London TTC buddies chat thread

:happydance::happydance::happydance: Wooooh hoooooh!!! Congrats clanger!
Sorry to hear it was a bit of a mission, but glad that it sounds like you're both happy and healthy now which is the important thing. Do update us when you get the chance, although I appreciate that you're a teensy bit busy right now :hugs:

I've got my first down-regging scan tomorrow where they check if I'm all switched off. If I am then I'll get going on the stimming bit, which is the exciting and nerve-wracking bit I suppose. Will keep you posted - wish me luck!
Congrats Clanger!!! How fabulous that he's here!!! :happydance: Lots of wonderful and crazy times ahead!!! XXX

MK8 - reflexology sounds like a good plan, like you say anything that helps you relax is great. that's funny re acu at ZW clinic, when I went I normally went at 5 or 6pm!!

Soph - good luck tomorrow, hope everything is as it should be. xxx
Hey Leeze- how are you doing with the little un?

Yes, weird about zita! They only have one woman there now and she works there one morning only. I might try again after Xmas.

Sooooo sleepy! But bet not as tired as you new mums! :)

Sophie- caught up on your journal- best of luck with the scan!
It's been a crazy last few days, Kia has been really unsettled and we've both had hardly any sleep. I think I've made a connection with what I've been eating and how she's been - chillies seem to not agree with her. Yesterday I ate bland food all day and last night she was much better and slept for about 5 hours in a row last night then another couple of hours after a feed!! She's such a cutie and we're still learning - but it makes such a difference if I've had 6 hours sleep each night compared to 3 hours sleep which is what I had for the 2 nights previously!!!!!

So, what's everyone's plans for Xmas? We're having Xmas day lunch with my OH's Mum and then my parents are coming to stay with us for a couple of days on Boxing Day. We're hoping it will all be pretty quiet though!!!

Good luck today, Soph, thinking of you xx

MK8 - probably worth looking into other acupuncture clinics if you're still considering it? xx

Clanger - hope all is going well with mummyhood, those very early days can be very surreal and a shock to the system (as well as being magical!!!!)

Star - hope you're doing ok, not heard from you for a while

I am switched off! :happydance:

Full details on my journal, but essential news is that I start the stimming drugs on Christmas Eve and go in for my scan on 2nd January. If I respond well to the Gonal-F then we could be looking at egg collection 2 days later, which would mean transfer around 7-9 January!

Trying not to get too excited as there are still a bunch of things that can go wrong, but can't help myself really :happydance:

Cheers for the good wishes ladies :hugs:
Started stimming today! Whoop!

Anyway, just popping on to wish my London lovelies a fab Christmas, however you celebrate it. Hope you all have a lovely day. :xmas6::xmas8::xmas9:
Merry xmas all! May 2012 be the year that we are all mummies!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Xmas everyone!!!! May 2012 be a very fertile year xxx
Hope you had a great one with the family Leeze. :)

Clanger- hope you are settling into mummy hood well!

Sophie- Hope you enjoyed your last Christmas as "just the two of you". I had a random dream about you girls! I logged onto BnB and you announced your BFP Sophie! I woke up and thought woah! This HAS to be a sign! :)

Talking of signs, my bro bought me a "mummy bag" for xmas. As in a bad that's for nappies etc - for mums to take out when they have little bubs. What the? I asked if he knew something I didnt! He said "well it will come in handy". He doesnt know we are TTC, but given we have been married a year, I guess he thinks it about time. I wondered whether it was a bad omen to give baby gifts before the baby has arrived, but I have decided quite the opposite! PMA! This is clearly a sign that I am going to get my BFP next year! Go me!

Star- hope your wedding plans are going well. Your last before you turn into a Mrs! :)

Finally, thank you for being so supportive during my TTC journey. I cannot believe it has been a year already. It really has flown by. Whilst I have debated whether it is a good idea or not to go on these forums (sometimes it can stress us out right?), I can without a doubt say that you have been very special ladies who have been there to offer support and information. Thank you mums and mums to be.

Whilst I am on a positive note, I want to end with this... My husband was telling me that he never ever once thought we wouldnt have children. I kept asking him "well how do you know? That is a possibility, then what?!" He told me that he has a colleague who is gay and both him and his partner have managed to have a kid (via surrogate in USA) and they are in the process of having a second. Hubby said "babe, I have never doubted we will be parents. It may take longer but it will happen. If two gay men can have biological children, so can we!" I see his point. If we want something bad enough, it will happen! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
loving the positive attitude, MK8 - esp the bit about your hubby's gay friends having babies!!

We had lovely Xmas, although it's amazing how much everything has to be planned with military precision when you have a small baby. I ended up eating Boxing Day roast dinner with the family with one hand while breastfeeding, which was no mean feet! x
Hello all - how's it going?

