London TTC buddies chat thread

YAY Sophie :) Just read your detailed email about what happens in IVF. Shutting down "your system" they plying you with lots of fertility meds- the stuff us gals are willing to go through eh? Heh heh. Have you considered acupuncture with IVF hun? I have heard good things about the two combined. This is so exciting... PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE EGGS, HARVEST, FERTILISE AND CLING ON WHEN YOU GET INSIDE SOPHIE!

How is everybody else?

Well work was tiring today. AF arrived fully and I am soooo drained. Not sure if just AF or the stress of TTC. Either way I was nackered. But I ploughed on with work. Also heard a rumour that there may be redundancies at the end of the year. As odd as it sounds, I could do with a break. I would get a package that equates to around 9 months pay so I would be happy to take it if it were offered!

Sophie - thanks so much for offering me your CBFM. That is so sweet of you. But I have been talking to hubby again and we are wondering if perhaps I should move away from the OPKs, temping etc. It can be rather draining. On the months I didnt do anything, I was a bit more relaxed. And relaxed is good right? Oh I don't know.

Anyway, hubby gets his SA results (via phone) on Thurs. We have an appointment with my GP on Tues. I will show him hubby's results and see what he says. I see the following options:
- HSG for me if DH is OK
- Clomid for me if DH is OK
- Meds for hubby if his numbers arent great (not sure if he can take meds?)
- Tell me to go away and cont trying for another 6 months (feel my WRATH!)
- Refer me to a fertility specialist (which will take goodness knows how long)
Oh the anticipation! Haha.

In the meantime, trying to eat healthily, sleep well, exercise.

Leeze, Clanger - how are you and your baby boy and baby gal doing??
woops- forgot to say hi to you too Star! HELLO!
Oh rubbish I didn't get any new post alerts and look how many there have been!

Just popping in real quick will do a proper update later, but in case I forget!

Big hugs!!
Hi London lovelies

Just popping in to say hi - am feeling exhausted today after doing a bit of clearing out in the flat to make it better for when the LO comes. Sorry if I forget anything, quite a lot to catch up on!

Sophie - that's great news about starting the IVF. How exciting and probably a bit terrifying too!!! Do you have to do anything to prepare for it - take any supplements, cut down on alcohol etc? I really hope this brings you your BFP, honey, you so deserve it after the ups and downs of the last year. :hugs:

MK8 - I had 3 months worth of acupuncture. I was quite cynical at first but then got into it. The basic idea (from what I understand) is that acupuncture helps to balance the energy flow in your body and when the energy flow is blocked in some way it can be more difficult to conceive. It's recommended you go weekly, but I went twice a month - just before ovulation and just after. On the 3rd month the acupuncturist said my chi (energy) had balanced and was the optimum condition for conception. Funnily enough I didn't go the following month because I had the HSG that month and had originally been told by the Doctor not to try that month - even though the private Doctor then told me it was ok to TTC and we then got the BFP that month. The fertility nutritionist was at the same clinic as the acupuncturist - it was the Zita West clinic which is near to my work - they specialise in a holistic approach to fertility. It was quite expensive (I think about £100 to see the nutritionist and about £80 each time to see the acupuncturist) - but we were willing to try anything by that stage and my OH paid half of everything which massively helped!!! I dunno if any of it helped, but I think mainly it helped me to feel we were being proactive about things. Also the acupuncture became very relaxing after the first couple of times and was a bit of "me time" away from the craziness of work and TTC!! Grapefruit juice is meant to help with EWCM, I dunno if it really did or not, to be honest. I had a couple of months of lots of EWCM when drinking the grapefruit juice and taking EPO tablets, but then had a few months where I didn't notice any at all. I remember definitely on the month I got the BFP that I didn't notice any EWCM, but we did use pre-seed and softcups so I dunno if they helped. Sorry that AF got you, honey, what a bummer!!! Re paying privately for the HSG, I checked this out with the Clinical Director of the NHS fertility clinic we were referred to, and because we'd already been there for some of the tests and because there was going to be probably a 3-6 month wait for the HSG he said it wouldn't impact on us getting free fertility treatment etc (I think he felt bad that there was such a wait - but I got this in an email from him just to be sure) - but I definitely think it's worth checking out to make sure it doesn't have an impact before you decide to go down this route. It's great you're being proactive and thinking about all the options, and definitely don't accept the "95% of couples conceive in 2 years" one - I ended up breaking down in tears at my GPs when he wasn't going to refer me to the clinic and was telling me to wait longer - and telling him it was really affecting me emotionally, affecting my work etc etc - that actually did the trick and he made the referral for me there and then. Good luck hon, keep us posted with what you decide :hugs:

