London TTC buddies chat thread


I am actually grinning... I need to get a grip!

Ohhhh where do I begin?

Clanger- welcome back to the boards. I am so happy for you and Mr C honey. Remember to rest lots and enjoy! :)

Leeze- I love that photo! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Woopee. Must seem sooooo real now. I am very, very happy for you. How you cracked me up with your line "a baby rather than a prawn" hahaha. Like Clanger, you rest loads too sweetie. Enjoy the attention!

Both you bumpy ladies must promise to keep us posted on how you are doing.

I have been feeling quite guilty in terms of how you ladies give us advice on "things to do" to get that BFP. I feel I need to "give back". As you all know, I am TTCing numero uno, so I don't have any personal advice, but I can tell you what my friends who have kids have told me! Random bunch of info that comes to mind!
- Start collecting coupons from Groupon!
- Look up tax benefits (childcare vouchers etc) when the time comes.
- Top purchase: This chair you bathe your newborns in. Slippery and scary the first time you do it apparently.
- A couple recommend doing the 4D scan of the baby. If not provided by NHS, they said it's worth paying for it yourself. But that's a personal choice I guess.
- Go to Holland & Barratts and pick up this oil for "down there" - forgotten the name but the sales people will know. You rub it between the vagina and the butt hole (how attractive) and it helps with not having tears during labour. Start this early apparently.
- When the time is right, attend the local antenatal classes- get in with the local mums so you have friends when you are on maternity leave. Also helps if you want to return to work and would like to nanny-share!
- Hot date with the man lots between now and baby time.
- My sis in law swears by self hypnosis as an alternative to pain relief. I am not so sure, but thought I'd pass that on.
- Go for long walks throughout pregnancy (father in law insists this helps with the birth)
- Last one until I think of some more... "eat beef if you want a tanned kid". Hahahah- this came from my mother, who ordinarily is very wise, but on occasion, is a total nutter. She actually believes this!

OK, I am sure you know all the above, but hey, in case you didn't- TA-DA!

Sophiebee- your weekend sounded lovely honey. I have a little niece and nephew too... think I may visit them in the next couple of weeks and squidge their cheeks!

I thought of you when I was talking about the marathon with some friends from work. Run Sophie, run! Rooting for you honey.

Also, I totally with Leeze in that it is important for you to do things that make you feel comfortable. :) Hope all goes well with the tests this week. I know you don't expect the results till later but hope the whole experience is a positive one!

As for me, AF arrived in full flow today (pun intended!) But I am OK. It wasn't a surprise as my temps dropped and I got heaps of BFNs. I am quite happy that my (gross alert) periods appear to be returning to how they used to me. Since about Jan, I have been getting dark brown, old blood gunky discharge for a day or two before AF arrives with fresh blood (I did warn the grossness!) My periods were also pretty light. I read that this may be due to luteal phase issues. This time, I had a v little amount of tinged CM last night and today- AF came in her full red, heavy glory. It may not mean anything, but I am hoping that any hormonal imbalance I had is normalising again.

I have decided (not saying I am sticking with this) I am not going to OPK this month. Instead, I am going to pounce on DH every other night. He is actually away for a few days during the week that I think usually ovulate, but hey, if its meant to be, its meant to be. I am charting though as I have changed my vits so interested to see how that is affected.

I took pregnacare for 2 cycles and last cycle, I added VitB complex (had an additional 10mg B6)- to help lengthen LP. Pregnacare already has 10mg. I have decided Pregnacare is a rip off. So I am leaving it in favour of folic acid and vitB-50 (so I am upping my dosage of B6 from 20mg a day to 50 mg a day. I wonder my LP rose from 10 days to 12 days this month because of that...hmmm....

Also- I am hitting the bottle- cough syrup bottle that is. Lots of mamas to be have recommended this to get more EWCM. :) how much do you take and when? Hmmm...

Later lovely ladies!
Hey Ladies,

Leeze that is a truly gorgeous pic.Baby L is like a little person with feature and legs and arms and everything.Hope you're still on cloud 9.

Mk8 that is so so sweet of you to give us those lovely tips.Really helpful and so thoughtful of you. Hope you are coping ok with slagface af.The relaxed "pouncing on hubster every other day" approach sound like a good break from the chicken and egg routine.Re the cough medicine.Probably not the best to copy my routine with this...I was literally putting on my pjs grabbing the bottle and taking a swig then off to bed.Not very scientific or "by the book"!

