Looking for Bump Buddies! (due Early-Mid February 2013)

oh my gosh! i lovee the season's greetings hat idea! :D
so adorable.
both of your bumps are soo cute! <3
i'll post a few pics for comparison and then tomorrow i'll add my 32 weeker.
i'm getting too excited that its only 5 weeks until i'm considered 'full term':happydance:
19+4, 28, and 30.
thought i had one at like 7 weeks on my camera but no ): its on my phone that decided to kick the bucket..


  • 19 +4.jpg
    19 +4.jpg
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  • 28 weeks.jpg
    28 weeks.jpg
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  • 30 weeks.jpg
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u got a long torso mrs... thats why its more stretched up:)
I see it now mrs! I just needed something to compare it to :thumbup: Looking good ladies :thumbup:
i just noticed you took your belly ring out pre!
mine is getting a bit uncomfortable, and i don't have a pregnancy one, but i don't want to take it out :p lol
and von-maybe that is why i'm getting comments from everybody who sees me and asks me how far along i am. they keep saying that i'm too small?
and i think i found my first stretchy today :growlmad: it could be from my ferret though as i just cut his nails last night and had my shirt up watching lil' one move when he decides to come lay on me with his super sharp nails:dohh:
hoping thats it :haha:
but anyways here is my 32 weeker, as promised :)
how are you ladies feeling/doing?


  • 32 weeks 002.jpg
    32 weeks 002.jpg
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i think ur belly is absolutely kick ass cute lol!!

my monsterinlaw is.tickin me off.as usual.. grrrr! such an arrogant selfcentred person! entirely too much to.rant over while typeing on my phone but trust me... that woman will b the death of me! i habe popped.more.vains.in my forehead cuz of her than.anything else. just know this.... she INSISTED on me having a abortion. ... o_O THATS the.sort of.person she.is. she has.no interest in this pregnancy or.baby at all and is being a.cow about everything... WORST thing? SHE.LIVES NEXT.FLIPPIN DOOR!
ok... im.done
thank you :) lol
and oh my goodness, she sounds absolutely horrid!
my mother in law is a little annoying at times but nothing like that.
where the hell does she get off insisting on an abortion?? :growlmad:
Oh wow Von I'm sorry she lives next door! and WTF How awful of her to say that about this baby, HER grandchild. That's just disgusting. Shame on her.
Mrs~ I did take it out, it was getting caught on stuff. I didn't want to, and still put rings through it every now and again to make sure it's still open.
I have a long torso too Mrs, but baby found the room lol and took all of it. It took me forever to show because I am long.
But as long as you're measuring ok then oh well!

Speaking of measuring ok~ I had a dr appt today. All is good. Saw a new Midwife today which was nice. She felt around and made me confident that baby is indeed head down, back to my right side and feet on my left. I knew the feet were in my left, but I've not felt a difference between a head or butt so it was nice to have her feel the head. Measuring 32(cm?) from the pubic bone to the top of my uterus. Gained 2 lbs since last visit. 24lbs total.
beyond the reflux I feel great. Tired most days now, but still feeling good.
i know right?! the nerve.. grrr
finally set up the tree yesterday... i set it up and let kids go wild lol.. interesting to say the least haha.
had a.crappy night:-( my youngest was up 4 times and i got up 5 freakin times to pee.. doc.says its.from.water.retention in my legs that finds itself into my bladder cuz im.laying down. gtumble.grumble!

my friend gave me.a.nursing pillow and i.decided to.sleep.with it for now... the.shape.turned.out to b the most comfy pillow ever!! that along with my body pillow is.totally.recomendable!!

anyones.elses.nose.suuuuper sensitive? i.swear i.can smell.a.fly.fart! cool one.way but when it.comes to stinkies id.rather.pass.
my bbg is also.head.down with her back.and.bum to my right and legs.kickin the.bejeebus outta me. i can tell.when she.pushes her bum out tehehe. sometimes.she.kicks.redic.hard that it hurts *pout* and.she has a bad.habit for kickin my hips.. how? i dont have a clue...
there.is still no snow here uggh
how are you using the nursing pillow to sleep with? I have a boppy and I can't think of a way to sleep with it...
Currently I am sleeping on a triangular shaped wedge to help with the crappy reflux.
My midwife told me yesterday that closer to the time of delivery I should ween myself off the medicine.
of all the times I have thought about how the things I eat or drink affect the baby for some reason I didn't even think about this med. I guess probablly because I was in pain... but duh- if the meds turn off my acid pumps, it has the same effect on the baby. She made mention that if I dont ween myself before the baby is born when it is it will have reflux. (as the meds wont be in its system therefore the acid pumps will turn back on full force...)
So.... I've gotta think about that... at least these pills can be cut. So I could probably cut them in half then quarters and do that twice a day...We shall see...