Clanger - I hear you on the hormonal nerves, honey. Hope everything is ok with you and you get some reassurance from the scan/tests etc. Great that you've agreed on a name. We're still struggling because we tend to like different names - I like more unusual names and my OH likes more traditional ones. We'll get there in the end, I'm sure!!! I've not really had any signs yet, and I don't think I've had any Braxton Hicks either!! I think this LO is quite content in there and not ready to go anywhere just yet!

Star - Did you hear about the job yet, honey? fingers crossed for you. That sounds like a lovely day with your friend's little girl. What CD are you on - is it possible the tiredness is an early symptom? I know you weren't sure if you ovulated, but you never know... :hugs:

Big hugs all round and lots of baby dust :dust:
Hello..... I'm new to the site and have been TTC for a few months....
I feel like I'm going insane wondering if I am pregnant or not and wondering if anyone has some advice.
I got some very slight pink watery spotting a few days before my period was due (this has never happened)... then day period was due I bled lightly for 36hrs (normally 4 days) then it all stopped.... started feeling queasy and had headaches in the mornings that followed and today (few days after poss period) I got some brown discharge.... only a small amount.... I did a test few days before I was due on and it was negative......
Any thoughts or advice?

Hi Kel, welcome to BnB!!

Sounds a bit confusing, sometimes our bodies play tricks on us and do different things with our cycles - especially when we're TTC!!! But, the main thing I'd say is that if you tested a few days before you were due on and you haven't tested again then you could always test again just to be sure!!!

Good luck hon xx
Hi Guys,

This is more a general to everyone post today. Still feeling unwell, feels like another sinus infection. Poo bags.

I didn't get the job, got pipped to the post by someone with conferencing experience. Not all bad though as they said they really liked me and I would have been next in and they may have other roles coming in.

I did some baking yesterday preparing for the batch of halloween cookies I want to do for the trick or treaters.

These were for me really hehe and they were yummy!

My baking class, for those who asked, went really well. They made some beautiful cakes!
I was very proud of them.

Leeze - Doubt it's that, my temps just aren't high enough, took a test any way BFN :( nevermind.
Hello all :hugs:

Star - those cookies and cupcakes looked YUM! I think if you're feeling unwell then it is practically a legal requirement to eat nice things - got to cheer yourself up somehow. Sorry to hear you're still poorly, and that you didn't get the job, but what lovely feedback. Here's hoping you find something really soon, or that the secret millionaire backs your fab cake decorating business.
Have you tried getting in touch with somewhere like the Make Lounge? They run all sorts of crafty classes and you never know if they might be looking for additional tutors. I suppose it wouldn't be a full time thing, and would depend how free your evenings were, but might be worth a look...

I did a spot of baking this week as well - made a berry drizzle cake to sell at work to raise money for Children in Need (something we do in the office every year). Slightly over-baked, but was still very tasty so I was pleased enough.

Oh man, am I hungry...

Kel - welcome to the site! I'd echo what Leeze said and re-test as you never know. Good luck!!

Leeze - not sure on what we need to do whilst I'm on the drugs, but will have a chat with the nurse when we see her on 10th Nov. We've both cut down on alcohol over the past few months anyway and I've been on folic acid for a while. I did read somewhere that brazil nuts and milk are good for egg quality, but I also know that it takes 3 months for eggs to develop so I don't know if there is much point in going down that road. Mind you, I suppose I'm speeding up development so you never know. I shall ask the nurse.

