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So has anyone spilled the beans yet? I'm dying to scream it to the world, but we are waiting until my 1st appt at 12weeks. I did however tell my mom and sister.

I've told my parents and 2 cousins who I am very close to (one of them made me buy some tests on saturday!) and my sister, although I didn't mean to tell her.

Gonna keep it quiet from everyone else till at least after the 12 weeks this time.

I thought keeping a secret like this would be exciting.. and it is... but it's so hard!!!!! Especially when you are so excited :)
We've told both sets of parents, my nan and my best friend... I'm desperate to shout it from the rooftops... but we've agreed noone else will know now. Going to tell my daughter Mia at 10 weeks, so she can be involved and come to the 12week scan. Then after the scan we'll go public :happydance:
I couldn't not tell anyone yet, kudos to any ladies who hold out to tell anyone until 12 weeks, you're stronger women than me :blush:

I will definately update with any bargains I find :thumbup:
And yeah I will let people know what I'm bidding for and on what on Ebay so we don't have BnB bidding wars :haha:

Exactly, as long as they are healthy then thats all you need. We are all so blessed to be pregnant :cloud9:

My favourite pram atm is the Petite Star Kurvi 4 Match Plus Travel System in Purple Berry or the Mothercare Spin but thats more pricey for less and hasn't had the best reviews. So I'm edging more for the Petite Star.. :happydance: I can't wait to buy the pram.
Yeah my OHs car is much bigger with a huge boot but it will still need to fit in my car so will be taking mine to go shopping for one to test out.

I'm so glad you joined and started this thread
I joined awhile ago now but I'm too gobby to not get involved, so I comment on loads of threads whether I'm welcome or not :haha:

Congrats on your :bfp: by the way... Congrats to all of us :happydance:
I'd like to join your little group. We found out we are expecting our first 8 days ago and due on the 2nd of May.

Think I have all the symptoms going but my GP said it is a good sign so fx.

Only my husband and I know so far, going to wait till the 12 week scan in case the worst happens, plus it will be nice to show everyone the scan picture.

This will be the 3rd grandchild for my MIL but the first for my parents (they will be soooo excited. My mom has been pestering us for years but last year even my dad said that we better get trying soon as he won't be around forever to spoil the little one rotten)

It will be nice to join a group with ladies that are due near me as we will be going through the same things together. Wishing you all a happy and healthy 9 months.
can i join?
im 4 weeks and 2 days. due may 8th-9th.
congratulations to everyone :happydance: :hug:
wow it's so nice to see so many people in the same position! :D I also won't be finding out the gender as I do think that it's nice to find out at the moment of birth to make it extra special, and it'll be nice to announce, it's a boy/girl to everyone else too when they're born. My husband really wants to know though before as he wants to be able to buy gender specific things, but they grow out of it all sooooo quickly when they are newborn so you'd have to buy more stuff when they are here anyway, and we figured that would be more exciting to shop after baby is here with him/her in the pram! :D

I haven't even started looking at prams! lol Wouldn't have the first clue to be honest, but I think I want a travel system that does the whole lot! lol I really don't know what my first purchase will be...but I think it'll also be around my 20wk point, when I have a bump and feel that it's acceptable to be shopping in baby shops! haha

So far only me and my husband know, and we will be telling some really close friends in a week or so just so we can talk to them about it as we are currently living away from all our families and friends from our home town (husbands in the forces) and we want to tell them face to face rather than on the phone, and we won't be visiting them until beg of oct so really need to tell someone! lol

It will be my in-laws 3rd grandchild, but the other two are girls, so it would be a 1st for them if we have a boy, and it'll be my parents first grandchild, and everyone is going to be soooooo excited!! I feel the same though, i'm sitting on such a happy secret and I know it will just bring so much joy to everyone closest to us and I feel bad by keeping it from them, but it will be so much more personal to tell them face to face, and i'll be about 10 weeks then, so I won't feel so nervous about being so early to tell people.

