London TTC buddies chat thread

oh, and I meant to say - Soph - I love the Gruffalo cake!! How amazing is that? xx
Hey girls- IM BACK! My trying not to stress plan didnt work at all. In fact, I think being away from BnB made me worse! No will power eh? Heh.

So good to see that you ladies are doing well. Clanger - cannot wait to hear the latest on your bump. Leeze- fabulous to hear that the exchange on the flat will happen soon- fingers crossed it all runs smoothly for you. No heavy lifting for you on move day mrs! Sophie- hope training for running is going well and hope that the next appointment with the specialists go well for you.

As for me, as mentioned, I am stressing. I am trying to not think about it but it is hard. It's good that I am going to work- provides some non TTC thinking time (though even then, it creeps into my mind). I just keep wondering whether something is wrong with me or with hubby. I feel bad going on and on about it and how I feel like I am a failure to hubby just in case it is him who may have an issue. Which is why I feel BnB really helps. I can come on here to vent to people who understand without risking upsetting hubby as much. I should feel really happy to be married to such a wonderful man and I am very lucky to have good friends, caring family, a job, my own place (albeit teeny tiny) but I just feel down about not being able to complete my family. I worry so much about why I am not pregnant yet. Cycle 8 and month 7 now. I wanted to pick your brains ladies, I was looking back at my blood tests and wondered if you knew anything about PCOS and free androgen index? Mine was elevated (above the "normal" bandings). Free androgen index measures the proportion of testosterone over something globulin (whatever that is). testerone was normal, though on the high end and the globulin result was in the normal banding but on the low end, leading to a high free androgen index, that was above normal bandings. High free androgen index is a signal that you have PCOS. But my doc said my internal ultrasound said I dont have it (I assume no cysts and no enlarged ovaries- report was brief but said that ovaries, womb etc was normal in size). However, I stupidly read up on google that you can have PCOS but not have cysts on the ovaries (apparently the name PCOS is misleading)... which makes me wonder, is this what could be the issue? Am I one of these ladies with PCOS and its stopping me getting pregs? If so, how does it stop it? Does it stop pregnancy because it prevents ovulation? But I think I am ovulating (I have positive OPKs and sore boobs during the luteal phase (I think caused by increase in progesterone, which is what you get post ovulation). My periods are also v regular since TTC (27 days). You see ladies, I am going nuts. But I know my doc won't listen to me right now. I also dont want to rush to him until hubby is ready to get SA himself (which he said he would in Aug if I am not pregnant by then. Stress city over here. :( Sorry for vent.

Take care ladies.
Hi all,

Mk8, great to see you back but so sorry you're feeling so stressed. I do know how it feels when time ticks by with no joy when you are desparate to make a little's crushing isn't it. I really feel for you. and am thinking of you. Re the pcos, what I know from my friend and others have heard of with pcos is that it inhibits ovulation therefore people with pcos generally have long reeeeaaally stupidly long hence making hard to predict ovulation and get preggers. I'm no ladybits expert but it certainly seems to me that you really don't have pcos....they tested you for it and it didnt come up. In my friend it came up straight away in the scan....they saw all the cysts and made a diagnosis. Your tests seem absolutely fine so far. Listen lovely, please, please try not to worry and imagine all sorts of scary things that are unlikely to happen. I know how hard that is as I am still worrying about my little bubster.....but we have to try to keep eachother in check! I think your plan is great...if no bfp get the swimmers looked at in Aug as a next step. The only other tip I would give you....and this is purely from my own experience and may be completely of the ark...why don't you and the hubby cut back on all the sex before o this month? Just saying this as on the months I got a bfp we literally bd-ed twice, or possibly 3 times the whole month...say on 4 days before o and then 1 or 2 days before o. I just wonder if sometimes all that sex can deplete the swimmers of any man without super sonic turbo sperm...and I know you and your hubby have been giving it a good go before o each why not put less pressure on yourselves and take a more laid back approach this month? Just a thought. Really hoping your bfp is right around the corner. Anyway...any Croatia gossip? How was it?

Leeze, completion hey? Very exciting, everything crossed for you. Did you get a pram/travel system yet? What are you going for? Any tips? Oooh there's a next sale online this weekend and they have some baby things and maternity bits too if you fancy a look! Sorry about the cramps, sounds horrible. You look lovely in your pic anyway and must be so nice to finally be sporting a definate pregnancy bump and to be feeling your daughter moving around!

