Looking for a Halloween baby buddy!

hey ladies - not having a good day :nope:

yesterday was an awful day and its playing on my mind loads.

it started weird when i got up in the night to pee and our bedroom door was wide open, then i went down to the bathroom and the living room door was wide open. DH nearly always comes to bed after to me and he always always shuts the doors. It just kinda freaked me out and he said he doesn't remember leaving them open.

Our main car failed its MOT, one of the failures being a tyre we only bought 3.5 months ago, so not very happy about that coz money is really tight and i'm about to get my first full maternity pay which is a bit scarey coz i don't know if were gunna manage on it (i've planned as much as i possibly can but until were living it i just don't know)

then when my DH got home, a dinner plate seemed to spontaneously fall apart- a chunk of it just came apart. Then as DH went to pick up his coffee, the handle came away from the cup. He put his work trainers on and the laces came apart in his hands, then he went to move the beetle and i went outside to make sure the rabbit was ok, and she was laid there, awake and breathing but not moving. She usually won't let u pick her up but DH picked her up and she didn't move a muscle.

we brought her in and she didn't have anything obviously wrong with her, but just her body was frozen.
I rang the vets and got an out of hours number, rang them, and just to have a consultation was £120!!!!!!!!!!!!:shrug: and any meds/treatment was on top of that!!!
We just don't have that kind of money at the moment which is awful because i felt so guilty that i couldn't take her to be seen but with our other bunny, her meds alone came to £50 and she only lasted an extra week so if that was the same again thats nearly two weeks maternity pay!!!!
its so unfair that if i was on benefits i could of taken her to pdsa for free treatment but because i'm not on benefits she had to suffer :cry: I would have paid for her if i could afford it but they wanted money that i just don't have :cry:
anyway, they said to keep her inside, warm, try and feed her something sweet and give her a drink, and take her to our usual vets first thing. But about ten mins later she started screaming and looking like she was either gasping or trying to be sick, then she arched her back up as far as possible and her eyes bulged out and then she threw herself over and started fitting, and all her legs were moving like she was running. It felt like it lasted for ever but in reality i think it lasted about one or two minutes, and then she died :cry::cry::cry:

it was probably the worst thing i have ever seen because she looked in so much pain and there was nothing we could do for her. :cry:

i wish i knew what happened to her, she'd been absolultely fine the last time i saw her. it was all just so quick.

The way everything just went wrong or broke within a short space of time really freaked me out and made me worry about joseph and if something was going to happen to him.

I just went outside today and there were flies everywhere but all just sat really docile, not moving. It was really freaky. there must have been about a hundred just between one fence panel and the patio table and there was even more than that round the rest of the garden.

It feels like theres bad vibes round here and its freaking me out.

i don't believe in ghosts or spooks so its not like i'm saying i think theres something like that going on, but it does feel like theres bad vibes round me and DH and stuff keeps going wrong..... it worries me when i've got my baby to think about.
am i going mad??!:wacko:
Oh Sal that's awful and i can totally understand you being freaked out by it all but you have to try not to stress about Joseph. I'm sure he's fine hun and you stressing won't be doing you any favours. I am so sorry about your rabbit, you poor thing. I don't know what kind of area you live in but my parents bred rabbits when i was younger and we lived in an RAF low flying zone. Something similar happened to 2 of our adult rabbits and the vet told us he thought a low flying plane must have frightened them and caused them to have seizures. Is it possible that something gave your rabbit a really bad fright? I really feel for you hun, you must have been really shaken up by it all, it sounds like you need to try to relax. Big hugs from me and remember, your little bundle of joy is nearly here now hun :) xx
thanks tanni :hugs:

we just had the bunny funeral and when we were digging in the garden we found a poop :wacko: now we have a cat but it was waaaaay bigger than a cat poop and besides i know my cat well and he always buries his buisness and this hadn't been buried at all. Although milly didn't appear to have any injuries on her it does make us wonder what has been in the garden. A fox maybe? i don't think it could be a dog coz our garden is very secure and theres no way for something that can't jump at least 6 feet to get in. I'm not sure what kind of jumpers foxes are??!

we also found some mushrooms growing under a pear tree which looked a little nibbled??