Hope you're doing OK and not too uncomfortable - getting so close now, seems unbelievable! So exciting :happydance:

mk8 - any update on the SA results? Hope everything was OK, but even if not then you at least have more info so you can get things moving. It was Mr Bee's results back in the summer that got us referred and things have gone at break-neck speed since then, so best of luck :hugs:

Clanger - hope all is OK with you hun :hugs:

As for me - well, the meds turned up today as planned. I've done the full list (and what I think they are all for) in my journal so do have a nose if you fancy. Mind officially blown - looking forward to seeing the nurse so that I can get to the bottom of what everything is :dohh:

Have lovely weekends ladies xxx
QUIck one as on silly mobile... Dh sa results.. the hospital messed up and he has to do it again!

WILl post more later
Hi Sophie - Glad everything is going along ok for you! How I wish the secret millionaire was to pay me a visit!

MK - How rubbish! I hate it when stuff like that happens. Good luck for your next go!

Sunday is our anniversary and next Sunday is my birthday so next week should be fun filled! I am feeling better so that's a bonus.

I just made a batch of bloodshot eyeballs for the trick or treaters. Looking forward to Halloween! I was going to stick so business cards to the packaging. Cheeky or ok??
hello girls

1142am on a sat and im here lounging in pjs. one of the positives of not being a mum yet! haha. im trying to remain chilled at the moment. no opks and no temping. i still cant stay away from bnb though! i love you guys too much! haha.

i did do some brief google action this morning about bacterial vaginosis (which i have had in the past - went to a gum clinic back in 2003 as i had an itch, no stds-phew, but mild bv that they said no need to treat. second time was earlier this yr and i went to the docs who suspected bv but symptoms went by the time i saw him (had about 5 days of it) so he didnt treat either), how bacterial vaginosis can cause pid and how pid can block tubes. im nuts i tell ya. stressed myself out looking at the computer. i will never get an answer on whether or not my tubes are blocked this way so why bother right? put down the google search and went to attack my husband instead ;) too much info i know, in fact, we didnt do the deed, just "other stuff". reason im sharing this is that it was nice to just be intimate for the sake of being intimate and not because we have a baby agenda!

hubby went to pick up a new form to do the sperm analysis again. he really doesnt have much luck with this. first time he was late getting to the clinic. second time they went and lost his sample! hopefully third time lucky! hes going to go early next week depending on what meetings he has at work. so after he has his sa results, i will take them to my gp to see what the next steps will be. have no clue right now. sophiebee- did your gp order the hsg or did he refer you to a fertility specialist who did it?

kel- welcome to our boards. i really hope this is your bfp month. the waiting game is no fun. but if this isnt your month, try to enjoy a couple more months of freedom as a couple, i am sure all our time will come.

leeze - oooo, i really cannot wait for you to announce that your little one has arrived. names are a funny one arent they? hubby and i have differing of opinions on boys names. boys names are just dull! haha. remember to rest up as much as possible.

star- sorry to hear about the job but great feedback! your cakes... OMG! how amazing are they? im salivating about going to stuff my face with breakfast in a mere moment! what do you have planned for your anniversary? it was my "going out" anniversary with hubby yest. he surprised me with a bunch of lovely flowers delivered to my office - big grin! this will be your last anniv before you get married right? woopee. and your bday next week- lots of spoiling for you i hope :)

clanger - how are you doing honey?

sophiebee- have been reading up on your ivf journal. man, so many meds. the stuff we are willing to do to have a baby eh? this is it sophie, this is your baby. i can feel it! look forward to the next update from you.

i shall end this post with some happy stories:
- my friend gave birth on thurs to a healthy baby boy :) she sadly miscarried in aug 2010, got pregnant again in feb 2011 and now has her first son :)
- another lady i know who LOVES kids and i imagine had been trying since she got married in 2008 is now pregnant. Made me have a fuzzy feeling inside. I am so happy for her. it may take a bit longer, but it will happen! i need to focus on that. i hope that i get pregnant naturally soon ladies but if not, there are things to help fix the situation. must stay positive!

take care and speak soon! xx
Hi ladies,

Hope you all had lovely weekends despite the drizzle.I had a lovely relaxing one with the hundred after a busy few weeks.

