--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Shiv, Sophia is soooooo cuuuute!!!! What a lovely vid, thanks so much for sharing her with us hehehe :D And I forgot to answer your question before, we were a Roses family as I recall, I love them the best! All the creamy ones, mmmmmm! (Apart from strawberry, YUCK!)

Ruby / Cleck / anyone else interested in weaning soonish: Yes, Vince has been on some solids for a little while now, and its going well for him for the most part. He is starting to get fussy just now though (literally today it seems!) and is prefering the fruity/sweet jars to the savoury stuff... :dohh:

MJ LOL @ your stock-take... I think I would feel ripped off too, I love truffles also :winkwink: Good luck with your HV tomorrow, I wonder why she's even coming... Do let us know! And also good luck Adam for his weigh-in hehehe :)

Sam, awwwwwww bless Elinor, she's sooo cute. You really wouldn't know anything was wrong, she looks so content :D I hope she stays happy and healthy before her next big op, will she need more after this one? Oh, and LOL @ the butterfly :thumbup: that's pretty cute hehehe, I used a figleaf for Vince's bits and pieces in the album thread lol... Also happy 3 months to her today!! :yipee: :cake: xxx

Jelr, thanks :D I am all better today, it was very odd but has settled right down now! Did NOT feel very dignified getting it fitted hehehe!!! They took ages to find my cervix as apparently it likes to hide away :blush: Sounds like your christening was wonderful, I will check out the pics on facebook :) We're atheist, so we're not having Vince christened, but I must admit I do like the idea of the family side of it. I come from a roman catholic family (my uncle is a pretty important priest) so I was christened and I have godparents, I do kinda like the idea of godparents but I think I'd only be able to choose a godfather, we aren't close enough to any women to choose for godmother really... I'd choose my brother for godfather I think, though he is my godfather too!! lol... Anywho, hope your arthritis settles soon :hugs: I've had quite a bit of trouble with Vince lately cos he is getting so so big, OH has to do most of the carrying now :( sending restful vibes your way, hope you can relax for a bit and feel better :) xxx

Jai :hugs: thanks for my medal of bravery on the coil fitting!! I was just so bloody sick of my hormones, I was not gonna go another month on the pill!! Hope this works, apparently according to my GP 90% of women get no periods at all after the first couple of months :thumbup: :wohoo: for you being OFFICIALLY BACKKK!!!! :D Really missed you in here!! Yayyy!!!! :yipee: Sounds like Adriana is doing beautifully with the feeding and sleeping and smiles and giggles! I want to see more pics of her missy, are there many on FB? Will stalk you a bit later hehehe :winkwink: AND I can't wait for the meet either!!! Yaaay!!

Ruby, if that's just your first period after Archie honey then don't worry, my first 2 were amazingly heavy, I could hardly believe it!! Not sure why... But you asked about the coil: The fitting is uncomfortable, there's no two ways about it, and some parts of it are pretty painful (but nothing compared to having a baby, god!!!!!!) but once it's in, it's in, and I've heard such wonderful things about the Mirena :) It will definitely settle lots of your period pains apparently and it makes your periods much lighter, as I said, lots of women don't get any at all after the first couple of months :D So it does sound like it may suit you well, I'd say talk to your GP but I've already got over the discomfort of yesterday and am hoping for a nice few months ahead with normal emotions!! Will keep you all updated on that, and whether or not my periods stop altogether :thumbup:

Boothh, glad to hear Jess is doing well with his solids :) Sorry you're having such a nightmare with your house stuff, what a total pain in the ass, I hope you guys get settled somewhere soon!! Oh, and I've not tried Ellas Kitchen, but Vince definitely always prefers Hipp organic jars, which are also really good content wise (all organic, obviously!) and are very reasonably priced :)

Ooooh and Jelr again, glad to hear you're feeling better! Yay :)