I still feel so unprepared for this kid to get here... But I just don't know what I NEED still ya know?
I am cloth diapering so I need to get a diaper pail and two pail liners, and two travel sized wet bags to use in our room at night and when we are out. And I need more cloth wipes, and a wipe solution to use... I feel like we need more clothes, but I guess that can wait until baby is here. There is a great consignment shop down the street I can run to for some great deals on clothes.
I don't have any soothing pads for my nipples for when they get raw from nursing... I only have 4 breast pads but who knows if I'll leak.
I want a nightlight for our room to breastfeed by but the one I want is 60$ or more...
Ugh, I just wish I could know what is a need versus a want for us...
my doctor hasn't measured me?
kinda concerned about that now.
i've only had 3 u/s. one at 6 weeks + 5.
anatomy scan at 21 weeks, and scan to check my placenta's position since it was low lying at 28 weeks. if i hadn't have asked the technician how much LO weighed he wouldn't even have told me anything..
in.centimetres u measure.excacly as u r in.weeks... so for.instance.. if ur 33 weeks u will measure most likely 33cm.. i usually measure a.week.or.two ahead.ill.write more tomorrow im.excausted<3
ok, thank you :)
i measured and i'm feeling kicks and pushing above where the 32cm mark is. lol so i have no idea. an active baby is a healthy baby though so i'm not going to worry about that too much.
and just for fun i measured all the way around and met at my belly button.
i'm measuring 39in. whew! :haha:
and pre-your strong i'm sure you can ween yourself off the meds fairly easily, especially knowing LO is in jeopardy if you don't. hope its not too difficult though.
as for the cloth nappies and all i'm honestly clueless when it comes to that, i thought it would just be easier too use disposable ones:blush: not against the cloth ones at all though, kudos to you for actually giving it a go!:thumbup: you reminded me that i need to get some nursing pads too! and suave/cabbage leaves to get my engorgement and nursing pain under control once he's here.
has anybody got their hospital bag packed yet? or registered for hospital?
i'm a slacker and keep putting these things off haha:haha:
I don't have my bag packed yet either... I really feel like I should have it packed though as things will be coming to an end soon, and there is no telling exactly when it will be. at the same time the pj's I wanna pack are currently my favorites and I don't want to pack them :haha: I have bebe's bag packed though. only think I'm missing out of that is wipes, and a wet bag.

I also feel like DH should get the car seat out of the attic, but he says it's too soon. :smh: maybe when he's putting the christmas decorations away Ill convince him to get the car seat down.

Gosh it's not long now!! I'm excited but I'm kinda freaking out a bit too! it could be another 9 weeks for me though... if I was to go over. Or it could be 3 weeks. goodness....
and my BH have changed a bit, or at least yesterday and today they feel different. not all of them, but some are more noticeable. They hurt more in spots. Not all over hurt more, but just in spots. Like today I felt pain where bebe's feet usually are. So I'm thinking they're getting stronger and pushing more on where the buldges are.like the head feet and butt. IDK maybe I'm crazy.

Well I've got a busy day ahead of me I need to get ready for. got a client at work, then a meeting with a photographer to talk about maternity and labor shots, then off to a friends to make cookies and possibly a party later tonight with my husband. That last one is to be determined...
Have a lovely day ladies!
lol mrs.. i just measured and i went from 32 prepreggo to 42 @30 weeks and some days and gained a total of 19lbs.
some of my BH are also takin quite a punch.. not all but at least half. my back is suuper sore and i spoke too soon about my acid reflux... i need tums few times a day now. i have an app on the 20th.. till then i have a full schedule to keep me busy...
thats not bad at all! :)
and i know what you mean about acid reflux, ugh its so annoying. i've never had heartburn or anything until i got pregnant.
i still have yet to feel any bh though.
oh thank god I'm not the only one in agony with the reflux! though I wish it on no one, I'm still glad that I'm not alone!
Is anyone else struggling to eat? I have to remind myself to eat in the past few days... I'm just not as hungry anymore. Probably because there is less and less room in there . But it's concerning though Because I feel like i'm not getting adequate nutrition...
Maybe I should set a timer on my phone each day to remind myself to snack on something. This could also help my reflux... IDK.

Wasn't Kittylove on our board at some point? well I found her on another board and she had her little one at 31 weeks! They're doing fine now... but wow. so scary! And I wonder what happened to countrygirl.. hmm I'm gonna go look her up.
the only thing i have an appetite for is sweetening. mostly chocolate lol
but your right, it feels as if i'm not that hungry anymore, especially compared to second trimester when i couldn't get filled up!:haha:
DH and i went to a dinner party for his grandma's birthday and i ordered chicken parmesean. i was starved when we got there, ate half of DH's roll while waiting on the food. and could barely eat the piece of chicken, much less the side of spaghetti it came with! usually me and food have a very nice realtionship:haha:
i find myself not feeling well and getting light headed and it reminds me that i have to eat atleast a little something, even if i'm not the slightest bit hungry.

where did everybody else go? lol i didn't think about it until you said something, but we seem to be the only 3 ladies who have stuck it out with this thread. (i couldn't imagine not having it to check everyday though) :blush: and oooh, that is scary, i've been thinking about what would happen and looking for signs of labor lately. its on my mind alot. and i still haven't packed our bags or registered at hospital! :wacko: does previous miscarriages make you at risk for early labor??

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