Sophiebee hope the running is still going well and your relaxed approach to this cycle is still in effect!

All ok here. No real symptoms yet so you're correct Leeze at the moment I wouldn't mind a bit of that morning sickness malarky.....
Hey all

Firstly - HUGE congrats Clanger! What fantastic news, so happy for you! Also, LOVE the pic Leeze - how exciting and amazing. What brilliant news from you both :hugs:

mk8, sorry to hear the old witch got you, but I do love your attitude! They say that BD-ing every other day throughout your cycle is the way to get there, so best of luck with it all! I might try cough syrup next month too, so let me know if you work out how much and when.

Just a quick update from me as I was up at 5.30 this morning to do a run before going to work and I'm yawning away watching Masterchef now. What a nutjob, eh? :haha: It was a pragmatic decision - either get up early or run in unpleasant heat - so early morning psycho runs it is. And I managed to run for 20 minutes without stopping, which is pretty good going when you think that 5 weeks ago I was finding 90 seconds a real challenge. Feeling quite proud of myself and a little bit smug, so am going to stop talking about that now!

So Mr Bee made it to the docs this week and will soon have an appointment for SA at the local hospital. The doc also gave him a prescription for viagra see if that helps the other issue, so we shall see what happens. I've got my blood test tomorrow morning and will report back as soon as I get the results. I'm currently on 6dpo and still feeling very chilled out. I'm slightly wondering about things at the back of my mind, but not in any obsessive way. It would be flipping brilliant if this attitude was here to stay, but I know how up and down my moods can be, so I'll just enjoy it for now!

Catch up soon xxx
hello ladies

quick hello before i head out to my mums- we are decorating her place for her!

clanger - any sign of puking?!

sophiebee- well done with the running! tres impressive indeed! :) how you feeling after going for the tests? hope you and mr bee are doing well. liking your relaxed attitude- hope it sticks lovey!

as for me, work has been crazy lately- squishing 5 days work into 4 is not fun!

feeling ok about the ttc thing for now... am drinking lots of grapefruit juice and more water than usual in the hope that my ewcm comes out to play. erm... not started the cough syrup yet but will read about it soon and post on here my lovely ladies.

enjoy the sun!

Hi London girls

MK8 - thanks for the tips, some great ideas there. I'm particularly gonna check out that Holland and Barratt oil!! :blush: Every other night BDing sounds like a good plan. The cough medicine stuff, I tried this for a couple of months - you need to have the active ingredient "guaifenesin" which you can also buy in tablet form. To be honest, I'm not sure it did give me EWCM - certainly I didn't notice any. The last month I noticed this was about 5 months before my BFP and that was when I was taking evening primrose oil. Mind you, I got the BFP without having any noticeable EWCM - I think pre-seed helped. I found this post that tells you about taking guaifenesin

Good luck whatever you decide to do!! Hope you had fun decorating your Mum's place! :hugs:

SophieBee - getting up at 5.30 is pretty admirable!!! Big respect to you there. Sounds like you're getting yourself to be in pretty good shape at the moment, and this should all help with TTC and beyond - as well as help improve your general mood and wellbeing. I've been particularly rubbish about exercising recently but am going to try to get back into going swimming regularly and a bit of walking. Hopefully we'll get to do both in the next few days in our trip to the Cotswolds!! Great you're getting your tests done with the GP, be interesting to see what they come back - hopefully something reassuring :hugs:

Clanger - It's amazing you're past 6 weeks again already. I hope you're doing ok and it's not too much of an emotional rollercoaster at the moment. Hoping some of those reassuring symptoms kick in soon if they haven't already!! I hope you've been able to get some rest over the long weekend and you're not having to do too much for packing and so on. Not long now and you'll be at week 7. Are you planning to get an early scan or are you just seeing what happens at the moment? :hugs:

Our big news is that we got another offer this week on Mr Leeze's flat. Sadly we've lost the place we liked as they've gone with another buyer but we're hoping we can get somewhere better!! I'm now keen on the idea of somewhere that doesn't need too much work doing to it - the place we liked did need a bit of work - and I'm thinking as the weeks and months go on that really I'd like somewhere that involves minimal effort and we can just move straight in to!