Its all speculation but its frustrating not knowing what went wrong.

feeling very deflated at the minute. I don't think its helping that i've been stuck in the house all week, not really seeing anyone or going anywhere. Didn't even get to antenatal this week because it was the day the car failed MOT and DH just had too much on.
I don't have any spare cash to go out places and with the car MOT running out 2moro i don't think its a good idea to be pushing my luck going around in it anyway.
I know i should be greatful for the peace and quiet coz in a few weeks it'll be shattered but its just given me time to dwell today which isn't good either :wacko:

pffff sorry for whinging, i'm getting fed up of myself :dohh:
Awwwwww Salb10-I'm so sorry to hear what has happened to your poor rabbit-we keep ginuea pigs and i think it sounds very likely that Tanni is right about maybe your rabbit had a fright-as something similar happened to one of our pigs and it went into shock.
No you're not going mad sweetheart,with all that has happened i think i would feel exactly the same,but try not to worry about little Joseph -he is safe within you all snuggled up waiting for the right time to come and meet you properly.
Its not good to be stuck inthe house alone chick-is there maybe a friend who can come and just have a cuppa+chat?
No need to be sorry Salb10..this is exactly what the forum is here for..(((((hugs ))))) coming at you!Hope you manage to get some much needed rest tonight. Xx
Cakey is right hun, your wee bubba is all safe and sound. I know what you mean, i'm the same. My car is falling apart and i can't afford to sort it just now as i've had 2 kids bday's and little one is due. I haven't wanted to risk long drives and all my family are miles away so i feel very alone. I also never really see anyone. My OH has taken on tons of extra work despite having a slipped disk cos he needs the money. His injury means i'm getting no nookey which is really getting me down. I've had the night from hell. Me and him had a stupid fight and aren't talking and i was up till 5.30am with bad false labour pains and sore hips then slept in for the school run so i'm feeling pretty sorry for myself too. We all just need to focus on the fact that we're nearly there i guess. Hugs to you both xxx
Thank u cakey :)
I had plenty of visitors last week but this week the yearly fair has been on so lots of ppl have been going to that but I didn't want to get pushed by crowds so I've stayed away and everyone I know works during the day so its just been a really quiet week. I keep being told I should appreciate the peace while I can, and I know I should but I feel useless if I'm not being productive for any length of time. I feel a bit better today though. I think we were just shocked at the way bunny died. I've had loads of pets and its always sad when they die but I always imagined that they just fell asleep coz that's how they look when u find them. The big shock with this was seeing her die and how awful and painful it looked and the helplessness u feel just watching. It made me wonder if all my other pets suffered the same way?

Sorry to hear ur having a bad time too tanni :-( its not good feeling isolated at a time like this and I've felt like it too this week. Its wierd coz it feels like everyones lives are carrying on while I'm in suspended animation waiting for my life changing event to start! I hate arguing with DH while preggo coz I worry about the stress and negativity on Joseph and its now more than ever that we need to be a partnership.
A couple of weeks ladies and we'll be wondering how we had the time to think of all these problems!
Hey ladies how r u? It's a bit quiet on here- I hope you haven't both sneeked off to have ur babes without me! :p x
Hi SalB, nope no such luck lol. It's just been a busy week. My computer chair is naff and it's too uncomfortable sitting on it for any length of time but i'm deffo still here. My ex is coming over from cyprus on sat and is going to take our kids away for a few days which will be really nice as i never get a break from them. My OH is working all weekend this weekend too so i'm half expecting to go into labour right in the middle of it all lol. Hope you and Cakey are both feeling ok. I bought a yoga ball the other day and bounced in front of the telly for about 3 hours. My bum was killing me the next day lol. Had 2 really strong BH's right on top of each other the other night and my OH got all excited cos he was convinced it was the real thing. I've been really uncomfy since and i'm sure bubs has dropped even further. Apart from that, there's nothing new, just eagerly waiting for it all to kick off. Ooh i wonder which one of us is gonna burst 1st lol. Good luck ladies, not long now :) xx
That's usually the way isn't it! I thought joseph would come whilst the cars were without mot but our main car passed today. Our washer has started making horrendous noises now so I think that might give up on us soon and maybe he'll come then! Lol
Is ur baby moving as much now? I keep reading that its normal for them to move less coz of being.cramped and Joseph has been quieter today. He's not kicking now.as such, its more squirms. What's ur baby doing? And do u know what this extra dampness is and could u put an amount on it? I was worried about leaking amniotic fluid but if we're all getting the same it must be normal. My doc did a swab but because of their incompetence it needs doing again and its been over 2 wks since the last so if there was a prob then its been.going on a while.

