Looking for Bump Buddies! (due Early-Mid February 2013)

I'm good! Ill update more when I get a chance. I need to get ready for work now though! Just wanted to stop in and say hello!
glad everyone is feeling good :)
oh and von here is my 31 weeker, i forgot to post it after you posted yours:dohh:


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LOOOOVE IT!! too cute! amazing how we got sweet little seeds growing in there!!
my doc called me today... results for the GD test were elevated and now need to do the big test:-( grumble grumble! this time around everything is a yucky mess:-( fourth pregnancy and NOW i get this crap?!

u guys notice a change in energy? i get waaay more tired waaayyy more quickly now! its just after.9 and my two big kiddies just went to bed.. and im ready to.follow.. laundry folding has got to wait till tomorrow! anyone already done and.ready for christmas? i got the.house.decorated but.tree isnt up yet... and kids r.bought for but thats it... i feel awefully unprepared:-\
and i know its.prop silly.. but i do somehow.wonder.about the 21st.... id.rather.have someone.laugh at me.than be completely unprepared.. i mean.. how depressing is it to think something nasty will happen and i got my kids.and unborn to.worry about:-\ and i have the WORST monsterinlaw eva! she.totally.freaks.out over it!
ok.. enough.. im about to wander.off to get unsuccsessfully get comfortable and sleeeeeeeeeep<3 buenos noches amigas<3
thank you :)
and i'm sorry ): most people that fail the first test though go on to pass the second one with flying colors, so maybe you'll get lucky:thumbup:
i'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
i've got all the christmas shopping done except for my little sister, who wants an ice cream maker, lol. and my grandma and mother. the tree is set up and decorated and we have our christmas outfits picked out. although mine isn't really that festive this year, just a red maternity top with black stretchy pants that have a red waistband:haha:
but atleast i'm in the holiday spirit and will be looking like santa with my big ol' belly :haha:
and oh my goodness, yes! my energy level has went wayyy down. i can do nothing all day and still be ready for bed before 10. it drives DH crazy, lol.
another thing i've noticed lately is my bowels are unusually productive:haha: i swear i go like 2 to 3 times a day and that is not normal for me, even before pregnancy..not that i'm complaining about not being constipated haha.
and my OH and i have been talking alot about the 21st too, i really hope its just some silly hoax as i will be extremely pissed if i came so close to having my LO and then don't even get to see him:growlmad: i'm trying to drill it into my head that its just another goverment scam like y2k to get the people scared. but if not atleast i got to meet and talk to you lovely ladies (;
but enough of my rambling. if you even got to the end as its a mile long. good night ladies:sleep:
Tired? who me? I don't know what you're talking ab........zzzzzz :sleep::sleep::sleep:
Yes! It's insane how my energy has plummented! I will usually wake early and have some energy, eat some breakfast, shower, get ready for the day and then want to take a nap! But I can't... so I muddle through the day eat some lunch, get even more tired, wait a bit so as not to get reflux if I lie down after eating, then if I try to sleep- my mind is racing with things I wanted to accomplish that I didn't, and then its 5 pm! :dohh: and if I sleep then, I will not sleep well in the night. So yea, lack of energy has hit me for sure!
And I've had no interest to keep up with friends, or shop or decorate this year for chirstmas.... And my husband doesn't know how to cope with me being so lackluster. He is used to us hanging out with friends on the weekends, having people over for fires... But I just can't be bothered to stay up past 11, and after about 8 I am really no good in social situations. I would rather just curl up on the couch and watch tv.
Sometimes I think he is trying to understand, most times really. But sometimes he just doesn't get it and it's those times that we argue. no fun really.
And it doesn't help that I get rather sensitive about things now. way more than I used to.
In fact I'm gonna have a rant in my journal after I get through here.

Mrs- WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR BUMP!?! That can NOT be a 31 week pic.... It just cant! you're so tiny still! were you sucking it in?? I feel like a hippo looking at your pic! LOL!
Von~ Sorry your GS didn't go well. but as mrs said many go from the innital screen to the longer one and do just fine. Hopefully you will be one of them!