Sophiebee...still in so much awe re that cake! Also seriously impressed re the running. Any tips from your holiday novel selection at all?

All ok wondering if I may have felt a few flutters over the past few days....could it be baby or just a bit o wind...I have been trumping for Britain lately! Anyway...had a sort of vibratey, fluttery feeling and one a bit like liquid shifting around....hoping it's the baby having a good old wriggle in there! Hoping baby Clanger will love dancing and jumping around as much as his or her Mummy does!
Hello all - and welcome back mk8 :hugs:

I'm afraid I know nothing about PCOS so can't say for sure, but I agree with clanger that it sounds unlikely that you have it. I'd have thought that there would have been massive warning signals with all the bloods, and your doc sounded like he was being really thorough - I'm sure he'd have picked it up. Sorry that you are feeling so stressed about it all. It's really tough to keep perspective and not imagine the worst, but do try to keep positive if you can. The numbers are still very much on your side and it could all still happen. At least you'll get some more answers (if you need them) after the SA in August.

Glad you all liked the cake! It tasted pretty good too, so an all round success. Just have to hope I can do it again when I make it for the little monster! It was actually pretty easy to be honest (not wanting to sound big-headed!). The main tricky bit was cutting the shape of the cake to resemble the Gruffalo, but given you then pile an INSANE amount of chocolate buttercream all over it, it's actually pretty forgiving. And using coloured sugar paste for the eyes and teeth means that it's quite easy to get it looking good! Still, even if it is quite easy, it looks impressive which is the main thing!

Holiday books - I got well in to the Song of Ice and Fire books. The first one, Game of Thrones, was made into a TV series recently and we both loved it so we started reading the books on holiday and got hooked! It was great because they're massive, so kept me busy for most of the fortnight. What else did I read...? Oh, I read Room by Emma Donohugh (AMAZING) and One Day by David Nicholls (good, but suffered from following Room).

Right, I've waffled on and haven't even got to my endocrinologist appointment yet!! So I had that yesterday and essentially they think I have sub-clinical hypothyroidism. My antibody levels are high, as are the TSH levels, but the levels of thyroxine, which is the hormone that the thyroid itself produces, are normal. In a usual situation they would be happy to monitor me without any intervention. However, because we are TTC they are talking about getting the TSH levels down into the normal range. They've taken more blood tests to see where the levels are (will get the results by email!) and have told us to stop TTC until they know what the next steps are as there can be serious complications. So I was right to decide to take a break - I'm glad I took that decision. Hopefully things will move fairly quickly now, but we shall see.

I've completed the scary form for the ACU and sent it back today. No idea how long it will be before we get our first appointment with them, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. It feels so strange to be referred to an ACU. Even though we've been TTC for a year now (and NTNP for longer than that), it almost seems too fast, like we've leapfrogged a couple of steps or something. But I guess they'll do some investigations and stuff and it may turn out we don't need any help. I guess it's good to be in the "system", but I do have really mixed feelings about it all.

Hooray for it nearly being the weekend! :happydance:

Soph xx
Hey girls

Thanks for the warm welcome back :)

Clanger, little flutters? YAY! Fingers crosssed for a dancing baby Clanger. Heh heh. How are you feeling otherwise?

Leeze- you too, how you doing with the pregnancy? Hope you are remaining relaxed through the flat completion/move situation. V stressful so make sure you chiiiiiiill.

Sophie, man, that cake was way too good. I wish I could have had a taste too! Thanks for the info on the books too. I think I need to get back into leisure reading. Something to relax and unwind. I have been watching lots of tele lately. Got into nip tuck but man, the storylines are disturbing me so I have decided to quit it. Haha.

But on your apppointment. I can imagine that things must seem like they are moving fast suddenly, but all a great thing and hopefully, the investigations will help. On the thyroid issue, forgive me but can you remind me of the issue there. Is it that thyroid probs can hinder conception or that it can cause problems if you get pregnant? I think you said the latter but my brain is like mush lately (well for the past 6 months to be honest!)

On the ACU- that's acupuncture yes? If so, how is it intended to help? Is the NHS paying for this? I have heard great things about acupuncture so fingers crossed it will help both you and DH (assume you are both going for it). I think everything that is happening is super positive. Staying hopeful for you lovely lady. :)

As for me, I am hooked on you ladies. 7am and I am here typing when I ought to be getting ready for work! So I am off.

