Long cycles and the tww

How's everyone doing? :flower:

I think I'm going to ovulate soon. I really hope so. This will be the earliest I've ovulated since I started TTC and keeping track of ovulation. Keeping my FX!
Hi guys - thought I'd check in. :)

It's been 2 weeks now since my D&C procedure. I'm still spotting, and it's weird because sometimes it ALMOST stops and then it starts increasing again. But I guess this whole first cycle is going to be really weird. Just have to wait until my next AF before we can start ttc again, which if I'm lucky will bit in 2-3 weeks. But with my long cycles who knows. I'm temping again, and I'm not on Vitex or anything. Just a prenatal vitamin to prepare for when we are ttc again and hopefully get pregnant again. Plus it's good to get my vitamins :). I took a pregnancy test on Friday last week and there was still a very very faint line, but the one I took yesterday morning was completely stark white BFN. So that's awesome because my body is going back to normal. I guess some ladies still get a positive for a while, and often that means there was something left inside that would need another d&c. So looks like I'm all good. The kinda sucky think though is that I seemed to have developed some type of infection at my cervix because it got really itchy the last few days, and my back hurt a lot. After some convincing (they kept saying without a fever or smelly discharge I don't need antibiotics), I got some antibiotic gel to insert and after just 1 application it felt much better. The doctor said I may have reacted to some cleaner they used during my surgery/procedure. Did I tell you guys that it was like a full-on surgery with anesthesia and an IV and being rolled around in a hospital bed, and everything? The only other time in my life I'd been put to sleep for a procedure was to get my wisdom teeth out. So it was a little scary and felt like a big deal, even though once they actually started the procedure it took them less than 10 minutes. I'm glad I wasn't awake for it though. I'd be even more traumatized.

So anyway, I'm healing and emotionally getting a lot better. I still have my sad moments, and times when I want to tell everyone what happened because I feel so alone. And I look away when I see babies or kids in public, and I don't really want to see even my nieces and nephews at the moment. I know it's so common, but I haven't talked to anyone in real life who's gone through the same thing. My sister's good friend lost 2 and now has 2 adorable little boys, so I might talk to her. She lost one in a similar way that I did, but her other one she lost really far into the pregnancy so I feel bad having her relive any of that to comfort me. But my sister says she's totally open to talking about it, so I think I will. I'll also feel much better when I stop spotting and don't have to be reminded every time I use the bathroom! And when we start ttc again.

Today I'm meeting my friend who's 5 months pregnant. She was the one who was 2 months ahead of me, and we were so excited about going through this together. I wanted to get the meeting over with and I don't want her to feel guilty or not be able to be happy about her baby boy. She is the one who got pregnant on her first try though, so it's a little hard. She's pretty good about being understanding and saying comforting things though. But there's no way she understands fully. Fingers crossed I can be strong. I think it'll be fine though.

Anyway, thanks for reading. You ladies have supported me so much and I'm eager to join you again for ttc! I have a follow-up appointment with my doctor on Sept. 2 so depending on when AF shows, we should be back at it in September. Hope you're all doing well! :hugs:

Aidensxmomma - FX you do ovulate soon! I'm glad it seems close and that would be awesome if you did so early.
Ksquared I am so happy to see you back and doing as well as you can be! Glad you are healing. Your sisters friend sounds like a good person to talk to. I know they always say wait the 12 weeks before telling people because of this, but you're right, now you don't really know anyone to talk to about it. I wish as a society people were more about miscarriages so that people could support each other. Of course on the other hand there might be a lot of times you don't want to talk about it. And of course no one can understand completely without going through it.

My DH is finally coming home next weekend. I can't wait!
ksquared - Glad to hear you are doing as well as you can be. :hugs:

AFM - Not sure if I'm in the tww yet or not. If I am, I'd be 4-5dpo today. This cycle has caused a lot of confusion regarding my ovulation date. So I'm kind of letting this cycle go and just seeing what happens. I plan on testing for the first time in about a week.
taking an impromptu trip to the beach today. will be back friday or saturday. should be time to O then. Going by previous dates, i should POSSIBLY get a postive opk on saturday. i'm not taking them with me. so i 'm just starting my tests a day or two later than normal.
Crazycatlady - Yay, your DH will be home in just a few days! Finally!

Aidenxmomma - Sorry your O isn't exactly confirmed yet. Hopefully you are in the tww and the fact that you're not sure if you've O'd will make the time go by easier with less symptom spotting.

Mommyxofxone - Have fun at the beach! And FX you get a nice dark opk when you get back, all nice and relaxed :).

