London TTC buddies chat thread

Hey girls

I wanted to pick your brain about something. Remember I had the ultrasound and bloods last month because of pelvic pain and the doc wanted to check it wasn't cancer etc etc?

Well, I got a copy of the results. The doc confirmed:
- no thyroid issue
- no cysts
- free androgen index was slightly elevated (suggests PCOS) but scan confirmed no PCOS
He did not confirm if I was ovulating or had any hormonal balances because the bloods were not carried out on certain days in the cycle. He just wanted to check that things were generally OK.

Now I know you are not docs (I dont think) but I thought I would throw them out there to see if they mean anything to anybody.

- Uterus anteverted and appears normal in size, shape and echopattern. Measures 76x36x46mm.
- Endometrius appears thin and regular measuring 7mm; LMP=3/7
- Both ovaries appear normal in size, shape and echotexture
- No free fluids or adnexal masses seen.

BLOODS (done on CD9, I think I ovulate on CD16)
(A whole load of results relating to full blood count - which appeared fine, won't post that here).
- Serum FSH level 3.0u/L
- Serum LH Level 2.8 u/L
- Serum progesterone <1 nmol/L. No biochemical indication of ovulation.
- Serum testosterone 2.3 nmol/L (0.5-3.0)
- Serum sex hormne glob 26 nmol/L (20-125)
- Free androgen index HI 8.8 (1.2-5.3) SR

Anybody have any thoughts?

I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what to make of most of those test results I'm afraid mk8! :haha:
I guess the scan results look pretty good - if you were CD9 you'd expect the endometrius to be a bit on the thin side, so I wouldn't have thought that was anything to worry about. No clue on the hormone levels, other than the FSH one looks good (isn't it meant to be bad if it is higher than 10 or something?)

Anyone else got any ideas?

Thanks for your kind words as well - and for the positive story, it really does help. Really hoping that if nothing else the holiday helps me to relax a little bit.

Got a bit of a mega week on and we fly off early Saturday afternoon, so no idea if I'll get a chance to come back on before I go. If not, enjoy the rest of the month - keeping my fingers crossed that this is your cycle!!

I have no idea either Sophie. Heh heh heh.

Enjoy your holiday Sophie. Try to leave any TTC thoughts and worries behind and just enjoy spending some time with the darling hubby. It will be fabulous to enjoy the sun.

Bon voyage!
Also been sneezing my head off and snotting with hayfever....especially on public transport!

Mk8 sorry lovely those results are like a foriegn language to me. Think there might be forums on the web where you can ask questions to docs or microbiologists directly so could you have a look for something like that? It's frustrating when we don't know what results mean isn't it...BUT am sure doc would have brought it up if there was anything out of whack. I honestly think the next sensible step for you is for hubster to get his swimmers looked at as all your results look great so far. Hope you are still feeling good at the mo despite the snotty hayfever!

SophieBee...have an absolutely fabulous holiday. Hope you will be suprised by the impact that being away from work and the reminders of everyday life has on you and you come back feeling rested and strong...send us a virtual postcard!

Leeze....countdown to the scan hey. Bet you can't wait. Heard you can see the face of your little one really clearly on the 20 weeker and it will be a long look you'll get at your bubs!That weekend event looked fun, did you go?

Thanks all for your support lately! Was on an amazing high after the scan and feeling so lucky. Symptoms came back suddenly though and had another meltdown. Keep getting advised by midwives to be on rest when this happens and not to worry...but it's hard. Advice is always to call back in few days if stil worrying...which have done for nearly 2 weeks now...and get the same advice again, then call back again...then ait a few days again etc etc. If I have to carry on taking time off work and sitting at home worrying am more than happy to do that till December...but am going to push for some more investigations first as find the whole "unexplained" thing unsatisfying for something so worrying!

Have a good week ladies.
Hi lovelies

MK8 - good to hear your mood has lifted. Sorry, I can't help with anything about your test results - it definitely looks like a foreign language to me too!! But mostly it looks like everything is ok or normal from what I can make out of it. I would probably want to check out the one that says no biochemical indication of ovulation and find out what that means? It could just be because when it was done during the cycle, but that would be the only thing that jumps out at me as being something to find out more about. Re acupuncture, I had it for 3 months and on the 3rd month the acupuncturist said that my chi (energy in body in Chinese medicine terms) had become balanced and this was really good for improving conception. I then got pregnant the next month, I know I also had the HSG procedure but I can't help but think it had something to do with it. Also, once I got into the acupuncture I found it quite relaxing and I think this generally helped with my mood and the emotional rollercoaster of TTC.