We went to Brighton for the day yesterday, lovely!! Gorgeous day and just relaxed on the beach and then went for fish and chips!! Off to the Cotswolds for 3 nights tomorrow, can't wait!!! Definitely lots of rest and relaxation.

I hope you're all enjoying the bank holiday weekend and the lovely weather!!! Catch you soon xxx :hugs:
Hello London ladies - hope you all had lovely breaks and have been enjoying the festivities!

I just wanted to pop in and give you a quick update as I got my blood test results back yesterday. Essentially everything looks OK - progesterone levels were normal and I appear to be ovulating, so that's all good. My potassium levels were a bit high, but within normal range and nothing to worry about. There was something odd that came out of it though - my thyroid stimulating hormone (or TSH) was 6.93, which is higher than usual and the GP was a bit concerned about that. I'm having some further blood tests, but it looks like my thyroid isn't working properly. If this is the case then it is easily managed by taking thyroid HRT and is just as well that we caught it now as it can lead to serious complications in pregnancy!

So all quite interesting and a bit unexpected, but all to the good I think. No idea if this has been causing the spotting (hypothyroidism can cause some issues apparently, but not specifically spotting), but it may have made it more difficult.

Next steps are my further blood test, which is checking for antibodies or something - this is on Thursday next week, which is coincidentally the same day as Mr Bee's SA appointment. Once we've got the results of the SA back, I'll go and see the GP again and he'll refer us to our local fertility clinic to carry out a few more tests on me. All moving along nicely now then I think, so we shall see what comes out of it all.

That's it from me. Would love to hear updates from you all soon! :hugs:
Soph - I think that all sounds pretty positive and great they're gonna refer you to fertility clinic next for more tests. Sounds like you're in good hands

chat more soon xxx :hugs::hugs:
hello ladies

hope you're enjoying the long weekend. hubby and i finished decorating my mum's house yesterday- yeah! i can now enjoy the rest of the weekend. :)

leeze- hurrah to the offer on the flat. hope everything is progressing well. i know how much of a pain in the behind moving can be so i hope that it all gets sorted very soon!

sophiebee- great news that your progesterone levels are ok and that you are ovulating. also great that the docs are doing more tests to get to the bottom of any issues that may be making things difficult for you and mr bee to get that bfp. i really hope that you get the answers that you want very soon and that bfp comes your way! do keep us posted on the thyroid issue. i sometimes wonder if i have a thyroid problem. i friend of mine has an overactive thyroid and is super slim and hyper. my friends said thats like me and diagnosed me with it! hmmmm... my understanding is that thyroid issues can stop women from ovulating, but if you do have it, it doesnt seem to stop your eggies from popping out (yeah!) so its great that you have spotted a potential prob early to avoid any potential problems with pregnancy later. apparently it's all v easy to control.

i'm still od-ing on cough syrup. guaifenisis is in it. i went for the chesty benylin one. it says 2 tsp 4x a day but i am only taking it 2x a day. i seem to have a little bit more cm today... not sure if i am imagining it though. hubby and i have binned the sperm meets egg plan in favour of doing it around every other day. im relatively relaxed as i have been preoccupied with work and decorating, but yesterday and today, my temps went up by 0.2 degrees. not sure if i ovulated earlier than normal. i usually ovulate on cd 15 but temps went up a bit on cd12... hmmm.... it may be because i went to bed v late both thurs and fri night though and took my temps 4hrs later than usual. if i did ovulate earlier, we only got 1 session of baby dancing in. blah! im not poas at the moment so no idea if i got an lh surge.

anyway, im wondering ladies, if i dont get a bfp soon, when do you think i should go to the gp to discuss? i went in jan because my periods were funny (brown spotting a couple of days before my period showed properly) and they did a smear (all ok). gp said im the ideal candidate to get pregnant right now (31 in june) and dh is 31. nurse told me that they dont bother doing anything until its a yr for women under 35. not sure what to do.

enjoy the weekend ladies!

clanger- hope youre doing really well with bump!

Hi London lovelies!! :flower:

Hasn't the weather been amazing this last week? I'm hoping this means we're going to have a lovely summer but I've been fooled before by nice weather in April/May!!!

