London TTC buddies chat thread

My sister has gone into labour too! I got the call at 2.30 this morning - currently lying wide awake on a sofa bed in her lounge watching Perry Mason. I'm calling it extreme babysitting :-) Think I'll be getting an unscheduled day off tomorrow!

Hope all is going well with you Leeze! X
I have a new niece - Ellen Margaret, born at around 5am this morning, weighing in a whopping 9lb 14oz. GORGEOUS! :happydance:

Am totally shattered - had pretty much no sleep last night, although I managed to doze a bit this morning, but all was forgiven when I met Ellen. Am quite a lot in love with her.

Anyway, that's it from me for now! Hoping for an update from Leeze soon... :thumbup:

So lovely Sophie, congrats xx

MK - Double check the ivf thing because as I read it the NHS recommends up to 3 courses of NHS for everyone with a minimum of 1 treatment offered. Obviously you have to meet the requirements, trying 3 years and/or diagnosed fertility issues etc. So maybe he means you are not eligible yet. BUT hopefully you wont need it! This is just your back up plan :)

Let me know how you get on with the clomid, thats my next step.

We are getting married in a barn so it will be a civil ceremony. You just reminded me we havent given notice yet! Must do that ASAP! Any who, I am starting to turn into bridezilla as my bridesmaids wont stop moaning. Im starting to regret choosing any! First they moaned I chose red, then I chose an aqua/teal colour and they dont like that either. They cant decide on what style dress to wear, eurgh! So I told them listen, its my wedding when its your wedding I will suck it up and wear whatever you like! Pain in the bums lol. I thought I was being so easy going before then too.

Clanger - How are you doing over there?

I am going to do another vlog today. I actually might do 2 a week. I think 1 is too little... I got a new HD webcam though and that defo makes a difference but now you can see all my lumps and bumps :dohh: Oh well I am sure no one would mind.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Morning all

mk8 I've been thinking about what you said about the HSG and I looked up the information I got from King's ACU about the tests they run. I thought it might be useful to copy it out here for you:

Pelvic Anatomy

The woman will be offered a vaginal scan at her first visit to the clinic.

The fallopian tubes allow sperm up to meet the eggs and carry the embryos down to the uterus and nourish the sperm, eggs and embryos. Ultrasound examination is not a reliable guide of the health of the fallopian tubes. However, other established tests (HSG, HyCoSy and Laparoscopy) only tell us whether the fallopian tubes are patent (open/closed) and fail to give accurate information on other aspects of fallopian tube function. Hence we do not routinely offer these tests.​

So I think essentially all an HSG will tell the specialist is whether your tubes are open or not. If they are blocked, then IVF is probably the best option anyway and if they aren't then it is not this that is causing the problem. I can see why it might be considered a bit of an expensive test to offer as standard. I know that for some people it might work to kind of clear things out and make it super easy for the sperm to travel and leads to a BFP (like our Leeze of course), but I don't know if it always works that way - otherwise I'm sure it would be a much cheaper thing to offer than months of medication like clomid.

Also, I agree with Star - double check on what your PCT will offer, as it is very unusual for them not to offer at least one round of IVF. The NICE recommendation is three rounds, but not all PCTs will cover the all of those - we are in Lewisham PCT and they only offer one round. I've had a quick look on the IVF map on the Infertility Network website ( and it looks at first glance like all London PCTs offer at least one round, with some offering two or three - click on your PCT to see the full detail of rounds offered, waiting times and criteria. Do check though - you can always phone your PCT to find out. Unfortunately you will need your GP to refer you if you are going down the NHS funding route, but hopefully you won't need

Star - looking forward to your next vlog update! I don't think you sound too bridezilla at all! I opted for no bridesmaids in the end (my sister was my "best woman"), but I can imagine it is a bit tricky to please everyone! It's your day though, so you should be the one to please!