MK8 - I loved your dream! :happydance: Here's hoping it comes true for both of us in 2012!

Leeze, glad to hear that Kia is starting to settle down a bit. My sister had similar issues with her LO and has had to cut out anything very oniony. I suppose they have very little and new digestive systems and it takes a while for them to get to grips with it all. Well done on the super-mum eating and breastfeeding at the same time!

Clanger - hope you are enjoying your time with your new addition :hugs:

Star - hope all is well with you :hugs:

As for me, well I'm on day 6 of stimming and all seems to be going OK. Covered in bruises on my legs and tummy, but other than that no problems - very much looking forward to not having to get up at 7am and inject myself every day though! Hopefully only a few more days to go - I have the scan on Monday and fingers crossed they'll give me the go ahead to do the trigger shot that evening. I've been feeling twinges, so I hope that means it's all working... Will let you know! It's so weird to think that this time next week there could be all sorts of exciting things happening in a petri dish :happydance:

Has been weird not drinking over xmas as well - especially as it was hubby's birthday yesterday. It felt a bit sad just having water in the restaurant, but it is all for a good cause. I also discovered that I'm not supposed to run whilst stimming (and probably should knock it on the head until a heartbeat is detected) - luckily I'd only been out of a couple of runs before I discovered that, so I don't think I've done any damage. Oh dear...

Also had some sad news at xmas. The docs have stopped my dad's treatment as the cancer has spread too severely. It's all about the pain relief and palliative care now. They aren't giving a time frame as they say it is too difficult to be accurate and to be honest I'm not sure I want to know how any weeks or months we have - we just have to make the most of the time we have left. And hopefully I'll be able to give him some good news before he goes...

Quick check in from me to wish you all happy new year

Soph - great news that it all sounds positive so far. Really sorry to hear about your Dad, sending you big hugs xx
I literally only just got an update to say their were new posts here. How annoying. I kind of forgot to check back just in case. Sorry guys.

Happy new year!

I've just woken up so I'm going to grab some brekkie and read back and see what's been happening.

Just a quick update from me - not good news on the scan, only two follicles (one on each ovary) which, considering I've been on a high dose of the stims, is not a great sign. They've upped me to the maximum dose, but at this stage it is unlikely to make much of a difference and I'm resigned to the fact that we are going to be working with low numbers (and therefore lower chance of success).

Of course it is quality not quantity, and there are plenty of stories of women only getting one egg and it all working, so I'm trying to stay positive. Am facing the very real prospect of this being our last chance though - and that it's not a very good chance :cry:

Sophie - Am really sorry to hear about your dad. Hope that he is comfortable and you are all enjoying spending time together. On your scan, they have upped your meds so I assume that there can be more follicles? Stay positive Sophie, positive mental attitude is key! It will happen for you, it will happen for all of us. I know it is much easier said than done by try to be as relaxed as possible. Look after yourself, enjoy your good times with hubby as a twosome because soon, you will be three! I know it Sophie!

Star- welcome back. Great to hear from you. Hope that all the wedding plans are going well.

Clanger and Leeze- I hope that mummyhood is treating you well and looking after the two cherubs isn't too tiring.

As for me, I am doing OK. CD18 of Cycle 2 on Clomid and generally I am doing OK. I folded and did some OPKs and I got an almost positive on CD14, so not sure what's going on. That happened on my first cycle of Clomid too so not sure if Clomid is stopping me from ovulating! Or perhaps I missed my short surge, but I expected on Clomid, I'd see a really strong positive. Strange. Anyhoo, I am where I am. I have a few moments of negativity where I think my tubes are blocked because I have had mild BV in the past (and not treated because the docs said it will go away on its own), sometimes I think it has to be that, what else could it be? But then I tell myself to shut the hell up and chill out! haha. So anyway, this is my month ladies. I can feel it!
Eurgh, I got a really bad migraine shortly after stopping by, what a waste of a free day lol.

I am good people, i hope you all are well and had great christmas's. Ours was lovely. Spent it with the inlaws to be. Then we spent New Years with friends round ours. Was good stuff!

My cycle is still non existent. I am going to ask at the doctors whether they will prescribe Clomid without me having to see a specialist as this is truly ridiculous.

Is less than 3 months to the wedding now. So exciting. We sent out most of the invites already. A few more to send out tomorrow, due to the god awful weather today. Had a mock fitting of my dress and have spent hours looking for just the right amount of lace for it... Who knew how crazy expensive lace is? Full lace panels are 60 pounds per metre! When you know you're going to need around 10 metres you can see why these dresses are so expensive! Extreme amounts of hand sewing for me, me thinks!

I've been doing lots of making too and Sean got me a new camera for Christmas so I can finally get some decent photo's of my stuff. Looking forward to getting started!
Quick one from me - there was bad news and not so bad news today.