MK8 - funny to think of you o/d-ing on cough syrup. Let's hope this gets you your BFP. How long have you been TTC now? Did you start in Jan - so it would be your 5th month? I think normally the GP will want you to have been trying for a year or maybe even 18 months (it depends on your local health authority) before they send you for tests. I was told you can check this out by putting the postcode of your GP surgery into Google plus the letters "PCT" and this will help you find which PCT you fall under. You can then check the PCT website or contact the PCT directly to find out what their local criteria is for fertility testing. Did you tell your GP already how long you've been TTC? If not then maybe you could have been trying a little longer already - or maybe NTNP for a while which makes it a bit longer? Otherwise your GP might be willing to do some initial tests for you - I think it really depends on how sympathetic your GP is. Or you could look into self-funded treatment (not the same as private but basically means you pay roughly the equivalent to what it costs then to do the tests - so you'd still be seen in NHS clinic but you wouldn't need to satisfy their local criteria). I think it depends on how much longer you feel you could realistically wait - the chances are you will get your BFP naturally within the first year (90% of couples do) - but if you feel it's not happening soon enough then you could explore other options. I really feel like if I hadn't had the HSG then I'd still be TTC - but who knows, it might have just been a coincidence! Or you could see if there's any changes you and your OH could make to your health, lifestyle etc that would help and see if you can improve your chances naturally? Good luck, whatever you decide :hugs: - be even better if you got your BFP this month and didn't need any of this!! :haha:

Soph - I had a bit of a google of TSH - you probably have too - and it looks like there's some medication they can give you to help this. Great you're getting more tests done anyway - and your OH is getting his SA done too. How's your training going for the 10k? Are you still feeling more chilled out about things? :hugs:

Clanger - I hope all is good with you still and things are progressing for you with the packing and moving. Let us know how things are when you get a chance! I hope things are still progressing with your pregnancy too - and you're getting some of those lovely yet not so lovely symptoms!!! :hugs:

I'm almost at 2nd Trimester - I can't believe it!! I have to admit, I'm actually feeling a lot better about things at the moment. Can really believe it's happening now and a lot less toilet paper watching going on!!! I've also got my energy back although this might be largely to do with having the last 10 days off work, a lovely few days in the Cotswolds and about 9 hours sleep every night!! I'm not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow, that's for sure!! The Cotswolds was amazing. Very relaxing, lovely to be in the countryside, amazing food, nice weather, good company!! Can't complain at all. Wish I could be a woman of leisure and never have to go to work!!

Catch you soon xx :hugs:
Hey ladies,

Sorry not to have updated for a while...internet access been scarse with the house move. All sorted now to lie down with snacks while Mr Clanger did all the hard work...well you can't have a pregnant lady putting up flatpacks now can you?!

Lovely to hear such great updates from you all.

Leeze...2nd tri. This is just utterly brilliant and I am full of big fat smiles for you. Are you feeling any different now that the good ol' placenta should be taking over the gard stuff for you? Your break sounds very lovely too...and congrats on the house news soon.Hoping you find somewhere perfect to move your family into.

SophieBee...I am well impressed by you and your early morning runs. That's true dedication. So cool you are feeling pretty upbeat too.And not surprising as it really sounds like things are moving forward for you on the ttc front. I am so glad Mr Bee has some dates for tests and some magic pills too, just excellent news.

Mk8 how sweet of you to help out with your Mum's re-decorating, bet she really appreciated it. Re your temp rise. I found that some months I got a bigish rise of 0.6 or more in one day...but other times it went up by about 0.2 over a few days instead of one big rise. Maybe that's what's happening for you this month? How are your chart looking so far? It's such a personal decision re when to see the doc, as their really is no reason to worry after a few months...though that didnt stop me being a ttc emotional wreck aftr month 2!I was planning on going when I got my first bfp...which would have been 8 cycles of ttc. If the gp told me to wait we were going to at least think about what we could afford re private tests as an option. Sounds like you're pulling out all the stops this month...fingers crossed for you lady.

All ok here...still haven't had that well-knock-me-for-6-there's-a-wee-baby-growing-inside-of-me feeling as haven't had many symptoms. Though have been having quesy moments and feeling absolutely shattered at times. Think I feel so incredibly lucky to get a bfp again that I am having a hard time believing it. Though it does feel more real as the days progress...and can you believe I should now be almost 8 weeks!

