London TTC buddies chat thread

YAY to seeing baby Clanger soon. So excited for you!

Ready to tell my porkie pie girls! I intend to tell him I am concerned about 3 things:
1. Pelvic pains - having for last 5 months. More frequent now.
2. Weird brown spotting a couple of days before AF in the past 5 months.
3. Not pregnant after 10 months of trying (on and off- I think the last doc noted I started in Dec/Jan) so want the notes to tie up. I sound like a freak!

Spk soon girls.
Go Mk8. Best of luck lady. With all those concerns I hope things get moving for you.

Hope the other 2 London girls are doing well.

I am doing very well...we had our early scan and caught a peek at the teeny tiny munchkin wriggling around! So, so, so happy.Found it hard to imagine getting to this point in the ttc I am keeping the faith that it will happy for you ttcing London ladies asap.
Oh Clanger, I am so happy for you! Congrats honey! :)

Is an early scan normal or did you go private? Or have you told us this already and I am just losing my marbles? Hmm...

Doc appointment went well in that he listened and is referring me for tests. I will be going for a blood test next week. He wanted to check:
- bone profile (???)
- FBC & Differential (???)
- LH and FSH
- Testosterone
- CA125
- Progesterone
- Free androgen index
- Urea & electrolytes
He also referred me for a scan where they need to stick a camera up my vagina to look at the ovaries. I think he is more concerned about the pain rather than the TTC thing. He wouldnt tell me what it could be and said he doubts it is something. Hmm... We shall see. Either way, I guess it's good I am being looked at.
Thanks love!Very happy, really hoping for you to join me in bumpland soon.Wow go you and your porkpie assertiveness.Sounds like you've got things moving and got a thorough mot there, good work!Maybe be wants to check for ovarian cysts...theyre reall common and nothing to worry about for ttc from what I've heard as lots of ladies have them?!Let me know how you get on, be thinking of you!

We had a private scan...well worth overloading the credit card though for the peace of mind for a worrier like me.

Have a good off to the seaside to visit friends and eat lots of fish and chips this week!
Hi lovelies

MK8 - that's great your doc is doing all those tests. I think FSH and progesterone are 2 of the really key ones (or at least they're the ones I know a bit about!) they're both about checking whether you're ovulating ok and also the FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) can help give you an indication of your ovarian reserve I think - ie how many good fertile years you got left in you!!! Good luck with the tests and well done for being so proactive :hugs:

Clanger - that's fantastic and fab that you got to see your little munchkin wriggling around! I agree with you about sometimes never imagining it would happen - and that this should definitely give the others hope! Have a lovely time by the seaside, I hope you get some good weather. Fish and chips - yummy!! :hugs:

Hi to Soph too - hope all is good with you and you're enjoying the calmness of taking a little break from TTC - and getting ready for your hols!!! :hugs:

All ok with me - just a bit crazy at work at mo with lots of deadlines, and also desperately trying to find our dream home to buy and failing miserably!!! Feeling pretty good physically though and there's definitely a little bump starting which is very exciting!!! xxxx
Hello ladies

Oh, I am so happy to see your messages. So glad that you are both having happy pregnancies. Time really flies doesn't it. It doesn't feel like a long time since we have been chatting but your baby bumps are getting so big now! Heh heh.

I am really pleased about being referred for tests. Thanks for the encouragement girls. But I am also a bit worried. The doc didn't suggest the tests primarily because of TTC issues, more because of the pain. I guess I am being a bit morbid and wondering what it *could* be. Cancer? Cysts? Endometriosis? How would all this affect my TTC plan? Sigh. I just hope that I am OK and will be able to join you in bumpland soon!

Sophie- hope you are doing OK hun.

Leeze- property purchase is frustrating. Can I help you to rightmove search? I am sad and like looking at houses. Haha. If you want to send me preferred post codes and budgets, happy to send you links for places I like the look of! Promise not to stalk you! Haha.