Mk8 hope you enjoying your loungey Saturday.Cannot believe what happened with the jizz pot.Your poor hubster.That's completely rubbish of the hospital, it's so hard going in for these things anyway and to have to do it again is ridiculous especially when you were all geared up to get the results.Hope you are both ok.Also sorry your mind and googling have been in overdrive.Totally understandable when you're in limbo land.Hope you had some lovely distractions at the weekend.

Happy soggy Monday to the rest of you.Leeze-how's the little lady doing?Sophiebee-wowsers at the massive drug delivery-hope you have managed to decipher it all!?Star-those biscuits look amazing-lucky trick or treaters!Welcome Kel-hope you've tested and got some clarity by now.
Hi lovelies!

What a miserable day outside today - maybe Autumn is finally going to hit us!

Star - glad to hear you're feeling better and what gorgeous looking cakes!! I don't think it's cheeky to put your card in with the eyeballs - I think it's a great idea! (probably a bit late for me to comment on this now given Halloween has gone now but I hope you did put your card in!!). So, have you got any new plans for the next cycle or are you going to see what happens? Any more ideas for your wedding? Happy Birthday for Sunday!!

Sophie - I remember the nutritionist I saw saying that orange and yellow fruit and veg are good for strengthening your uterus - eg yellow peppers, butternut squash, sweet potatoes - might be worth trying some of these over the next couple months. It's great that all your meds have arrived and you're going to be starting the next part of your journey. I've got everything crossed for you. You so deserve this!!!

MK8 - that is really crappy about the hospital losing your OH's sample. Like Clanger says, these things are hard enough to do in the first place - never mind to have to do 3 times!! Hope it all works out the next time. You can drive yourself crazy with googling things, hon - but saying that sometimes I think it can help to consider all the possibilities (as long as you don't obsess about them!). Have you got another appointment booked with the GP to discuss future options, or will you wait until you get the results from your OH's SA test? I love your happy inspirational stories, by the way!!

Clanger - Hope everything is ok with you and you're not getting too much 3rd trimester tiredness and discomfort! Have you still got swollen ankles, mine have swelled up in the last week or so? I'm wearing an old pair of trainers most days because most of my other shoes or boots are too uncomfortable!!! Good that you had a relaxing weekend, try to get as many of them in over the next few weeks!!!

So, it's my due date today and no sign of the little one!! I had a sweep yesterday at the midwife appointment and it was bloody painful. I think it can be different depending on how "ready" your cervix is. Clearly mine wasn't ready and I felt like she was ripping my insides out. If it has worked then it should start labour within 48 hours (so by tomorrow afternoon), if not and labour hasn't come on by next Monday then I go back to see the midwife again for another sweep - and then if that doesn't work I get booked in for an induction towards the end of next week. I'm feeling a bit impatient now, but
at least I know she'll be here in the next couple of weeks. It's funny as well, because my OH and I decided around about this time 2 years ago that we were going to try for a baby and this is when I started taking the folic acid and went to see the GP for initial health checks etc. We actually started TTC in the January - but it will have been nearly 2 years from start to finish which in some ways feels like a long time but also I feel really lucky that it has happened for us. I'll let you know (if I can) if anything happens.

Big hugs and lots of baby dust :dust:
Hi guys!

mk8 - Stop freaking yourself out! lol. I know I do it too but its not helpful. Everytime I get into that funk instead I go look at youtube or pinterest and I soon get distracted enough to forget I was looking for that stuff! Do get checked out though with the doctor if it is worrying you.

Clanger - Thanks, trick or treating went well, I was cleaned out of cookies! we brought sweeties as back up though.

Leeze - Good luck and :hugs: hope all will go/is going well! Will be thinking of you.

I hope you all had a happy halloween. we had a great time. I wasnt expecting so many trick or treaters but there were loads. The house next door had a full on grave yard in their front garden with thunder and moving spiders it was amazing! I might go a bit more all out next year but was worried wed have no trick or treaters like at our last place. How wrong was I?

