London TTC buddies chat thread

Hey ladies

Sophie- I am keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you that your thyroid levels normalise ASAP! :) I really want both of us to get our BFPs and we can then move on to talking about baby names, which pram to get and what colour to paint the nurseries!

Sophie, perhaps I am imagining this, but didn't DH's SA bring back lowish results? Or has my brain gone fuzzy and I have confused you with someone else? If that is you, what's the latest on that front? I have put hubby on a fertility rich diet- heh heh heh.

Clanger- fabulous to hear about the wriggling! WOOPEE!

Leeze- how you doing honey? Hope that you are getting interest in your flat.

As for me, I had a moment of despair this morning. You know, I remember reading about people trying for 6 months when I first started TTC. I remember thinking "those poor things" and slowly but surely, it appears I have turned into one of those ladies I felt so sorry for. :( I keep wondering whether there is something wrong and if there is, what I would do about it, how long will it take to fix etc. I keep wondering if there are no sperm or if tubes are blocked. V morbid here. I should be grateful that I have such a fabulous hubby, I am, but I just want to complete our little family unit now. I know I need to be patient. Sigh...
Hi mk8

No, you're not confusing me - we did get results on the low side for MrBee's SA. The GP was a bit doom and gloom about them, but having looked at the numbers and done a bit of reading, I don't think they were as bad as they could be. Not ideal, but not unworkable. I have decided not to worry about sperm stuff until we've had another SA done by the fertility clinic as they will be able to give us much more information.

Sorry to hear about your moment of despair. August is our 1 year, so I know exactly how you feel. Hope you don't feel too rubbish - big hugs x
Thanks Sophie. :)

The plan to wait until another SA happens sounds good. I hear that even if SA comes back "below normal", they wait another 3 months to repeat to be sure.

Trying to keep up with your appointments...So you have:
- Endocrinology
- Assisted Conception Unit (ACU)
Is there another fertility unit? Or is that the ACU? You are ovulating I recall right? Do you monitor anything else?

I personally try not to but it's tough now that I have all this TTC jargon! I have 26-27 day cycle. I appear to O between CDs 14-16. My LP is between 10-12 days. At least that's what I think it is from the 4/5 cycles I have temped. OPKd etc. I have cut out caffeine (well that was a toughy!), I am trying to eat healthier, I don't drink or smoke anyway. We BD around O time. Im like an ideal blimmin candidate. Pah.
Ps the guy who P***ed me off at dinner with his "have a baby now" and "dont date 30 yr olds cos theyre old" comments bumped into my hubby today. The topic of babie came up as he is expecting his first bubs (well his mrs is) and he asked hubby what the deal was with him. Erm, was I not clear on Sat or has the thought of being a dad knocked his brain cells out. Sigh.
Hey ladies,

Sophiebee am well impressed by your running, especially considering you couldnt run fr more than a few minutes a little while ago and now look at you.Glad they are treating your thyroid and like Mk8 I truly hope it gets whipped into shape asap and you can ttc again with a great chance of a bfp.Also great to hear the scan went well.

Mk8 sorry to hear about your down day.6 months is a tough milestone.You are doing all the right things (apart from maybe overdoing it with the sex marathons and making us pregnant ladies jealous :-) ) and really hoping you don't have much of a wait for a bfp.Am cheerleading for you lady.Also afraid I have a serious problem with your rude friend....he would definately be getting his toes stomped on if I sat opposite him at dinner.

Big hugs to you too Leeze and your baby girl.
hey lovelies, had a great time at a work quiz night tonight. hah hah. also headed home on the train with hubby who was out with mates (inc the rude friend i have been mentioning). once again, he said "babies soon" to us. this time though, i just found it bloody hilarious. and we talked about babies in general and ya know, i was totally cool with it. weird! good, but weird.
thx for encouraging words too ladies. this is month 7 now so hopefully 7 will bring us some luck! another lovely lady announced her bfp on another thread im on. sooooo happy for her! she mc aug 10, had an ectopic nov 10 and just got her bfp now. keeping fingers crossed for her sticky bean. i like good news :)
Hi lovelies, you've been busy on here for the last few days. lots to catch up on!!

Sophie - that's good that you're going to get started on the thyroxine - hopefully this will work its magic and bring you that BFP. Sounds like you're in a more positive head-space at the moment and I think that all helps with TTC too - how lovely of you to be there for your sister and her scan. You are such a star. Hopefully it will be your turn soon. Well done on getting to 7k - that's brilliant. Good idea to get Mr Bee's SA done again as things can change over a few months especially if you've been doing the whole healthier lifestyle thing.

Clanger - have you had your scan yet? It must be coming up very soon otherwise? How lovely and exciting. Great to hear you're getting lots of wriggles and your bump has become noticeable. I like having a more noticeable bump although sometimes it annoys me more on public transport now when people don't offer me a seat because I think it's really noticeable!!!!