Speak soon!
hey ladies

hope youre doing well. just a quick update from me. went for my internal ultrasound today....eurghhhh! sis told me that it is more comfortable than a smear- what a loada porky pies. you girls ever had it? now i know i want to have a baby and i know a baby's head is a LOT bigger than the probe they shoved up me, but maaaaaaan, it wasn't nice.

a lady came out to the waiting room (where i was sat with a tonne of little babies- such cuties!) and led me to the examination room. in my head i was thinking that this little lady seemed nice. i walk into the room and am faced with a big guy. and im like...hmmm... turns out he was doing the honours. GREAT! now i dont mind if my gynae is a man or a woman really, but i guess i prefer a woman. anyhoo, he shoved in the stick, had a good look around and sent me on my merry way. results due next week. when the examination was done, i asked him if he saw any cysts or dodgey tumours, he paused, then said no. i asked him if he saw anything that could affect my ttc plans. loooooong pause. then no. he told me to see my doc. what am i to make of that?!?!?! there was just something about his demeanor that made me question his ans. during the test, he asked me lots of qs, seemed thorough in his examination etc. which is a good thing, but his face when he was looking at the screen made me a bit edgey. anyway, blood test on wed and results thurs 2 jun. im hoping with all my heart that everything is ok.

so whats new with you all? hope everybody's doing well.
Oh Mk8 being poked by a big scary man with a probe does not sound fun. Poor lady, hope you treated your self to choc and sympathy from your hubs afterwards. I kno that they are not meant to tell you the results at all at these sort of apps and have to leave that to your doc. It sounds to me like the scary man was just put on the spot and didnt want to speak outside his area of expertise...and he did tell you that he didnt see anything nasty which is excellent news! I am a nigtmare for reading into things doctors say and assuming the worst when that's not the case at all. And sorry to say my little london friend I think you are a big fat worrier like me and you are doing the same thing!

When do you see your gp? You are being so brave and being really proactive getting all this done so you're ready to start growing your little family. Everything crossed for you!

Hope all the London ladies are doing well.
Hey all

I've been having a bit of a rough time lately, so I've been curled in a ball licking my wounds and generally hiding from the world. Feeling a little bit better now, but 2011 is definitely not going to be my favourite year.

Mk8, I think my brain would also be whirring and going mad - like both you and Clanger, I have a tendency to worry, so I know how you must be feeling. Of course the good news is that you have taken the first step towards finding stuff out. If there is something there that might cause ttc issues, then it is very likely that they will be able to treat it. Having said that, he did say that he didn't see anything - the long pause was probably just him making sure he couldn't see anything before he told you. Whatever happens, you are getting all the help you need and fingers crossed it won't be much longer before you get your bfp!

Clanger and Leeze, it's lovely to hear your updates - so pleased that your pregnancies are going well.

I got the results of the thyroid tests and antibodies were present. This, combined with the high TSH levels, indicates that I have some sort of autoimmune disease - or that I am in the process of developing it or something. Anyway, I am being referred to an endocrinologist for further investigation - my appointment is after my holiday, in mid-July. If I do have this autoimmune disease then I'll probably be put on thyroid HRT, which will be a lifelong treatment. It can apparently take a while to get the dosage right, but the GP thinks that this may well be the cause of subfertility and once we've got it sorted we may find that I fall pregnant fairly quickly. I don't know about that - I'm feeling a bit too bruised by everything this year to get my hopes up, but we'll see what happens. I'm a bit worried that he's pinning it all on this and all talk of referral to a fertility clinic has stopped, but I guess we'll see what happens with the endocrinologist in July.

That's probably enough from me - I'm not going to go into the gloomy stuff that's going on right now. Suffice to say that work is horrible and things are not going as well as we had hoped with Dad's treatment. All quite rotten. Still, reading good news from the two preggered up London ladies is always cheering, and I'm so glad that things are moving so quickly for you mk8!

Take care all xx
Hello ladies

Hope the bank holiday weekend is going well for you ladies.

Clanger- so good to see your ticker. Any morning sickness etc etc?

Leeze- man, time flies huh. How are you and bump doing?

