London TTC buddies chat thread

Hi all,

Welcome back to the boards Sophiebee, hope you're managing this stressful and difficult time ok.I've not really been around much either...felt a bit much to plunge straight back into full on ttcing to be honest.Gave it a bit of a go monis charting opking etc this month.If need be hopefully I will be ready to convert back onto super obssessiver Clanger mode next cycle!Watch out ttc land!

Mk8 thanks for you lovely message it's so sweet of you to think of me.How are you lady?Thought of you as was eating a massive kebab last had anymore saveloys and chips lately?!Hope your sex marathon isn't tiring you out too much.Your period/spotting things sounds kind of normal for the first few months off the pill but can see why you would worry as it's not great to have these sort of changes in our bodies when we are ttcing is it...why can't they just behave!

Leeze...putting yourself first with work stress sounds like a great plan.So exciting your scan date being so soon.Sophiebee best of luck with your gp, you really do need a break at the mo with all the difficult things you are contending with.Thinking of you.
Hi Leeze - Great to hear from you my dear. Great idea to have a chat with your boss about the workload/stress levels. Definitely nothing more important than your health. I was unbelievably stressed at work last year and lost tonnes of weight (which was quite timely for my wedding but long term, it was terrible!). You deserve a happy and healthy pregnancy so you make sure you find time to chill out! Keep us posted on your scan in a couple of weeks too.

Sophiebee- let us know what the docs say. Hope they prove to be helpful.

Clanger- hope all is well with you too.

Date day with my hubby was good. BD'd yest and it was actually fun. We had a giggle unlike the feeling like it was "work". Here's hoping that stays. Still not totally carefree though. I am a wee bit concerned that my luteal phase is shorter than normal (last month 10 days according to fertility friend). That was my first month charting. Also, the brown discharge thing I am getting may be due to low progesterone- here's hoping that stablises to a normal level! Reading "taking charge of your fertility" at the moment- a text book! If you have any questions- gimme a holler and I can look it up for you ladies.

Take care. x
Ooooh date day sounds lots of fun mk8. And tcoyf...heard that's a great book. What have you learnt so far? Anything interesting? I have just started reading the infertility cure by Randine Lewis. She's a doctor and a chinese medicine practitioner who belives she cured her own fertility issies so its kind of a holistic approach to ttc.

The amount of biscuits I have consumed today, knickerwatch and my slightly irritable mood (read I am an evil bitchhead today) tells me af is coming to visit me soon. Not good...get lost slagface af...think she heard that?!

Hope all the London ladies are very well this
Thanks for the warm welcome back :hugs:

Just popping by to let you know that I saw the doc today and it all went really well. He was very nice and sympathetic and had some advice regarding my OH that we'll be following up on. He also thought it was worth while getting the ball rolling for me and has booked me in for a 21 day blood test later this month. So things are moving at least. I think whatever happens we are now in the system so to speak, so it is one less thing to be playing on my mind.

That's it really, I'll try to pop by again later in the week for a proper catch up. Hope you're all doing well xx
Hello to my original TTC buddies :)

Soooo good to hear from all of you. Clanger, I am really sorry but I totally missed your post above mine for some reason. I think it was a wise move to take some time out - do whatever made you feel comfortable. But TTCland is no doubt bracing itself for your next big move! GO YOU!

I am doing well. No saveloys in the past week... though I am awful with junk- must cut back! Trying to eat a balanced diet! :)

I have learnt a fair bit on CM and on luteal phase. If you ladies want me to look up stuff for you, let me know :)

Sophiebee- I am so glad that things went well at the docs for you! Do keep us posted on the developments. Fingers crossed it all works out for you and Mr Bee!
Oooh look at you with the ttc knowledge can be our cm's that for a title! Does it have any new info about spotting in the luteal phase as you, me and lady bee all have this? My book talks a lot about changing diet to make cm less acidic !!!!So will need to read up to see if that means I can still have vinegar with my chips!

Sophiebee so so pleased about your successful app.Hope you treated yourself afterwards, very successful day for you lady.
Hey ladies

On the brown discharge, it says it may be due to progesterone levels. If you spot after an lp phase of more than 10 days, it may be tough for the fertilised egg to implant. It suggests taking vit b6 to lengthen lp. Dosages between 50 -200mg. Im doing 50 for now + 10mg on pregnacare.