Oh, before I go, Clanger, you're right, I think I need to be having sex after I think I have ovulated just in case. I also think that I shouldn't do the deed too often in a row. I have found a few months, we only bd'd like 5 times in the whole month but it was concentrated before O. So this cycle, hubby and I are doing the docs approach- BDing every other day from yest (CD8) up until CD24. Anything extra is thrown in for fun (though I think we will be too tired.)

SPeak soon ladies. x
Hi everyone and welcome back MK8 :flower:

Sorry, I can't really help you on the PCOS issue - but I agree with the others, it sounds like you haven't got it. Also, what Clanger said about Bding less - in fact, the month I got the BFP we hadn't BD-d for about a week partly because my OH had been for another SA and had to abstain for a few days, and then because I was told not to BD for the few days leading up to the HSG. From memory we then BD-d in the morning of the 2nd high day on the CBFM and then 2 days later on the evening of the peak day - most likely O day. Going by the dates we've been given from the scan and from the fact that we're having a girl then I would guess that the BFP came from the first BDing which was after a week of no BDing or "releasing" the little spermies at all. Supposedly if you have a girl you're more likely to have got preg before O because girl swimmers are slower but last longer so will be waiting for the egg to drop down, whereas boy swimmers are quicker but die faster so if you get preg on O day BDing then you're more likely to have a boy. Anyway, that's a very long-winded way of saying that I think it would be worth trying that next month if you don't get your BFP this month. Maybe try to have 4-5 days between BDing leading up to O to give the swimmers time to get nice and strong - and then either BD the day before O and the day after, or 2 days before and on O day - or just on O day? Might be worth trying it? Also, if you don't use pre-seed I would recommend using it (unless you get lots of fertile CM naturally). I know how stressful it is when you keep trying month after month, and how easy it is to convince yourself that lots of things are or could be wrong with you or with OH, and that 7 or 8 months feels like a lifetime - but keep reminding yourself that 90% of couples will get a BFP within 12 months - and you are most likely to be one of those couples. Also, come on here and have a rant to us anytime, we do totally understand :hugs:

Clanger - we haven't got a travel system yet but my OH has been looking into it - he's got right into looking at them all and comparing their specifications - it's a bit like he's buying a new car or something!! We're thinking we're going to get a Quinny Buzz 3 - apparently they're quite lightweight and easy to fold up but also you can push them with one hand which is helpful when shopping etc. Little flutters sounds like kicks to me, how exciting!! And the wind issue, ahem, yes - I've definitely had a lot more wind at both ends over the last few months. :blush: . There's a big mothercare sale on at the mo too so I've been looking at a few bits there, changing mat, baby bath etc. Feels very exciting to be buying a few things, although still doesn't feel real most of the time!! So, have you got your 20-week scan coming up soon? Will you be finding out which flavour you're having or do you want it to be a surprise? :hugs:

Soph - great that you had your appointment and it sounds like they're being very thorough. Good idea to get your TSH levels down and avoid any complications later. Well done for getting the form done for the ACU. If it's anything like the fertility clinic at my local hospital I actually got an appointment pretty quickly. I think I got a letter back from them about 10 days or so after the referral was made an our first appointment was about 3 weeks later. Fingers crossed yours comes quickly, particularly since you've had some initial tests already. I don't think you should feel like you're jumping the queue - if you read up on lots of medical sites the suggestion is that you should get fertility advice/treatment after 12 months of TTC and no BFP if you're under 35 and after 6 months if you're over 35. It's just that a lot of local PCTs have these crazily long criteria and hoops to jump through. On the reading front - I agree that Room is a fantastic book, I really enjoyed it. I've just finished a page-turning thriller by someone called Stephen James - I'd never heard of him before but stumbled across the book when doing a kindle search. I love my kindle!!! Anyway, keep us updated and well done for getting all the forms in and pushing on with the appointments. :hugs:

As for me, I've had quite nasty pain in my pelvis/bladder area for the last few days. I went to the Doctor to get it checked out as I thought it might be a urine infection. Apparently these are really common when you're preg. He said it looked mostly normal except a slight increase in protein but prescribed me antibiotics just to be on the safe side. I don't normally like taking them but apparently if you don't treat a urine infection then it can lead to a kidney infection and that can be bad for you and the LO. I'm still in quite a lot of pain although it doesn't seem to be getting any worse. The Doctor checked the LO's heartbeat and it was reassuring to hear it beating loud and strong!! Of course my overactive imagination has me thinking I'm going to go into premature labour or get SPD (very nasty pelvic condition that is pretty debilitating) - but I'm trying to calm myself down and hope that the pain goes soon and all will be ok. Otherwise we still haven't got an exchange date for the flat, seems to be dragging on but hopefully will happen next week.

