Hello lovelies,
Sorry I've been a bit absent recently - seems to have been a really busy time with work and looking for flats and then I was up visiting my parents for the weekend.
Soph - I'm sorry to hear things aren't going as well with your Dad as you hoped. That really sucks and I can imagine is pretty upsetting given it's been pretty gruelling treatment. I agree with the others, we're always here for you.

With the tests and possible treatment for the autoimmune disease, I think it's great that you're pushing on with this and we know how much it would mean to you to get that sticky bean at the end of it - and how worthwhile this would make it all. You sound like you're a pretty strong woman and I'm really impressed with everything you're coping with at the moment. (and sometimes I think coping means having a good cry or hiding away - it's all different ways of coping that's needed at different times). Also if work is horrible too it sounds like there's not much respite for you at the moment. That much needed holiday will hopefully be time to re-charge your batteries and give you some space away to think about things. July will come before you know it and then you'll hopefully be able to start looking forwards again. At least you won't feel like you're still stuck in that monthly emotional rollercoaster of wondering if it will happen and worrying why things aren't happening, you'll be getting some medical support and monitoring. I would imagine that they would still refer you to the fertility clinic if things don't happen within a few months but it would be worth checking it out with them. Sending you lots of big hugs

MK8 - that whole probing thing sounded pretty nasty. I've had that done too but it was with a woman who was pretty considerate and gentle (as much as you can be with these things). I agree with the others - the procedure is probably that the Doc has to give you the results. I can see why your brain would go into overdrive though. When I had the scan done the nurse said to me "Oh there's a problem here" and my brain seriously went into overdrive and I panicked and asked her what she meant - it turned out she actually meant she'd done it wrong and had to do it again. But, I think they forget that we're listening to every little word and scrutinising every little move trying to get a signal from them about what they can see. I think it's also understandable to get a bit superstitious and look out for signs of things going wrong because our biggest fears are all that things could go wrong at any point. Roll on till Thursday when you get your results - fingers crossed

Thanks for your offer of doing some flat searches for us but I think we've got it covered - we're registered with so many estate agents now and pester them so much that they end up calling us first when new things come on the market!!! We're going to see somewhere this morning for a 2nd viewing and are hoping this is going to be "the one"
Clanger - Sorry to hear you've been feeling sick, hopefully this will pass very soon. The worst of mine had gone by week 12 although I still retch a little bit from bad smells and sometimes from toothpaste! I think it's a good description - "a sicky hangover" - I definitely felt sometimes like I had been on a crazy night out - or maybe even a weekender!! How lovely that you're almost passed 12 weeks - only 2 weeks to go till your next scan and I think you'll be amazed at how much it will have grown since your last one!!
My next scan is 3 weeks today - it should be the 20 week scan but will actually be nearly 21 weeks. I'm definitely counting the days now. I'm also getting a bit worried about the whole flat-buying situation, but I think I have to accept that it's not going to be ideal and I will either be moving when I'm heavily pregnant or with a new-born baby. But, at least this will mean that I won't be able to help much with the lifting and moving!!!

My Mum bought me some baby stuff over the weekend in neutral colours - very cute indeed and making it feel even more real. We then went out to some charity shops and I got some cute little babygrows for 50p each - I've given them all a good wash and they're hanging up to dry and make me feel all gooey every time I walk passed them!!! This definitely makes the 14 months of TTC heartache feel worthwhile!!!!
I hope you're all making the most of the extra day off. Speak soon xxxx