Hope everyone is well and has a nice weekend planned. We'll be doing lots of chilling out and cuddling the new baby I think :happydance:
Hey girls,

What a lovely sunny Sunday!Hope you're all good.Congrats Auntie SophieBee, how exciting.How was her very interested in labour stories at the mo!She is one lucky niece if she is also going to be the recipient of extra special and extra tasty themed cakes like your little nephew! Also, it's amazing thinking that you will be having embryos transferred very, very soon.Glad you have had the whole protocol explained and the time frames clarified.Guess it's now about taking your mess and fcusing on Christmas and your new baby niece and knowing that all this will be kicking off in exciting.Do you have many apps before then?

Mk8, when will you start on the clomid?I remember reading soenwhere about a study jb which they gave clomid to ladies with no ovulation problems and finding that they got knocked up quicker than similar ladies who didn't use clomid.So...guessing your doc thinks that as neither of you have any issues identified then your bfp is just around the corner and clomid could help this along.As Sophiebee says if you did have blocked tubes you would o straight to ivf but the doc obviously doesn't think you have ad it's so so unusual to have this without knowing about it (having had a really painful infection etc)...but if it plays on your mind then pretty sure Leeze said she paid about 70-80 quid for hers privately.Think she was able to get it booked very quickly's a lot of money but guess it's good to know you have that option if you need to.Personally I reckon you have every reason to feel excited and optimistic at the have great way results and are starting on some meds to increase your chances and your doc is on the case!Feeling hopeful for you and cheering you on as always.

Starilicious....sounds like you have some demanding bridesmaids....hope thu are orginsing you a top notch hen do to make up for being so fussy!My ladies got a 25 quid high steer dress and a list of jobs from yours sound lucky in comparison! You must be getting very excited about your wedding....the dress sounds fab!Lots of luck with the cheese interview!Have some lovely Brie and crackers in my house which I can't eat....yet....full on stilton and camembert binge booked in in a few weeks time!

Can't wait for a Leeze update!
Hi Clanger! It was a super-duper quick labour. She got into the birth centre at about 3am and delivered (water birth) by 5am, so not long at all really. It was her second though - I seem to remember that nephew took quite a bit longer, despite not being as big as niece.

I'm quite pleased about the slight delay in a way, as it means I can kick back and relax over Christmas (and drink at the work party!) and then get my head in the right place for January. I spoke to the nurse about whether I need to do anything in terms of diet and she said not really - the most important thing is that neither of us smoke. She said the odd drink here and there is not going to hurt at all, particularly if it relaxes me, so to not worry too much about that. I've also heard loads of stories about how people were super healthy and cut out everything on their first round and it not work, then chilled out a bit for the next round and they got their BFP, so I think I'm going to take the laid back approach too.

I'll have another appointment 2-3 weeks after I start taking the down-reg injections (so prob around 28th Dec - Mr Bee's birthday!) where they will do a scan to check that my ovaries are shut down and the womb lining is thin. As soon as they are happy with that then I'll start the stim injections and will go in for regular scans over those 10 days for them to check the follicles so they know when I should take the trigger injection, which will be timed very precisely 48 hours before egg collection. So I'll be very used to those vaginal scans by the end of this whole process - got quite a lot more of them to come over the next few weeks!!

Hope everyone else is well - and really hoping to hear from Leeze soon!!
hi lovelies

sorry for very short post, will update more when have landed properly!! Ended up having an emergency c-section and have just got out of hospital. Totally smitten, well worth it but I'm completely exhausted - had about 6 hours sleep in total over last 4 nights. Baby Kia Lilith weighed 6 pound 10 and was born on 11.11.11

Here she is


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Amazing-she's so gorgeous Leeze-such a beautiful little face.Hope you are being looked after and recovering well as sounds like you've been though it.Enjoy cuddles with your lovely little daughter-what a journey it's been.I am over the moon for you.
Whoop! Congratulations Leeze! :happydance:

Sorry to hear it was a bit traumatic but so pleased to see that you are both well and happy now. Hope you're enjoying lots of cuddles! Really delighted for you xx

PS - Kia shares her birthday with my new niece :hugs:
Congratulations Leeze - so sorry for the delay in this post. I have been having issues with my (not so) smart phone. She is simply gorgeous. Well done you :) Hope you are enjoying every moment of being a new mama and you and Mr Leeze are not too tired.

