Looking for a buddy close in dates

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Hi all.

I'm feeling pretty horrible today but that is mainly because I have a stinking cold and nothing to do with being preggers.

Altough I do have plenty of symptoms still for that...

I'm in England but originally from the States.

bfpsoon: I know it is so hard not to want to buy the shops out. I asked my DH the other day when I can start buying stuff (mistake) He said 9 months is a long time and you can't do anything with it until the baby arrives...typical man answer. I think as I will be just over half way at Christmas I will start buying stuff then as I can hit the sales. :happydance:
@bfpsoon and kwood - I'm totally desperate to start buying soon but now just isn't the time. We're moving to a bigger house on the 20th so have such a busy couple of weeks ahead I need to wait until we're in the house to buy anything... (lots of storage in new place so may be able to sneak some purchases in for a while :P )

My daughter said to us earlier about the house as its a 4 bed "You can have a baby now, we'll have plenty of room!" - God, I can't lie to save my life and I'm desperate to tell her, she'll be so happy. 10 weeks can't come soon enough (second week in October :( )
@bfpsoon and kwood - I'm totally desperate to start buying soon but now just isn't the time. We're moving to a bigger house on the 20th so have such a busy couple of weeks ahead I need to wait until we're in the house to buy anything... (lots of storage in new place so may be able to sneak some purchases in for a while :P )

My daughter said to us earlier about the house as its a 4 bed "You can have a baby now, we'll have plenty of room!" - God, I can't lie to save my life and I'm desperate to tell her, she'll be so happy. 10 weeks can't come soon enough (second week in October :( )

Aww..that is so sweet..have to love little ones...I know it is so hard to keep the secret. I'm going to my SIL wedding tomorrow and I am so worried that I will open my big gob and let it slip. (Waiting til 12 week scan to tell anyone) In a way I'm sort of happy I have a cold because it is an easy explination for why I don't feel good and won't 'feel' like drinking.
@bfpsoon and kwood - I'm totally desperate to start buying soon but now just isn't the time. We're moving to a bigger house on the 20th so have such a busy couple of weeks ahead I need to wait until we're in the house to buy anything... (lots of storage in new place so may be able to sneak some purchases in for a while :P )

My daughter said to us earlier about the house as its a 4 bed "You can have a baby now, we'll have plenty of room!" - God, I can't lie to save my life and I'm desperate to tell her, she'll be so happy. 10 weeks can't come soon enough (second week in October :( )

Aww..that is so sweet..have to love little ones...I know it is so hard to keep the secret. I'm going to my SIL wedding tomorrow and I am so worried that I will open my big gob and let it slip. (Waiting til 12 week scan to tell anyone) In a way I'm sort of happy I have a cold because it is an easy explination for why I don't feel good and won't 'feel' like drinking.

Lol, she's hardly little anymore - She's 9!!! She's a right ratbag half the time, she's just desperate for a baby brother or sister and has been for years.
It's soooooo hard to keep the secret. My OH has put a gag order on me :haha:
I can tell my sister now, as my mum, nana and best friend know but thats it until telling Mia at 10 weeks.. then public at 12 weeks. It's going to be so hard.

Good luck tonight!! I really couldn't keep quiet about it all.. I just can't help myself lol :shhh:
Sounds like a good reason for not drinking to me.
I don't generally drink that much anyway, and most of my family didn't think I drank at all up until 2 years ago :haha: So I doubt I'll get asked if we go anywhere. I'd probably say I'm on antibiotics or something - thats usually a good one that people don't question. Or say OH is drinking and I'm driving.
I'm sure you'll be fine, just enjoy your evening - smug in the knowledge of your secret :smug:
Hi everyone,

I live in Northern Ireland at the moment but originally from Southern England : ) Some of my pregnancy books that I ordered arrived today so i'll be having a keen look through that tonight : ) and I bought my husband one too for fathers to be which he doesn't know about so he'll be pleased when I give that to him : ) he's away at the mo so will have to wait til next weekend, but yes thank goodness it's the wknd! I need a lay in! haha!