Sophie- So sorry to hear that you're going through a rough time. I can imagine that the appt in July seems like a lifetime away but time flies and fingers crossed that they work something out for you. I too would worry that they are pinning all hopes on this test but the good news is that things are progressing. I am keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you. Also very sorry to hear that things are not going as well with your dad's treatment. I am afraid I don't really have any words that will give you great comfort, but I do want to say that you are always welcome to come on here to vent, chat, share etc. We are all hear for you OK? As for work, I know that feeling. I HATED my job last year. In the end I took the decision to move. Hauled my butt outta there. And I am so much happier. I was worried about the whole maternity benefits issue with moving given I was looking to start TTC, but I figured, I won't conceive with that job given the long hours and stress levels. Huge hugs to you Sophie. Take care, xx
Hey Ladies,

SophieBee I am so sorry to hear you're having such a tough time in so many areas of your life at the mo. It just doesn't seem fair does it. I really hope you are getting the support and time you need to take care of yourself and distract yourself with all this going on. I am also hoping that they fine a combination of drugs to get a better result for your Dad, that your July app goes really well and you are reassured and well informed there, and also that the work stress is magiced away (not knowing your job noit sure what the solution could be...other than maybe us having a London ladies lottery syndicate and winning a jackpot so we can all give up work and just do baking, lunches and meaningful fun charity work in our spare time!). As Mk8 says do get in touch on here or pm if there is anything any of us can do to support you through this challenging time. Thinking of you and hope you get lots of distraction, wine, sun, laughs and cuddles with Mr Bee on your deserve that and much, much more.

Mk8 hope you have recovered from the poking! Good on you lady for getting out of your stressy job, must have taken a lot of guts but brilliant that it's paid off for you. In answer to your question I have had a lot of feeling very ropey days a really bad sicky hangover...was retching right outside a restaurant window the other day, very attractive!

Leeze hope you are ticking off those days till your next scan!

Happy bank hol ladies.
Hey Clanger! So good to hear from you. I have indeed recovered from the poking incident. Results to the bloods and scan next Thurs... Here's hoping that everything is OK. I haven't been thinking much about it but today I had a pang of "ARGH... WHat if I am dying?!" because (now be prepared for this because I am crazy) my father in law's goldfish died. Recently a lot of things (albeit minor) have gone wrong- cars broken down, some household issues popping up etc. Hubby said "so much bad luck these days" when the lil fishy went to sea heaven and I went ARGH. I know, nuts but I went into a mini state of feeling sorry for myself. Over it now though and back to dreaming of my big house and two kids in the future. :)

But back to you. So sorry to hear of the morning sickness. Hang in there missy. Not long and you will be able to hold your bundle of joy in your arms and it will soooooo be worth it!

What else is new with you missy? Are you planning anything for the new arrival yet or will that come later?

Hope everybody else is enjoying the bank holiday.

Hello lovelies,

Sorry I've been a bit absent recently - seems to have been a really busy time with work and looking for flats and then I was up visiting my parents for the weekend.

Soph - I'm sorry to hear things aren't going as well with your Dad as you hoped. That really sucks and I can imagine is pretty upsetting given it's been pretty gruelling treatment. I agree with the others, we're always here for you. :hugs: With the tests and possible treatment for the autoimmune disease, I think it's great that you're pushing on with this and we know how much it would mean to you to get that sticky bean at the end of it - and how worthwhile this would make it all. You sound like you're a pretty strong woman and I'm really impressed with everything you're coping with at the moment. (and sometimes I think coping means having a good cry or hiding away - it's all different ways of coping that's needed at different times). Also if work is horrible too it sounds like there's not much respite for you at the moment. That much needed holiday will hopefully be time to re-charge your batteries and give you some space away to think about things. July will come before you know it and then you'll hopefully be able to start looking forwards again. At least you won't feel like you're still stuck in that monthly emotional rollercoaster of wondering if it will happen and worrying why things aren't happening, you'll be getting some medical support and monitoring. I would imagine that they would still refer you to the fertility clinic if things don't happen within a few months but it would be worth checking it out with them. Sending you lots of big hugs :hugs::hugs:

MK8 - that whole probing thing sounded pretty nasty. I've had that done too but it was with a woman who was pretty considerate and gentle (as much as you can be with these things). I agree with the others - the procedure is probably that the Doc has to give you the results. I can see why your brain would go into overdrive though. When I had the scan done the nurse said to me "Oh there's a problem here" and my brain seriously went into overdrive and I panicked and asked her what she meant - it turned out she actually meant she'd done it wrong and had to do it again. But, I think they forget that we're listening to every little word and scrutinising every little move trying to get a signal from them about what they can see. I think it's also understandable to get a bit superstitious and look out for signs of things going wrong because our biggest fears are all that things could go wrong at any point. Roll on till Thursday when you get your results - fingers crossed :hugs: Thanks for your offer of doing some flat searches for us but I think we've got it covered - we're registered with so many estate agents now and pester them so much that they end up calling us first when new things come on the market!!! We're going to see somewhere this morning for a 2nd viewing and are hoping this is going to be "the one"

Clanger - Sorry to hear you've been feeling sick, hopefully this will pass very soon. The worst of mine had gone by week 12 although I still retch a little bit from bad smells and sometimes from toothpaste! I think it's a good description - "a sicky hangover" - I definitely felt sometimes like I had been on a crazy night out - or maybe even a weekender!! How lovely that you're almost passed 12 weeks - only 2 weeks to go till your next scan and I think you'll be amazed at how much it will have grown since your last one!! :hugs:

My next scan is 3 weeks today - it should be the 20 week scan but will actually be nearly 21 weeks. I'm definitely counting the days now. I'm also getting a bit worried about the whole flat-buying situation, but I think I have to accept that it's not going to be ideal and I will either be moving when I'm heavily pregnant or with a new-born baby. But, at least this will mean that I won't be able to help much with the lifting and moving!!! :haha: My Mum bought me some baby stuff over the weekend in neutral colours - very cute indeed and making it feel even more real. We then went out to some charity shops and I got some cute little babygrows for 50p each - I've given them all a good wash and they're hanging up to dry and make me feel all gooey every time I walk passed them!!! This definitely makes the 14 months of TTC heartache feel worthwhile!!!!

I hope you're all making the most of the extra day off. Speak soon xxxx
Morning to you all!

Good ol lie-ins on a Monday... Don't you just love em?

Leeze, how exciting to have your next scan soon. I am very happy for you and Mr Leeze :) As for the flat hunting, flat buying is always tough but I am a firm believer that the right one will come along. Good luck with the search! As for moving at a less than ideal time, the main thing is that you move into the right home that you can stay in for years, not the couple of days of hassle of moving homes. :) Like you say, great excuse not to lift stuff! Ho ho.

Clanger- hope you're doing OK today and hangover sickie feeling has waved goodbye for now. Hope you are enjoying spending time with the hubby!

Sophie- I wanted to share with you some things I have learned. I have been chatting to another lady on another thread about thyroid issues. She has an underactive thyroid and said she manages it quite easily with a synthetic thyroid med (levothyroxine). She actually got pregnant last month too. Sadly it ended as a chemical, but she was happy to learn that she could get pregnant and is back to trying. Also, another lady with an underactive thyroid got prescribed sea kelp tablets for EWCM (she tells me thyroid issues can create a lack of CM). You probably know all this already but just in case you dont, I thought Id share. Hope you're doing better today Sophie. Huge hugs to you.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend ladies.
Thanks so much everyone - you're all such kind, lovely ladies. I got quite teary reading all your messages of support :hugs:

I'm afraid that rather than change Dad's meds, they are probably going to stop altogether, at least for a while. The consultant has said to my Dad and his wife that they should use the break in treatment to do nice things, so they are taking that to mean that it is the beginning of the end - it is unlikely that they'll go back to aggressive chemo, so anything later on will be palliative I think. All very horrible. I've pretty much come to terms with the fact that it is now unlikely that I'll have a baby before he goes, but maybe I'll get pregnant. Fingers crossed anyway.

Anyway, enough of the gloom. The work thing will sort itself out, one way or another - and I have my lovely holiday to look forward to (just over 2 weeks to go). Ideally I'll get pregnant soon, but I've started looking for another job - just in case something ideal is out there.

