for Vince's bits and pieces in the album thread lol... Also happy 3 months to her today!!
Jelr, thanks
I am all better today, it was very odd but has settled right down now! Did NOT feel very dignified getting it fitted hehehe!!! They took ages to find my cervix as apparently it likes to hide away
Sounds like your christening was wonderful, I will check out the pics on facebook
We're atheist, so we're not having Vince christened, but I must admit I do like the idea of the family side of it. I come from a roman catholic family (my uncle is a pretty important priest) so I was christened and I have godparents, I do kinda like the idea of godparents but I think I'd only be able to choose a godfather, we aren't close enough to any women to choose for godmother really... I'd choose my brother for godfather I think, though he is my godfather too!! lol... Anywho, hope your arthritis settles soon
I've had quite a bit of trouble with Vince lately cos he is getting so so big, OH has to do most of the carrying now
sending restful vibes your way, hope you can relax for a bit and feel better
thanks for my medal of bravery on the coil fitting!! I was just so bloody sick of my hormones, I was not gonna go another month on the pill!! Hope this works, apparently according to my GP 90% of women get no periods at all after the first couple of months
for you being OFFICIALLY BACKKK!!!!
Really missed you in here!! Yayyy!!!!
Sounds like Adriana is doing beautifully with the feeding and sleeping and smiles and giggles! I want to see more pics of her missy, are there many on FB? Will stalk you a bit later hehehe
AND I can't wait for the meet either!!! Yaaay!!
Ruby, if that's just your first period after Archie honey then don't worry, my first 2 were amazingly heavy, I could hardly believe it!! Not sure why... But you asked about the coil: The fitting is uncomfortable, there's no two ways about it, and some parts of it are pretty painful (but nothing compared to having a baby, god!!!!!!) but once it's in, it's in, and I've heard such wonderful things about the Mirena
It will definitely settle lots of your period pains apparently and it makes your periods much lighter, as I said, lots of women don't get any at all after the first couple of months
So it does sound like it may suit you well, I'd say talk to your GP but I've already got over the discomfort of yesterday and am hoping for a nice few months ahead with normal emotions!! Will keep you all updated on that, and whether or not my periods stop altogether 
Boothh, glad to hear Jess is doing well with his solids
Sorry you're having such a nightmare with your house stuff, what a total pain in the ass, I hope you guys get settled somewhere soon!! Oh, and I've not tried Ellas Kitchen, but Vince definitely always prefers Hipp organic jars, which are also really good content wise (all organic, obviously!) and are very reasonably priced
Ooooh and Jelr again, glad to hear you're feeling better! Yay
AFU... Well, we've had one hell of a day
Vince decided he didn't want the savoury solids at all today, and at 5 when we tried to give him a bottle he just screamed and screamed and screamed.... It was awful, it went on for an hour, and just as I was at my wits end and going to put him in his cot and let him cry it out (cos we had tried EVERYTHING and we were both going mental
) I cuddled him on my chest on his belly for a second and he stopped his mega high-pitched screaming just enough for a HUGE burp to come up... He carried right on afterwards, but I think thats just cos he had got himself so worked up. So I brought him back downstairs and tried to burp him some more (he did a couple more really small ones too, mightve taken that air in as he screamed TBH...) and then I cuddled him till he settled enough to let me give him his bottle. Once he'd had that he was much better, but we were all totally exhausted! Then at 8 with his supper (usually savoury solids then half a sweet jar) he did the same, refused the savoury (gagged and made the most horrified face...
) so he just had half a jar and then I put him to bed. We're trying to phase out the swaddling but it's causing some tricky nights, but as I feed him and take care of him most of the day (play with him etc, change his nappies when OH carries him in to changing room for me...) OH takes the nights and the mornings so that I get to sleep
He's not too bad at night, but since we stopped swaddling he tends to wake 2 or 3 or 4 times a night to be resettled with dummy and tucking him in. I'm hoping for an easy night tonight, though OH says he doesn't mind doing it I do wake too and it takes me a loooong time to get back to sleep if I wake up! So fingers crossed that he gets used to the lack of swaddling soon 
Also, my mum is gonna babysit when we go to see Fin this Saturday and I'm so nervous about leaving Vince all day. Not sure whether I've already mentioned that on here, but I am a bit worried about it tbh... But my mum has had 5 kids, so I really should trust her... And god, after today, it will be lovely to have a break to be honest!!!!
Well, that'll do for now, I'm prolly gonna go to bed early again tonight as I'm shattered after today
Lots of love ladies

Ruby / Cleck / anyone else interested in weaning soonish: Yes, Vince has been on some solids for a little while now, and its going well for him for the most part. He is starting to get fussy just now though (literally today it seems!) and is prefering the fruity/sweet jars to the savoury stuff...

MJ LOL @ your stock-take... I think I would feel ripped off too, I love truffles also

Sam, awwwwwww bless Elinor, she's sooo cute. You really wouldn't know anything was wrong, she looks so content

Jelr, thanks


Ruby, if that's just your first period after Archie honey then don't worry, my first 2 were amazingly heavy, I could hardly believe it!! Not sure why... But you asked about the coil: The fitting is uncomfortable, there's no two ways about it, and some parts of it are pretty painful (but nothing compared to having a baby, god!!!!!!) but once it's in, it's in, and I've heard such wonderful things about the Mirena

Boothh, glad to hear Jess is doing well with his solids

Ooooh and Jelr again, glad to hear you're feeling better! Yay

AFU... Well, we've had one hell of a day

Also, my mum is gonna babysit when we go to see Fin this Saturday and I'm so nervous about leaving Vince all day. Not sure whether I've already mentioned that on here, but I am a bit worried about it tbh... But my mum has had 5 kids, so I really should trust her... And god, after today, it will be lovely to have a break to be honest!!!!
Well, that'll do for now, I'm prolly gonna go to bed early again tonight as I'm shattered after today

Lots of love ladies