Baby dust! X
Hey ladies

Me again! I have entered the two week wait. Eek. I am fairly positive right now.

I had a pretty cool day out with my old uni buddies. We went to Spa London in Bethnal Green- ever been? I don't live anywhere near there but friends recommended it so we trooped on over for some sauna, steam and massage action. The way I see it, seeing as I am not pregnant yet, I may aswell enjoy the "perks" of no bun in the oven yet!

We also enjoyed a very yummy lunch in Oxford Circus - yum yum. We were a mixed bunch of ladies- two mums, two married ladies (one being me) with no kids yet and 2 lovely single ladies. One of the mums asked me the all time favourite question "so... any children yet?" She's a really good friend but man, it really annoys me. Every single time she sees me, she asks me that question. I told her last time I said "maybe next year" i.e 2012 and shes still asking. WTF? So this time, I just said, "I don't know, we will see. When we are ready." She also asked about another friend of ours (lets call her Mrs C), who was there and said shes surprised that friend isn't pregnant yet. What's with that? Between us anonymous gals, Mrs C had a miscarriage last year and didn't really want to tell anybody. I love my friend and she means well but at that moment... ARGH!

Anyhoo... happy BD-ing S & C. L- hope all's well with the pregnancy :)
Hi everyone - I didn't realise there'd been so much action in here - great to see you all on here!! :hugs::hugs:

MK8 - I swear sometimes people that have no problems in conceiving just assume others can make a decision to have a baby and then get preg the next month. It's hard, isn't it - because she probably means well but has no idea of what's going on for you or your other friend. I've never heard of Spa London but I don't live that far from Bethnal Green so I'll have to check it out. I went to the Sanctuary once and was a bit disappointed really! :hugs:

Soph - that's great news about the Doc being sympathetic and getting started on doing some tests for you. Sounds like a really different experience from the one you had last year with the female Doc that wasn't very helpful. I'm really pleased for you. :hugs:

Clanger - anything interesting in your book? I got a good book from Zita West last year (I think off ebay) and it's all about improving your fertility through lifestyle and nutrition. I did make a lot of changes in the 9 months or so between my m/c and the BFP and hope these helped in getting the BFP. If AF has got you by now I hope you're doing ok :hugs:

I'm loving the sunshine in London at the moment, even though it's meant to go by Tuesday. Mr Leeze and I are going for a picnic this afternoon!!! I'm generally feeling lazy at the moment and although the nauseau seems to have eased off a bit it does still creep up now and then. I can't remember if I said but our flat sale has fallen through which means we might lose the lovely flat we want. :growlmad: On a more positive note we booked a 3-night trip to the Cotswolds last night to go over the Easter Break. It's in a 4 star Hilton and we got it for £56 a night including breakfast for us both!!! I'm feeling very chuffed about this indeed!!! Enjoy the rest of your weekends, catch up soon xx :hugs:
Hey all :flower:

mk8 thanks for that info about the spotting - I'd also heard that, but just to warn you that I've been taking a high strength B6 complex for about 8 months (100mg) and it hasn't made a jot of difference to the spotting for me. However, progesterone is one of the things they'll be testing later this month, so at least I will have an answer, one way or another. Will be sure to let you know what they say. Best of luck for the 2ww - really nice to hear that you're feeling positive this month. Fingers crossed this is your cycle :hugs:

I know how you feel re thoughtless comments from friends. I had to sit and grin while a colleague at work told me how she couldn't believe easy it was to get pregnant and that she'd fallen within a month of stopping the pill. The problem is that everyone is a bit wrapped up in their own lives and often can't see beyond that - we're all guilty of it (although I like to think that I'm a bit more aware than I used to be). Hope it didn't make you feel too rubbish though.

Leeze, sorry to hear about the flat, but that mini break sounds lovely! We've just booked a summer holiday - 2 weeks in Greece at the end of June. I know there is a risk I'll be pregnant, but I can't keep putting my life on hold "just in case" - besides, it might not be so bad if I am. I've read that there is no evidence of risk with flying, the only main issue is feeling sick in the first trimester, so I'll just have to deal with it if that's the case.

