London TTC buddies chat thread

hello ladies, just finished stuffing my face with greasy fish, chips and savaloy! *burp* haha.

me? a fun loving lady? its rare im in this mood so heres hoping it sticks. though i have a cold at the mo. :( thank gawd this is our day off on bd-ing!

clanger- really hope that this is it for you! im hoping sophiebee and i can graduate on to the next forum with you and leeze also.

leeze- good to see you! how is the pregnancy coming along?

sophiebee... i really hope you feel better today. as the girls say, main thing is that you do what is right for you. try to take it easy and relax- i know easier said than done. big hug.

spk soon ladies! baby dust to all!
Yuuuum yuuum to your greasy dinner Mk80...I would have made a massive chip butty on the side too!Hope you are still in your fun loving mood!

Hoping for more lucky London news soon.
Clanger is "pregnant"! YEAH! So happy for you Clanger!

So happy for both you and Leeze.

Oh, should mention this is the new MK80! I forgot my password! DOH! So have set up a new acc.

I really hope to join you ladies soon. Doing OPKs right now... day 12 and no positive yet. Here's hoping it appears soon. Mood isn't bad though I keep thinking about wanting to be pregnant. I should be more patient though.

This forum is pretty quiet now ladies so I think this is it from me... Will advise if I hear of some good news and join you on the pregnancy forums!

Hope pregnancy is treating you both well Clanger and Leeze!

Sophiebee... if do log on to have a quick read - I really hope you get your BFP too. Take care of yourself and try (I know it is hard) to relax and remember to enjoy other joys of life whilst you are TTC-ing. BABYDUST POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hello ladies

leeze- this is for you in case you come online... i got your message but for some reason, cannot message you back. i dont see how i can message anybody in face. i have however added you as a friend. add me back when you get the chance. hope you are doing well.
Hey mk8...I am sadly back to ttc now :-(
Hope the opking is going well for you lady.
hello ladies

i cannot work out why i cannot leave you visitor messages. have tried to add you as friends and emailed the administrator to find out what's going on.

clanger - i am so sorry to hear of your news. i hope you are doing ok given the circumstances. huge hug to you. if you want to talk hun, you know where i am ok? it was really sweet of you to message me.

sophiebee... not sure if you are checking this at times but you take care of yourself too.

leeze- hope alls well with bump hun. do let me know how you are getting on.

will def be in touch for advice. thanks so much for the offer.

we all made a pact right? we will do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope's good.

huge hug to my london ttc pals!!! xx
Hi ladies! Just dropping by to see how you're doing :flower:

MK8 - I'm thinking maybe you have to make a certain number of posts before you can do visitor messages in case they think you're going to spam people? How are you getting on with the sperm meets egg plan? Have you got a clearblue fertility monitor, by the way? I really think mine helped get the BFP because it shows up to 5 fertile days before you O. I saw them recently in my local Superdrug at the Pharmacy section for £29.99. I was gutted because I paid about £60 for mine. Glad you're sticking with the pact!! :hugs:

Clanger, huge hugs to you again. I know how horrible it is to go from feeling really excited about your BFP to then have it all taken away again. :hugs: Please remember that even though it really hurts at times right now that it is definitely a good sign that you can get pregnant naturally.

Hugs to SophieBee too :hugs:

I had a scan today and it put my dates back to 5 weeks and 6 days (she said not to worry about this, it's quite common for them to change by a week or so at the first scan). Anyway, I'm seeing it as a definite sign that my London TTC buddies will be able to fulfil their pact and catch up with me very soon!!! :haha:
Thanks ladies. I am a bit up and down at the moment.....bleeding is tapering off now though.Also feeling totally shattered...prob due to all the emotions and to the physical side of things.Hoping my body behaves this month and can give it another go!

Leeze so so pleased for you getting a
lovely peek at your little one.Amazing news hoping youre still on a high!

Mk8 thanks for your lovely words.Hope ttc land is ok for you.Where are you in your cycle now?
Hi Clanger

Sorry to delayed response. I didn't realise there was a post here!

You take care of yourself and rest heaps my dear. Has the doctor recommended anything in particular? Do keep us posted on how you are. Here for you!

I've lost track of my cycle! After doing it lots thanks to the chicken and egg plan- my hubby and I are shattered. We missed the last day due to sheer exhaustion. I think for his efforts, hubby is praying this is my BFP. Pressure! Period normally due some time next week. Here's hoping. I do not even know if I ovulated for sure. My opk was positive on cd16 but not sure if it was a proper positive. I tested, looked at it 3 mins later, almost positive but not quite, stuck it in my handbag (was at work) then 2 hrs later, it was so much darker (positive dark). Anyway, out of my hands now. What will be will be.