Soph - sorry to hear you've been feeling down honey. I think like the others say that this holiday will be just what you need. Time to relax and have some fun time with Mr B. The last 6 months or so have been really tough on you and now you deserve to be pampered in the sunshine. You might find you come back with a different outlook or some new ideas of things to try. I think you should also hold on to the fact that things are moving forwards for you guys in terms of testing and possible treatment options - it might take a bit longer than you hoped to get your BFP and the little bundle of joy afterwards - but I don't see any reason from what you've said why it shouldn't still happen. Re acupuncture, I was quite cynical about it at first too but my manager recommended it so I thought I would give it a go. I think for me, it was just another of those things that psychologically contributed to me feeling like I was doing whatever I could to help things happen. But, if you really don't think it could have any benefit at all then it's probably not worth doing it! Would you both consider going to see a specialist nutritionist? My OH and I also did this - although it worked out about £150 between us I think we got some great tips. Mind you, I could probably remember most of it and pass it on to you (if I didn't already at the time)

Clanger - great to hear your scan went well. I can totally understand the worry you're going through and it's so hard not to worry after suffering a loss once already - isn't it? I keep worrying that something has gone wrong with my LO and I haven't had any spotting since 1st trimester. I think it's good advice to rest if the symptoms come back and try your best not to feel guilty about taking the time off work. In my view, the most important thing at the moment is for you to feel you're taking the best care of yourself and the LO.

I will definitely be very relieved after the scan on Monday if all goes well. I keep thinking I should be feeling more kicks by now and worrying myself that something isn't right. Mostly I'm still feeling good though, and the fact that my bump is expanding is quite reassuring in itself. Although I have still been eating lots of cheese and ice cream (not together!) so I think this contributes. We did go to the thing on Eel Pie island last weekend, was really interesting and amazing to find somewhere new and so quirky like that in London. I've just subscribed to 12 weeks of Time Out and we're going to try our best to do more stuff over the summer - I think there's so much amazing stuff going on in London but it's easy to forget it's all there!

Big hugs to all :hugs:
Hello lovely ladies

Clanger- Sorry to hear that your symptoms are back honey. I can imagine how hard it is to try to "not worry", how can you not right? But obviously staying relaxed is the best thing for you at the moment. Getting investigations done is a good idea if you think it will put your mind at ease. Hope you enjoy the weekend relaxing with hubby. I heard that after the 1st trimester, the placenta attaches or something and the spotting should ease off. Take care of yourself honey. xx

Leeze- so good to hear that the bump is expanding well. So exciting! Keep us posted on your next scan :)

Interesting on the acupuncture front. I went to a Chinese herbalist place on Thurs for a session of reflexology. It was only 30 mins and whilst the lady was absolutely lovely (she told me her life story and how she has been ttcing for 3 yrs with no luck. The docs told her nothing is wrong) it felt more like a good foot and calf massage than reflexology! The place does acupuncture too (done by the doctors there) and said it can help with hormone balancing and "egg quality"... may give it a go next month if I don't get my BFP... we shall see. My mum is a huge advocate of acupuncture.

I will try reflexology at a place local to me though- tried a couple of months ago and not sure if it was a coincidence or not but my LP lengthened by a day. Either way, I find it helps to relax me.

Can't wait to hear your update on nutrition! :)

Sophie- if you are checking in, hope you are doing OK.

Have a wonderful weekend ladies. xx
Hi ladies,

Hope you had fab weekends. Mine has been relaxing...trying to distract myself from worrying about symptoms. Just on advice from docs to monitor and report back soon and they will decide on whether to investigate further. I never thought pregnancy would be this terrifying! I am so, so grateful to be pregnant but the rollercoster of the past week and a bit has left me reeling! Had some lovely lie ins and time with friends this weekend though which has saved my sanity a bit!

SophieBee....happy hols if you haven't already headed off!

Mk8, thanks for checking in with me, you're a very thoughful lady. Reflexology sounds fab, I think there are currently trials going on into it's impact on fertility. Even if it just relaxes you that is hugely important with all the pressure you are under...a goof foot and calf massage sounds like money well spent to me!