I still showed a very limited response, so the decision was made to cancel the cycle :cry:
However, my PCT only classes a full cycle from egg collection, so as we are cancelling before that stage I get another fully funded go, which is a relief. I'm not getting a break unfortunately - it's straight back on to down-regging for the next 2 weeks and I have a scan on the 18th to see if I'm ready for stimming. I'll be on the higher dose from the beginning next time to see if that does the trick.

Mightily sick of being on hormones and a bit heartsick at the thought of this going on for another month with low expectations. Keep those fingers crossed that it will work this time - and that I don't go insane by February. :hugs:

MK8 - I'm going to try to reign in my PMA. I think the reason I got so upset on Monday was because I was so optimistic that it was going to work that it was a massive shock when I found out it hadn't. I'm going to try to balance keeping positive whilst at the same time being realistic that the chances are not good for us any more.

Star - great to see you back! Exciting times ahead for the wedding - and you'll be my anniversary buddy of course :hugs: Hope you get your clomid thing sorted soon. By the way, MK8 - how is clomid going for you? Second cycle now, right?

Hope our two London mums are well :hugs:
Hi Sophie, I am so sorry to hear that the meds were not strong enough, but good news that this doesn't count as a full cycle. I am really hoping that the next cycle with a higher dose of meds work for you. I know what you mean about keeping positive and being realistic too. Despite me saying "this is my cycle", I am naturally a very pessimistic person and I don't truly believe it. What I do believe though is that stress is not good and I think having negative thoughts give me stress.

I know you are not keen on alternative therapies, but perhaps you should look into acupuncture? Whilst there are mixed reviews on whether it can help, it's worth a shot right? Hospitals offer it now via the NHS for certain things so that should give us some comfort that it is safe. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you Sophie.

I am on cycle 2 of clomid. CD20 and I think around 6DPO. Sucks because my boobs are kinda starting to hurt and I have started creamy CM today - typically I get this around a week before AF. So hmpf! But what can I do? Doc told me to go back to him 2-3 months of clomid. So I think I will book an appointment after this cycle- either I will be there to ask what next or to announce my BFP! I do want to push for an HSG. He won't do one until June (when he thinks we have been TTC for 2yrs) but I think I will push to get one or pay for it on my own. I am on holiday in Feb so think it would be best to schedule it after that. Hopefully the doc will take pity on me and allow me to get it done on the NHS 3 months early. I am just furious that my PCT doesn't offer these tests freely, let alone IVF!

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well. x
Hey ladies,

Have tried to post a couple of times over past few weeks but had the site swallow my words...also not so great at doing things one handed yet! Anyway, missed you all and been catching up on your news. so sorry to hear about your disappointments.Thinking of you re your lovely Dad.Hope you are being supported by Mr Bee and your family and can enjoy some special time with him-hope he is comfortable and well looked after.How disappointing about your ivf too.You must feel really let down after going through so much to get to this point.Do they know why you havent responded as well as hoped.Is it that they got the dose wrong for you and just one of those things or are there other factors?It's such bad luck-while it's amazing that they know more about your body and how it reacts and can have another better informed go-you much be feeling deflated.Hope you are ok, thinking of you and sending you virtual cake.

Mk8, I agree that going to the doc and asking qs about how your reacting to clomid sounds like a great plan.Could it be that your ovulating on day 14 as lots of people get an almost but not quite positive opk when they o.Maybe clomid is bringing your o date forward so lengthening your luteul phase?I love Mr Mk8s attitude re I don't doubt we will have a family together.What a brilliant hubster he is.

Leeze, was so in awe of you re boxing day dinner and bf-ing when I replied originally-however since then I have also mastered the bf-ing and dinner eating skill!Hope Kia is more settled now you've made those diet observations?Are you guys in any kind of routine?We aren't really and our little man feeds on demand with no schedule-starting to wonder if I need to try to guide him a bit more as lots oft antenatal friends are on schedules already?

Statlicious-hey there and yay for wedding countdown!

Over here I am exhausted and falling in love with my baby boy.Things are higgledy piggedy while I try to get used to meeting his needs.Have wonderful magical days then days when I worry and feel am somehow not doing "it" right.All
Normal I
Suppose!He is scumptious though!
Hi clanger, im sure youre doing wonderfully well. Good to hear that youre loving mummyhood :) thanks for taking the time o come on here to say hi to us, youre too sweet.

Im on cd24 and itching to test, but going to resist until thurs when i hit cd28. Oh pleeeeeeeeeease can this be my month! My feelings this weekend have been like a rollercoater, hopeful, convinced im preggers, then think im not, then feeling a touch sorry for myself and thinking what would life be without kids... Sigh.

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