Hope you other ladies are well.

Oh Leeze she's gorgeous! Aren't you lucky? She looks like a little person already too. Not all squished like they usually look for a while lol. I'd really love to give her a cuddle. Well done!

Hope you are doing fine. Hope you all are doing well actually. Sorry I haven't been about, I didn't get any update emails so I didn't realise there were posts. Just thought I would check and look what I missed!

I got my first 3 subscribers on youtube and I was very excited haha.
Hey girls,

Hope you are all doing well.Have been ill and caught an infection this week, but hopefully over the worst and determined to enjoy maternity leave now!

Mamma Leeze, how you and your lovely Kia doing?Can't believe she's a week old already?How are you feeling?Sleep deprived, emotional and on top of the world I hope!I want all the details, labour (...please tell me contractions aren't that bad :-).
) , first's everything going.So happy to see your little lady and to think of you as a Mum.

Sophiebee....plans before you start the condown to transfer day?all sounds pretty full
On with the lead up but sounds as though you are being well looked after by the hospital.How's Auntieville?How's your whopper niece doing?

Starlicious...I need to watch your vlog...another maternity leave job!Sounds like you find
It therapeutic.Your looooong cycles sound really difficult but sounds like you are used to coping with them.How's wedding prep?

Mk8-hope your phone is playing ball now?How are you lady?How do you feel about taking the clomid?Really hoping it does the trick for you lovely.Remember you taking about the hsg a while ago and meant to say....a friend onmine recent had hers on the nhs as all other tests came back "normal" so they went to see a fertility doc who recommended that as a next step....he told them if it showed blocked tubes they would go straight to ivf (just like our Sophiebee has) not they would wait for a year and then get ivf in a years time (they've been trying for 2 years so far so longer than you).Think they found it helpful getting to see the fertility doc and talking it through etc.Anyway-doesn't sound like clomid has been suggested to her seems like it's waiting and ivf (and hopefully a natural bfp in the meantime!), so sounds great your doc is trying this for you!One thing I wondered (bearing in mind I have no idea what I am talking about!) was whether you have the opportunity to talk the results so far over with someone who is more specialised in fertility issues than your gp?Even if it's a specialist forum online somewhere.Insay this because I know you had a few questions about some of the levels and also as when I looked jizz results up on line there seemed to be varying guidelines on what is "average", while your gp sounds brilliant, as my gp friends admit they are not specialists so often dont have the expertise to
Interpret some
Results.It sounds like youve been through a tough time lately with it all and I just really want you to have the best advice and reassurance possible.I am
So hopeful for a 2012 clomid baby for you!'s tricks outside ttc land?Any more fantastic holidays planned?

Have fun Saturday nights ladies.
hi lovelies

sorry I've been so rubbish at getting on here the last couple weeks. I hope you're all ok. this is gonna be a quick one but I'll try to get on more over the weekend

Clanger - not long to go now, how are you feeling? rest as much as you can now - you'll need it over the next few weeks! seriously, get lots of naps in and make sure you eat regularly/healthy etc!! contractions are pretty painful, but what i found actually most difficult was trying to find a comfy position to rest inbetween contractions because I was so big by then. I'd recommend trying different resting positions now, on chairs, swiss ball, leaning on partner etc. also if you can take a coolbag with nice cold drinks like smoothies and fruit juices as well as water - this was a lifesaver for me as I didn't feel like eating at all. How are you feeling about the birth? soon you'll meet your baby!!!! :hugs:

MK8 - hope the clomid works for you, i konw a few women who got their BFP after clomid, both in real life and on here. fingers crossed honey

Soph - not long now, January will soon be here - I've got everything crossed for you!!! hang on in there

Star - hope the job-hunting is going well - and that your long cycle comes to an end soon!!