Catch up soon London girls.
hello ladies

so good to hear that all is well with the london pregnant ladies :)

leeze- woo hoo to hitting the second trimester :)

clanger- soon it will be you! you moved too huh? excellent. you can start nesting soon.

remember to take it easy mothers-to-be!

sophiebee- how are you doing? whats the latest with the thyroid issue, the tests and of course, the running?

so i am on .... er.... cycle day 17! get me- i am really not counting. so far, relatively relaxed and hope it stays that way. i got a very positive opk on cd15 (monday) and my temp rose this morning (CD17). i am hoping that i dont have a short luteal phase this month! i have been taking folic acid and B-50 complex (though not religiously) instead of pregnacare this month. i had lots of ewcm on tues morning (but dh and i didnt do it that day because he went on a business trip). also used conceive plus lubricant on sat and mon. stopped with the cough syrup now that i have passed ovulation. i guess all i can do is hope now! in the meantime, dh and i intend to continue to bd for the rest of the month, just in case!

let me know how you lovely ladies are doing! x
Hi all

I've had a crazy week, so sorry for being so quiet lately. Glad to hear that all is well with everyone.

First thing - I ran my race for life yesterday at the O2 Arena. I managed to run the whole way around and finished the 5k (not 10k yet Leeze - though maybe next time) in 33 minutes exactly. It's the furthest and fastest I've ever managed to run, so I'm well pleased. I had loads of fun doing it as well, and will definitely do another one in the future.

I had a bit of a scare the night before the run - my GP called me on Friday night at 8pm telling me that my potassium levels had risen again (I had another blood test on Thursday) and that I needed to get to A&E immediately. I went in and had a few tests, then after hours of sitting around and being told very little, it turned out there was nothing wrong and my potassium levels were back in the normal range. Very frustrating as it meant I only got about 5 hours sleep on Friday night and obviously had the run the next morning - it didn't do too much damage though I guess!

So despite that scare, I am now waiting a couple of weeks to find out the results of the antibody test, which was the main reason for having the second blood test. By that time we should also have the results of Mr Bee's SA and the GP is then going to refer me to the fertility clinic for more tests. Just to say mk8, I think the only reason things are speeding along with the referral now is that I am 35 (knocking on 36 now) and we have been ttc for 9 months - tbh, I was surprised we even managed to get things moving at all as my PCT has a general wait time of 3 years (!!!!!), so I think I have a particularly sympathetic GP. I'll put up with him being slightly overcautious and sending me to A&E for no reason if that's the case! If it is stressing you out, it might be worth having a chat with the GP, but I'm not sure whether they will refer you at this stage. I do know how you feel though - it's a really difficult position to be in.

I don't know what to do about ttc this month. I don't know how long the thyroid thing would take to get under control (if I do have it that is) and whether I'd be putting myself/baby at risk. By the same token, it seems strange not to try at all this month. I'm on CD10, so I probably ought to make up my mind fairly soon!

Anyway, I think that is more or less everything from me - it's certainly enough to be getting along with anyway. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!
Hey Soph

APPLAUSE for doing the run in such a fab time!

That scare sounded v scary indeed! I am really pleased to hear that everything has returned to normal. You take care of yourself missy.

Thanks for the info on going to the GP for tests etc. I will wait and see how things pan out this month. But I have been having pains on occasion on my right side, almost where the ovary is. It's not regular, dull and doesn't last long. I may go to the docs to ask them to check it out next month. For the moment, I am relatively relaxed. I am still in the TWW and am on CD21. I am both hopeful (because my temps are the highest they have ever been) and in despair (because boob ache has started and im bloated. Plus, i still have creamy cm) about this, depending on my mood at the time!

Not sure what to advise about the thyroid issue. Hope that the docs give you the info and advice you are after! Do keep us posted on how things go.

Leeze/Clanger- hope you ladies are doing well also! xx
Thanks mk8 - I am indeed taking care of myself and we have decided to take a little tiny break from ttc, just until our holiday in about 6 weeks. It feels like the right thing to do, although of course as soon as we decided we weren't going to ttc this month then my body decided to produce more ewcm than ever before - typical! :haha:

It's very annoying that pre-menstrual symptoms can be so similar to early preggers ones isn't it. However, I thought that creamy cm was a good sign, so who knows? I've got high hopes for you this month and will keep my fingers crossed!

