Looking for a Bump Buddy..Due March 30th!

Spoke to doctor and he said as it was just a bleed and no other symtons then there was nothing I could do other than rest. He was quite clinical over the phone and just said if it is a miscarriage there's nothing we can do anyway. Fab thanks!!!! I've rested all eve and today. Mother in Law stayed with me last night as husband works away Tues -Thurs and my mum is on holiday and she wouldn;t let me lift a finger. Today has been ok so fingers crossed.
Oh very helpful!! I shall keep everything crossed that all is okay. Hopefully as you have been okay since then it was just a normal occurance. It is all so worrying, espeically when you don't know what to expect, so a Dr who says that is not very comforting!
Thanks for that :) all still seems ok for now. I've never met a nice doctor to be honest - I think their job desensitizes them somewhat.
Nausea is really bad but I am taking that as a good sign - I just wish I could be sick and feel better for a bit
Hi everyone I am due ( supposidly) March 25th... Just found out a couple weeks ago !
I am so excited and so nervous !!!
I am with you about the sympoms.
I have one one day and nothing the next - they all come and go ...
Allitle nausea once and a while, but nothing else really. I was so nervous myself, I took another test and it was still positive. Apparently the 5 before were not enough ! lol

hi ladies and welcome!

eulmh- hope the spotting stays away. it was probably nothing but def not what you want to see right away. i bled for like 4 days heavy around af time with #3. and he is fine. they said it was IB. spotted for almost 10 weeks with #5. it was a subchorionic hematoma, which is fancy for a pocket of blood by where baby implanted. its petty common and either bleeds all the way out-like mine did- or dries up in there. he is fine too.:hugs: i think your right about a lot of dr's getting desensitized.:thumbup:
hey ladies sorry for the late reply, congrats to you all....

mmm most defo getting MS wretching at everything that has a smell, My boobs feel so sore evenwhen i walk and i have the most bloated stomach that i have ever had :) all for a good reason lol.

wow blessed momma i would love your womb :) we took 3.5 years and fertility treatment to get this little sticky bean :) lol thats the only reason i get an early scan as wth treatment there is risks of twins lol ..... one is fine :) lol

hun after 3.5 years i hope you do have twins! double blessing! :D

i am noticing some foods taste funny too. some things even taste spoiled:nope: YUCK!!!
im due 28th march after trying for 4 months :) first baby too! hope the first 12 weeks go quick for us all :)
hi ladies

im due 28th march with our first im excited and nervous as i had a light bleed on tuesday that lasted approx 4 hours.
Had a blood test last thursday and HCG was nearly 700 which is apparantly high so it may be twins. Got my first scan next weds
I have morning sickness but i haven't been sick. Mine usually lasts from morning through to mid afternoon. I have gone off tomato ketchup and i have always been told i am the ketchup queen. Although my Husband did think i was a bit dulally when i had garlic bread and a boiled egg for lunch the other day lol. My Boobs are growing too (yay) and i have major bloat belly which means i cannot hide it from people. I have already had to change to maternity clothes as mine are just far too tight. I also have to pee like every half an hour. I am sleeping lots too so will be glad when i have more energy.
lol sunflower, i have morning sickness without the sickness to! i dont know whether its a god or bad thing lol......least im keeping food down :)

Does anyone else have an early scan? i will update you all on weds :) let you know how many heartbeats we hear/see.

How is everyone??? excited :) lol

I even brought 40 basic toothbrushes when we started trying for when i did puke, but so far they are still under the bed LOL, although polos are my new best friend to help with the nausea. I am gutted as my midwife is on holiday so i wont get to see her until week 10, then i am away on holiday myself so wont get my first scan until 12-13 weeks. I would love to have heartbeat confirmation before then though :-(
collette cant wait to hear. im the same with sickness. im not actually getting sick yet, just nausea off and on, but its all day

