HELLO LADIES!!! I am so so sorry that I have not replied in ages!! I went on a very last minute camping trip and I did not have time to jump on here to let you all know before I left and once I got there, I did not have internet!!
I am finally home though and SOOOOO excited to see how many Bump Buddies we have now!!
MONKIEPIXIE: Congrats!! So happy you joined us!
FLOWERPOT: Congrats! I know how that feels.. we are trying to squelch the excitement also, but it is hard! I just want to shout it to the whole world!!
I can't wait to see the heart beat.
BREEZYBRIDE: Congrats!! What were your new HCG levels? Did they double? Hope everything is great!
BLESSEDMAMMA: Morning Sickness GO AWAY!! I guess you can look at it from a bright side and think that everything is going good! I read that there is a much lower risk for miscarriage in woman who have morning sickness... So maybe while you are sitting there feeling aweful you can think of that?
I am peeing constantly now too.. To a point of irritation. Oh well, It gives me an excuse to check for any spotting though, which I am quite obsessive about!
So excited for you. I seriously feel like you listed everyone of my symptoms though! Peeing and exhaustion being the top 2. Although, the last 2 days I have felt really queesy, like motion sickness, off and on throughout the day. I am weirdly happy to be feeling this way though, it makes me feel like the baby is actually growing!! I totally feel ya with the bloat bump. I am worried I may not be able to hide this bump very long!
EYKNG82L Congrats on your pregnancy!!!
Hang in with the nausea, I read that 80% of woman get it and it looks like all of us bump buddies are in that 80%... We can do this! Will be so worth it.
Is this your first? So happy the bleeding is gone and that you had loved ones to support you!
Your post made me smile. I must confess.. I took 10 tests before I believed it was true!!
Over the course of like 3 days.. But I was obsessed with seeing a darker line everyday. Pregnancy does crazy things to us.
So happy for you!
COLETTE: Sorry for MS... But, this could be a great sign!! I am so very happy for you and your man!! I can't wait for your US update on Wed!! YAY!
You must be on
!! So excited to hear everything!
WINTERBABY: YAY!! Congrats!! So exciting!
Any symptoms??
POLLYPOCKET27: Congratulations!! I am so glad that your bleeding stopped. I can't wait for your scan update!!
HADS1: Congratulations and welcome!! I am so excited for you that you have already seen baby heart beat!! How dreamy!
All of us cannot wait! I think you are totally normal to panic early on in pregnancy. It is really helpful to be able to come on here and have people to talk about everything with. I know I am constantly thinking about it and worrying about baby.. I WANT to talk about it all the time. This really helps me to share with other lovely ladies who know exactly what I am going through!
I really hope your bleeding/spotting stopped. I have heard that bright red is what you should be worried about.