Today I was mostly cheering for Kate Silverton, the 40 year old newsreader who was told she couldn't have babies and is now 4 months pregnant. Hurrah! Love stories like that as it makes me feel all hopeful about life finding a way and all that. Cheers to the good news :happydance:
Hey Sophie,

Sounds like a plan to take a wee break. Enjoy your trip with Mr bee and hopefully the relaxed break will aid you in that bfp!

I was pretty down this morning because my temps are falling and its cd24. Sigh. im starting to wonder if there is something wrong.

hope themums to be r well!
Hi London lovelies - just a quick one as I'm a very tired bunny today

Clanger - that's amazing that you're at 9 weeks already - I hope it's starting to properly feel real now. Are you settling in to your new place?

MK8 - I had pains around my right ovary every month for about 4-5 months - I think it was normally about 8-10dpo and I kept thinking it was implantation (or maybe a little bean trying to implant that didn't quite manage it). Do you get yours at a certain time of the month or is it throughout? also you can sometimes get them around O time.

Soph - that's fantastic that you did your run, especially after having the scare the night before. I hope you're very proud of yourself!! Sounds like a good plan to take a break for a few weeks and feel you can enjoy the run up to your hols without the ups and downs of TTC. So fantastic you're getting a referral to get everything checked out

I'm generally doing ok but had a very stressful last few days at work. Very busy at the moment and lots of nasty deadlines. I'm hoping we're passed the worst of it - but I could really do without it!!! We're also trying really hard to find somewhere to buy and worked out today that we really need to find somewhere in the next month or so in order to be moved in and have some time to get ready for the bub!! All feeling much more real now!!

Hugs :hugs: and baby dust :dust: xxx
hello ladies

sorry for delayed response!

leeze- sorry to hear that you are having a sressful time at work. hopefully things ease up soon! you take care of your little bean!

clanger- havent heard from you in a while. hope all is well :)

sophie- where are you going on holiday again? by the way, i noticed the news about kate silverton- i felt really happy for her too. gave me a little hope! i do like a happy ending!

as for me, i had a mini meltdown on fri night. temps dropped and i just knew af was about to rear her unwelcome head again. curled up in bed by myself (dh was out) and had a good cry. i know 5 months isnt really long but for me, im so scared that this is a sign of bigger issues. especially with the weird spotting and pelvic pains. dh and i are having regular sex so i keep asking myself "where are you little bean?" I had browny/pinky discharge yest. nothing today oddly but a BFN (12DPO). This is what happened the cycle before last. No idea what on earth is happening. It's so frustrating.

Have an appointment booked in with my (in the past, unhelpful) doctor to find out what's up with my pelvic pains. Will also mention the spotting hasnt stopped (I saw another doc at the same surgery 2 cycles ago, who thought it may just be a hormonal imbalance but recommended i do a smear test- which i did and came back clear). I really want this doc to do something. Maybe refer me to get some blood tests done. Though I am worried he will think its too early. DH suggested I lie and say we have been trying for longer... what do you reckon?
I say lie!! But mainly because I waited and waited for months and months and started convincing myself something was wrong - then I had the HSG then got my BFP that month - so I reckon maybe there was a little blockage or something. I think it's a lot to go through emotionally and if there's anything you can do to speed up getting checked out then I'd recommend it. But that's totally based on the experience I had - I think it's good for you to think about what would be right for you. Also, for me, just knowing that a referral had been made really helped the last few months of TTC for me - rather than that constant feeling of hopelessness and not knowing. xx
Thanks Leeze! I think I will tell a little porkie pie in that case. Heh heh.

How are you doing mama to be?

I agree MK80...go with the porkpie. It seems like a lottery re getting things moving as some gps are more likely to push ahead than others. So do what you can to get things moving for yourself. Having said many people with spotting (like moi) and all sorts of other odd womanly symptoms end up with bfps after a few the likelihood is there's nothing to worry abut...but I am the biggest worryhead ever so know this is bloomin hard to put into practice.

Sophiebee huge congrats on the run...and on getting through a massive scare without having a meltdown...and on coming up with an excellent plan to take care of yourself and enjoy life while waiting on information and deciding on the next steps.

Leeze, still cannot believe you grew that little bubs in the last 12 weeks...amazing! Hope your tiredness is subsiding a bit now? Hows work stress?

All ok here in Clangtown. Just counting down to the scan and hoping to see a lovely healthy mini Clanger on the screen...eeeeeeeeeeek!


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