Hi ladies, just seen the clarvoyant! Ive posted what happened onmy journal, but I have copied it below
Well Ive just come back from seeing the clarvoyant.... she laid the cards out 3 times and couldnt really understand what was going on. She said there was money around us but we didnt have it in our hands and that I was worrying and feeling quite low but didnt know why. After the 3rd time trying to read the cards she said I was maybe not opening up so she was couldnt see what was going on. I was trying to say as little as possible and was starting to get a bit bored at this stage. She said she would have one last go and then she kind of hit the nail on the head.
She said there was a baby and asked if id had a mc, which I havnt. She said there was a women there with two babies in her arms and then asked if I was thinking about IVF! I nearly fell off my chair! She said eveything else made sense now, the feeling being scared but happy with my OH, having money worries, feeling fed up but not wanting to let go. She said it would all work out and that once id had made the decitions it would be like a rollacoaster and everything would go very fast.
So lets see what happens!!!
I have mixed feelings about it all but im not going to take it all to heart!