Hey girls,
Hope you are all doing well.Have been ill and caught an infection this week, but hopefully over the worst and determined to enjoy maternity leave now!
Mamma Leeze, how you and your lovely Kia doing?Can't believe she's a week old already?How are you feeling?Sleep deprived, emotional and on top of the world I hope!I want all the details, labour (...please tell me contractions aren't that bad

) , first week....how's everything going.So happy to see your little lady and to think of you as a Mum.
Sophiebee....plans before you start the condown to transfer day?all sounds pretty full
On with the lead up but sounds as though you are being well looked after by the hospital.How's Auntieville?How's your whopper niece doing?
Starlicious...I need to watch your vlog...another maternity leave job!Sounds like you find
It therapeutic.Your looooong cycles sound really difficult but sounds like you are used to coping with them.How's wedding prep?
Mk8-hope your phone is playing ball now?How are you lady?How do you feel about taking the clomid?Really hoping it does the trick for you lovely.Remember you taking about the hsg a while ago and meant to say....a friend onmine recent had hers on the nhs as all other tests came back "normal" so they went to see a fertility doc who recommended that as a next step....he told them if it showed blocked tubes they would go straight to ivf (just like our Sophiebee has) not they would wait for a year and then get ivf in a years time (they've been trying for 2 years so far so longer than you).Think they found it helpful getting to see the fertility doc and talking it through etc.Anyway-doesn't sound like clomid has been suggested to her seems like it's waiting and ivf (and hopefully a natural bfp in the meantime!), so sounds great your doc is trying this for you!One thing I wondered (bearing in mind I have no idea what I am talking about!) was whether you have the opportunity to talk the results so far over with someone who is more specialised in fertility issues than your gp?Even if it's a specialist forum online somewhere.Insay this because I know you had a few questions about some of the levels and also as when I looked jizz results up on line there seemed to be varying guidelines on what is "average", while your gp sounds brilliant, as my gp friends admit they are not specialists so often dont have the expertise to
Interpret some
Results.It sounds like youve been through a tough time lately with it all and I just really want you to have the best advice and reassurance possible.I am
So hopeful for a 2012 clomid baby for you!Anyway...how's tricks outside ttc land?Any more fantastic holidays planned?
Have fun Saturday nights ladies.