Afm - This morning I take my last dose of the antibiotic gel, yippee! The itching is gone and my spotting has been gone too since Saturday. So I'm thinking after this morning's application of gel I will finally feel normal and not like I'm in post-miscarriage mode anymore. I have 1 week 2 days left of pelvic rest. Now I'll just be waiting for my first AF to arrive. My temps haven't shown ovulation yet, but it's not likely I will ovulate this first cycle and I should still get AF without waiting a super long time. I hope that's the case. I'd love to get AF before my Sept. 2 follow-up appointment, so we can get back to ttc as soon as possible.
yay so glad for your last dose ksquared!!!

cd 15 here today and just started opks. had a bit of ewcm today too. i was also pissed cause the first test i opened was a freaking hpt! omg! i totally wasted one! how awful. noticed before i dipped it though. but opk has a definite line so it's coming soon. i also have pimples starting. all the signs are here, probably going to dtd tonight just cause we know o is coming.
Hey guys - How's it going with ovulation and the TWW?

I'm pretty sure I ovulated on Monday, and the last two mornings my temps have been up. So that's exciting because it means the end of this first cycle is in sight. But ever since my body has gone back to normal with no spotting or even any sign that I was ever pregnant, I've been having more sad moments. Just don't know when it's going to stop being hard emotionally. Perhaps when I get my rainbow baby. *sigh*
Sorry I haven't been posting much. I've been super busy with getting the kids ready for school and planning my wedding.

As for this cycle, I have absolutely no idea when I ovulated. I thought I ovulated on cd12, but if I did I would be 16dpo which wouldn't be normal at all - my luteal phase is normally 13 days. The only time it was different was in June when I had my chemical. So I am sure I was just wrong about when I ovulated. And I wasn't good about keeping track of cm or testing consistently, so any ideas of when I ovulated are just guesses. I could be anywhere from 6-11dpo. Just going to wait this cycle out now.

How's everyone else doing? :flower:
Fx this your cycle aidensmomma! Let us know if/when you test!

I'm in the third trimester now! Can't believe it, but also can't wait to be done! Got my stroller yesterday and that was super exciting. First big thing we've got. So happy dh is home with me now. Although he works a lot. 60 hours this week and it's his first week back.

How's everyone else doing?
chemical pregnancy hun, means she got a line before her period and period came anyway- it's a really early miscarriage.

5dpo here and bored. :coffee:
I'm 11 weeks now, heard the heartbeat via Doppler at my last appointment. I'm still feeling sick on and off so I hope that goes soon.
Fx'd your illness goes soon Silas.

I can't use bnb on my computer anymore- seriously screwing it up. So if I miss posts I apologize very hard to keep up with my phone
crazycat - So glad OH is home with you now! :) That's got to be exciting to make your first big baby purchase and to reach the third trimester :happydance:

I'm not sure when I'll be testing again. I've been testing for the last week because I thought I ovulated a lot sooner, so now I'll be taking a break from testing. I'm thinking that maybe if I don't get my period by August 31st, I'll test again.

Mommyxofxone - When are you testing? I might be the almost the same dpo as you.

Silas - So happy you got to hear the heartbeat! Hopefully your sickness goes away soon. You're getting really close to the second tri, so it shouldn't last too much longer. :hugs:

AFM - I'm very frustrated with this cycle. I'm trying to be patient and wait it out, but patience it difficult. I'm hoping that maybe since I wasn't keeping track of ovulation and everything I'll get a surprise BFP since I wasn't stressed about it all. One weird thing that's been going on lately is that I've been sooo hungry the last few days. I usually don't have much of an appetite but since last week, I've been constantly hungry. Maybe it's a sign. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Aidenxmomma - Sorry this cycle has been so confusing and frustrating. Not tracking ovulation can be a nice change and much less stressful, but also the not knowing can cause stress too! Lol. Glad you've kept busy lately to help keep your mind off of it. FX for that surprise BFP!

Crazycatlady - I can't believe how quickly time has gone by that your due date is just a few months away now. Crazy! I'm so glad your DH is home so you can enjoy this time together and start really preparing. How is your work going now or has it not started back yet?

Scottish mum - Not sure if I've seen you on he boards yet, but hello and welcome! :)

Mommyxofxone - Sorry the tww is dragging for you :(. But now you're 7dpo, which is prime implantation time. FX you start getting some signs soon, or at least that you can distract yourself for a few more days.

Afm - I'm 9dpo so just a few more days before my first AF after my D&C. Yay! This tww has truly been awful with the way the progesterone has been making me super sad and emotional. And it made my belly stick out again, just reminding me that I was pregnant but now I'm not. I finally started exercising again so I can get rid of the belly. I had a hard time exercising before because it took a while for me to heal, so it's nice to be able to go running again. A week from today is my follow-up appointment, which I'm not exactly sure what my doctor is going to do. Hopefully examine me to tell me that I'm fully healed and can start ttc again. I think when we found out I was miscarrying, she said to wait 2 cycles but I don't remember - obviously had a hard time processing any information. But I feel like my body is ready, and other ladies all say their doctors said just 1 cycle or even just when they felt ready. I'm ready!
I'm glad you're feeling ready ksquared :) sorry this tww has been frustrating!

Not back to work yet, we start after labour day so I still have a couple weeks. I'm dreading going back, can't imagine being on my feet all day at this point. The Dr says with my scoliosis it could be difficult and they might be putting me on sick leave early.

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