Leeze, best of luck for tomorrow. Hope you have a lovely time with your LO, come back and tell us all about it. What you are saying re movemnts sounds pretty normal from what I've heard...that they start ver light and not very often at 19 weeks or so then oick up after a good few weeks to regular stronger patterns at 30 weeks. It can be hard when you hear stories of people who felt super kung-foo kicks at 15 weeks or something...but amazing you can feel movement and your bubs is letting you know he or she is in there...oooh will you find out tomorrow what team you're on? Also...please do keep us posted re London fun in time out...also want to take advantage if it all too!

hi lovelies

quick one to say all went well at the scan and we're on team :pink: !!!! can't believe it. very happy and she looks so cute in there. all looks normal too. such a relief. apparently the placenta is lying at the top and that's why I haven't felt much kicking yet.

MK8 - if going for acupuncture then I would recommend finding someone via the BAA. This is what my manager who is an acupuncturist told me - you know then they've been properly trained and regulated etc -

Clanger - being pregnant is very scary, isn't it? feels like such a responsibility. I still feel very blessed though. I hope your spotting settles down soon if it hasn't already. I know some women will have it on and off through their whole pregnancy, this feels very unfair and I hope this isn't the case for you. Trying to relax as much as you can sounds like the best plan

Soph - I hope you're having a relaxing time on hols

Hello ladies

Aweeeee, Leeze- a GIRL! WOO HOO! I am so happy to hear that everything went well and good that the lack of kicks has a good explanation :)

Clanger- happy to hear you are trying to stay relaxed.

I met up with my friend who had a miscarriage last year. She found out at her first scan and was naturally devastated. That was in Aug. Today she told me she's 20 weeks preggers! Woo hoo! She was worried why it hadn't happened after her MC as the first one came along v quickly but the BFP returned in Feb! Yeah! She has had 2 scans and all are OK. WOOPEE! So happy.

Me on the other hand- still waiting. I am hoping my time comes ladies. Today is CD11 and I noticed some pinky tinged discharge. We BD'd yesterday so don't know if there was a slight tear or something but wondering what the hell it is. I haven't O'd yet (OPKs and temps say nay) and AF finished on CD5/6 so its not like the remains of that (sorry to be gross). Do you ladies think I should be concerned? I went to docs for pain before and he had me scanned and gave me blood tests- all says OK. What on earth?
that's great news about your friend, MK8 - what a lovely story

I think some women can get a bit of light spotting just before or around ovulation. I wouldn't worry too much about it if it's just a one-off. You could always check it out with the Doctor just to be on the safe side, but given the range of tests you've had that came back normal I would imagine it's nothing to worry about. Like you say, it could also be a slight tear or irritation from BDing. I think when we're TTC we're so tuned into every tiny little thing that we probably wouldn't have even noticed before! xx
Heya mama of a beautiful baby girl to be :) Yeah, I am going to ignore the spotting for now unless it comes back. I think my doc will think I am a nutcase if I go back again. I want to be taken seriously should I want to go for fertility tests later (hopefully not required!)
Hey ladies,

Wow Leeze what amazing news, am so, so pleased for you.Firstly that your bubba is healthy and happy in there, are going to have a wonderful daughter.What amazing news...and how much fun will you have dressing her up!You deserve this and am so happy for you.Hope you are still on cloud 9! Ooh can you also tell me what your little girls movements felt like and when you noticed them...I cant wait to be lucky enough to feel movement!

Mk8....great story about your friend, she sounds like a brave and determined lady.Sorry about your spotting episode...I've had a little mid cycle spotting before normally after sex.I mentioned it to the practice nurse ages ago and she didn't seem too concerned at all.You've had so many tests and all looks great.Fingers crossed for a successful o time for you lady!When's Mr mk8 going to get his swimmers looked at?

SophieBee...hope you're loving the Greek sunshine!

I am feeling calmer the last few days.Had good chats with the Mr and friends and while I still get anxious about going to sleep at night after the horrible experience, I am doing ok.

Enjoy your weeks ladies.
Hey girls

Quick one as I am determined to get a decent nights sleep and head into work early tomorrow. So much work... EURGH!

Clanger- so pleased to hear that you are calmer. :) You're 14 weeks- enjoy it honey! My friend is now 20 weeks but is still petrified. She is really nervous still and I can understand why, but at the same time, I am sure that these bumps you and she are sporting are sticky ones :) Stay chilled.

Thanks for the info on the mid cycle spotting. I think DH did kinda "pound" me hard. His words "It needs to go deep so they get in there"- haha. I just remember saying to him "ow, I feel like you're hitting something". Haha.