Have a lovely weekend everyone :hugs:

Sorry to hear about your urine infection Leeze - nasty. I agree with you about the antibiotic thing, but best to be on the safe side. I've heard kidney infections are pretty horrendous, so if it helps to avoid it then go for it. Thanks for the Stephen James tip - I love a good thriller, so will look those out. Loving my kindle too!!

mk8 - ACU is Assisted Conception Unit, sorry for not being clear. Our referral has all gone through and we are just waiting to hear if we qualify for NHS treatment and to get our first appointment. Will let you all know when I hear more...

How are people enjoying their weekend then? Grim old weather isn't it? I went to the Tracey Emin exhibition at the Southbank today which was ace, but incredibly powerful stuff and I nearly cried a couple of times - but then I'm quite wobbly on anything to do with Dads or not having babies, so it's not very surprising! Really good though, worth a look (although the "trauma" room is quite upsetting as it is about her abortions, so bear that in mind if you do go). Tomorrow morning I'm going to start my training plan for the 10k, so that's quite exciting. At the moment it feels like it's impossible to run any further than I currently do, but then when I started in March I couldn't run at all, so I'm sure the training plan will work! EEEEEEK!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend xx
Hey girls,

Hope everybody has had a great weekend so far. Sunday morning and I am dreading getting out of bed (yes I am still in bed) as I have a heap of work to do. Sigh. Going on holiday is great but coming back to a pile of work is not. :(

Sophie- the exhibition sounds awesome. A friend asked me to go with her in fact but I will keep in mind what you say about it being potentially upsetting. Thanks.

Good luck with your training. I am so impressed! So what is your training plan?
I have put on weight lately and I really need to take a leaf out of your book. I just feel so unfit and thats the main issue I think.

Leeze - baby shopping sounds like so much fun. Hope we can all join you soon heh heh. It's great that there are so many sales going on at the moment. Take advantage! I can totally understand about the travel systems research- they cost more than my old car! LOL. Lightweight is definitely key. My bro in law bought a fancy looking one that weighed a tonne and they used it for 6 months then changed it, wasting lots of money.

So how are you feeling about the birth? Not long now. Or do you not want to talk about it?! Totally cool too. A lot of my friends took the "in denial" approach and intended to "deal with it when it happens".

Clanger- any more little flutters? Hope you are doing well.

As for me, I had a reflexology session on Friday night and I found it hugely relaxing. I love it. I have no idea if it will help with conception but even if it doesn't, I come out feeling more chilled, which can only be a good thing. The lady said I had tight shoulders from poking the soles of my feet and said my spleen area seemed a bit "tight" whatever that means so worked on that. Lurvely.

But I got hugely stressed yesterday as I was stuck in heaps of traffic going to my mums and then even more stressed in crazy Ikea (took mum to buy some new wardrobes for her place). Very tiring stuff!

Thanks for the advice on the BD front ladies. I had a quick look back at my "BD pattern" and it went something like this (predicted O day in brackets):

8, 11, 15, 16 (Ovulation CD16)
13, 16, 17 (No idea when I ovulated, no OPKs)
7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18 (Ovulation day CD17)
10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20 (O day CD15/16)
9, 12, 13, 15 (x2), 19, 21 (O day CD16)
11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21 (O day CD16)
8, 10, 14am, 15am, 16am (O day CD15)

Seems like most cycles, we BD'd on O day AND the day before so perhaps hubby's spermies are a bit tired/scant by O day! On the boy/girl spermy thing, hubby family all have boys so if I were to believe that this kinda thing is hereditary and given boy spermies don't live as long as girl spermies, I guess we should cut down BD before O day to ensure spermies are all strong on O day and DTD then. Am I making sense or is that total gibberish? Re-reading what I have written I sound like a total nutter!

