Looking for a buddy/friend?!

Ive heard of the fertility teas and spearmint tea are all meant to be good?
Im taking it because I heard that its good for hormonal imbalances and irregular cycles!
Im on CD41 and still no AF again and im not pregnant!
Had my other smear today as I have abnormal cells!
My bloods showed a hormonal imbalance I have too much testosterone!
My ultrasound scan and internal showed I have either enlarged or increased follicles!
So I probz have PCOS!
Im waiting on my hubbys sperm analysis as there was a mix up with his name so didnt get referred!
Hope everything is going good. Things are pretty decent on my end get to go gon vacy at the first week in may, Alabama one day and then pigeon forge and gatlinburg tenn. I've been to those places in tenn cept for ripleys aqurium dh has never been soo it should be super fun!!! Last time I was there I was llike 14 or 16 I wasn't old enough to gamble in NC we also thought about going to Vegas it would cost a Hella a lot more though

Something is up with my dh he's been a bit wierd everytime we BD he tells me to not move and hold it in.... I about died laughing the first time...I think it's where his birthday is about in 9 days he'll be 30 soo maybe that's what's up with him he might be feel frustrated now and feeding off my emotions on the whole pregnancy and longer cycles I know he's a firm believer of the whole if it happens it happens but it's been over a year now by a couple of weeks and like cycle 18 soo but. Think in his mind we have about another year and half of if it happens it happens based on how long it took some of his friends

Okay my BFF is not pregnant again she is gonna get back on bc she said she doesn't and couldn't handle another one soo soon after J.P she's a good mom though it took her about a year to get pregnant with him and she got pregnant during a super stressful time her marriage of 3 months was ending he was cheating on her and boom she got pregnant we was all in shock. It was pretty crazy too cAuse we all thought my cousin couldn't have anymore kids cause he was almost electrocuted to death well. He did die for a second but doctors thought it killed all his sperm soo it wad pretty shocking. They are a crazy pair they dont super trust each other their presonalitys clash soo much but it works they both love to fish and hunt and they bond over that a lot lot
It's similar to mine and dhs but we trust each other with everything and we both love to fish and shoot cept for he's more outgoing he is the life of a party his personality is soo big and I'm anti social wall flower and I'd rather stay at home and read a book or something so we argue about that sometimes he wants to do something and I don't once in awhile I'll want to do something and e doesn't but I think that's just where I stay in the house all the time and just want to get out for awhile and he knows it so we go out like this whole trip to Alabama is for e because I miss my bestfriend and cousin I know why he doesn't wanna go we broke awhile back and kept doing it back and forth breaking ip and making up and one time I just broke I was hanging out with my brothers friend Paul who is like this goofy older brother of mine I never wanted lol and Tiffany would be there too most of the time bit my dh who was my Bf at the time got upset and started saying things so I broke and just didn't care anyways my BFF has this brother who is my age we was friends and he came to stay at their house for about 2 weeks well Donnie that's his name is a bit off an odd ballyou can only handle him in small doses anyways we all went to this club and I partied it was a rough year for me my mom passed away the year before my Bf and I was always breaking up And my dad kept talking about dying soo I partied hard and made some bad choices long story short my dh hates Donnie like he said If he ever sees him face to face he is going to beat the hell out of him... That's why we are only staying. A day so we don't run into Donnie while we are there I mean I'm still friends with him he's my BFF brother he'll always be there and Chris knows that it's just rough on him so we tend not to talk About it but if I dontalk to Donnie be it he call or I text then I tell my dh about no secrets but I must say my dh is a big flirt I don't get jealous And I trust him it's just some of the women I don't reallly trust one already tried to get with him but he told her no that he's with me and I would cut her lmao so and he has a paast a pretty big one he's slept with more people than he told me too I ain't stupid I hope he knows that I hear him and his buddies sometimes I might have a drawl in my talk but I listen well.... Lol
Hope your ladies are well! I guess we're all taking a more 'hands off' approach for the spring, which is prob a good thing. I know that for me, at least, the past month has been much more relaxed and casual. After finding out DH's results, it was obviously upsetting, but there's a certain calm in knowing. I don't have to stress in the 'maybe, maybe not' but rather just accept it as it's own form of birth control.