Leeze - I can't believe your 20 week scan is just around the corner. It sounds like I'll be on hols when you have it, but gosh how exciting! Are you going to find out what you are having? How sweet that your mum has started off the baby stuff too. Sorry to hear the flat hunting is still going nowhere - it must be really frustrating. Keeping my fingers crossed that the perfect flat is just about to come on the market and be snapped up by you!

Clanger - sorry to hear about the morning sickness, but hopefully it will pass for you soon. I like the idea of winning the lottery and baking for a living! Except I'd probably eat it all and have to run 10 miles every day to burn it all off!

mk8 - thanks for the tips you've heard from other ladies. I'd not heard about the CM thing so I'll keep an eye out! Good luck for Thursday with the test results - I'll be thinking of you. Whatever the outcome, you've got the ball rolling and it is a massively positive thing. I hope you've got some nice treat planned for after your appointment - you definitely deserve it.

Thanks again for all your kind words :hugs:

Hey Sophie, I am very sorry to hear that they are stopping treatment for your dad. I can totally understand how you would want him to meet your baby in person, but as you say, hopefully you can announce some happy BFP news to him :) I hope that you enjoy spending some quality time with him Sophie and that your dad is doing OK. Remember to take care of yourself also. There are a lot of things going on in your life right now, just remember to rest and relax also. Whilst I know it is incredibly difficult, try not to get too stressed. xx
Hey girls,

SophieBee, so sorry to hear that things aren't going as well as hoped for your Dad. What a sad time for you and what a lot to get your head round. Hope you have the time and energy and resources to be able to spend some time doing nice, fun, distracting things with your Dad...maybe bake him one or two of those infamous SophieBee cakes! Yes it would be amazing and lovely if you were able to get pregnant or even have a lovely little one to share with your Dad, but ultimately him knowing that you are loved and happy and settled with Mr Bee and have lovely future plans to grow a little Bee family, will I am sure make him very content.

Glad you are looking after yourself and keeping an eye on the job so deserve a huge change of luck soon....hopefully a brand new lovely job and bfp all at once! Hols are fast appraching hey...have you sorted your holiday wardrobe?

Mk8 you make me laugh with your poor little fishy superstition story. I laugh cos that is the kind of thing I think....we KNOW its silly but it still feels very scary and stressful at the time hey! I am sorry about your round of bad luck, not suprising this has you in a "doom and gloom" state of mind. But...the man with the big stick would NOT have said all is ok if he had seen anything concerning. I am sure Thurs will go well and will be thinking of you as I know how scary these things can be!

Leeze...3 weeks hey! should be feeling the kicks soon too hey! Baby buying sounds so cute...I can't wait till I feel I can do that too! Thats a great idea re the charity shops...I will be looking to you as my pregnancy on a budget guru so any tips greatly received! Have you decided on any bigger purchases like stroller etc yet....bought any good books? Also sending lots of lucky properrty vibes your way.

As for moi. All ok...still having sicky hangover-monster-tiredness-feeling-mahoosive-look-like-a-porn-star-in-most-of-my-clothes-due-to-pregnancy-boobs-or-like-I-have-swallowed-a-beach-ball-from-bloating moments but am certainly not complaining as they make me actually feel pregnant...and I so want to feel pregnant! I have only had the guts to post here with you guys you know and not ventured back into 1st tri yet. Maybe I join in on second tri in a few weeks....who knows. I know this is a little selfish but I guess first tri scares me a bit as a lot of people, understandly, post when things aren't going well....and I feel I need to keep away from things that raise my stress levels right now. Hopefully I will feel less knackered-anxious-sicky-tired-emotional soon and have a great scan and feel more able to post and reassure others! I have been reading my pregnancy books and sneaking looks at birth stories and maternity clothes online though...thats all fun.

Happy 4 day weeks ladies.