AFU... Well, we've had one hell of a day :dohh: Vince decided he didn't want the savoury solids at all today, and at 5 when we tried to give him a bottle he just screamed and screamed and screamed.... It was awful, it went on for an hour, and just as I was at my wits end and going to put him in his cot and let him cry it out (cos we had tried EVERYTHING and we were both going mental :( ) I cuddled him on my chest on his belly for a second and he stopped his mega high-pitched screaming just enough for a HUGE burp to come up... He carried right on afterwards, but I think thats just cos he had got himself so worked up. So I brought him back downstairs and tried to burp him some more (he did a couple more really small ones too, mightve taken that air in as he screamed TBH...) and then I cuddled him till he settled enough to let me give him his bottle. Once he'd had that he was much better, but we were all totally exhausted! Then at 8 with his supper (usually savoury solids then half a sweet jar) he did the same, refused the savoury (gagged and made the most horrified face... :wacko: ) so he just had half a jar and then I put him to bed. We're trying to phase out the swaddling but it's causing some tricky nights, but as I feed him and take care of him most of the day (play with him etc, change his nappies when OH carries him in to changing room for me...) OH takes the nights and the mornings so that I get to sleep :) He's not too bad at night, but since we stopped swaddling he tends to wake 2 or 3 or 4 times a night to be resettled with dummy and tucking him in. I'm hoping for an easy night tonight, though OH says he doesn't mind doing it I do wake too and it takes me a loooong time to get back to sleep if I wake up! So fingers crossed that he gets used to the lack of swaddling soon :)

Also, my mum is gonna babysit when we go to see Fin this Saturday and I'm so nervous about leaving Vince all day. Not sure whether I've already mentioned that on here, but I am a bit worried about it tbh... But my mum has had 5 kids, so I really should trust her... And god, after today, it will be lovely to have a break to be honest!!!!

Well, that'll do for now, I'm prolly gonna go to bed early again tonight as I'm shattered after today :wacko:

Lots of love ladies :) xxx
Aww Pips, hope Sam feels better soon :( Vince has only ever had tiny snuffles so far, I'm not looking forward to him being poorly for the first time :( Gentle cuddles for your little (big!) man! :) And YAY for him coming to the meet, I will update front page with that info :winkwink:

hello ladies long time no speak! so so sorry! havent got much time so cant really catch up with you all :( im keeping an eye on most of you via facebook mobile, as virgin media have messed us about so much, and have yet to install our internet!!!

Anyway just a quick update, the three of us are doing wonderful in our new hoe! We FINALLY have our sofa lol!

We are just sending our love to you all and all of your beautiful babies!

we will catch up with you all soon i promise! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
eeeesh. stuck in the house waiting for the health visitor, who said she'd be between 10 and 10.30, now it's ten to 11, and thinking ack, road being dug up outside, nowhere to park... she's not coming is she, but she isn't calling to tell me either, so I'm stuck in waiting and can't get away from the noise of the road digging and the smell of new tarmac. which I don't mind but don't really like AE to be breathing it in. :cry:
ok, so she turned up ... apparently it was his 15-week check, which I did not know he was getting.

he's doing fine, 13lb 6, so she's happy. we discussed weaning and she said they advise 6 months, absolute earliest 20 weeks, latest 24 weeks, which is actually 4.5-5.5 months and for AE between 2nd and 30th January. so looks like we'll get Christmas out of the way and think about in the new year. :)

of course he weed on us both. he has a tiny white spot on his willy and I was asking about it and he decided to object while we were looking :rofl:
Anyone else get the feeling their mother in laws think they are there grand childs mother??

My MIL referred to Archie as "my baby" again last night, thought that had stopped as i told hubby i hated it as his my baby and i dont care how that sounds it makes me uncomfortable her saying that. Also i hate that i couldnt breast feed archie because i feel it took away that "time" between us... i was about to feed him and she asked and i feel like i cant say no so it makes it awkward... she also says some weird stuff like the day after i had him i had a massive fit and she took care of him for a bit and she said, "i know its bad bu tthe day you had that seizure was so good as i got archie all to myself" just felt it was a bit bunny boilerish!!
Big Hi to you all.

Sorry your having a hard time with MIL RR, I have to admit I have the loveliest MIL in the world so it's not the case for me, but I know PLENTY of friends in your situation. Just drop some very unsubtle hints :rofl: she'll soon get the picture.

MJ we don't get a 15 week check I don't think. At least no one has told me and that's 2 weeks time. Hmmmm we just get him weighed when we feel like it. Which becuase he's so heavy I'm not going to do for a while, it just worries me he's getting too big if you know what I mean but she keeps saying you can't over feed a bf baby. If it's not one worry it's another hey.

