--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

So my first post in the Lion cubs....

George is 9 days old now - I can't believe how quick time flies!!! We've been home a week and I am recovering quickly (I lost a lot of blood). George is oblivious to all that obviously and content in his baby world of food, sleep and being entertaining/entertained.

He's doing really well and especially enjoys being gently warmed with a hairdryer before getting a mini massage (midwife reccommendation!)

We have issues with our pram :growlmad: and it has a fault that only became obvious on our first walk so its off to be fixed - I'm just glad he seems to enjoy his sling.

Hoping the weather is good tomorrow so we can go and meet some friends by the Lake.

Hope everybody else is doing well and looking forward to seeing all the new arrivals.
Hi Ladies,

Been such long day as we are moving over the weekend so been packing in between feeding and changing nappies. I agree with you Ash and Shadow that it seems as if my Mimi has always been here, just the other day I was thinking to myself what I used to do before she was here. I am also getting bouts of keeping on calling her my son's name as they look so alike when he was born which is quite ditzy of me.

Shadow, please can you let me know how I can upload the Lion Cubs logo for my profile. Would be much appreciated thanks.

Right I need to get myself to bed before madam wakes up. Take care now xx
Shadow, my little princess can also hold her head up now. Seems like Vince is holding his own too, it is so much easier when they can support their own heads. A strong little head she has on her as well, she is always searching for milk and sniffing me. I might just be tempted to have another one now, am enjoying it so much, although my manager would have a nervous breakdown if I was go back to work pregnant considering I've been off work since January with SPD and am only going back in February next year. I am going to find it so difficult to leave my princess with the minder...........sighs

Say have you got your new electric wheelchair yet, hope so and if not hope you get it soon

hiya mimiso yes it came off 3 days ago and looks good now it was bleeding abit yesterday but all looks ok.

Lucas sleeps as soon as hes belly is full then only wakes agane for food or when i chang him. He slept almost all night last night woke at 2am took 1oz then off agane untill 6am
Welcome to gwiff and baby Tomos!! :yipee:

Well girls, sounds like everyone is starting to really settle into things now! Yay!!
Ash, it's sooo sweet to hear you speak of how happy you are with everything :) Sounds like motherhood was just made for you sweetie, what a lucky girl Kara is :) Does your hubby enjoy her as much as you do? I'll bet he does :) good luck with the weighing!!! We've not had Vince weighed for a while now it seems, he will be weighed next Tuesday though... We can go to the drop-in centre to do it ourselves but just haven't found a spare second lately!!

Joey, sounds like George is a pretty content little man hehe! Grrr :grr: about your pram, hope you get that sorted... On the subject of slings, though: We have one and Vince LOVES it, but I always panic that he might overheat being so wrapped up and in the warm weather we've been having, plus being so close to me with all my body heat radiating into him!!! But until I get my EPIOC (no, Mimi, not got it yet, but should be very soon now!!!) we don't have many options when we go out places with Vinnie: If we're going to have to walk any distance, I will need my wheelchair, and I can't push myself far in it so OH has to push it for me. But then he can't push the buggy! So our only option lately has been the sling on me while OH pushes my wheelchair. It'll be much better to have the EPIOC so that I am independent and OH can focus on Vince!!

Sounds like most of you have similar night routines to us: Vince is changed and fed at about 11ish usually, then he'll go down till 2/3 ish, then till 5/6 and then 8.30 ish it seems... Our system is: If I'm still awake, I do the 11 feed, then OH taskes 2/3 am and I take 5/6ish, then OH gets up at 8 ish for the dog anyway, so he takes that one :) It means we each get a solid 6 hours or so in one sitting, and then we can make up the rest through the night.

Ooooh, long post!! It's lovely to have people to chat to in here now :) Hope the others who have been added to the list find some time soon, it's lovely to be able to compare "notes" and feel reassured that your baby is "normal" !!!! :D

Vince is waking now after a looong day of being passed around various family members, so I should take off :)

Mimi, I'll message you about the logo in your sig :winkwink:

Shadow xxxx
Shadow - Summer has been holding her head up from about a week and focusing on faces from about then too. think shes gonna be a clever little lady.