Hope you're all well - nothing else in terms of an update from me. About to enter yet another fertile window, so you all know what that means :blush:

Speak soon xx
hiya ladies

leeze- so sorry to hear about the flat sale falling through. but you know what, i am a firm believer that if things are meant to be, they are meant to be. another buyer will come along for you and a better property will be your next home!

your break away sounds absolutely fabulous. what a great deal! enjoy the break away with the mister. :) sounds like hes treating you like the princess you are with the picnic :)

also good to hear that the nausea is easing off a bit. do keep us posted with the bump developments :)

sophiebee- thanks the heads up on the vit b complex. i ovulated a bit earlier than last month this cycle (or at least i think i did)- CD15 instead of CD17 last month. so i am hoping for a longer LP. that said, spots have appeared on my chin- classic sign of AF coming... and it's only CD20. i have had 24 day cycles on the rare occasion... i hope this isnt one of those times and i hope this is my month. hubby and i have been working v hard indeed this cycle (heh heh). talking of which, hope you are mr bee are having a good time!

you're right about all of us being guilty in not being totally aware. i think i have been similar in the past. my friend certainly has my interests at heart, which is why i didnt go nuts at her. i guess its just upsetting when people ask me why i am not trying and in my head, im thinking "i am, but its not happening :(" yet another friend asked today. sigh. i just told her "when i am ready". she still pushed it though. grrr.

your two week holiday to greece sounds lovely. agree totally that you should not put your life on hold because of ttc. perhaps avoid places where you need to take malaria tablets etc but otherwise, enjoy and relax i say!

i met a lovely lady at spa london who gave me a massage (full body swedish massage- wonderful!) i told her i am ttc in case massage/oils affect it somehow. she was telling me how the most important thing is to stay relaxed. she said she was a "late starter"- she had her first child at 34 and second at 37 (i think). she unfortunately had two miscarriages initially and was told she couldnt have kids, but she proved that theory wrong and went on to have two beautiful and healthy kids. obviously i was very sad to hear she had to go through those miscarriages, but it was nice to hear that there was a positive story at the end. her little ones are now at school. :) talking of spa london- its not a plush place. its actually inside a leisure centre. but its ok inside. for £22 for 3 hrs, what can you expect i guess. it has sauna, steam rooms, relaxation area etc. if you are not part of a gym with those facilities, worth going with some girlfriends to just hang out i think. the treatments there are v reasonable for inner london prices and the masseuse i had (joanne) is excellent!

enjoy the week ahead ladies.

Mmmm, I love the idea of a swedish massage. Might have to treat myself if I get a BFN this month - do any of you sign up for the voucher deal sites like Groupon and Wahanda? You can get some really good bargains for spa days on those, so I'm going to look out for a massage!

mk8, I have had short cycles on occasion (I had a 21 day cycle once which was a bit scary), so I know how you feel. Hoping that it is different hormone changes that are causing the AF spots. How's it going, any updates?

I'm in a bit of an odd mood. We've been BD-ing away the past 3 days, but I'm honestly not that bothered about getting a BFP this month and almost hoping that it doesn't happen. I've entered one of the Race for Life events at the O2 on 7 May - inspired by my Dad's brilliant fighty attitude to being diagnosed with inoperable cancer - and I've got it in my head that I want to run the whole thing. I've never run before, so have been training the past 4 weeks and really want to finish this. Of course, because I'm new to running I wouldn't want to risk carrying on if I get my BFP, so I'd have to walk the race instead, which would be fine, but not the challenge that I set myself. So, yeah - in a bit of a weird place...

I'm entering the 2WW as we speak, so perhaps my TTC obsession will overtake the running one - we shall see! x
MK8 - lovely story about the swedish massage woman. I think there's a lot of truth in the idea of it being easier to conceive when you're relaxed - but it's hard to relax when TTC can be so stressful, isn't it?

Soph - It's funny that you've got the attitude this month that you're not as bothered about getting the BFP - I wonder if that might just be what gets it for you in a peverse kinda way!! Both months I got the BFP I didn't think it would happen - the first time I didn't ever get a positive OPK and the second time because one of the Doctors said you can't TTC in the same month as the HSG procedure I had (although the one I saw said it was ok so we went for it and look what happened!!!)

Good luck to you both for this cycle :hugs::hugs:

Hi to Clanger too :hugs:

I'm just counting the hours/minutes now till Monday when I get my scan. Had a tiny bit of brown cm yesterday and have been freaking out a bit. Hoping all is ok still because it's meant to be pretty common - but I definitely need that reassurance of seeing the little one inside me!