I got a text from my husband earlier saying 'please don't be mad....but I bought something...i love you!!!' lol and I was like 'oh what have you bought now? how expensive was it??' he then called saying not very expensive, I asked is it a ps3 game or something? he said no a teddy! lol!! I was like awwww how cute! he's bought the baby it's first teddy! :D It's a build a bear panda, bless him! haha he's worse than I am I swear! lol
Aww that's so sweet! DH keeps reading my pregnancy book at the moment and keeps coming out with different info about the different stages and how LO is growing. I love how excited he is!

Whereabouts in Southern England are you from? I live in East Sussex!
I come from Portsmouth : ) so not too far : ) I know I love how excited my o/h is too, as it's show their softer side! :D so cute! x
Morning My Lovelies

Sorry I kind of deserted you yesterday, was feeling pretty rough and so stayed offline.

Will do a proper post later, just about to get ready to go into Town, and pray I don't vomit in the shops ( I'm armed with sick bags at the ready)

catch you all later :flower:
Morning My Lovelies

Sorry I kind of deserted you yesterday, was feeling pretty rough and so stayed offline.

Will do a proper post later, just about to get ready to go into Town, and pray I don't vomit in the shops ( I'm armed with sick bags at the ready)

catch you all later :flower:

Look at those DARK lines on your avatar! Love it!!! :)
Morning My Lovelies

Sorry I kind of deserted you yesterday, was feeling pretty rough and so stayed offline.

Will do a proper post later, just about to get ready to go into Town, and pray I don't vomit in the shops ( I'm armed with sick bags at the ready)

catch you all later :flower:

Look at those DARK lines on your avatar! Love it!!! :)

I was just thinking the exact same!!!
Hi everyone, I'm sorry if this is a bit long but I need to rant! lol
I recently purchased a book for my husband about becoming a father and thought it would be really nice for him to get some advice from a male author about what us women are going through etc and to try and give them a better insight into it all.

The book was called The expectant fathers survival guide by rob kemp and I must say it was absolutely awful!!!! :(

I am deeply disappointed and disgusted with the book and I only got to page 20 before chucking it in the bin!!!
This author is clearly writing this book for men who are extremely scared and are not in happy and loving relationships when they find out that their partners are pregnant! It's all about 'oh no my life's doomed' and 'is it mine?' and 'you're probably really scared and annoyed'!!
How dis-respectful for him to just assume that that will be the reaction of all expectant fathers and that most pregnancies are unplanned and totally shocking for the male when they find out!
Me and my husband have been trying for a baby on a mutual ground and it was planned so when we found out that I was pregnant, he was overjoyed and really excited just as I was! We have both always known that we wanted children so there was never a 'oh crap what have I done' moment at all, which is what the book implies all men to feel!

I bought this book as a handy guide for my husband whilst I go through my pregnancy but there is no way that I am even going to give this to him as I know that he too will be appalled at it's content on the perception of male attitudes towards finding out they are going to be fathers! If anything I think my husband is more excited that I am!! It's the best bit of news he's received in a long time!
I would definitely 100% never recommend this book! What a waste of paper! so annoyed!! Can't believe people like that can even get stuff like that published! How disrespectful!

Sorry everyone just needed to vent and defo put the word out there so you don't buy this book either!!! lol x
@Averysmommy & Prettyunable

I know I'm quite shocked myself, what a difference a week makes, last friday the line was so feint you really had to squint to see it, figured I'd use up my last test and see if the line was any darker, and voila as you can see its nice and obvious now :D

I've been naughty and bought quite a lot of baby stuff today, I know its early but I'm confident everythings going to be ok, and i've kept all the receipts. I thought i'd start early as christmas is around the corner and all my spare money will be going on that for the next few months :happydance:

@Fay.. oh no thats not good. What was the name of the book so I can avoid it? I was planning on getting my DH a book, save him keep pinching mine. The Author of that book has obviously had an unpleasant experience of being a dad, and trying to put other men off, totally unfair!! The bin is the best place for it, try not to get too upset hunni, you're both going to make fantastic parents to a very much loved & wanted baby :flower:
thanks bfpsoon, : )
The book was called The expectant fathers survival guide by rob kemp
Defo avoid it! lol x
Hi everyone, I would like to join as well and get some genuine friendships going on, I feel like I comment on other threads trying to get some buddies and then it kind of leads to no-where lol.
I am due may 9th too, so we are all relatively close in dates : ) would love to share experiences and have a natter about things : ) so far all I have had is sore boobs, but yesterday I did have an overwhelming feeling of nausea in the morning, I'm hoping that was down to hunger though as I didn't think I would get m/s this early!! today i've been fine though so fx! lol I'm soooooo excited to tell my family though, we live away from them all and we'll be visiting in about 5 weeks, so should be a good time to tell them then, can't wait, they are all gonna be so excited! :D x

