Hello all - how's it going?
MK8 - I loved your dream!

Here's hoping it comes true for both of us in 2012!
Leeze, glad to hear that Kia is starting to settle down a bit. My sister had similar issues with her LO and has had to cut out anything very oniony. I suppose they have very little and new digestive systems and it takes a while for them to get to grips with it all. Well done on the super-mum eating and breastfeeding at the same time!
Clanger - hope you are enjoying your time with your new addition
Star - hope all is well with you
As for me, well I'm on day 6 of stimming and all seems to be going OK. Covered in bruises on my legs and tummy, but other than that no problems - very much looking forward to not having to get up at 7am and inject myself every day though! Hopefully only a few more days to go - I have the scan on Monday and fingers crossed they'll give me the go ahead to do the trigger shot that evening. I've been feeling twinges, so I hope that means it's all working... Will let you know! It's so weird to think that this time next week there could be all sorts of exciting things happening in a petri dish
Has been weird not drinking over xmas as well - especially as it was hubby's birthday yesterday. It felt a bit sad just having water in the restaurant, but it is all for a good cause. I also discovered that I'm not supposed to run whilst stimming (and probably should knock it on the head until a heartbeat is detected) - luckily I'd only been out of a couple of runs before I discovered that, so I don't think I've done any damage. Oh dear...
Also had some sad news at xmas. The docs have stopped my dad's treatment as the cancer has spread too severely. It's all about the pain relief and palliative care now. They aren't giving a time frame as they say it is too difficult to be accurate and to be honest I'm not sure I want to know how any weeks or months we have - we just have to make the most of the time we have left. And hopefully I'll be able to give him some good news before he goes...