Got appointment with EPAU on Friday morning at 9.15am
I'm so excited, I can't wait.
Hopefully have HCG levels checked and a transvaginal scan to see how the little bean is doing and hopefully in the right place this time - fingers crossed!
Only thing thats a downer, my OH doesn't know if he can get time from work to make it
I was alone for a lot of the appointments during July before the miscarriage and it scares me to think I'll be alone again if they have to tell me they can't find the baby
I know he wants to be there though so he will do all he can.
Hope everyone is feeling ok this morning.. I'm good, but had a crappy nights sleep.
That is Fantastic news hun, your'l be the 1st of us to glimpse your lil Bean,I'm so jealous lol. Positive thinking hunni, bubs is going to be fine, have faith!! and let us all know how it goes, as for the Digi, I'd do it Friday with FMU to put your mind at rest.I done mine this morning and it's already showing 3+ weeks, and last weeks it showed 1-2 weeks