i have had 2 mc and some complications with my pregnancies, so im usually seen very early and have scans right away. im trying to wait as long as i can this time so long as i dont have anything to worry about. i wanted to do that last pregnancy, but had spotting very early so had to go in. my first appt is scheduled for aug 29th when i will be 10+3. they told me if i have any concerns they can get me in earlier. im thinking of asking for a scan after i go in so we will see how that goes.
Hope you don't mind if I join this thread, I am currently 9+3 weeks pregnant with my first, due 1st March 2012, can't wait to get to 12 weeks :)
I have already had 2 US scans due to light bleeding at around 4+6 weeks, apparantly light bleeding can be normal and the EPU unit put it down to the fact that I had a water infection, they also said that implantation bleeding is normal even a few weeks later.
At my US scan on 4+6, we could see the amniotoc sac with yolk sac, I was assured this was all fine and I was then booked another appointment for 6+4 weeks just to ensure the HB was present, thankfully the HB was present and it was a very comforting feeling.

My next scan is on 24th Aug by which time I will be 12+6 weeks, can't wait for this date.
I wish someone had prepapred me for how much you worry on your first pregnancy, I panicked when I started getting cramps but again your body is going through lots of changes and cramping is normal.

Over the past 2 days I have had very slight brown discharge, only very slight, again I started to worry but I am re-assured after reading other peoples experiences on forums, I will still call my EPU on Monday though, just to put my mind at rest :) It has happened twice and like I say not alot, I hear brown is fine as this can be old blood.

Symptoms wise I have had extreme tiredness, headaches and nausea, never actully sick.

Hope everyone is doing ok x
HELLO LADIES!!! I am so so sorry that I have not replied in ages!! I went on a very last minute camping trip and I did not have time to jump on here to let you all know before I left and once I got there, I did not have internet!! :dohh:

I am finally home though and SOOOOO excited to see how many Bump Buddies we have now!! :happydance:

MONKIEPIXIE: Congrats!! So happy you joined us! :hugs:

FLOWERPOT: Congrats! I know how that feels.. we are trying to squelch the excitement also, but it is hard! I just want to shout it to the whole world!! :happydance: I can't wait to see the heart beat. :cloud9:

BREEZYBRIDE: Congrats!! What were your new HCG levels? Did they double? Hope everything is great! :hugs:

BLESSEDMAMMA: Morning Sickness GO AWAY!! I guess you can look at it from a bright side and think that everything is going good! I read that there is a much lower risk for miscarriage in woman who have morning sickness... So maybe while you are sitting there feeling aweful you can think of that? :hugs: I am peeing constantly now too.. To a point of irritation. Oh well, It gives me an excuse to check for any spotting though, which I am quite obsessive about! :haha:

SUNFLOWER: CONGRATS!! :happydance: So excited for you. I seriously feel like you listed everyone of my symptoms though! Peeing and exhaustion being the top 2. Although, the last 2 days I have felt really queesy, like motion sickness, off and on throughout the day. I am weirdly happy to be feeling this way though, it makes me feel like the baby is actually growing!! I totally feel ya with the bloat bump. I am worried I may not be able to hide this bump very long! :blush:

EYKNG82L Congrats on your pregnancy!!! :happydance: Hang in with the nausea, I read that 80% of woman get it and it looks like all of us bump buddies are in that 80%... We can do this! Will be so worth it. :cloud9: Is this your first? So happy the bleeding is gone and that you had loved ones to support you!

GERKINGIRL: Congrats and WELCOME!! :hugs: Your post made me smile. I must confess.. I took 10 tests before I believed it was true!! :dohh: Over the course of like 3 days.. But I was obsessed with seeing a darker line everyday. Pregnancy does crazy things to us. :blush: So happy for you!

COLETTE: Sorry for MS... But, this could be a great sign!! I am so very happy for you and your man!! I can't wait for your US update on Wed!! YAY! :happydance: You must be on :cloud9: !! So excited to hear everything!

WINTERBABY: YAY!! Congrats!! So exciting! :happydance: Any symptoms??

POLLYPOCKET27: Congratulations!! I am so glad that your bleeding stopped. I can't wait for your scan update!!