It doesn't seem real yet! I had to go and buy a digi test today just so I could actually see the words 'pregnant!' lol it won't feel real until more symptoms kick in and we go for a scan! really can't wait for that one!!! :D

Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months to us all :D yay for sticky beans! x
Hi can i join too, i am due 6th may with my 2nd child my first is ds 2yo this was a au-naturale conception in TTC for 10 years my son was the result of our 2nd IVF-ICSI attempt in 2008 absolutly astounded to be here, but elated i had no clue until i got BFP just 3 days late then from there sore bbs nausea (which i never had first time round, sick once at 7 weeks with ds) and genrally tired, H & H 9 months to my bump buddies x
Welcome aboard Kwood, tryin4baby, shmuck & anyone else I missed.

That's the best thing I guess about waiting until 12 weeks, you're a bit further a long, and already 1/3 of the way through, so it won't be as long a wait for our relatives/ friends then it is for us. I guess thats the only downside to testing so early, we have a lot longer to wait.

Anyone else have really bad cramping ? it's really been uncomfortable since a few days before I tested positive and hasn't gone away, I hope the next few months fly by. And Bring on the Bumps :happydance:
Hi fellow 4-5 weekers!! Would love to join your little group :)

I am 5 weeks today and would love to be able to chat with others at the same stage. I have only told my best friend and won't be telling anybody else until December as like FayA my hubby is in the Forces and we have only just visited home so not due another visit for ages. I will hopefully have a nice bump to suprise everybody with at Christmas lol.

This is our first child. I am 26 and have been with other half for 10 years and married for 8 so think out families had given up hope!!

I have had sore boobies and lots of period type cramps (which can be very uncomfortable and worrying) so far and have had to go and buy a bigger bra already today as well!

Congratulations to everyone and I look forward to sharing our nine month journeys :)
woke up this morning and boobs are SORE!! lol they dn't appear to have grown much yet though so still fitting into my bra! lol Also experiencing soreness of the gums for the last week or so, which I forgot to mention earlier. Jellybean16, how can u wait til x-mas?? lol this 5 week wait is already killing me let alone waiting til x-mas! lol but i can understand how expensive it can be to go visiting family especially when like u say you've just been to visit x

edit - oh and by the way has anyone else been constantly looking back over their tests just to make sure the lines are still there haha!!
Woo, I dont know how to send u a link, so Ive put the link n my siggy :thumbup:

Hope your well today, Im having a panic cos my digi still says 1-2 :cry:
Welcome aboard Jellybean, and congratulations to you, and like Fay said, wow at waiting until December, I'm bursting already to tell people.

@ Fay, no haven't looked over tests but I'm going to save them and put them in a baby book, the digi I had to throw out because the battery is dead and no longer displays anything in the window. I'm very tempted to use my other digi and frer. Just to see a nice strong line now. But so far have resisted. I'm with you on the Boobage, mine are aching like hell and so heavy & bruised, they are also spilling over the top of my bra. So they've probably grown a bit.

Anyone else have a map of blue veins all over there boobs. Mine are covered as well as the areolas ( which have doubled in size)

Still getting a ton of creamy Cm, and my pee really makes me Gag, very concentrated and smelly ( no don't have a uti)

@lylasmummy - I found your Journal and made my 1st post, I will be a regular visitor, just need to get a few more ladies onto it, so we can get some banter going

So how are all our Yummy Mummy's doing this fine morning ? :flower:
Bugger waiting till December, I made a thread not long ago, about not wanting to tell my DH till 12 weeks, but I couldnt do it :haha:

The link to my journal is in my siggy ladies, pop on over, its a little boring at the mo, need ppl to stalk me, and ramble with me :flower:

@fayA my boobs are real sore too, been sleeping in my maternity bra that I had when preg with Lyla, feels so much better.

So where is everyone from? Im in (not so) sunny england

Ok, maybe is doesnt work, Its in pregnancy journals, "cooking Lyla a sibling"
Welcome aboard Kwood, tryin4baby, shmuck & anyone else I missed.