As for Samuel had to take him to the doctors with his cough and cold, it really upset me to see him struggling. I was almost in tears talking to the doctors. Nothing we can do really though as he has no temp and not fast breathing so just have to wait it out. he went to bed first time tonight an hour early so at least he's nice and quiet now. Breaks my heart :cry:

Anyway hope thursday evening is treating you all well. xxxx
Hi all!!!

Im trying to do a big post while Emmerdale is on so bare with me lol!!

Jelr :- Sorry your still feeling poorly hope you feel better soon hun! I havent commented on your pics on FB but you all looked stunning especially Natasha!!

Jai_Jai :- IM MISSED YOU lol so glad your settling into mother hood so well sounds like Adriana makes it easy though lol! Im so hoping i can make this meet now fingers crossed!!!!

RR :- Im not going to be trying Elin just yet i think i will wait until 17 weeks x
I bled like that for nearly 2 months after having Elin and it turned out i had a bad womb infection so get yourself checked out hun ((((((hugs)))))) hope you feel better soon xxx I can see why your MIL would make you uncomfortable i dont think i would like it!!

Boothh :- Really hope you get the house sorted soon xx Jesse is a little stunner by the way i love the new avatar xxx

Pippin :- Hope little sam gets well soon bless him xx

Shadow :- Elinor will need another 2 open hearts as she grows but i have a feeling that there are going to be a few of these catheter ones :( Vince sounds like Dj with the high pitched scream and the swaddling!! You have my full sympathy!!

Ashnbump :- Lovely to hear from you (although i do keep up on FB) Kara sounds like a angel!! And virgin media are bleepers for the way they are treating you!!!!

MJ :- Lol @ AE weeing on your HV he good aim!!!!

Elinor is still struggling with her feeds she is only taking 4 feeds a day and i am struggling to get them into her :(
I phoned the dietition and she said it was a cardiac problem so i phoned her cardiac nurse who said that it was a stomach issue and to take her to our GP tomorrow - i honestly feel like i have been banging my head against a brick wall all day!!
I have an abcess the size of a golfball (slight exaggeration lol) in my wisdom tooth so i have been dosed up on Solpadol all day - im feeling floaty light lol!

Darren and i have not been getting on very well he even suggested that he move out for a while i dont know what it is but im starting to think his idea is a good one :cry:

Anyways Eastenders is getting good (poor Owen) so i'll be back in a bit xxxxx
Love and hugs to you all xxx
Oh Sam star - SO sorry you are not having a good time with Darren at the moment. I'm not sure I have any advive other than to keep talking to eachother. I hope it gets better soon. On a happier note, the photos of Elinor are gorgeous!

Ash - nice to see you lovely!

RR - my MiL used to do that, big hugs, it is plain freaky!

MJ - LMAO that you stockchecked your sweets. On a serious note though - it is completely out of order that there are so few truffles. I reckon if you wrote to them then they would send you loads of free sweets!

Pip - hope Sam perks up soon poor little mite

Happy thanks giving Cleck and Elly!

As for us, well it was the funeral today, which was obviously horrible. My mum did a reading and she was brave. I just burst into tears as soon as I saw my grandad and that was before the service had even started :cry:

Sophia is now sleeping in her own room and has taken to it really well. I miss her though!
:wave: hi Ash! God to see you here again, hope your internet gets sorted soon and that you find a bit of time to come in here! Kara sounds like a little angel, you're so lucky hehehe... Any thoughts about coming to the meet in Jan?

MJ, glad your HV appointment went well, especially glad to hear that Adam weed on the silly cat-fearing woman haha...

