Hello all!
I'm very excited to see that there is no further update from Leeze, which I am taking as a good sign that she is very busy doing much more important things!!
I have missed heaps and heaps of updates, but I promise I have read them all.
Star - so glad you are feeling a bit better and EXCITING about the interview tomorrow. Will be sending all manner of positive vibes in your general direction! Mmmmm cheese indeed! I haven't had a chance to check out your vlog yet, but I definitely will.
mk8 - hope the doc appointment went OK today - do let us know what he said. I never had an HSG (interestingly they don't generally bother with those at my clinic) so I don't know much about them. I know Leeze paid privately for hers though, so it might be worth investigating that if you think it is worth a shot. We went straight from SA onto IVF referral because of me being all over-the-hill and well and truly past it at 35 (well, I was then - now I'm EVEN OLDER!

) Anyway - hope you got a bit of action and that things start moving for you soon.
clanger - so super jealous of mat leave I can't even begin to describe it! Mind you, I think at this stage I might just need a bit of a break - with or without the loveliness of a baby!
As for me, well I just wrote a massive update on today's nurse consult on my journal, but the abridged version is: injections are a piece of cake and the whole things is being delayed by about 2weeks, which means a planned embryo transfer (all going well) in mid to late January. Am ever so slightly massively excited now!
Have to take the pill for an extra 2 weeks, which I HATE

I am suffering from horrible teenage spots and have not actually properly stopped my period, which has been going since 31st Oct. MASSIVE SIGH!! Anyway, it will all be worth it in the end (please, please, please!)
Work is still stoopid busy and will be until at least Christmas, but at least that is not so far away now. It feels slightly less out of control this week, or maybe I've just got used to it
Hope everyone's well - will try not to leave it so long next time!
Soph xx