Long cycles and the tww

Ksquared hun you're so brave way to go love! I'm sorry you've been feeling pretty crummy but hoping you'll feel better soon!!

Aidens wellllll I shouldn't test for a long time. I know this early bfns all too well but I had a drop this am in temp. If it is Id I will probably test saturday cause at the earliest I know is two days it'll show. With dd I had a dip on 8or9 dpo and got a negative at 10 dpo (didn't know it was Id) and got my positive on 12. So I'm trying to give it three days. Just don't know if I can. Also my ics this time are less sensitive than the ones last time.
Hey guys. I'm on CD 3, which means I'm officially done waiting and will start TTC again! I have my follow up appointment on Monday, so unless it doesn't go well I should be all good.

On a sad note, my 16-year-old cat might be dying. She's at the vet for a blood test and for monitoring to confirm what's wrong with her, but she hasn't been doing well lately. She's so frail but still seems alert, poor little thing. :cry:

How's everyone else? Any testers?
Ksquared might just mean she needs a new treatment please keep us posted
They'll give me blood test results tomorrow but it doesn't look good. Poor little kitty can't seem to get comfortable but she's so weak. And she keeps looking at me and doing her little quiet meow :cry:. It's so sad. I just want to make her feel better.
She's going to be OK! :) I was sure it was kidney failure or something. Life has been sucking lately, so I figured of course my cat would die too. But thankfully she has a totally treatable thyroid problem. Now I just have to get her to swallow these dang pills that will make her feel better, haha.

Appointment with my OB/GYN tomorrow. Fingers crossed we get the all clear to TTC again. I'm now Cd 4 and flow is still heavy, so hopefully I'll have a nice clean slate. Haven't really had much for cramps or backache, so that's a plus.

Haven't heard from anyone else in a while. Hope you guys are all ok!
Ksquared - so happy for you that you're officially ttc again and that you're kitty is going to be fine! My 13 year old cat died a year and a half ago (while I was on my honeymoon! :( ) so I know how terrible it is worrying about them. She wasn't spayed and got mammary gland cancer. So when my husband and I got our two new cars we made sure to get them fixed so we these little ones will be so much less likely to get it. It was so hard going through that.

I'm doing well, I go back to work next week. I've been in every day this week for a bit though, setting things up and getting ready for the school year. I'm not sure how long I'll work. I think I'll start my mat leave nov 1, if I need/want to go off earlier I have tonnes of sick days I can take. We get a year mat leave in Canada so I don't need to worry too much about waiting to start it right when baby's born.

How's everyone else doing? It's been so quiet on here.
Well, my kitty cat took a turn for the worse so we had to put her to sleep yesterday :cry:. We buried her at my parents' house next to other pets we've lost over the years. This has been the worst summer ever :(.

I'm currently on CD10 and AF is finally over. It was an extra long and heavy one, this first AF after my D&C. Now I'm just waiting for signs of O.

Anything going on with anyone else?
Oh no ksquared 😥 I'm so sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with you. I went through losing my little cat that I'd had since I was 13 last year. So heartbreaking!

I hope you have a fantastic fall/winter to make up for your crappy summer!!

I found out I have excess amniotic fluid and I've been really worried. I have to go in for weekly appointments at the hospital so that they can monitor me. They said there's increased risk of the cord getting caught with all the extra fluid. So scary... I won't know more until I go to the Dr. And school starts tomorrow so I'll be busier now that I'm back to work. Ugh....
Ksquared buy it was just thyroid? Sounds like bad vetting if they couldn't fix the thyroid!!!!

Afm been a very busy weekend. Af almost done and ordered a new therm cause the one I have seems to be stupid now. That comes thurs.
Crazycatlady - thank you :hugs:. I'm sorry about your kitty too. And I'm also sorry to hear about the excess fluid. I'm glad you'll be monitored every week. Is there a lot of risk with that? Will you have to go on mat leave early or anything?

Mommyxofxone - I think my kitty had some intestinal thing going on along with the thyroid thing, and perhaps everything was just too bad to save her. She was 16 so I didn't expect her to live a lot longer. Maybe the thyroid medication was too little too late. In any case, I got to pet her and say goodbye as they out her to sleep. I hope she knows how much I love her and hope she had a good life.