Spk soon ladies!
hi ladies

MK8 - that's what happened to me and OH when we tried the SMEP - always got too tired by the end of it!! I reckon it would ok if you could put the rest of your life on hold and just focus on BDing and resting - but it's very demanding, isn't it?? Fingers crossed you caught that egg :thumbup:

Clanger - that sounds like lots of very natural emotions to me - and I can really relate to it from when I had my loss. It's hard to put into words, isn't it? You know we're here for you :hugs: When I had my m/c the nurse said it was ok to try again the next month because it was an early m/c and with the early ones your body normally gets everything back on track pretty soon. Also, I've heard you can be super-fertile after a m/c. If you're feel emotionally ready to TTC again, then I'd say go for it! :hugs:

I'm feeling really tired most of the time and things are a real effort. I don't want to complain too much as it's still an amazing feeling to be preg, but I had no idea how tiring it would be so early on! When I went for the scan recently I told the nurse I was feeling sick and tired and she said to me it's the only time in your life that you feel happy to be sick and tired because these are normally good signs. So, my London buddies, I want to wish you lots of sickness and tiredness in the coming months!!!! (accompanied by those BFPs!!) :hugs:
Hello ladies!!!

How are you all today?

Leeze- hang it there with the tiredness honey, you will be rewarded with a beautiful baby very soon. :)

Clanger- hope you are in better spirits. As Leeze says, if the doctor tells you it is OK to TTC again, go forth whenever you are both ready. Big hug to you hun. Perhaps you and your DH can go away on a trip to relax and just spend time together.

Thanks for your visitor message Leeze. I actually dont remember when I am due to test. It's CD 28 next Wed I think, but I don't want to test unless I am a few days late now. For some reason, I just don't think this is my month. Of course I hope it is, but I just don't "feel it" and oddly, am feeling angry already! I am bloated and moody- feels like AF is about to rear her ugly head :( And unlike other months, this month DH and I have been trying soooo hard. I know we haven't been trying for long and I feel kinda guilty for being so impatient, but I want my BFP NOW! So not as positive about things at the moment.

Take care ladies. xx
Mk80 sound like you 2 have been on it big stylee this month.Lots of luck...but sounds like that chicken and egg plan is very tiring!Sounds
like Leeze is pretty knackered too...hoping you London ladies get some rest and relaxation. I have been sorta kinda ttcing this month but no opks or temping as quite frankly it's all felt a bit much and it's been nice not to have full on ttc stress...though sure it will reappear as the tww progresses!
Clanger- welcome back! I have missed you ladies! Sophiebee also made a guest appearance on the site and she said she may come back soon. Hopefully so.

Carefree ttc-ing sounds like a plan Clanger.

Sadly AF came this month. Currently on CD2 of cycle 4. How time flies. I hope this is my month, though not feeling overly hopeful right now. Not getting too down though. I am however doing opks and charting. Sometimes I wonder whether I should stop but sometimes, I think it's good to build a history. Contemplating on acupuncture too.

Hope you are having fun with the carefree ttc-ing clanger. Baby dust!
Hi lovelies :hi:

Thought I'd come check on my London TTC buddies! :hugs:

Mk8 - sorry to hear AF got you. It's tough isn't it, when you feel you've worked hard at BD-ing and it still doesn't happen? At least you know you did your best last month!!! I read that about 75% of fertilised eggs don't manage to implant for whatever reason - I remember someone posting on one of the SMEP threads that they reckon you should get a BFP within about 4 months of doing SMEP each month - I'm not sure how true this is but you could have fun trying!!! My OH and I ended up doing things like eating at 4pm at work so we could have the energy to BD as soon as we got home and not have to wait until we'd made dinner, digested it etc. Not so romantic to keep planning it down to the fine detail but sometimes needs must! Good luck this coming cycle :hugs:

Clanger - hope you're doing ok, hon :hugs: and I think your more relaxed approach to TTCing is a good one for this month. It will happen again for you and you totally deserve it xxx

Hugs to SophieBee too - if you read this :hugs:

I'm doing ok - had a week off work with Mr Leeze and we've mostly been very lazy indeed!!! Went to museum of London today - was really interesting but I was quite hungry and in a bit of a grumpy mood!! Our big news is we had our offer accepted on a lovely 2 bed garden flat this week. Fingers crossed everything goes ok with it and we're in our new pad for mid-summer!!

Hope you're enjoying the sunshine xxx
quick hello to my original London crew! x
Mk8 sorry to hear about's always a depressing time.Hope you had treats to get you through!Will you be chicken and egging this month?

Big ttc love to all of the London ladies (and special baby growing love to Leeze!)
Hi Clanger,

It's lovely to hear from you. How are you? Hope you're doing OK my dear. Have you started ttcing or are you taking a break?

