London TTC buddies chat thread

aw - it's so hard though, isn't it? the times when I really got my OH to take notice about his lifestyle, eating, alcohol-use etc was when I ended up having an emotional rant about it. I think sometimes men don't think about things in the same way we do. One thing that really helped us was to set a goal - like if we haven't conceived within 3 months then we will do the following - give up alcohol for 3 months, eat healthily, have early nights, do exercise regularly etc. somehow that prepared us both for that new regime and also made me feel like we were planning something quite proactive.

I'm pretty good at the moment, keep buying little pink things off ebay and getting excited!! My main complaint is that I'm feeling tired, I can't really get that comfortable at night and especially last night with how hot it was!! Yuk. And today I'm feeling very hot and bothered at work!!! XX
Oh - I should make that clear, we had already been trying for 9 months when we set ourself the "if we don't conceive within the next 3 months we will do the following" goals xx
Hey Leeze

Oooo buying pink stuff- so exciting! :)

I was wondering, have you moved now?

Clanger- how are you doing hun? Hope you and bump are OK.

Sophie- if you are back, welcome home. Hope you had a relaxing break.

As for me, I'm feeling lethargic. Very hot indeed. I went to pick up the last page of my bloods today- they missed it out last time. It was my CA125 test result (which I think the doc wanted to check for cysts and endometriosis- that's my guess. He wouldnt tell me at the time as he didnt want to stress me out.) Anyway, I dont know what I am looking for really but my result is less than what the number in the brackets is - usually the max normal range and after some googling, I think my number is OK (14.u/Ml).

So what else is new girls?
I know, buying pink things is pretty cool! We're still in the process of buying the flat, hopefully will exchange in the next 2 weeks or so with a view to completing anywhere between 4-8 weeks after that depending on what the vendors will agree to. Then we need to do some work to the flat so realistically it could be October or November before it's ready. Baby due 1st November so not ideal, but if we have to have the baby first then move afterwards then at least we won't have to worry about builders dust and being unsettled etc.

It's TOO hot today, isn't it?

MK8 - when will you get your next appointment with the Doctor so they can explain all the results? Or is it a case that they have said everything is normal and you need to TTC for longer before they'll do any more tests? Keep hanging on in there and tell yourself it WILL happen!! :hugs:

hugs to Soph and Clanger too :hugs:
Definitely too hot. Goodness knows how you pregnant ladies are coping in this heat!

Pink stuff is definitely cool! :)

I think it will be great to move after the bubs is born. You can decorate it and make it perfect for your own little family unit to move into :)

I actually went to the docs already and he said everything was OK and sent me on my merry way. I was just curious and went to get a copy of them to see what the numbers looked like. He said I should return at the end of the year when I will have been trying for "18 months". He thinks I have been TTCing longer than I have. He doesn't want to do any initial tests (SA, bloods to check I am ovulating) until 18 months because he said statistically, 95% get pregnant within 2 yrs. He wants it to happen naturally for us. As It's been 6 months in reality, I am happy to wait for a couple more months. DH is off to get SA in Aug if we still haven't got our BFP. I hope that there is no need for that! If his numbers come back great, then I will head to the docs demanding further testing. Will see what happens. I am in the "can't be bothered right now" mode.
Hey ladies, question re temping, ff confirmed o on cd15. Now cd19. Temp dropped a lot cd15, rose cd16 but not higher.than pre ovulation temps, stayed around the same cd17 18 so i figured it may have been a slow rise, but it fell this morning, did i o? Chart below, looks anovulatory to me. Hmm.
Hey ladies,

Yay to pink things Leeze!Have you bought a pram yet or nursery things?Hope your tiredness is managable and you sleep better tonight as it's a big cooler.
Did you see the whopper scary storm over London this afternoon?!

Mk8 yay to holiday shopping and Kfc!I took a look at your chart and it looks good to me.Looks like you o-ed fine. The dip you have about 5 days after o is called something....can't remember what but it's really common!Opks say you o and charting says you o so believe it lady...your body is working just fine!Totally understandable re the rants at Mr's frustrating when men don't take it seriously and ttc can be so stressful!