DH said he would get the swimmers looked at in Aug. But not sure if he will when the time comes. I dont mind though, I am in no hurry. Today I have massively mellowed out (won't stay I am sure). I don't know what it is, maybe the reflexology session I had yest really relaxed me. But I am quite "whatever" right now. I think he is starting to get a little worried. He is out for work drinks Thurs and Fri and I asked him not to go nuts as I hear booze is bad for the little guys. We had "scheduled" BD for tomo night (CD13) and Sat morning (CD16- the day I tend to O). We want to leave it a couple of days because in the past, we BD on CDs 14, 15, 16 quite often and nothin'! So mixing it up a bit. He text me on his way to work and said "lets do it Fri morning as well", so I think its def more on his mind now. But i just want us to chill right now. x
Hey girls

Quick message to check that you are both doing OK with your bumps. :)

hi honies

just a quick one to say hello as my dinner is nearly ready and I'm really hungry!! I'm doing ok, feeling tired today and struggling with work at the moment. Wish it was nearly time to be on maternity leave - only 14 weeks to go!!!!!!

MK8 - happy BDing - I really hope this is your month honey. Remember to get some morning ones in if you can as the swimmers are meant to be stronger in the morning!!

Clanger - glad to hear you're doing ok and feeling a bit calmer. It's good for you and for bub that you feel as calm as possible

catch up more soon, xx :hugs:
Hey girls

Go feed your baby girl Leeze. Heh heh. Not long at all now! My goodness, how time flies! I remember when you were trying and when you first announced your BFP- seems like yesterday!

Clanger- how you doing hun? Hope you are still nice n relaxed.

Sophie- welcome back for when you return. xx

As for me, I got a positive OPK yesterday (CD14), which is earlier than normal. Most months I OPK I get a positive on CD15. Anyhoo, I was a bit put out because it kinda ruined my "plan" of BDing on O day without BDing the day before (so the spermies are at their optimum. Anyway, we actually BD'd on CD14 in the morning and again this morning (CD15). I intend to go for it an attack DH tomorrow morning too! Heh heh. Thing with morning BD though is that I can only lie there for about 30 mins and when I get up, DH's stuff falls out! Also, I temped and noticed a massive drop today... does that mean I am ovulating today? Hmmm.
Hey lovelies

Hope you are all enjoying the rare sunshine! I am about to pop out to have ice cream with my pregnant pal. :)

Sophie- You back from your holiday yet? Hope you are nice and rested. I had a nice walk out to our local high street, picked up some cheapo bits for our holiday next week to Croatia from delightful Primark and returned home with... KFC! How terrible are we? Felt soooooo guilty! But hubby is missing his junk food and I feel we have been a bit regimental lately with out routine. We have been getting it on this week but I am just not feeling confident about it at all. I am due AF half way through our holiday... GREAT! Lets hope she doesn't show up and we have a wonderful BFP surprise whilst we are away instead! But as I said, I am just not feeling it for some reason this month.

I am on CD17 today ladies. Temps dropped massively on CD15 (positive OPK on CD14 and CD15) so I was expected it to go whoosh up above what I imagine would be the coverline on CD16 or CD17. This hasn't happened. My temps went up from the drop on CD15 but its at the same level as some of the other temps I got earlier this cycle. Wondering what on earth is going on.

Enjoy the weekend ladies. x
mk8 - have you tried softcups? You put one of these in straight after BDing and they hold the little swimmers in. Even if you don't use them you should only need to lie down for 30 mins and the strongest ones should have already started their journey - but I liked the extra reassurance of knowing they were being held in place!!! x
Hey Leeze

Thanks for the tip but as you say, I think if I lie down for at least 30 mins, then it should be enough time for the strongest swimmers to get up there. :) I am not as upset this cycle as I was last cycle but I am definitely pretty darn pessimistic about the whole thing. I just can't help thinking there has to be something wrong given we have been having well timed BD for 6 months. I have found I am also pretty angry this cycle. I have been having a bit of a go at DH. He has been busy with work, working late, going for work drinks etc and I have been getting annoyed with him because a) we agreed to live a healthier lifestyle this cycle, b) i feel like the TTC stress is driving us apart a bit. Obviously getting angry makes it worse but man, this TTC journey is tough! When I am frustrated with it all, I feel like I want to point fingers - CRAZY!

After this cycle, I need to really mellow out if I don't get my BFP- no more OPKs, temping etc. Most of all, I need to find a way to just enjoy being with the hubby.

How are you doing Leeze? What about you Clanger?

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