After doing some research, I realized that taking DH off his med might be the best option. Initially we were scared of what it might mean to his kidney, but being 12 years post-transplant, the likelihood of rejection is much less than what it once was. So, right now the plan is still to hold off for a while, but then to talk to his renal dr about taking his off the offending drug. They may put him on a diff med which has yucky side effects, or they may just up the dosages of his other meds, but either way in 3-6 months his :spermy: numbers should go up to a 'normal' level. Should. Hopefully. Possibly won't. If we don't get preg naturally within a couple months, then we'll do another SA and schedule a IUI if possible. If his numbers don't go up, then I guess we'll plan on IVF....at some point, though we're hoping it won't come to that. I know it's a lot "what if" and "maybe, hopefully" but having a plan makes it a lot easier. I'm not willing to give up on my 'natural' child yet!

Baby dust! One of us is due to get preg soon! I'm sure of it!
Aww whats his numbers low on again?
I think im going to stop trying and take the pressure off its getting too much and putting a strain on my marriage! OH cant really handle me!
Hopefully we will get there tho eventually!
Hope u r all well!
DH's numbers are just nearly-non-existent low. His count is 250,000.....not even 1 mil! There were too few to even test morphology, and his motility was low at 40%, but not bad. Basically, it will be impossible to conceive naturally.

I thought that suggesting going off the drug would upset my DH, but he was really open to it. We're not ready to go there just yet, but when we are we'll schedule an appt with his dr to discuss options.

It's been nice being on a break, and even though I haven't really done anything different, we've had more sex this month than ever! After working real late the other night, getting home at 3am...DH even rolled over and initiated! Which is so unlike him to wake up and want it! No complaints here!

It's horrible what a strain on a marriage ttc can be. Have you heard about Guiliana and Bill Rancic (sp?)? I don't generally follow them, but I was so happy to hear they're going to have a baby. It's a little sad that they decided to go surrogate, but it's obvious she prob couldn't safely carry. I don't wish fertility problems on anyone, but it's nice to see public figures going through what we do, making the same decisions we have to. Obviously it's different bc finances change the options, but I'm still happy for them.
Aww im sorry to hear that and yes deffo it does put a strain on things! We have been arguing loads becasue ive been so upset over everything! Guess im gonna have to stop stressing and trying and putting pressure on things! The Dr said that he will see me in August after its been a year!
So it seems everyone is just taking a bit of break which i think is good!! Getting pregnant hasn't even been on my mind, My emotional state needs to be more mellowed out before I even think of that. I'm content. I want a puppy and it makes DH sad that he can't get me one cause we already have too many well we have the room its just this is his dads place.

DH turned 30 last week. We got up and did some things but he mainly did whatever he wanted that day lol

We're going on vacay in about 10 days first 2 days will be fishing then we're going to see my cousin and bff in alabama then we're going to gatlinburg for a few days. then back home and spend his last day rewinding before he goes back to work.

I think I'm content without kids. Part of me wants them another part of me is life will change so much, i wont be able to do things i did before and i don't like change i don't really do well with change. DH said we have a couple of years before he starts to worry

idk!! lol

I know its taking a while for it to happen for any of us that I think its that dilemma of coping with it all?!
I have until August before I get any help as well!
My OH does not want to talk about it at all but says he is supporting me and im not alone which I dont get because its my way of dealing with it as I dont know what else to do?
Im trying peppermint tea and vitex now in the meantime?!
Its just really hard!
I feel like its never going to happen without help?!
Just wanted to see if yall was doing good?

Not sure where I stand at with this whole ttc anymore. I've been trying to set my foot down with DH that I don't want to even 'if it happens it happens' I don't think I want to have a kid right now. But he wont really listen.

My little cousin is pregnant shes 20 a CNA shes got a good head on her shoulders. doesn't make me sad or anything, yay for her. was my reaction honestly.

I'm not bitter or anything towards it. I just don't seem to care anymore. Which I don't know what is worse caring too much or not caring at all.