Almost the weekend, and more sun is forecast!!!! :happydance:
hi ladies

ive typed two messages but before i could hit send, my internet explorer took me to another website and i lost my text! grrrrr.

so whilst i had a v happy intro in my last two messages, i dont now! haha.

sophiebee- im loving your attitude at the mo. people keep saying staying relaxed really helps so hopefully, this is the start to you getting a BFP v soon! i think its great that you are doing the run. best of luck with the training and doing it in good time. hope your family are doing ok by the way.

on another note, any more news following the docs appt at all? fingers crossed it works out!

leeze- great to hear from you. how exciting to have your scan soon! try not to worry about the brown spotting. i can imagine how thats easier said, but my friends who are proud mothers of at least one kid had similar issues early on, but everything worked out just fine. hope you enjoy your weekend and try to relax! :)

as for groupon- yup - i signed up recently. love it! i also signed up to quidco for discounts on heaps of things. if you are slow on the uptake like me, do check it out!

as for me... bit of a rollercoaster at the moment. sometimes im fine, other times v disappointed. im on 11dpo and have been testing like a psycho since 6dpo. all negatives. i had a slight dip in temps on cd6 and thought i was out and felt really low. my boobs were sore and i was v v bloated. i thought af was about to rear her ugly head and my luteal phase had shrunk further! but then i had a glimmer hope when my temps bounced back up. i was praying that it was an implantation dip earlier. temps are still high but have dropped 0.01degrees since cd9 (36.61, 36.0, 36.59- my temps in general are at the low range). so i had hope. i was disappointed at 10dpo to see BFN but trawled through FF site and saw on the charts of other people, that most got their BFP on 11DPO. so i woke up this morning, felt hugely positive as i have been feeling v tired, stumbled over to the bathroom armed with 2 diff tests (internet cheapie and morrisons ept) and... BFN! i also feel low as i can tell dh is feeling worried. he says he is ok but i know better than that. i know its only my 4th cycle and i feel kinda guilty feeling this way when i know lots of people have waited longer, but for some reason, before i ttc, i thought maybe i couldnt. now im ttcing, im wondering if there is something wrong and its too early to go to docs to find out. sigh.

anyway, im a little more perked up having just eaten a kit kat :)

have a great weekend! x
Oh mk8 - I know exactly where you are in this. :hugs: My brother in law is getting married in July this year and when he announced the date last year I remember thinking that we'd probably be bringing a newborn baby to the wedding. Then I was thinking that I'd be quite heavily pregnant and would have to take it easy on the dancing. Now I'm resigned to the likelihood that I won't even have the dilemma of whether or not I should be telling people - but at least I have a dress that I'll still fit into...

Just try to remember that it takes on average 6-12 months, so you are still within the early days window. I know it doesn't feel like it, but the statistics are on your side. If you have a sympathetic GP you might be able to ask for the 21 day blood test (the thing I'm having next week), but I don't know how easy that is to get in the early days of TTC. The first doc I saw about my spotting issue was really dismissive and made me feel quite stupid for bringing it up, so it's a chance you have to take I guess. I will report back on my blood test as soon as I have the results - it's happening on Thursday morning, but I'm guessing with the bank holiday weekend I probably won't hear back until after Easter.

I think 11DPO is still quite early to get a BFP and there are some people who don't see theirs until 14DPO or later - you 'aint out yet sweetheart!

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. I was going to see a friend and his new born baby this afternoon, but I've decided I can't really face it and am going to have a chilled out day instead. We are planning a trip to the garden centre tomorrow as our back garden is HORRENDOUS and needs a bit of a miracle - or some super strength weed killer anyway. Might have a BBQ tomorrow if we make the garden look a little less like something from a horror movie :haha:

Take it easy everyone!
Soph xx
Hey all

Soph- thank you so much for your kind words, they really meant a lot to me. This TTC malarky is much more stressful than I imagined. I knew at the start that it could take a while but getting the BFNs month after month is harder than I imagined.

Hope you managed to tame that garden of yours and get to enjoy a wonderful barbee tomorrow!

As for the wedding in July, I think you are right- enjoy being able to fit into your no doubt gorgeous dress! If you get your BFP before then- HURRAH! Celebrate like no tomorrow! But if that BFP takes a wee while longer, doesn't matter, enjoy all the wonderful things you can enjoy pre pregnancy- sushi, margaritas, exotic holidays to places requiring jabs, your training (for the run), the list is endless.