That's the best thing I guess about waiting until 12 weeks, you're a bit further a long, and already 1/3 of the way through, so it won't be as long a wait for our relatives/ friends then it is for us. I guess thats the only downside to testing so early, we have a lot longer to wait.

Anyone else have really bad cramping ? it's really been uncomfortable since a few days before I tested positive and hasn't gone away, I hope the next few months fly by. And Bring on the Bumps :happydance:

I've been getting quite bad cramping - had it really horribly last night. Been told by the doctor that it's normal but it's still very worrying when it happens!
Hello everyone.

Still feeling pretty good today. Boods still sore but yesterday I got a full support bra from M & S with no underwiring and it has made so much difference.

I know December is sooooo long away but I really want to tell everybody in person and see their faces. We could go back at 3 months to tell everybody but then its added cost. I can't help thinking things like if we make the extra trip its going to cost at least £250 minimum and that could buy babys pram or towards babys nursery.

Hi Lylasmummy. I'm in UK as well - gutted we haven't had a real summer this year lol x
I've got tender boobs, to touch and lie on, really bad lower back and hip ache and heightened sense of smell - making me gag over OHs aftershave, which I normally love!

My boobs are definately bigger already too - bloody typical. Anyone know anywhere that does decent maternity bras for relatively cheap? I don't want to spend a fortune if I'm not in it for long before they balloon even more..

I'm in South Wales, UK - we haven't had a summer here this year either but roll on Christmas and baby bump :)
Good morning ladies! I don't have too many symptoms other than lower back ache and kind of tender boobs. Not unbearable though :) I kindof wish I had more but I guess I shouldn't complain. I didn't really have MS with my son either. I hope you all are doing fabulous today! Oh and I live in Kansas, any body else live in the states?
The weather has turned out lovely today, wish i'd not put my UGGS on this morning haha
Afternoon my Lovelies :flower:

@ Summer, yes the cramping is worrying for me also, I had a MMC back in March and I had terrible cramps back then. Trying to be positive though, they are obviously just our little beany's snuggling down tight and getting comfortable

@ Jelly I understand hun, your circumstances are different from ours, and if you can avoid an extra expense atm I don't blame you, and as you said that money could go towards baby stuff

@ Pretty, Yup the boobage are a problem for me too, just material brushing past my nips leave me shrieking, hope they calm down soon for both of us. As for Maternity Bras, try Mothercare, M&S or have a look on ebay, I'm still using my hammocks atm lol, the underwires are really digging in and causing terrible red marks underneath, I need a good supportive bra to keep my bad boys up, and sports bras & maternity bras just let them hang to my knees lol, let me know if you manage to find somewhere that sells them cheaply.

@AverysMommy - morning sweetie, lack of symptoms is good, you can just enjoy being pregnant for the time being before you get some symptoms. Seems like most of us are over here from UK, However Marley's also from the states, so you aren't alone.

@Lylasmummy - hope acupuncture went well, and hope it improves your MS, I'll pop over to your journal soon.

Well Ladies I have mainly been fighting off the MS and lounging around on sofa all day watching crappy daytime Tv, as I'm still signed off sick from work, so used my time on google, looking for baby things and trying to decide what baby design / colours of baby equipment I'm going to buy. I keep seeing the cutest girly things and very tempted to bite the bullet and buy them ( and pray for a little girl) As I don't want to know the Gender of Bubbs it's going to be hard to resist buying certain things..... I am totally in love with Mamas & Papas- Made with Love Design, all the stuff I have seen looks like its made using Cath Kidston patchwork material Totally adorable, so tempted to buy the baby chair right now lol, I must resist, I must Resist!!

Hope you are all having a wonderful morning/ Afternoon
And Horay for the weekend!!! :flower:
I would love a buddy, as this is my first time and I'm not sure what to expect! I'm due May 6, 2012. I'm 35, so a bit older than most, I'm guessing.

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