How is everyone doing in their cycles? I think I'm going to ovulate soon, which is right on track with a normal 28 day cycle! That would be amazing! I've only had 1 cycle that short in the last year and that was when I was on Vitex. Also we're going on a long weekend trip next weekend that will be so relaxing. Hoping those good vibes with be helpful during the tww. My last tww I was an emotional wreck with the hormones post-miscarriage. Really hoping it doesn't happen this time.
thank you for being there with her during that time. it means a lot to the animals, and believe it or not to the vets and techs. they like when the animal is with the person they love rather than left behind. sadly it doesn't always happen like that.

i am still waiting to o. in three days i can start my opks.
Just checking in quick -

After a very long, screwy cycle I got my bfp. However, my happiness was short-lived. I lost the baby at 4+2 weeks. I'll be calling my doctor tomorrow morning and taking it from there I guess. I'm beyond heartbroken right now. :cry:
I'm so so sorry aidensxmomma :hugs:. I'm here to talk whenever you need. As you know, I know exactly what that pain feels like. Thinking of you.
oh hun i'm so sorry :( i can't believe it! that's terrible :(

afm: i think i just found ewcm ? it's early- cd13- usually i don't have anything starting yet, so i'm wondering if it'll be an early O month? wasn't going to start opks til tomorrow but i'm starting tonight now in case.

we dtd yesterday but i did the water test and it balled up so that says ewcm. it was SUPER stretchy, i never get it this nice unless it's fall. i dont' get that. i think i'm only fertile in the fall! but anyway cp already up so hoping thats a good sign that i won't have to wait too long for O this cycle.
Aidensmom - so sorry to hear! How heartbreaking!

Ksquared - there is risk associated, so they need to monitor it. But it's not super high risk and so far everything has been good. I need to take a half day off every week though to make the apts for the non stress test. I'm also keeping count of movements to make sure everything is ok.

I've put my mat leave in for nov 1 but it's so exhausting being back at work and I'm so sore, I can't walk around all day. So I might go off earlier, I have tonnes of sick days I can use. Dr said we would talk about it at my next apt. I think she thinks sometime in October might be better. I'm having to take time off for apts anyway already and they will increase how often I go.
Mommyxofxone - That's great about the ewcm! Hope it leads to O! I had ewcm on Friday, and then I didn't have much cm for 2 days and then yesterday was watery, and finally tonight got ewcm back again and quite a bit of it. So I think O is finally about to happen for me. We've been BD-ing every other day, including tonight, so FX!

Crazycatlady - I'm sorry you're feeling so wiped out all of the time. I guess that's why they say the 2nd trimester is the best because it's the only time you feel pretty good and energetic, lol. Glad the risk with the extra fluid is low and things are still going well. :)
ugh i was SO tired in first tri crazy cat, it was the worst. but second tri i was amazing! felt better than i did in my whole life! i hope you have the same.

thanks ksquared i hope it's soon. i THINK i had full ferning today which usually means i'll get my positive opk in twoish days.
Hello, ladies! I am sorry I went totally MIA for the last month or more! Life has gotten really hectic, but not in a bad way. Time seems to be flying by at lightening speed!

First of all, I am so very sorry about your kitty, ksquared. My dog and cat are very honestly like my own children. I lost another dog 2 years ago to cancer and I seriously probably should have gone to see a therapist I was so torn up about it for many months. Your kitty absolutely knew she was loved and I am sure was glad you were there with her till the end.

Aidensxmomma, I'm devastated for you. I cannot imagine what you are going through after a chemical and now this. Hopefully your fertility clinic will get you back on track. We are here for you, though. *hugs*

Afm, I am in slight disbelief that I will be a mom in 9 weeks or less! I am so ready to hold my boy and kiss him and love on him. However, the nursery is not at all ready and we haven't had our showers yet, so we don't have any of the gear needed. We don't even have a single diaper yet. We have all of the furniture for the nursery, but the room has to be painted before we can put it all together and my husband is dragging his feet about the painting. Plus, we've taken a few different weekend trips lately, so it has eaten into our "free time." I am so blessed to be having not 1, but 3 showers in the next month, so I am sure we will get all of the essentials soon.
I am also being told I'm a little crazy, but I am planning on working up until my exact due date. I know it's risky, but I currently don't have any reason to believe he will come early and I want as much time after birth to stay home. In my high-stress job, that could change though, we'll see.

I will try to be better about getting on here in the next couple months! Sorry for anything else that I missed! Fingers are crossed for all of you lovely ladies!

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