MK8 - That insensitive mate of your OH. I was practically shouting at him on the screen when I read it. I think people sometimes just have no idea about being tactful or sensitive and assume that getting pregnant is really easy - and also assume it's ok to talk about something that is clearly quite personal without checking with the other person/people first. GRR. Sounds like you're right in the TTC emotional rollercoaster right now - great you got a supportive OH. Fingers crossed it's lucky number 7 for you, you seem to be doing all the right things.

As for me - I'm doing ok. Pretty tired again today, it is pretty tough working full time and all the commuting etc. We've booked a week off work in 4 weeks time so I'm just trying to focus on getting to that. Then after that I've got 4 more weeks of work and then it's my maternity leave. I don't normally wish away the summer but I can't wait to finish work!!! I've had a birthday this week too, so I'm now 39!!! Trying not to feel too old!!! Going out for yummy vietnamese food tonight - can't wait!! No news on the flat yet but trying to focus on other things! Have a lovely weekend everyone xxx
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY LEEZE! Hope you had a great one. Your last one before you are a mummy! Wooppee! I hope you had a wonderful day honey.

What do you have planned for your week off? Enjoy chilling before the bubs arrives. Have you thought of names by the way?

Sophie- how are you doing? Training going well? Any news from the testing people?

Clanger- do update us on your scan :) More wriggles??

As for me, I am feeling rather down today. This TTC emotional rollercoaster can be so tough. I am on CD24. This is cycle 8, month 7. I got my hopes up this morning. I havent had any boob ache (like I normally do pre AF), I have been feeling v tired (though could be due to lack of sleep) and I had slight twinges in my lower abdomen yesterday. I think I am 9DPO today (didnt temp or OPK but typically O on CD15). So I took a test. BFN. :( I was expecting to see a light second line. :(
aw - 9dpo is still really early to see a line honey. most tests won't pick up a line until 10 or 11dpo at the earliest. those signs sound promising, fingers crossed that lovely line will come in the next couple of days xxx
- sorry, didn't answer your questions!! we're going away for both of the weekends during our week off but otherwise are planning to spend the time getting my flat in order - getting new floors etc so that if we're here for a few months longer and esp here when bub comes that we'll feel a bit better about it. We've got a few ideas for names but I'm not completely convinced about any of them at the moment!! I feel like when we meet her it will be easier to find a name!!! xx
Thanks Leeze, though 10DPO (I think) today and another BFN. :( I got in a bit of a state last night watching tele on my own whilst hubby was asleep. Had a chat with hubby today and he said he will book himself in for a SA. I will go for bloods to check if I am ovulating then take it from there. Hopefully I get pregnant before the more invasive procedures come into play.

DH and I are both losing hope though. I felt terrible as I was talking science to him- what could be wrong, blocked tubes, low sperm count/morphology etc. I said that the one I am v worried about is blocked tubes and started prattling on about how chlamydia could cause it etc (not that I have it, as far as I am aware). I wasnt trying to make him feel bad, I was just speaking out loud about the potential issues. An hour later, he looks at me and shrieks "what if I gave you Chlamydia?!" I felt terrible.

One things for sure girls, I need to chill out. I need to find some other things to do other than obsessing about trying for a baby. Picked up some new books and will get back into yoga I think.

Hope you ladies are doing well and enjoying the weekend sun!

I am about to pop out for a nice drive with hubby. Take care girls!

aw - sweetie. It is totally understandable to get into a state. This is such a big and important thing and you're anxious it's not going to happen for you. There's every chance it WILL happen but I know how hard it is on the road there. You can ask the GP for a general health check re fertility and they will do bloods to test for chlamydia, HIV/Hepatitis etc plus test whether you've got the rubella antibodies etc. Great your OH is going to get the SA done. But, most importantly - you're not out yet this month!!!!! xxx
Ladies.......everything looks good and I have a......BLUE BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mk8 that time of the month is so sh*tty not surprising you feel down.As Leeze says I wouldnt panic about the bfns yet....with this little man I got a faint bfp on an early test 16 dpo.My first bfp was a light line 14dpo after having a bfn 10dpo so maybe step away from the tests for a couple of days, everything crossed for you. I really think it's highly unlikely that your tubes could be blocked without you knowing and even if they were there are things that can be done to get you a bfp.I think it's a fantastic idea to try to focus on other things as ttc can be so all consuming.I personally find our very own Sophiebee completely and utterly amazing with how she has faced so many challenges lately but seems to have really found the strength to enjoy life and live in the moment.Seems running, reading, baking amazing cakes etc have have all played a part.Hope yoga etc can help you through the crap days too, ttc can take over can't it....lots of luck in finding some distractions.Leeze....cannot believe you are on the maternity leave exciting!!!!
Hello all

Clanger - a blue bump! How exciting!! I guess it all must seem that much more real now you've seen him again - I couldn't believe how much detail there was when I went with my sis for her scan. Weird... Have you guys started thinking about names yet?