Ruby, I remember all the hassle you had with your MIL when Archie was born, you must have a lot of patience to be putting up with her :nope: My MIL is nowhere near as bad, thank goodness, but she can be a little trying sometimes, and I totally know what you mean about not wanting to say no to her feeding LO, I'm the same with Vince. And once my dad referred to Vincent as "his boy" and I felt stupidly angry and annoyed! He's MY boy, noone else's! Maybe his dad's boy, but noone else!! You have my sympathy :) xxx

Pips, poor poor Sam :( I hope he starts to feel better soon! I know how you feel about ot wanting to weigh him too often, I'm the same with Vince, I was so pleased last time we weighed him that he hadn't moved up a curve on the graph again, just stayed on the curve he was on before which is really good I think :) He's still over 90th centile for his weight, but as long as it doesn't go too far above that I'm pretty happy :)

Sam, sorry to hear that Elin is struggling with her feeds... But it sounds like she's getting some, even if it's just 4 a day, so that's something I guess... It must be hard to see her struggling, poor thing. And what a pain that the docs are fobbing you off a bit, that must be frustrating! Thanks for the sympathies on the demanding little monster!! More on that in a minute... :dohh: Oh, and that sucks that you and OH are having problems :cry: that is never nice to go through, I hope you guys can do whatever you need to do to get around it and get back on track together. I know you've had things in the past but it seems like you've always sorted it out before... :hugs:

As for us.... SHEESH. :cry: We're having a really really crappy couple of days, I have to say :( It seems that Vince is hardly ever happy, and we're going crazy trying to help him and to figure it out but he's just screaming so much lately and it's really starting to get me down :( Even his perfect night routine is totally messed up now, he woke 5 times last night and in the end I told OH to just swaddle him (we had been trying just the sleeping bag, and although he was falling asleep fine, he was waking regularly in the night...) so he was swaddled from about 4am this morning and slept until 7:15 ish. So we decided today to just give up trying to leave him unswaddled at night because he clearly isn't ready for it yet. So tonight we swaddled him, and he was practically asleep in my arms before he even reached his cot, and fell deeply asleep as soon as he hit the mattress. So we thought great, that's the answer, just keep him swaddled for now. But he woke up half an hour later, and then again just five minutes ago, and we just can't figure it out :( We thought yesterday it could be teething, and today when he had another screaming fit we thought the same, but we've tried giving him Calpol and a cool teething ring and nothing helps :cry: Even his feeds are all messed up, we decided today that maybe we'd been pushing him too fast to have more solids (even though it seemed like that's what he needed) so we decided to go with just one jar of solids at 11am ish and bottles the rest. But the stay-down formula was really awful, he didn't puke but he got into a right tantrum every feed cos the bloody stuff gets all stuck in the teats! So we have finally decided to go back to hungry baby, 7oz on demand (but roughly every 2 and a half - 3 hours) but we're trying Cow and Gate instead of SMA in the hope that he won't sick up so much... And we're probably still gonna give him a breakfast jar each day if he'll take it (which he always has so far).

We have sooo much stuff to do tomorrow, mostly to prepare for Saturday's visit to London to see Fin. We've got to take the dog to my brother's in Exeter, he'll stay there tomorrow night and saturday daytime. We've also got to pick up another load of hand-me-downs from a lovely friend who has given us so much for Vince already. And we're seeing OH's mum and gran as well. So I REALLY hope Vince is better tomorrow and that we're not falling to our knees at the end of the day! I am totally exhausted from the past couple of days, and I'm feeling really desolate and crappy, so fingers tightly crossed for a good day at last! I broke down earlier and just cried as I was changing Vince's nappy cos it's just all feeling like too much right now :( *sigh* but I must push on, hopefully a good night's sleep (touch wood!) will restore me somewhat.

Sorry to moan girlies, but you're all so lovely in here and I know you'll know how it feels so I just wanted to get it out really :)

Lots of love,
Shadow xxxx
Shiv, :yipee: YAY for Sophia doing so well in her own room!!! :) You'll get used to it, she's growing up so fast eh? :hugs:
Shadow - gosh you poor thing! massive hugs to you and Lee. Could it be the dreaded growth spurt? I hope you manage to get some decent sleep tonight honey. tomorrow is another day as they say. you CAN do this and it WILL get better again xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This'll be a quicky, but I couldn't go off air without saying Goodnight and Good Luck! Don't know when our new broadband will be fitted, but I'll try to get on with the mobile broadband soon. Big hugs to all you ladies and a special kiss for Elinor, hope all our grmpy little cubs cheer up soonest :)

ps Mog's sleeping routine is also screwy at the mo - maybe it's their age?
Shadow the biggest ever hugs to you hun i know how hard it is to feel so down and have a demanding baby and the ONLY thing that got through the hard days was telling myself that life would not be this hard forever and things are settling finally!
Is vince still pooping regular?? Silly q but thats what everyone asked me lol!
Could it be colic?
Oh no girls! Sounds like a lot of us are going through tough times. Sam_star I'm so sorry you and Darren are having problems. It can't be easy when you are both under stress with Elinor, etc. Hopefully it's just a bump in the road for you guys. And of course, hopefully Elinor gets through all of this. She's a tough little girl. :thumbup:

Shadow- :hugs: hun. I hope he settles for you guys again soon. Poor thing. I agree that it might just be a growth spurt. I keep reading on here that they get hit with one around four months. So that'd be about right!

I don't have the energy to respond to everyone today but I hope your all doing well! We had a nice Thanksgiving. Gotta love a huge turkey with leftovers that last over a week. :wacko::haha:
Ruby - Adriana was BF now she is FF she has not actually gained that much weight since birth seeing as she was basically 9lb so she has just evened out :D she too is very long, but we are both quite tall so guess she gets that from us :D Hope your period has gotten better, mine was heavier than normal! your MIL does sound a bit odd!! I hate it when ppl ask to feed Adriana cos it reminds me how I had to stop BF and it breaks my heart it is still my job!!!

Boothh - Hope Jess is ok after his injections the poor lamb :hugs: Glad you have found a place, I dunno why they take so blooming long about self employed ppl everywhere its very annoying!

Jelr - glad your feeling better, yeh we had last weekend off together which was nice but cos he is working so much he gets moody cos he is tired :grr:

Pippin - How is Samuels cold? big gentle hugs for him

Shadow - how is the coil feeling? Yeh loads of pics on FB hun - hundreds :haha:!! Is Vince eating savoury again was it just a one day thing? well just seen your update - sorry he is so fractious I hope the change back to formula and the new cow and gate helps.How are you phasing swaddling? I want to do that with Adriana as she keeps getting out and covering her face with blanket :shock: so gonna use a sleeping bag!! Did you literally just stop? Don't worry about leaving Vince he will be fine, we have left Adriana all night :cry: once and it was awful but we did it!! I didn't sleep though :rofl: Hope you have a lovely time in London visiting her though :D

MJ - dont think we get a 15 week check either!?! not had HV round for weeks!!

Sam_star - what a nightmare about the dr's how is Elin now?? Sorry you and Darren are still having probs :( maybe a break would do you guys good, he needs space maybe to realise what he has and what he could lose!!! I hope you get to come to the meet :yipee: that would be ace :D

Shiv - :hugs: so sorry for your loss babe

Cleck - hope you had a nice thanksgiving!!

Aunty E - :hi: look forward to you coming back online!!

AFU - we are doing well, routine is definitely working, want to stop swaddling but afraid it will mess up routine so going to wait a little bit before I do that....we went to our friends house on Wed and there were 10babies, all cried about something and nothing at some point except Adriana - I was soooooo proud of her :cloud9: she is such a good baby!! I am suppose to be going out to b'mouth tomorrow night but I really do not feel like it :( I dont want to be far from Adriana (who is filling her pants now :rofl:) and defo do not want to stay the night so I have made an excuse and I am just goingg (with Adriana) for dinner and then back home :haha: I wont be popular but tbh i dont really care - they have not even seen her yet so hardly true friends hey???? Anyway I dont think I have much else to report - better go and change little jellytots nappy :D

Lots of love and :hugs:
hey ladies

am after opinions - I would like a new changing bag for Christmas/birthday as I only have the free Boots one (which is ok but I'd like something with pockets) and have found this.

I like the striped one but I'd like opinions - which do you like? And any suggestions of other changing bags - this is about the top price I'm willing to have someone spend on me. I thought I'd like a Cath Kidston one but I don't like the patterns they're available in at the moment (plus I had an expensive bag from there before and the oilskin handle cracked and broke after only 2 years' use, not impressed).

ok. :)

shiv, glad your hard day is over, funerals are always draining and stressful, I find. how are your grandfather and your mum coping? :hugs: and yay for Sophia in her own room! AE will be in with us for the foreseeable, because there's no option, unless he wants to sleep in the living room or bathroom or hall! if we did have another room I'd be strongly considering it because he wakes early and chatters away to himself and it's starting to disturb me. there's also the fun & games with the dummy, but as his cot is right next to me I can reach in and stick it back in and get straight back to sleep. sometimes I think he spits it out just to keep me on my toes.

jai, hope you have fun tomorrow - don't blame you for not wanting to go overnight.