Chat soon.
Hey buxom Clanger. Heh heh. I am really happy to hear that you are "feeling" pregnant. :) Totally understand how you want to keep things under wrap first and not want to venture back to the first tri forums. You return when you are ready :)

I am having a really low day today unfortunately. A friend of mine announced she is pregnant yesterday over dinner. I had suspected and was concerned that I would feel resentful if/when she finally told everybody. Thankfully, I felt really, really happy for her. I am very excited for her and her husband. However, what I did feel is incredibly sad about my own situation. She had only tried for a month and got pregnant in cycle 2. I cannot help but wonder "what is wrong". I know stats tell people its normal to take up to a year, but 99% of people I know got pregnant immediately! Cycle 6 is harder for me than I envisaged. My mind is going into overdrive. I appear to be ovulating (OPKs and temping seems to suggests it). So what could it be? Blocked tubes? "Hostile" environment? What if it's DH? I would absolutely hate that. Sometimes I feel like I do not want to share my sadness with DH just in case there is an issue with his soldiers- I would hate for him to feel bad about anything! I have my appt soon so hopefully that will help to cover a few bases. I know it is a step in the right direction but I feel like I am losing some hope. :( Hopefully this is just temporary.

On another note, I wanted to seek your thoughts on something. This is gross so be warned. Recently, DH and I have been DTD a lot more of course. After BD I notice a kinda fishy smell. There is no itch. I will of course speak to my GP about this on Thurs but outta curiosity, do you have any clue what it could be?
Hi lovelies

A very quick one from me because I'm at work but I wanted to share the news that we put an offer on a flat yesterday and it's been accepted!!! It's a little 2-bed garden flat in Crouch End and we're very excited!!!! What a relief, and provisionally the vendors have agreed to make it chain-free so we're hoping we'll have it by early September.

Soph - sorry again about your Dad. Sounds like it will be good for you all to make lots more happy memories over the next few months - maybe you could think about doing some things with him that you know he'd like to do - what pops into my head for my own Dad is that he'd love to go in a flight simulator or having flying lessons but he would be worried about spending the money on it - is there something you could do for or with your Dad that would help you know that you're really celebrating together the time at the moment?

MK8 - can't help you on the fishy smell one - it might just be if you're BDing a lot at the moment that there's more of your combined fluids mixing together more regularly or something? That's great you can be so happy for your friend, when something similar happened with me and a friend it took me about 8-10 weeks to get to that place with her. I wonder if there's any other friends you've got that are having trouble TTC but aren't sharing it? I think when people take a little while they tend to be less open about it generally. Your time will come soon, I reckon.

Clanger - that's understandable about not wanting to be on 1st tri and see all the posts where things are going wrong or people are worried - it can really bring you down and make you worry a lot, can't it? I also tended to avoid it for a lot of 1st tri. I'm with you on the pregnancy boobs, it's quite astonishing isn't it? I'm happy to help out with ideas for pregnancy and being a mum on a budget. My top tip is to buy maternity clothes off ebay in bundles - you can get about 8-10 items for about £20 in total. Bid in the last minute only so find items that end at the weekend or evenings. I'm going to try to hold off buying more baby stuff until we've got the flat as there's nowhere to put it - but I am feeling impatient to get more things!!! Also I read somewhere that it's advisable to get some stuff in 2nd tri because you've got more energy for shopping than in 3rd tri!!!

Catch you all soon, :hugs:
Evening ladies

Leeze, what fantastic news about the flat! Fingers crossed it all goes through for you - brilliant stuff!

And thanks again everyone for all your lovely words - it really does mean a lot.

We've had yet another set back, but this is the pattern with this year I think! Mr Bee got the results of his SA and morphology is really low - 3%. So essentially the GP reckons it is very unlikely we will now get pregnant without any help. Looks like my concerns about him forgetting about fertility referral were unfounded! We are both going to see him together tomorrow and will be referred to King's fertility unit for further investigation and treatment.

So it looks like I'll be entering the terrifying world of IVF and ICSI. Feeling kind of mixed about it, but I guess we'll talk to the fertility doc and see what our options are. No point in speculating or worrying yet - easier said than done though.


Anyway, mk8 - so sorry to hear you had a gloomy day yesterday. It is so hard when this happens, although it sounds like you are not in too bad a place about it. I hope that all this poking and prodding you have been going through will come up with some answers soon. I'm sure it will happen for you - stay positive sweetie :hugs:

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