I'ma try and talk to DH tonight about things. I want us to have our own place before we have a kid, I want to go thru the whole shopping for a crib and painting the room and stuff.

Not just move stuff around in our room to make room for another little person

This year seems to be going by fast before i know it it'll be year 2 of 'if it happens it happens'
Aww im sorry I hope that things get better for you soon! I think the longer you try the harder it gets! xox
How is everyone doing?
Not much to update same ol same ol

it seems like having kids is the topic around us, his buddy asked us when we was gonna have one then the next day his little brother asked us the same thing!!!!

Im still content for now, but I think DH is starting to rethink the whole "If it happens it happens" but he hasn't voiced it yet, i think he is starting to want a baby ore than I am.

I'm getting a goat! Lol one of those smaller ones in a few months I hope i can still have it by then!! I just <3 animals so much.

I've been taking care of a little kitten on and off, its an outside kitty and i bring it in and clean it up and feed it some so it gets stronger.

I think having animals around has some what put having kids/unsure ifwanting them on the back burner it gets me time to focus on that.
Hi ladies! I'm not sure if anyone is still around, but I thought I'd check in. I took another break from here, but then got sorta locked out and couldn't get on when I tried. I've had some renewed ttc energy lately, so I got back on!

After our SA results this spring we took some time to relax and consider options. DH was still trying to convince himself that maybe he'd be okay if he never had a child. I knew he was just lying to himself, 'grieving' for our situation, so I didn't freak out. His brother had a new baby, and they chose DH as the godfather. It's kinda funny given that DH and I are atheist, but he was excited none the less. Spending so much time with his new nephew really got to him and he decided it was time to talk to his dr.

Just this week we talked to his dr about taking him off 'the bad drug' that has killed his sperm. She's putting him on a different drug, one that he used to be on but didn't work, so we're a little nervous. She doesn't think rejection of the kidney is likely at this point though. Hopefully his numbers will return to 'normal' within 3-6 months. However, it's possible that they may never return to normal. So, if we don't get pg in 6-8 months, we'll do another SA. I'm hopeful though, and crossing my fingers for pg by Christmas!!

On a side note, we're moving again! We've gotten another superintendent job, but this will be a much bigger apt, one that's baby-friendly too! It seems like everything is falling into place, I just hope it works out. I hope you girls are having a good summer! I wish you BFP's! And if not, at least have good BD's!
Welcome back!

Congrats on the bigger apt! and I wish ya'll lots of luck with the medication switch and hope good news follows it! and that is kind of funny about the godfather.

I had a heart felt talk with my DH about the 'if it happens it happens' thing and told him I was 70% sure I didn't want to have a baby anytime soon and the longer we kept not trying but trying it kind of makes me not want to have one longer. He couldn't understand how that would make me not want one because it took some of his friends 2 to 3 years. I even talked to my bff the one that had a baby last year she told me not to have one anytime soon, she said she loves her little boy but she wish she would of waited just a bit longer.

So after AF ended DH looked at me and said, "We're going to have sex every other day and I'm going to try and knock you up" I was speechless, its like he doesn't listen to what comes out of my mouth sometimes. Its so frustrating. He doesn't like doctors and I don't like doctors so I doubt he will go for a SA anytime soon. I don't have insurance but he does so he can go to the doctor and get everything checked out for him.

On the plus side, DH is now going thru his cards, he collects baseball and football cards, he has some really pricey ones, he is getting ready to send them off to be graded to start selling them. I'm guessing he wants to have a good bit of them sold and graded before he is 35 because, "I don't want to work for the rest of my life, I have these cards for that reason to sell and live off the money" his words. He has millions of cards i'm sure some of I have never even seen.
Well DH hashed it out some more. And now im back to almost wanting it more than just 30%, so i've decide to try and visualize it. I've started meditating again but this time instead of just trying to help my anxiety im now using it as a visual, I think positive thoughts and also trying something I read, where you visual them going through your body well it might sound silly but i visual burst of colors traveling through my body down to my uterus where it explodes and blossoms which opens up to accept conception. and so on, and i just go through what I hope a positive pregnancy outcome would be. I do this every night and i feel more relaxed.

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