I am going to try the chicken and egg again this month... tonight being the first night! It's sooooooo unromantic! Haha. I didn't actually intend to do this plan again as it was so darn tiring, in fact, I missed the last day last time. But hubby wanted to give it another go so off we try! Though I am kinda scared about doing it in case I get another BFN. Does that make sense? I am also starting to be scared that there may be something wrong with us. Not a nice feeling to be honest. So in a worried place at the moment, but I really ought to snap out of it!

Take care ladies and keep me posted on what's new with you!

Off to boink hubby soon! heh heh. x
Hello all - I'm back! Well, tentatively anyway - I'm still not sure if I find this forum helpful or if it makes me obsessed, depressed and insane :wacko:
I do like the smilies though!

I've taken a big-ish little step and made an appointment to see a doc on Monday. AF is due any day and I'm pretty sure that it will arrive - I certainly don't have any signs to indicate otherwise anyway, and all the usual signs to indicate that it will. So I'm going to go and have a chat with the GP and try not to burst into tears and completely lose my cool. Part of me thinks that it is too soon and I won't be taken seriously, but with my age, the spotting thing, and Mr Bee's shy sperm, I think that we are fighting against some tricky odds and I just want to see if I can get some initial tests to put my mind at rest (or give me an idea of what we might need to consider).

I've had a bit of a tough month. My dad has been diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer, which has obviously been horrible and hard to come to terms with. There's been some good (but difficult for me) news as well as my sister is 7 weeks pregnant with her second. So it's all been a bit weepy for me - it was probably a good month to have taken a break to try to get some clear space in my head.

I hope everyone is doing well. mk8, it can be really difficult when you hit 3 months of ttc and nothing has happened yet - I know the feeling, and the only thing I can say is that the average length of time it takes is 6-12 months, so I hope that gives you some comfort.

Clanger - hope all is good with you and that the carefree ttc-ing is going OK this month.

And Leeze, hope that pumpkin is growing nice and fat! How are you doing with morning sickness? My sister is getting it very bad this time around - she didn't with her first, which made us wonder if she is maybe having a little girl this time.

Big hugs to all - it seems like we all need one :hugs:

Speak soon! X
Sophibee- welcome back! Sorry for the delayed response. I didn't realise that you had posted.

Great to hear from you but I am so sorry to hear what you have been going through recently. It certainly sounds like a very tough month. I don't really know what to say except to take care of yourself. If you find it helpful to chat to a third party, please feel free to give me a shout, whether it be on here or as a private message.

Well done for your "small big step". I don't think the doctor will ignore you. Do keep me posted on how you get on.

I am OK today. Was feeling down after getting my period after cycle 3 of TTC. Given we were trying the sperm meets egg plan, I thought that could be it! I was also fretting because I too have been having weird spotting (brown spotting 1-3 days before AF since Jan) and also brown/black blood at the tail end of my period (normal for me but I read that it could be because of a luteal phase issue). But I am trying to stay more positive. There's only so much I can do. Got stressed a few days ago and BD-ing with the hubby just wasn't enjoyable and I thought "what's the point?" I dont want this to come in the way of a happy marriage. So going with the flow for the moment. No doubt I will feel down if I see AF this month but I will just need to power on. I guess I will consider going back to the docs in Jun to see if they are willing to do anything for me. In the meantime, trying to stay relaxed (have started reflexology- supposedly helps fertility but if not, it's meant to relax!), have date nights with hubby (so we aren't bd mad only), take pregnacare conception tablets and vit b complex (in the hope it helps to lengthen my LP).

Take care all. Thinking of you!
Hi everyone :flower:

Nice to see SophieBee back on here - good luck with the Doctor's appointment tomorrow. Just be yourself and be honest (and if all else fails cry - that's what got me the referral!). It has been a hell of a month for you, hon, hasn't it? Sending you lots of hugs and positive vibes. It must be frustrating about your sister getting pregnant so quickly - I'm sure you're happy for her but it also reminds you of your struggles. It's so sad about your Dad, too. What a lot of things you've got to deal with at the moment. I hope Mr Bee is looking after you! :hugs:

MK8 - whereabouts are you with your cycle at the moment? How's the reflexology going? I had 3 months of acupuncture just before I got the BFP and I think this really helped to relax me. I think it's really important to keep your relationship alive and not just always be BDing to do with baby-making - what a lovely idea to have date night! :hugs:

Clanger - How's it all going with you, hon? It's been an emotional rollercoaster for you the last couple of months hasn't it? :hugs:

I'm doing ok - mainly just trying to hurry the next 2 weeks along so I can go for my next scan. I'm feeling sick quite a lot of the time now which I'm seeing as a good sign but it's sometimes really tough. Mainly it's hard having to be at work and keep going with it all and most of my colleagues don't know yet - I've got a pretty busy and stressful job so I'm going to speak to my boss next week about how we can change some of this. I need to prioritise my health and minimise stress levels!!!

Enjoy the rest of your weekends. Big hugs and lots of baby dust :dust: to all

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