Realistically, I think hubby and I have tried most things in terms of timing BD appropriately. I guess we need to remain relaxed (hah!) and just BD often as the docs suggest. We said we would BD every other day this cycle. But we broke that pattern already. We BD'd on CD8 and yest night- CD10 and then got a bit er frisky this morning (CD11). I did for a moment think "this isnt in thee plan" but decided "f*** it". Key is to have fun in life right?? Haha. Hubby and I are prob gonna work late tomo, hubbys then away Tues night so doesnt look like we will do any BDing until Wed night (CD14. That gives some time for his swimmers to recuperate I guess.

Maybe it will work this cycle, maybe it wont. Despite all that analysis I wrote above, I am actually in chilled mode at the moment. (Wont last I am sure). You're right Leeze, I need to put things into perspective. We have been trying for 6 months and 7 cycles with no BFP. Hopefully, BFP will come to visit me soon eh?

Take care girls and hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Thanks again for all your support. You are all fabulous! x
Leeze- quick question... where did you find preseed? I could only find conceive plus in Boots and have used that now and again. Not sure if the same as preseed or whether I should check out another brand?
Hi ladies,

Quick one from moi. Mk8 I got preseed it or you can get it from eBay!Think I have some left over....but it would be a bit mank sending a half used tube of lube to you in the post!Best of luck for this month...I agree you should just enjoy sex time with the hubby as and when you want.You are doing very well lovely as when I was ttcing spontaneous sessions weren't that frequent as got all caught up in timings etc!Ikea is always a stress inducer isn't it!

Leeze so sorry re your discomfort.Can totally understand that you must be freaking out a little.I know I've had utis before which haven't been picked up on the dipsticks so great that you have the antibiotics, they will kick the butt of any rogue germs.Hope you are having lots of relaxation...curl up on the sofa with your kindle and lots of water.Thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon.How sweet about Mr Leeze getting excited and into the research!

Sophiebee, thanks for the exhibition info.Not surprising you were emotional as sounds pretty overwhelming stuff!Listening to Katy Perrys firework makes me cry in public you ridiculous! Hoping things at work are easier for you now?Also thinking of you re your lovely Dad and the journey you are now on with ttc.

I reckon I have def felt the baby move now...was a little freaky like internal organs tumbling around....obv having a good old snuggle in in there...amazing stuff.Not long till the 20 week scan now, excited and terrified and hoping to see a gorgeous healthy baby boy or girl!
Leeze, dont think i asked how you were doing re infection. So rude of me, hope you're doing ok hun. How's everything else?

Yay to feeling bubs move clanger! Hope that makes you more at ease.
Hi everyone

I'm feeling much better today, thanks for your supportive words. I think it must have been a UTI because the antibiotics seem to have worked. On another negative note though the buyers for my OH's place have fallen through. that's the 2nd time this has happened - and we were due to exchange this week. To say I am incandescent with rage would be an understatement!!!! GRRRRRR. The only good thing is that the people we're buying from have said they'll give us a couple of weeks to find another buyer before they think about putting theirs back on the market because they're not in a massive hurry to move. So, it puts the pressure on us to get new buyers but at least we haven't completely lost our dream flat just yet. It does mean whatever happens there will be a much bigger delay in buying so even longer before we move. We've decided to invest more time and energy in the next couple of months in doing my flat up so at least it will be nicer for us to live in together until we get the new place and also will be easier to rent out when the time comes. Not the same as getting a nursery and new love pad ready but at least it will feel like we're doing something productive.

Clanger - how exciting to have felt kicks and to have your scan coming up very soon!! Will you share with us about the gender or are you going to be keeping it to yourselves? So, are you feeling more settled in the new place yet?

MK8 - you and your OH have had some serious BD-ing going on there!! I'm impressed with your stamina! I think it would be worth trying to space it out to every 3-4 days for a couple of months, particularly if you use pre-seed and that should help the swimmers stay alive inside you for longer. I got mine online too - I think maybe ebay or amazon!! I found the one where you get the little applicator thing to be easier to use rather than just the tube of it.

Soph - have you started your training yet for the 10k run? You're going to be superfit soon, very impressive and great to be in good condition for when you're ready to start TTC again.

Hugs to you all, I'm tired so signing off now for an earlyish night xxx :hugs:
morning girls, quick one from me...