RR, your MIL still sounds like a nightmare... have to say I also feel a little odd when my mum refers to AE as *her* baby, but I figure she means her grandbaby, which he is. :) but I don't mind other people feeding him... I have to do the majority of it and though I feel like a bad mummy for saying it, it's not my most fun activity. I'd far rather change his nappy! I much preferred bf as I felt good about myself for doing it, though it was tiring and I *did* even then wish I didn't have to do it all, but he didn't sick after bf and it wasn't messy and I never stopped to wind him (afterwards I handed him over to someone else to do if poss). when I feed him now, he usually seems so unhappy afterwards. it can be a stress for me... I try not to be stressed but I am. strangely I don't mind at ALL making the bottles or washing bottles, etc. but I love if someone offers. and I love that they love it as well. it's a win win! my mother is down next week for a couple of nights and she will love to do all that. :D nice break for me.

(eek, reading that back, I really feel like a bad person... oh well!)

cleck, glad you had a lovely day yesterday! can't wait for Christmas and the turkey... no dieting that day, for sure.

Pips, how is Samuel today? hope he is feeling better?

Shadow, :hugs: - really really hope Vince has settled down a bit for you. guess it's a good thing you have Saturday to look forward to, nice break from the screaming! was thinking yesterday, have you tried bouncing on the gym ball with him? it is a 98% failsafe way for AE to shut up, even if he is absolutely raging.

speaking of which, ack, he is awake (lovely long naps for mummy today), best get that bottle in progress...

will return... :)
ok, bottle all done and story read and now we're watching Barefoot Contessa before nappy time... Chris has gone out after work for someone's leaving do, said he will be "one hour". will believe when I see it. his "one hour" doesn't always correspond with mine.

Aunty E, hope the move goes well, it's been a long time coming!

jai and Pips, no idea why I got thsi 15-week check, I certainly had no idea I'd be getting it and there was no section in the red book for her to fill in. at the beginning of the notes she took, she wrote "home visit for review". maybe I was on the list for more frequent checks because on the very first visit she got the impression that I was depressed, and ended up with me getting visits from the mental health service home treatment team, which didn't last long because it was perfectly clear to everyone else that I was absolutely fine. next check is at 8 months, and I have to go to the HV clinic for that, they'll write, she said.

eeesh, AE is squealing... not sure what he's after... might be a poo, might just be enjoying the various squeaky sounds he can make VERY LOUDLY for the fun of it... crikey, better ditch Ina Garten and get the nappy addressed....
Hey ladies thanks for asking, he's been proper poorly today I was in tears this morning it was so horrible but I think he's a little better tonight. he's gone to bed but it's cough, cry, sleep again over and over so I think I could be in for a long night. We didn't do anything today just cuddles and watching tele. He's feeding and has no temperature so he is ok just have to sit it out. he did develop a rash but I think that was because I put him in a tracksuit which hadn't been washed before I put him in it, once I changed it it went down. Naughty Mummy!!!!

MJ I had an extra visit at the start because I felt a bit down so maybe that is why they are coming. Once she saw I was feeling better she basically said goodbye for ever lol. I have to see the HV at the surgery if I need to.

Shadow sorry your having a tough time with Vince, just keep reminding yourself it's not going to happen for ever, that's how I get through those low times and never ending night feeds. Sam woke every 2 hours on the hour last night so I can sympathise. Big hugs and hope it goes well for tomorrow.

Big :hugs: to you too Shiv hope you feel better today and less sad. Time is a great healer :hugs: I can't quite bring myself to put Sam in his own room but I know we'll all sleep better. So glad it's going well for you it's given me incentive to try soon.

Sam :hugs: to you.

:hi: Jai_Jai and Cleckner.

Sorry if missed out anyone. :kiss:

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