Take care y'all.

Big hugs and babydust!
Quick update... Spotting has commenced. BLAH! Not a huge surprise as all signs indicated the silly, uninvited cow would show. But oddly feel somewhat relieved that I can get on with the next cycle if that makes sense.

I have upped my B vit from a B vit complex (with 10mg B6) to B-50 (50mg B6). No idea if that will make an iota of difference, but worth a shot I guess. My LP increased from 10 in cycle 3 to 11 in cycle 4... not sure if the vitB was the reason but hey.

Hope you all enjoyed the lovely sun over the weekend. Thinking of y'all!

Sorry to hear the spotting has started, of course it's not necessarily the witch on her way but I know that I always pretty much write myself out once the spotting starts. Hope upping the B6 does the trick for you if you are heading into a new cycle. You sound like you are in a pretty positive place at least, but I know how quickly that can vanish on this old rollercoaster, so big hugs :hugs:

We didn't have a BBQ in the end, but I did have a lovely day with my sis and nephew, walking around Crystal Palace park and checking out the little zoo they have there. Lots of fun!

Only 4 days of work this week and then a lovely long break over Easter - not going anywhere, but 11 days off work is going to be BLISS!
Hi ladies,

Well you all know why I have been away from here...terrified but over the moon and starting to believe it now...ready to be back here with you all my London ladies!

MK8 sorry about the spotting...I had a few days of my normal spotting with both my bfps so don't count yourself out just yet...but I know how horrible it feels whe you kinda know af is on her way. Spotting sucks. Your spa day sounds fantastic though. Heard of that place and great to get a good review from you. Brilliant attitude re enjoying sushi, saunas and some kinda alcohol that begins with s (strongbow? surely you're all too classy for that!)...and eveything else fun that you can do pre pregnancy.

Crystal palace park sounds fab Sophiebee...did you see the dinasaurs??? Leeze, hope you and the bump were spoilt this weekend.

Chat soon.
Hi everyone

Just thought I'd say hello and check how you're all doing!! :hi:

MK8 - like Clanger says - don't rule yourself out yet. I know for me sometimes it was easier to imagine I was out earlier on and then I felt less disappointed somehow when AF came, but you're never out until AF fully rears her ugly head. Also, I really relate to what you're saying about worrying that it won't happen, believe me I was there for months and months. But like SophieBee says, normally it takes 6-12 months for a first pregnancy, and I think every month you learn new things you can do or maybe get to know your body a bit more, or get to work out a BDing routine with your OH - so I think every month is a learning experience that all adds up the end. Remember that only something like 5% of couples take longer than 2 years - I know 2 years sounds like a long time - but I think this is a great statistic - if someone told you there was a 95% success rate to a procedure then I know for me I'd consider that to be such a tiny risk. Fingers crossed for you :hugs:

SophieBee - that sounds lovely going round the zoo with your sis and nephew. I think it's a good idea to take care of yourself and be aware of what is ok for you and what would be emotionally difficult - so I say good for you for being brave enough to not go and see the newborn. I think in these times it's really important you listen to what your own needs are and don't put others first. I've got the week off next week too - I can't wait to have 11 days off - and me and Mr Leeze are going to the Cotswolds for 3 nights for a little break. I can't wait to have some lovely relaxation time! Are you doing anything nice over the break? More garden tidying up ready for BBQ season, maybe? :hugs:

Clanger - glad you made it back to the boards. How are you doing? It's natural to be terrified, this is such a big and important thing to happen - but I'm glad it's starting to sink in now. I know it's much easier to say than to do but really try your best to relax if you can - and do things that make you feel good and aren't stressful. Any sickness coming in yet? I bet you'll be happy when you first feel sick and then within a few days will want it to go away!!!! I'm so pleased for you - and I think it's a good sign for this being a lucky thread again!!! :hugs:

I had my scan today - they put my dates forward again so now I'm back to 11 weeks and 6 days and my new EDD is 1st November. It was an amazing experience and I'm so happy to have seen something that now looks like a little baby rather than a prawn!!! :happydance::happydance: I've started telling people at work today, texting friends, and phoned my brother too -and the responses I've got have been lovely. It is definitely feeling more real now!!! Still terrifying though!!

Catch up soon, hope you're all enjoying the sunshine!! :hugs::hugs:

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