Leeze, so sorry to hear about the flat sale falling through. i understand how frustrating that can be! but i think all things happen for a reason and you will end up in your dream home i am sure. fingers crossed that you find a buyer pronto. in the meantime, try to stay chilled for you and bubs! let hubby do the stressing! heh heh.

good to hear uti better.

oh, gonna be late for train so gonna dash.
Hi ladies

It's FRIDAY! How fabulous is that?! :)

So Leeze, how are you feeling today honey? Hope still positive. Fingers crossed that another buyer comes along quickly. My colleague was telling me how his house sale fell through recently and naturally, him and his gf were v angry and upset as they were in a chain. Especially as it took a while for the first offer to come in. They put it back on the market and hey presto- two people fell in love with it and a bidding war began! They actually ended up selling it at a higher price than the initial offer! Completions all going through soon now. Woo! So stay hopeful. I think it is a fab idea that you are doing your current love next up too- I am sure it will be absolutely wonderful. Who knows hun, maybe it will be better to move when you aren't preggers.

How is the pregnancy going on right now by the way? Not long! :)

Clanger- how are things?! How are the flutters? I cannot wait to have those feelings! How is everything else with you?

Sophie- how is the training going? Any other update from your lovely self?

As for me, I have had a busy week, both at work and socially. I went to Claridges yest for afternoon tea- LOVELY! As I am not preggers, I took full advantage of what I wouldn't be able to eat once I am! I am being very hopeful this morning. Obviously have ups and downs, but right now it's an up, which is great.

Leeze- thanks for the suggestion on doing the baby dance less frequently. Despite the plan to do it every other day this month, hubby and I threw that out the window. We BD'd Sat night and Sun morning, just because we were feeling frisky! Hubby was then super busy with work and working late nights etc. We said we would BD again on Weds (CD14) but he was too busy with work and I felt a bit run down so hit the hay early. Ended up doing the deed yest, so we unintentionally did leave his swimmers to rest for 3 whole days. Maybe this will be it? I *think* I ovulate on CD15 usually, but who knows. I am not temping or OPKing this month. But yesterday, I had more fertile CM than the days before (still not masses of it unfortunately) and my cervix felt high.

On the topic of CM ladies, I used to have tonnes of it. This sounds utterly disgusting but I am sure you have all been there- I used to have lots of EWCM- it oozed out of me, dangling when I went to the loo. Back then (I think over a year or so ago), pre-ttc, I found it inconvenient! Now, I seem to be really dry. Is it age or what? Any ideas how you can make yourself have more CM? I have read green tea helps but I am confused as I thought caffeine was bad? Hmmm...
Hi everyone

MK8 - sounds like a good plan to leave the swimmers for a few days, also great that you noticed some fertile cm. To be honest, I only noticed the egg white type about every 3 months or so. I tried loads of things to help it along. the month when I got the most I was taking evening primrose oil - from what i remember you only take this from CD1 to when you O. But I was recommended from the fertility nutritionist to use starflower oil instead - again only from CD1 to O - I didn't notice any EWCM when using this but did still get the BFP. I tried drinking green tea too, it's meant to aid fertility generally - it's ok to drink because it's got a lot less caffeine than regular tea or coffee. I think the advice is to have 1-2 cups a day. Also I tried the cough medicine and the guafenisen (I think that's how you spell it) - and didn't really notice any difference with them. I think otherwise you're meant to drink lots of water - and the nutritionist also said to me that eating lots of green veg is good for fertility as well as eating orange fruit/veg - like oranges, sweet potatoes, orange peppers etc - I can't remember why - maybe good for the uterus or eggs or something!

I'm feeling exhausted again today, only just over a week to get to 3rd trimester when it's meant to get really tiring - I think I'm heading that way already!!!! I'm trying not to get too upset by the flat selling stuff, not much I can do about it at the moment. I think it's best to be thankful that me, OH and LO are all healthy, we've got a place to live and so we're not going to be out on the streets if we don't get the new place in time!!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend planned. We're going to the Ben and Jerry's festival on Sunday on Clapham Common. Whoever thought of the combination of watching live music in a field while eating unlimited ice cream is a genius!!! My friends will probably all be having several beers/ciders etc - and I can gorge myself on yummy ice cream!!!! xxx
Hey girls

Leeze- that Ben n Jerry festival sounds awesome! Hope you are having lots of fun right now eating lots of yummy ice cream! Great day for it.