Leeze - I am very jealous of the idea of maternity leave countdown! I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. Hope you aren't suffering too much in this heat...

mk8 - I'm with the other ladies, I wouldn't necessarily rule yourself out on a 10dpo bfn. I think yoga sounds like a great idea to help you relax - it is very difficult to completely clear your head of all the ttc stress, but that is one of the reasons I've stuck with the running as it really has given me that space.

I've been very grumpy this week though because I went to the GP to sort out getting on the thyroxine but he hadn't received anything from the hospital and when he tried to call he couldn't get through to anyone. All he had was my word, and although he believed me he couldn't very well write a prescription based on what I said someone told me over the phone. All very frustrating. I'm going back tomorrow and hopefully he will have been able to get hold of someone, otherwise we've got further delays. Doing my head in, all this hanging around.

Still no word from the ACU, so I guess they are still processing everything. More waiting! Mind you, I've managed to put on a bit of weight again recently, despite all the running (it may be cake related!) so I don't mind a bit of a delay while I get that back on track and sort out the old thyroid as well - we are on hold with ttc until that gets down to normal levels so I don't suppose the ACU would be able to start anything right away anyway.

Hope you're all well xx
Grrr just wrote a long message then got booted offline thanks for my crappy laptop. Grrr
Morning girls, back on my phone with full intentions of saying what I wanted to say yesterday!

Congratulations on team blue clanger. We have one boy and one girl here now, we need two more, you with me soph? Heh heh. Very pleased to hear everythings ok with the scan. Now you can shop for baby boy items and think of names! Clanger, you joined to nct classes? Friend recommends them.

Leeze, not long at all now until you get to hold the bundle of joy in your arms. So exciting. You have chosen your hospital right?

Your two weeks off sound lovely.

Sophie, the girls are right, youre amazing so im nick naming you supersoph! Sorry to hear of the delays in getting the meds and hearing back from acu. Hopefully things will speed up for you.

Af due tomorrow and temps dropped (just Temped yest and today.) Also lower than usual post o temps so guessing the witch is flying in soon. Poop. Doesn't matter, in pretty good spirits still. Going to see my doc tomo and want to ask for bloods to be done. Wondering if too early to get tested as its only been 7 months but think it may help the process.

Girls, its mine and hubbys 1yr anniv this month. Any ideas on what to do and buy?
Hooray!! I finally have my thyroid meds so can start tomorrow :happydance:
I went to the GP on Tuesday and he still didn't have my results, so I decided to complain to the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) at the trust and that got a rocket up someone's backside. This afternoon I had a call from my GP saying he had all the information and had written a prescription for me, which I could pick up directly from the reception. FINALLY!

So yes, much more cheerful now - will be on these for at least 60 days, after which time I'll have some more blood tests and they'll see if it has done anything to my TSH levels. Hoping they don't give me too many side effects (except maybe the loosing weight one - unless it is linked with the vomiting and diarrhoea one :haha:) but mostly hoping we can get back to ttc. Feels like it has been a long break.

mk8, I don't suppose there is any harm in asking about bloods, but remind me - wasn't hubby going to get a SA in August? It might be wise to get that tested first and then you can follow up with bloods for you if necessary. Just a thought...

For our first anniversary I bought hubby an old street map of where we got married - I work just up the road from Stanfords in Covent Garden (the map shop) and they have loads of old maps there. As year 1 is paper, it seemed like a nice and unusual thing to get. A nice photo might be another option...

How are you all anyway - are you melting? I am - can't wait for it to break tomorrow!
Hey Sophie, hooray to finally getting the prescription! :) I really hope that these meds do the trick and you can join me in the world of TTC soon! :)

Also happy to hear that you are more cheery overall. Good stuff!

As for me, I saw the doc again today. He made me laugh. He said, "youre back, it hasnt been 6 months (he told me to go to him when we have been trying for 18 months). are you pregnant?!" oh i wish! im going to get bloods done. dh is getting sa done this month. then we will take it from there. spotting has commenced for me. was due f today but it seems delayed for 1 day. got my hopes up until i saw the spotting! blah!
me again. very weird. af was due yesterday but it didnt arrive in full flow. instead, i had some pathetic excuse for spotting- more like brown tinged cm. so i had hope. naturally! this morning my temp was v low so thought no chance. up until 4pm i had v litle brown tinged cm - started to get hopeful then BAM! at 4pm i saw a little bit of fresh red blood. since then, i have dark brown blood - a v light period basically. bah.

boy, that was graphic. sorry girls but i felt this bizarre need to share that! i wonder what the hell is going on though. maybe the stress has got my hormones out of whack. i need to chillax!

otherwise, works been busy but had a nice evening with hubby and pals :) how are you all doing?


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