Sorry 4 all full stops i did this on my phone as quick reply but have ended up not being so quick! Lol
No my bub's isn't moving quite as much and it's deffo more squirms than kicks. Think they're all outta space at last lol.I get a fair bit of dampness (tmi sorry) It varies, but there have been a few times i've thought maybe it's my waters but it's not. Hey my washer packed in just days before i gave birth with both my eldest so fingers crossed it means he's on his way. Had ante-natal yesterday and my blood results show i am borderline aneamic which i thought. They took more and will put me on iron on mon if they're any lower. Baby is 4/5ths engaged and midwife says he feels quite big. She doesn't think i'll last another week so i'm keeping everything crossed. She's booked me in for a sweep on the 2nd nov but they're not gonna induce me till the 15th which is a hell of a scary thought as going by my lmp, i'll be nearly 43 weeks by then!!!!! My SPD has suddenly flared up again and had me in tears through the night cos i was so tired but couldn't lie down. Just really looking forward to getting at least most of my body back to myself. I have gone from only being able to eat about 3 mouthfulls at once to eating like a woman possessed over the last week so i'm hoping that's a sign that he's on his way. If he doesn't hurry up, i'm gonna pile on loads of weight lol. How are you both feeling? :) xx
where's Cakey??????? you better not have snuck off to give birth lady!!! lol xx
well that makes me feel a lot better that u LO has slowed down a bit too and that u get the dampness too. it must just be all normal but i can feel myself getting more and more neurotic as due date approaches! we're just so close to the finishing line!
Hopefully u will feel better if they sort your anemia out. I feel lucky that during the day theres only really me to think of- i can't imagine how u guys cope when u have to keep up the pace with your other Lo's:wacko:

When they say he's big, did they give u an approx weight? I got no info like that all on my checks, apart from the 20 week scan when he was average.

aww lucky u that he's 4/5ths engaged! i saw my middy today and he's not moved any further down since two weeks ago! :dohh:

aww wow imagine if u are a mummy again in a weeks time!! i'm soo jealous! i want mine within the next week!! :haha:

maybe cakey has beaten us both??!:shrug: she was measuring quite far ahead.....

come back cakey!!! we need to know whats happening!!! :flower:
yes Cakey, i demand to know whether or not you've popped lol. I think the other 5th engaged today :) haha. Yeh i think the movement and dampage are totally normal hun. The kids dad flies over from Cyprus tonight and is taking the girls away for 5 days on sat. It'll be the 1st break i've had in 2 years so i guess it would be nice to pop between now and them coming back lol. At least mine are old enough to be fairly independant thankfully. Getting loads of tightenings this evening so i'm hoping it's not gonna be long. You never know, you could be a mummy in the next week too. Being a boy, mine's prob gonna be late lol xx
eeek!! don't forget to keep us updated if u poss can!! come on babies!!!
Hello there buddies -i've jsu popped on to let you know that our baby boy Cassidy was born on saturday 15th october-he was born with a lung infection so we have been+still are in special care.
So sorry to not have time to read through posts and catch up with all your news.....bestest wishes for the time being for you lovely ladies n bumps! Xx
PS.I'll pop back and let you know when we are home :cool:
Omg! Congrats cakey and family! And hello cassidy!
So sorry to hear he's poorly- hope to hear you're all home soon

Of course we know it'll be hard 4 u to find the time but I look forward to hearing all the details when u get chance Xx
Hmm tanni have u popped too? Is there only me left?!
OOOh congrats Cakey!!!!!! I hope Cassidy is doing well and you get home soon. Can't wait to see pics. No i'm still here Sal. Had a proper show last night and was sore all evening and feel heavier than ever today but nothing so far. OH is working away tonight and his mum has a stomach bug so today looks promising lol. I feel fit to burst and i keep getting my hopes up but knowing my luck, it will drag out till the last min. Kids go away today though so i'm gonna use the time to get the house spotless, finish my college work and hopefully fit in some relaxing too. How ya feeling Sal? Oh can't believe your boy is here Cakey!!!!! I'm sooo pleased for you and very jealous too :) xxxxx
aww i want to have a show!! :dohh:

i have had diddly squat! :shrug:

A fair few twinges and aches and stuff but all pretty average normal stuff i think. pfffff.

I want my baby!!

I think i need to plan more things when it would be most inconvieient to go into labour and like u say, sods law i will! :haha:

Can't wait to see a pic and hear cakeys birth story. Hope they get to come home soon :flower:
well the show obviously wasn't a sign lol, i'm still here lol. My OH is convinced i'm gonna go over but if he says it one more time, i swear i'm gonna swing for him. Typical boy, he's already later than all my girls. I swear he's gonna wait till the kids are back at school :( I unpacked and repacked my hospital bag last night and washed his crib bedding again. I'm at a total loss for things to do now hahaha. I've taken to baking but with the kids all being away, half of it isn't gonna get eaten. How are you feeling Sal? Cakey, if you see this, i hope your LO is improving and you're closer to getting home xxx

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