Clanger/Sophie- how are you lovely ladies doing?

Clanger - not long until your scan I believe- woo hoo!

Sophie- any more news with the fertility specialist? Hope that your training is going well for the running also.

I have had a wonderful few days. Went to Claridges with some friends for high tea - YUMMY! Relived my student days and went to a colleague's house party on Fri night (they were all in their early 20s! Myself and my friends were fighting for the seats so we could sit down! LOL. And yesterday, I went to a lovely seafood restaurant in Covent Garden to celebrate a friends birthday, then onto another friend's bday by Dulwich for more food! I am now officially nackered! Currently lounging at home contemplating on doing some much needed cleaning!

I had a great few days but yesterday, I got rather annoyed at how the conversation went over dinner. I was the only woman at dinner- hubby and 4 male friends. One is married and expecting their first child in Nov. Another just went through a divorce but has a new gf and hes very happy. All good. Except, the the coversation steered towards babies. I was saying how hubby and I want to go to Africa, Peru etc. The father to be said "when you going?" I said "I dunno, maybe next year as funds do not permit right now" (this is assuming no baby etc of course ladies). He said "I thought you were going to have babies in 2012?" (Something I randomly said last year when people were on my case about when I am having a child). I said "we will contemplate then, who knows what will happen". Of course they do not know we are TTC-ing but I was mildly irritated that he was questioning me about it. It's none of his business. I then mentioned a colleague of mine is pregnant (I set her up with the father to be so I was showing off my cupid skills! haha). He randomly asked "how old is she?" I told him 40. He said "WOW, old, thats high risk. You dont want to have kids when youre old". I was P8ssed off at that point. How dare he say when people should and shouldnt have kids? I said she's gone through the scans and everything is OK. He hammered on about how it is still high risk. I said yes, but there is also a very high chance that everything will be fine and they have undergone all the tests and they are. The conversation then turned to the divorced friend and his new gf. He told us shes 28. (He is 36 in Sep). I said "oh she's young". I didnt mean it in a bad way, just a statement of fact as everybody at the table are 30+. Anyway, expectant father said "thats a good age". Hubby asked "what do you mean?" Expectant father said "date her when shes 28, get married when shes 30 then have a kid. You don't want to have a kid late. Best to go for girls in their 20s". I wanted to kick him in his face! HOW DARE HE! I didnt realised we went back to the 60s. I said "if your reason for choosing your mate is due to their child bearing qualities, then I am seriously concerned". I was P8ssed off! Not because I am trying to conceive, but because I have friends in their mid-early 40s who are single and fabulous but trying to find their soul mate. There is nothing wrong with them, theyre lovely, theyre smart and they are drop dead gorgeous. This prick comes along and basically airs that he thinks 30+ is past it and not worth considering in terms of dating. How bloody rude! We are mates and he is a good person in many other ways, but his view of dating, marriage and family is soooooo diff and quite frankly, it stinks! HMPF..
Hey all

Gosh mk8, that dinner conversation sounds like a nightmare. It would have been all I could do to stop myself from becoming violent! People are often wrapped up in their own little world and have no idea about the situations others are in.

I often wonder if people ask themselves why OH and I waited so long. I'm sure they so, and I have to remind myself that there are good reasons why we were late getting going - we had planned to start trying when I was 30, but then I had nearly 3 years of abnormal smear results which ended in treatment. We decided to wait until that was all clear, but then as soon as it was my OH was made redundant, so we couldn't start trying then - particularly as we'd just bought a new house. All this put us back nearly 5 years, but all people see is a 35 (nearly 36) year old woman having problems conceiving. There is almost always a story, but most people just can't see beyond what is right in front of them.

How is everyone anyway? I've had a nice chilled out weekend, which is good because I've had a crazy week with work. Also, we're off to Bristol next weekend for a wedding. It'll be fun, but full on I expect, so it was nice to not do very much for a couple of days. Gosh but wasn't it a sad weekend for news? There just seemed to be so many sad things happening in the world. Made me very thankful to have what I do - lovely family, friends and a husband who loves me.