I stuck my web address on the back of the cookies so hoping people may be interested in purchasing some for parties etc. I really need a job or something to do because I am going stir crazy at home on my own!

Cycle wise... I am on cd 50, no real signs of oving. I think I had one spot of blood yesterday so maybe that was ov day but I didnt get any ov pain so im not sure. My temps are pretty up and down too. Dont know whats going on. I am hoping my new doctor may be more helpful and prescribe me something or refer me to someone who can help.
star - have you ever tried maca root - either in powder form or capsules? I know a few girls on here who tried it and it really helped regulate their cycles xx
I haven't Leeze, i looked it up and seems quite reasonable so maybe I'll give it a go.

How are you getting on Leeze?

I'm in a proper funk today, nothing is cheering me up, I did some Zumba, some sewing, tidied the bedroom, had a nap, ate some chocolate and watched some bad TV (16 and pregnant is my guilty pleasure!) but I still just feel rubbish :( Hope I feel more cheery by Saturday!
Hello lovelies

Leeze- anything?!?!? I am so excited about this. I feel more excited about you than my friend of 8 yrs ...who I have actually met! Haha. Ooooooo the excitement. Soon you will be able to hold Little Leeze in your arms. I cannot wait to hear her name. :) BIG GRIN! (I kid you not, I really am sitting here with a big grin).

Star- woo hoo to the trick or treaters. We had none, but then we live in a flat and were out 9 last night. Heh heh. I really hope that things work out with your business. I think you have an immense talent there and you should definitely use it!

Clanger- how's your little one getting on there?

Sophie- I echo what Leeze says and totally agree that you deserve this. Will post on your journal in a momento.

As for me girls, I am doing OK. Talking of inspirational stories, I met a mount everest climber today (he went all the way to the summit- WOW). He wasn't that inspirational a speaker but I loved his piccies and stories. (It was part of a work conference I went to). Someone asked him a question - asked him how he was able to keep himself going ... his response "when there is a will, there is a way". I like that. I have the will- we all do, so ladies, we are gonna get there! YEAH!

Hubby went for his SA AGAIN this morning. He had his morning date with the jizz pot and sped it down to a different hospital, which he said was a lot more organised. Results in a week (I hope). I have booked an appointment with my GP for next week (Thurs), hopefully I will have the results to show him then. Depending on the results, we will see what the next step should be. I think the doc is reluctant to do anything for me until DH does his SA. So hopefully my doc will do something a bit more exciting when I see him rather than "youre young, dont worry, go away and try again and try to relax".