so, being a mum is amazing, tiring but amazing! she's just started screaming the place down, need ot go xxx
so, daddy is taking her for a while to try to see if he can get her to settle! the last few nights she's wanted to feed almost constantly for about 4 hours and been difficult to get to sleep. apparently it's normal but it's tiring and it's hard to see her in distress!

not sure how much detail to tell you about birth - so will just give brief summary and if you want to know more then let me know!! had 11 hours of trying for vaginal birth - basically couldn't get passed 8cm dilated and you need to be 10cm dilated to give birth. baby was showing signs of fetal distress ie heartbeat dropping with every contraction. also her head had moved into a sideways position and they thought she might have the cord round her neck. I was exhausted by this point, I didn't have any pain relief for the first few hours because I didn't really like the gas and air initially, but I did have pethidine after about 4 hours or so and found this really helped, and eventually I had an epidural too (after 9 hours) because I'd got stuck at 5cm - this helped me get the extra 3cm but unfortunately I couldn't get any further and they didn't want to leave it much longer because my waters had broken the night before. I didn't really want a c-section, particularly after soldiering on for the long, but by this point I just wanted her out safely. In the end it was really helpful to have those few days on the ward in terms of getting great advice from doctors and midwives, particularly all the support I got with breastfeeding - so I don't regret it now. The first week or so was pretty tough because it does affect mobility and I've been pretty sore too. But it's all so very much worth it. I really hope for all of you it's not too long before you can welcome your little babies into your arms and the world - it's so magical. I hope I haven't gone on too much, I am still really aware this is a TTC thread and I don't want to hijack it too much with new baby and birth stuff (although you guys have been so important to me on this journey that it would be even more strange not to share with you!!). I will still try to get on here to see how you're all getting on and see what support I can offer, but it's quite manic at the moment - being ruled by a very small person with a very big appetite!!

much love and hugs xx
Hello ladies, sorry ive been so quiet but things has been manic on my side with work etc.

Leeze, how wonderful to hear from you and all your mum stories, its lovely and i hope we all join you soon. It sounds tough but im sure youre doing a wonderful job! Well done to you and mr leeze!

Clanger, not long for you now, this must be such an exciting time. When is your actual due date? Thanks for your words of encouragement. I have been having a think about getting a second opinion too but have decided to see how i get on with clomid for three cycles. Whilst dhs sperm nos are above the min threshold, i think they arent quite average. Perhaps that with my slightly low progesterone levels is the issue. Im hopeful for a bfp xmas gift?

Sophie, how are you getting on? Ive been reading your journal but see you have been a bit quiet lately, hopeful for you too hun.

Star, how are the wedding plans and job search going?

Take care all? X
oh, I meant to ask - MK8 - what dose of clomid have they put you on? I remember someone else saying sometimes they start you on a low dose for the first 1-2 months to see if that works and if not then they double it after that - do you know if this is what your GP is planning to do? I think maybe you start on 50mg then go to 100mg? xx
Hey Leeze, how is mummyhood? I went to see my friend's newborn today and what a cutie.

Docs put me on 50mg. I dont know the plan after that but he said to go and see him after 2-3 months. He said he will not do an hsg until another 6 months has passed so I assume he may want to up my dose. I am doing OPKs to monitor O as I would like to see if I do appear to O earlier.

Hope all of you are doing well. :)
Hello all

Sorry I've been a bit quiet - work is still very busy and I've been feeling pretty low recently, so I've been in lurk mode. How is everyone anyway?

Not much to update from me. Still on the bcp, but will at least be starting the d-reg injections next week, so it will feel like I'm really getting started then. I'm supposed to take the injections at the same time every day, so I think I'm going to have to go for mornings - I've got a couple of evenings out in December and I don't want to be stressing about getting home in time or carrying needles around with me! I reckon if I do it before I leave for work at 7am then that won't be too bad - no more lie-ins for a little while, but that's something I'd have to get used to anyway :haha:

I might do a bit of research to see how important it is though - if I can get away with an hour here or there then I might risk doing it before bed.

Hope you're all well :hugs:
Hi again

Just checking in - hope you're all doing OK... :hugs:

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