Im sooo tired at the minute feel like im hardly sleeping, i try and nap in the day but can guarantee just as im drifiting off Summer will start crying.

Summer has her last feed 11ish gets put to bed at 12 then wakes at 4 and 9. The last couple nights she hasnt been sleeping as good tho - think the heat is bothering her
Aww Soph, have you got someone who could watcher her for a night so you could catch up on sleep??Even if you don't manage to nap properly during the day, resting your body can be almost as good and can really help, so when you put Summer down during the day just try to get a couple of hours flopping on the sofa!! I should really practise what I preach... I keep wanting to take a nap but things keep distracting me, it seems there's always something to do before Vince wakes up for the next feed!!
Hey girls, if you get a second please do follow the link on the front page here to upload some lovely pictures of your little ones to the "family album" in the gallery forum!!

:D xx
thats the problem isnt it, once they go to sleep theres a million and one things to do before they wake up!!

i might ask my friend if she can come round and watch Summer for a couple hours so i can get my head down. i will pop and have a nosy at the album now.
You are so right Princess Soph, as soon as my little one is sleeping I have to deal with my other two boys. My 11 year old is ok, my 4 year old is the one who still needs a lot of attention and if I could get a pound for each time he says Mummy, I would be a very rich lady.... I feel so mentally and physically exhausted today, Mimi's been sleeping well but having to deal with this move over the weekend is driving me insane. I have so mny clothes I dont wear which I have to take to the recyclying place, and on top of that so much paperwork to shred..........sighsxx I do feel sorry for myself.

Mini rant over - how are you lovely ladies, hope ok and that you are enjoying your lovely babies. Princess Soph I cant believe that Summer is already two weeks old. I so adore that name and she is gorgeous btw
thank you so much, im totally in love with her :cloud9: ive just washed her and now shes having cuddles with her dad before bedtime.

bet its hard having two other kids aswell and theres me moaning when ive only got myself and summer to look after.

do you ladies try and wake up LOs before a certain time for a feed so they dont wake up as much at night or just leave it til they ask for it?
George has been going down about 9pm and if he hasn't woken when I go to bed about 11pm then I feed him then - but he doesn't really wake up fully.
He goes about 3-4 hours between feeds so it means I then get woken about 3 & 6:30 instead of 1 and 4:30.

Last night was annoying though he woke as usual but was really loud in his sleep for a lot of the night and woke me up even though he was happily snoozing!
do you ladies try and wake up LOs before a certain time for a feed so they dont wake up as much at night or just leave it til they ask for it?

Soph, our health visitor says NEVER ever ever wake a sleeping baby, it messes their cycles up so badly: Before we met our health visitor, we did it a couple of times, and it sure did seem to mess him up a lot! It's so hard, isn't it, when they can go for like 4 or 5 hours after a feed just sleeping soundly, and you worry that they should be awake and feeding so that the routine stays on schedule... But I think the key is not to rush them into a solid routine. Last night Vince only went 2 hours after a feed and was awake again and grumbling like mad for more, so we had to feed him again. Then he went for 4 and a half hours in the night (which was bliss!), had another feed but would only take 30ml less than usual (he's on about 110/120ml feeds now) and then went back to sleep for only 2 hours again! But this morning he has slept for 3 and a half hours, so I think in time he will settle into the longer sleeping times :D

Hopefully Summer will be the same! But I'd go with the advice of not to wake her when she's sleeping.

Anyone else bottle feeding? What sort of amounts are your little ones having now?? We think Vince is putting on weight quite steadily now, he feels significantly heavier when we lift him!!