All ok here.Am feeling a little better...was so, so ridiculously tired last week.Getting nervous about my 16 week app now...eeeeeek!
sorry, MK8 - I'm clueless when it comes to temping. Good idea to go back to the Doc at the end of the year if you don't get BFP before then. That gives you another 6 months or so to fine-tune your TTC plan!

Clanger - good to hear you're feeling a little better. Has the spotting stopped now? Will you have another scan at the 16 week appointment? I actually didn't have a 16-week appointment, I had my 12 week one then the 20 week one. I couldn't quite work out why but it seems they don't always give you a 16 week one. We had crazy rain yesterday afternoon at work but luckily I was inside for all of it! It definitely helped last night that it was a bit cooler, although I'm still feeling exhausted today.

I need an early night tonight for sure, and am going to try my best to go for a swim before work tomorrow as I haven't been for about 2 weeks! I used to go most mornings and have completely got out of the habit of it because I've been feeling so tired!!

Not long till the weekend now!!! Hopefully we'll have some more sun for the next few days as I'm due to go to a BBQ on Sat and a picnic on Sun!! Xxx
hello pregnant ladies, oh i am so pleased to see that you are both doing well, albeit a bit tired. 16 week scan clanger- YAY! Leeze- your weekend sounds fabulous! I am off on hols with DH on Sun- yeah!
Hooray for holidays!!! Are you going to Croatia, if I remember rightly?

Oh and I forgot to answer Clanger's question about pram and nursery stuff. We've mainly got clothes so far and a baby carrier/sling - because we haven't got a nursery yet we haven't got much space to put things!! xxx
Yup- Croatia! I am due my period mid next week so I hope she bloody stays away! Don't want her getting me down or ruining my beach break!

Ohhh... all these baby buys sound lovely. :D
bit quiet round here! MK8 - hope you having a great holiday and hope everyone else ok :hugs:
PS here's my bump pic as promised!!

Soph - are you back from hols yet? How are you doing, hon? Xx


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Yes I'm back, sorry it's taken a while to come on and say hello but I've been so busy with work I've just been exhausted every evening. All the relaxation has been undone now :dohh:

Had a lovely holiday and didn't want to come home, but home I am and back to reality. Booo. Lovely to hear all your news and glad to see that things are going well. My sister found out that she is having a girl as well Leeze - how lovely! Very many congrats! :hugs:

I have my appointment with the endocrinologist at Lewisham about the thyroid thing next week, so that will be interesting. Unfortunately I came back to find a letter from King's saying that my appointment with them has been cancelled, but from the sound of things it might be a good thing. The GP had referred me to the reproductive gynaecologist, but when they received the referral letter they decided we needed to go to the Assisted Conception Unit instead, so they are forwarding it on there and the ACU will be in touch once they have "done an assessment" whatever that means. If I haven't heard in a month then I'll go back to the GP and find out if he can speed things along at all. With a bit of luck the thyroid thing will get sorted quickly and that will be an end to it. We shall see, anyway!

What else. Oh, I seem to have caught the running bug properly and have entered a 10K race on Clapham Common in September! This one isn't for charity, it's just for me, so we'll see how well this goes! Scary!

I think that's pretty much everything. Hope all is well with you guys and that you're having a lovely holiday mk8. I wish I had another 2 weeks in Greece. Or a lifetime for that matter x
Hey girls

Big sunny hello from croatia! Heading home tomo, boo! Wanted to come on to say hello. Sadly af got me on holiday, sigh. Had a good cry butnpicked myself up thanks to hubby.

Leeze, your bump looks so wonderful!

Sophie, running gal, woo hoo, look at you. Go for it honey. Great to hear you enjoyed your holiday. Great news about your referrals, i cant wait to hear about the next steps.

Clanger, hope alls well with you.

So girls, my lp seems to have extended a bit this cycle to 12. Its betw 10 to 12 days normally. I took vit b and had reflexology this cycle, similar to the last time i got a 12 day lp so i may as well cont with that. But one thing i have decided is that i need a month off from bnb. Even before ttc i was on here and wondering if i had issues with fertility. On month one it felt like an eternity, which is crazy. I have found you girls so wonderfully supportive and i feel very happy to have been part of your bfp news clanfer and leeze. But i think one month off will do me good. Just regular sex with hubby this month, no opks, no temping, just good ol fashioned bd! I hope to be back next month with some good news and sohpie, hopefully see some fab news from you also. Huge hugs to you all. See you soon. Xx
Hi mk8 - glad to hear you had a lovely holiday. Sad to come home and back to reality isn't it? I hope you manage to keep hold of the chilled out feeling for a little while.