HADS1: Congratulations and welcome!! I am so excited for you that you have already seen baby heart beat!! How dreamy! :cloud9: All of us cannot wait! I think you are totally normal to panic early on in pregnancy. It is really helpful to be able to come on here and have people to talk about everything with. I know I am constantly thinking about it and worrying about baby.. I WANT to talk about it all the time. This really helps me to share with other lovely ladies who know exactly what I am going through! :hugs: I really hope your bleeding/spotting stopped. I have heard that bright red is what you should be worried about. :hugs:

SO EXCITED!!! :happydance:
Ok.. So update on me!!

ON Thursday (7/28) my HCG doubled and went up to 1290 :happydance: but my progesterone went from 13.9 on 7/26 to 9.7!! I was very upset and scared that this was going to cause a miscarriage. My Doctor started me on Prometrium 100 mg twice daily and since I just got back in town today, I am hoping to hear from her tomorrow for some followup blood work. She said that since the HCG was going up, this wasn't too concerning, but that Prometrium should assist my progesterone levels in maintaining the pregnancy.

Just scary. Makes me worry even more. Now I welcome my constant peeing so that I can check the toilet paper for blood.. And feel so relieved everytime I see none. It has been 3 days and no signs of miscarriage yet. I have my first appointment on Thursday, but I will only be 5 weeks, 6 days (according to online calculator). I am really hoping that they will do a scan and that there will be a fetal pole, if not a HB!! That would make me feel so relieved.

Sore boobies, nausea throughout the day off and on that feels more like motion sickness than flu, peeing constantly, and boobies are growing!! Come on baby! STICK!!
MarchLove Bug i shall keep everything crossed for you, although i guess your strong pregnancy symptoms are a good sign about your bean being sticky :)

So i keep doing pregnancy tests every few days (i brought 50 for £10 so i could test whenever i liked when we were trying not realising i would get pregnant on my first cycle!) and yup still pregnant! Lol. I guess once i know my little tadpole is in the right place and i have seen the heartbeat that i will calm down a bit as all i have to go on right now are my symptoms. I know i will still worry as it is my miracle in there but i think i shall relax a little bit (plus it will be a weight off my mind when everyone knows!).

I feel like a big bowl of jelly at the moment so i cannot wait until i have lost my baby bloat and get baby bump :) Although i must admit i secretly like my symptoms as it is because of such a wonderful thing happening inside me.

I am however having trouble choosing where to give birth. I am disabled ( i have no balance system on one side so i look permanently drunk lol) so i need a hospital i know can let my Husband stay with me. I will have to have an elective c-section as i cannot push and my Husband knows my needs so he needs to stay with me overnight. I really dont want to have to go private just for this so i am hoping i find somewhere which will accomodate this.

I am currently on crutches which i was hoping to be off before i got pregnant but again we fell so quickly that didn't work lol.

Does anyone else have worries about finding the right place as everyone has different opinions about places :-S
So i called my Doctors surgery to see if i i could get a earlier scan as my booking appointment is a week and a half late then i go away so my scan would be late too (no date given yet). They said they would get her to call then we can see if she can get me in for a scan before i go away. I really hope so as that means i can relax while away. I know i sound a bit paranoid but i think all i need is to know i have a baby in the right place and the heartbeat is all good. I was told i would get a call today so i shall let you all know how it goes!
welcome new ladies! and hello everyone! hope we are all well today. i have to go to my family dr today to get referred to my ob. all i will be doing is a pee test and she will ask when LMP was so she can refer me, nothing too exciting. im happy to see the process begin though.
SUNFLOWER: Goodluck finding the perfect spot for you and your little one to meet! Too funny about doing pregnancy tests every day!! I did that for the first week until I ran out! It was funny though, whenever I was buying my tests from the DollarTree, I bought like 10 and the lady at the checkout was like "Hun, I think it only takes 1." :blush: Hopefully you get your early scan! I know exactly how you feel.. Hearing that little heart beat and just knowing that everything was growing in the right place and how it should be would make my heart feel a whole lot lighter!!

BLESSEDMOMMA: Yay! A doctor's appointment! It doesn't even matter if it is nothing too exciting, it is exciting knowing that you are starting care for the LO! Hope all goes wonderfully!

I called my doctor to see if I needed another progesterone check today. I would sure like to know if this prometrium is making my levels go up. I should hear back from her later on. I will keep you all posted! Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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