Hm, joey, that sounds like it would work quite well actually, sneakily feed him whilst he's still all dozey hehe, that way you don't have to wait till he's woken himself up properly by crying/complaining!
TBH it works brilliantly for us, he doesn't even open his eyes. He's breast fed - I just tickle his lips with my nipple and he opens wide and latches. I said the first time I tried it if he woke up properly I wouldn't try it again but he literally opens wide, sucks for 10min and then is fast asleep again. My midwife (we don't have HVs here) is happy for me to do it.
hiya girls Lucas didnt hardly sleep last night put him down at 10pm after 5oz bottel of b/m and he fell off for 5 min then was awake untill 2am groning and and didnt know what he wanted then he had another feed at 2am went to sleep untill 5:30am for another feed. got him weighted yesterday he is now 8lbs9 so he has put on 5oz in 9days little piggy lol.

iam going my mums tomorrew with both kids on my own that is so scaery. I took them to the shop it wasnt as bad as i thort it would be only lost 1 dummy lol

i will put some pics on tomorrw when i have 2 min tomy self.
Shadow i am bottle feeding too. Summer takes around 90ml, sometimes she will take 120ml but not that often. im gonna try not waking her then and see how she sleeps. last night she took ages to fall asleep and finally went about 1.30 then woke at 4.30 and 8.30.

Joey thats great what George does he sounds like a little lazy man!

It will be so much easier when they start getting into a pattern wont it!!
hi everyone, had josh weighed on monday and he was 7lb 12oz, health visitor came today and he now weighs 8lb 5oz, so we are doing something right, but she kept trying to give me these stupid tips, and im like "er, i do have 2 other kids" silly moo
Joey, that's so cool, I wish Vince was that chilled out sometimes!!! He is such an angry little guy lots of the time :rofl: we giggle at it though, he makes these angry noises like he's really impatient with us trying to sort out all of his needs!! And his favourite expression seems to be a disgruntled little scowl (see my avatar!!!) :rofl: he's such a character... Itmakes it even more lovely though when he's all sleepy and cute and up for snuggles :)

Soph, great to hear someone else is doing formula feeding too... I had a freaking out moment earlier where I suddenly felt terrible that I wasn't breastfeeding (all over again :cry: ) and I tried again for one feed: He did seem to latch on sort of ok, but it was sooooo painful again :( and I kept going for nearly an hour (switching boobs) but he was just moaning and groaning for more food afterwards so I had to give him a bottle after anyway, and he drank all 120ml!!! So I don't even know if he got anything from ym breasts at all, and after talking to my OH yet again about it all, I don't think it's worth the stress and grief to try again... It's so hard, isn't it?? But he is definitely settled on the formula so maybe it's for the best to just go with that. Looks like my boobs aren't too happy about the whole starting and stopping thing, so maybe the decision has been made for me...

Ugh, sorry, my posts are so long!!

Costgang, I must say your signature is looking very attractive today :winkwink: hehehehe lol... I know what you mean about the HV and too much advice, I guess if you've done it twice before you really do know what you're doing by now eh?! But smile and nod, you never know, she might actually have something interesting and new to offer one day!!

Eeeep, Vince stirring, gotta run again!

Loving this little group already girls, and August Mummies are popping like balloons now (lol) so we should start REALLY filling up soon!! :yipee:

Think of MJ tonight guys, she's in hospital now with waters broken, there's a thread going for her in third tri :happydance:

x x x
Hey Shadow, I love their little face expressions. George does this funny one where he purses his lips opens his eyes realy wide then slowly blinks - I think its when he's really contented but it looks so funny!

George isn't settling well this evening, he's had a very disrupted day.

We had to go to the hospital for some cardiology tests as he had a heart murmur detected a few days after he was born... Luckily the tests didn't show anything too serious. He has a tiny hole right at the bottom between his ventricles - the specialist said most close in the first year but even if it doesn't its so small it shouldn't affect him and loads of people have small holes and its not a problem. he has another very small but slightly bigger hole between the atria - again no problem and lots of people have it all their life and its more common in babies coz often closes but they want to rescan him in 3 months to check because very rarely it can get bigger.

BUT we were at the hospital over 3 hours!!!! He had to have a 10-lead ECG, some other tests, weight, length etc and then he had to wait AGES for his echocardiogram (coz they had an emergency) and then that alone took about an hour so his afternoon has been very disrupted - fed at unusual times to settle him, woken up to be poked and prodded and have cold gel on for the scan.... he's so out of sorts now. :cry: hope he feels more likel himself tomorrow.

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