On another note (now this is me not relaxing), I have this irrational fear that I should get tested for STDs to test whether I may have had PID in the past. Now my sexual past is not colourful at all. When I began dating my hubby, I got tested for HIV and STDs (I like a clean slate). Everything was OK though clinic said I had slight bacterial vaginosis, that isnt an STD at all, just an imbalance of bacteria in my girly bits Ilike thrush) and he said that it should clear up on its own (no antibiotics because docs dont do anything unless it really bothers the patient). Now hubby never got checked (and I wasn't bothered as he only had 1 partner before me and her history wasn't v colourful either- although yes, I know it only takes one). Anyhoo, I figured I might get myself checked anyway as I am TTC, so if there is anything, best to know now and get fixed. So off I went yest after work to a clinic. Man, met the greatest doc. Found him helpful and hilarious and wanted to share our conversation:
Doc: Hi, I see you say you have symptoms (filled in a questionnaire before seeing him)
Me: That's right, I have had pelvic pain but I have been for a transvaginal u/s for that, which I imagine was to check PID, cysts etc and everything was fine.
Doc: You medical?
Me: Eh? (Thinking he was asking if I had medical and I panicked thinking I went to a private clinic rather than a freebie GUM one!)
Doc: Are you in the medical profession?
Me: No (confused face)
Doc: Just because you said transvaginal u/s and used v medical terms (I was thinking the power of Google and my fretting has made me obssessive and an expert!)
Doc: I need to ask you some questions that we have to ask everybody
Me: OK
[going to skip out the really dull questions]
Doc: Have you ever injected yourself with illegal drugs?
Me: No
Doc: Have you ever had unprotected sex?
Me: Yes, with my hubby as we are trying for a baby
Doc: Ah, OK. Do you have oral sex?
Me: Yes.
Doc: You on him, him on you or both?
Me: Me on him definitely. Him on me... not so much... hmpf
Doc: But you do both
Me: Yes yes (reminded me of an episode from sex and the city with Samantha in a sexual health clinic)
Doc: Anal sex?
Me: No (didnt want to go into we did it once years ago and I told him to get the hell outta there- I figure we are close enough for me to share this with you London gals now!)
Doc: HHmm.... I need to ask this next question but figure you will say no... Do you want free condoms (when I told hubby he said "you shoulda taken them, free! We need to get something for our tax money!.... maybe this is where I am going wrong! *roll eyes*)
Me: If I got an STD from hubby in the start of our relationship, can I still have it?
Doc: Unlikely actually because over the yrs you will prob have taken medication for other ailments and that would clear up your issue (interesting! I never knew that). Though there has been a case where a lady who claims she was celibate for 10 yrs tested positive for chlamydia, but thats rare.
Me: I see.
Doc: Any further questions?
Me: No... except I wonder whether you know what docs do to test for fertility (I thought I may as well ask right!)
Doc: Well usually the doc will ask you to get DH checked as that is less invasive, they then refer you to a specialist for more invasive tests. But you don't need to worry at all if it has been less than a year.
Me: It's v v close to that.
Doc: Dont worry, just speak to your doc if it has been a year. But I say try to do everything BC (before christ? what the?!).... before children!
I guess it isnt that funny really, but being in there at the time, I found him hilarious.
hello again!! not much going on here - had a bit of bleeding since the sweep on Monday and some tiny bits of stringy/mucus discharge - which I'm hoping is part of my plug. I felt like the baby might have dropped a bit yesterday because my bump looks lower and also I had some pressure very low down. So here's hoping there'll be some serious baby evacuation action in the next couple of days. If not I see the midwife next Monday and she'll do another sweep (please no) and if that doesn't work I'll get booked in for induction towards the end of next week. I'm really hoping it doesn't come to that though.

Star - I'd say check out the maca - my OH and I both took it for a few months even though my cycles were fairly regular - just because it's meant to have lots of benefits for fertility and a friend recommended it. It also helped me with energy levels. If you do get it I'd advise going for the capsules because it's not meant to taste very nice, and get the organic gelatinised ones as they're meant to be best (I think your body is meant to metabolise them better and they're less likely to give you indigestion etc). Sorry to hear you weren't feeling too great yesterday, hon - hoping as we get a bit nearer the weekend you're feeling a bit better xx

MK8 - that is funny your dialogue with the Doctor at the clinic!! You obviously impressed him with your knowledge!!! Re going back to your own GP once you get the SA results, you could always say to him that you were NTNP for 6-12 months before you started TTC - so that it's actually nearer to 2 years in total that you've been having regular unprotected sex - just a thought - it might help get you that referral and then you can get more tests done. That's really cute how excited you are about my little one - I know what you mean though, when I was TTC I would tend to get more excited about women on here getting BFPs or having babies because somehow I felt more connected to their stories and could relate to their difficulties in TTC - whereas a lot of my friends seem to have the sneeze and get pregnant ability!!!!

Hugs to Soph and Clanger xx
Stupid stupid B&B keeps losing my posts. I will update you all Sunday after the party but hope you are all well.

Leeze... you have been quiet... has little Leeze come out to play?! :)

Clanger- how's your lil munchkin doing? How are you doing? What have you been up to?

Star- I hate it when BnB make your posts vanish. Hope you are having a nice weekend.

Sophie- I wanted to share a great story with you. I have a friend who had been trying to conceive for three years. She discovered that she had blocked tubes from having surgery as a kid (for appendicitis). Well, she emailed me on Friday and told me she is now 15 weeks preggers! So wonderful! Waiting 3 yrs for that BFP is not something I want any of us to go through, but it gives me hope that it can happen. I wanted to tell you specifically as it was IVF that made it happen for her. I hope this works for you too honey! :)

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