HI, I'd love to be your buddy during this journey I'm due may 10th if interested let me know!
Welcome Stacey and congratulations to you

More Buddies the better :D

Happy Sunday everyone, Today I feel totally Lazy and have been napping on the sofa.
MS has been pretty bad today, now I feel so hungry and empty inside like I haven't eaten all week.

How you all doing today ? :flower:
Hey all

Back and boobs are still sore today. Luckily don't seem to have any signs of MS - but I didn't get any when I was pregnant with DD.
I went for an interview this morning, really hoping I get it. FXd.

I had really bad cramping yesterday, I posted some threads on here to ask if others had had similar and people said as long as I'm not bleeding then everything should be ok.
The cramps started after sex/orgasm and were so painful I spent 45 mins on the bathroom floor, sweating and feeling really dizzy and sick.
Was very scary! I didn't have any cramps with miscarriage, just bleeding. I don't know which is worse.
We're still worried but hopefully everything is ok. We've agreed no sex until going to EPAU in week or two and see what they say then.

How is everyone?

Hi Stacey612,
Yes another buddy sounds great : ) i'll add you to my buddy list :D
hope you are ok? are you experiencing any symptoms yet?
Mine still just seem to be sore boobs, but i'm not complaining!! lol

PrettyUnable - I really hope that your cramps will ease up for you soon! It must be scary for you! FX everything is ok and it's nothing to worry about and is just little bean implanting itself well and truly into your uterus. I'm not sure about the first trimester...or whether its all trimesters, but I did read in my book actually that orgasm's can make you have 'mild contractions' but apparently it is completely normal and safe and there's nothing to worry about....but it still sounds pretty scary to me! lol So maybe that is what you were experiencing?? x

edit- oh just re-read, it says that orgasms can bring on mild contractions but they are no where near strong enough to bring on labour (unless baby is overdue and your body is ready to deliver) wow if your in that much pain then it's really gonna hurt when the time comes to deliver in 9 months!! lol eeek!
FayA - Thanks :) It was really scary and if thats "mild contractions" god help me with giving birth - I was hoping to have a water birth and gas and air but may rethink and have epidural on a bed instead :haha: I'm such a wimp.
I'm just glad that they went - hopefully they won't come back and like you say FXd it was just little bean getting all snug and comfy.
I agree I like the sound of a water birth, but not sure what the hospitals are like over here to be honest, only been here a year, the closest one has a home from home midwife lead maternity unit which sounds like exactly what I want, but if anything goes wrong they don't have the equipment for c-section etc, so would need to be transferred to another hospital which is about 15-20mins away, and that one just seems more clinical and obstetrician based (which I really wanna avoid) so I'm really not sure what i'm gonna do yet, just have to look round nearer the time and see if they access me as high risk or anything over the next coming months, decisions decisions! lol x
@ PrettyUnable- As Fay said they are perfectly normal,it's little one snuggling into place, I'm too scared to have sex, I think tbh I wore myself out the last 2 years with scheduled sex, that now I have no desire to do it. Thankfully my DH isn't bothered, I think we're both enjoying the break tbh. Fingers crossed for the outcome ofyour interview

@Fay- Happy 5 weeks hun :D

As for Hospitals, I think I'd like a homebirth if they let me. I'm going to try hypno birthing. I hate Hospitals, and know if I'm giving birth there it'l only stress me out, so I want to be at home in my own surroundings. And going to try and do it all au natural.

Has anyone already had there 1st doctors appointment yet to tell them their pregnant? I have my 1st appt. today and just wandered what to expect. Do they do anything or will he just tell me to see the midwife ? I'm quite nervous, I hate going to the drs.

I hope everyone has a lovely day today :flower:

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