Nothing much else to report. I'm quite frustrated as I still haven't had the results back from the endocrinology appointment and I haven't been able to talk to anyone about them. I'll give the clinic another call tomorrow, but it's all very annoying. I'm also waiting to hear back from the assisted conception unit, which I'm trying not to worry too much about - there was a time limit on returning the form (3 weeks) which we were well within, but it's always a worry when you have to put your faith in the postal service isn't it? I hate just waiting.

Anyway, Leeze, I was so sorry to hear about the sale falling through. Horrendous. Really hope that you get some new buyers very soon and it can all still go though with the flat. Fingers crossed for you sweetie xx :hugs:

Clanger, how's you? exciting to hear about the movement! My sister is having an extra scan this week as the baby's tummy measured ever so slightly on the big side at the 20 week scan, so they are giving her another one - and I'm going with her! Bit nervous in case I start crying, but I figured that it worth the risk. As I said to my sis, either it is something that I'll get to see for myself at some stage so it will be interesting to see how it all works, or this will be my only chance to see one "live" so I might as well take it. Will report back after Tuesday!

Hope you're all doing OK - catch up with you at some point in the week x
Hey girls,

Leeze so glad you are better...that must have been annoying about your house too...why did they drop out, do you know?So frustrating for you....but out of your control so fantastic idea to focus on the pad your got and will keep everything crossed another more reliable buyer comes along.How was the ice cream.

Mk8 yaay to your positive mood and weekend of socialising and fine dining.That guy would have had an "accidentally on purpose"drink in his lap or high heel stomp on his foot if I had been sitting opposite him, what a sh*tbag for openly displaying those sort of misinformed and self centred views.You must have been fuming!Hope you had a good rant to your hubby afterwards.

Hey to you too Sophiebee, hope mission Gruffelo cake went well!

All ok here....busy but fun weekend.Bubs is wriggling around which is lots of fun...though sometimes it feels seriously my organs are being shifted...and I still get paniced about things.Guess it's only natural that with the scan approaching I start to hope that all is ok...just can't believe everything is going so well so far!Bump is noticeable now which is pretty cool as don't have to worry about being mistaken for an extra layer of chunkiness!
Crossed posts Sophiebee!Annoying re the wait for letters, really hope you hear something soon.If not then give them a call...often these things sit around wait for a signature etc for a bit and they can give you a response quicker on the blower.Hope all goes well with your sis on Tues.

I finally managed to speak to someone about my blood test results, which came back much the same as last time - high TSH, normal T4, high antibodies. All this confirmed the diagnosis of sub-clinical hypothyroidism - as expected. So because we are ttc they are going to start my on a low dose of thyroxine (the thyroid hormone) to try to bring the TSH levels down to normal. It sounds like I'll need to be monitored for this for the rest of my life, but it also sounds like it is a fairly straightforward thing to manage so I'm not too worried. The doc I spoke to also said the same as my GP - that we might find it easier to get pregnant once this is sorted. That would be far better than having to go through the whole assisted conception cr@p...

So yes, off to my GP again on Thursday (by which time I hope that he will have received something from the hospital) and I should be picking up a prescription! Don't know how much longer we'll have to lay off the ttc - presumably until my TSH levels are back in the normal range. Hope it doesn't take too long!

Also, went with my sister to her extra scan today. They are weird things - couldn't believe how much detail you could see! Anyway, all looked fine in terms of measurements, although they are expecting the baby to be on the big side - no major surprise as both my sis and her hubby are tall and baby no.1 was around 9lbs. Very interesting to see a scan though (and no crying! :happydance:)

How is everyone else doing? Any updates from anyone? How was the ice-cream festival Leeze? (I know it wasn't really an ice-cream festival, but that sounds like it would be fun!)

I'm still waiting to hear back from the assisted conception place, but I expect they won't want to see me until this thyroid thing is sorted out anyway so I'm not going to worry too much about that. I am thinking about sending a quick email, just to check they received the questionnaire - although I don't want to create a bad impression! Will let you know as soon as I hear any more.

And sorry, I kept not answering questions about the training! Yes, I have started and am well into week 2 of the 6 week plan. All going OK, although because I've now switched to doing most of the runs on a treadmill at the gym (easier in terms of time management) it makes the outside runs much more difficult! I'm hoping that it is mainly because I'm in a very hilly part of London, rather than anything else. Got up to just under 7K this morning, so well on the way to hitting 10K - and then it will just be a matter of finishing the race in September!

Phew! That has to be enough from me for now. Hope everyone is doing OK!

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