Completely understand about taking a break from bnb - as you know, I do the same from time to time. Is nice to have the support, but it can be a place that messes with your mindset a bit. Take as much time as you need and we'll catch up when you're ready to come back.

I received a pack from King's Assisted Conception Unit yesterday. Basically we have to complete a questionnaire which they use to assess whether we will qualify for NHS funded treatment. If we do, then we'll get an appointment sent through, if not then they will offer us a self-funded appointment. We've worked out that we could probably afford one self-funded cycle (about £4000), so if it comes to that then we should hopefully get two cycles. We'll see what happens first though - it may well be that the GP was being a bit doom and gloom about our situation and we won't need the help.

In other news, I have spent the day BAKING! I rather ambitiously offered to bake a Gruffalo cake for my nephew's 3rd birthday which is at the end of the month. I thought I'd better have a bit of a practice and it turned out really well - I'm pretty proud of it! Have attached a pic for you to drool over. I reckon there is that much sugar in there we may be in danger of slipping into a diabetic coma, but it looks brilliant :-)

That's it from me for now. My endocrinology appointment is on Weds, so I'll come on after that to update you all (if not before)

Soph XXX


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Hey ladies,

Leeze....what a magnificent lady bump for 23 weeks!Your little lady is clearly very happy and comfy in there, you look fab!

Sophiebee welcome home, sorry about coming back to earth with a big fat bump but singled you loved Greece!Also great that you have a bit more info re possible next steps for you.And...that cake defies belief...I don't think I can hang out in cyber land with you anymore as you are a truly amazing domestic goddess and I not worthy.How did you do that?I mean.....seriously how did you produce something so ridiculously perfect...what a lucky little nephew!

Mk8 glad you had a happy hol and sorry about slagbag showing up.Great that your cycles are regulating themselves too.Totally understand you needing time know we will be here reading and waiting when you want to chat and rant again.Thinking of you.

All ok here....not feeling any definate wriggles yet...hoping to soon, come on baby get dancing!xxx.
Hi lovelies :hi:

I didn't realise there'd been so much activity on here!! When it rains it pours!!

Soph - great you had a lovely holiday and well done you for signing up for the September 10k. You are going to be super fit!!! Sorry to hear work's been exhausting already, that sounds rubbish. Great news that you're being referred to the ACU already - I guess they'll probably do some more comprehensive tests and you'll get a whole heap more info to help you make your choices about what to do next. How are you feeling about it all at the moment? What's happening next about getting treatment for the thyroid issue? Will you start trying again naturally too when you get that sorted? You never know... :hugs:

MK8 - so sorry to hear that nasty witch got you again. I know how disheartening that is. If it feels right for you to take a break then I'd say go for it, but remember we're hear if you need us. :hugs::hugs: Great news that your LP has increased, that sounds like a very good sign if you ask me. I hope you had a great holiday otherwise. I remember a couple of holidays where AF got me and I couldn't think about anything else for days afterwards and even though I tried to enjoy the holiday it was really hard. It can be so all-consuming, can't it? Let's hope that soon you will be able to look back at this time with a different perspective because a lovely BFP comes your way soon.

Clanger - thanks for your lovely words about my bump!! In terms of not feeling much movement, I've only just started to feel it in the last week or so. The sonographer at the 20 week scan said it's because my placenta is on the top. Maybe yours is the same? The best way I can describe it is that it's like little bubbles or tiny flutters inside - nothing like I've ever experienced before. How are you feeling generally? Hopefully you're feeling less worried about things now? :hugs:

I'm mostly doing ok, except feeling very tired a lot (especially at work funnily enough), often getting nasty indigestion and also getting bad leg cramps during the night. I don't want to complain too much though as I'm still over the moon to be pregnant and grateful for every week that passes by without any serious complications. I've been doing quite a lot of clearing out in my flat to make space for my OH who will be moving in for a few months while we get the work done to the new place. Hopefully we'll be exchanging on the new place in the next 7-10 days - this will feel like a massive milestone.

Sending you all big hugs and positive vibes :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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