OK im off to rant now.
i know how you feel, me and DH have seemed to argue over petty stuff lately.
i'm either really super happy or i'm fuming. i don't see how the poor guy puts up with me sometimes:haha:
but in the end he is always like i know its your horomones, and i love you and Braylen. then things usually get better.
Premom- i thought my bump was big, lol. i'm feeling huge! and am up 30lbs! :cry:
so not feeling good about that, and i've been eating the same as usual i don't understand whats going on..
you should post your bump picture soon!
its 11 p.m. here and i'm tuckered out or i would have a read at your journal, i like rants lately :blush: i can soo relate. tomorrow for sure (;

von-where are you? usually i talk to you atleast once a day!
hope everything is going good with you and LO and the bleeding has stopped completely.

good night ladies and hope you both are well.:)
sooowwyyyy been soo pooped that i barely even look at my phone to.check for messages o_O i convinced convinced myself to bake cookies yesterday... 8 different kinds...by the time i was done and all cleaned up my feet were swollen and.throbbing.. once kids went to bed i slithered into bed using the.massager on my back and feet then passed out sigh*
bbg movements were very little yesterday.. wonder if its cuz i was rushing around all day .. but this morning she woke me with a not so gentle knock knock lol. we then had a talk that.5am was.not a appropriate kickboxin time :p
doc app tomorrow.. gonna have to mention the pain in my feet.. its affecting my driving it hurts so bad! the top of my feet.escpecially the.right one.. right in the bendy part.. if i lift my toes towards my face it hurts real bad.. almost like the.muscle.pain u get when u worked out real good! its.mean at night cuz i will get the occasional cramp.. also mostly in my right calve and to releave the pain i have to stretch my toes up.. and it hurts uggh cant win!!
on tuesday i get.to.do the three hr.tolerance.test..yippee.. not! i somehow remembered that orange.drink.to.b carbonated... it really made.me.feel yuck! apparently i.didnt have to fast. i always had to before .. it always changes. also for my next ultrasound i dont require to drink like a horse either im cool with that!
if everything goes the way its been talked.about u MRS and i will have our bbs around same time. i always.carried to term
before.... uggh butterfingers pressed send prematurely..
k odd question... do any of ur bbs quiver or vibrate sometimes? u can.see it on the belly.and.definately feel it when u place ur.hand on it... dont think any if my other ones ever.done.that! husband already felt it at looked at me.as if im housing an.alien.lol!
mine does that every now and again, i have no idea why. lol
and mmmm, cookies? :D makes me want to bake something now:haha:
i was also thinking about that, premom is a little ahead of us and we're suppose to not make it to term. i'm super excited! :happydance:
as for your foot problem, i'm not really much help there, i still haven't had any swelling or pain. but i hope it gets better soon!:flower:
your foot problem sounds a little like edema, or swelling. resting laying down on your left side should help with that, and compression socks or stockings should also help with the swelling.
as far as cramping- bananas. it's either magnisium or potasium that is in them that helps relieve muscle cramps. That and stay hydrated!

As far as baby movements- Quivering... hmm I can't think that i've felt that, but I have felt what I would consider seizure type movements. That's the best way I can describe it really. like the baby is having a seizure. it only lasts for a few seconds, and it's only about 5 ticks. but it's a little concerning. It's happened maybe twice. If it was more frequent I may mention it, but so far I think I'm just being paranoid.
I have another dr appt tomorrow. nothing major- just in the every two weeks category now.
And Mrs~ you should put up a comparison of pics! one from when you found out or before and then the now! I may do that today. I had dh take some pics yesterday when we were putting up decorations. though they weren't side shots..
Talk about tired... it's all the time now. lol I get up around 7:30am and by 9:30 I'm yawning. maybe Ill take a mid morning nap today...LOL!

So since we are winding down in our pregnancy journey~ when will you go out on "maternity leave?"
Since I'm "due" feb 2, I was figuring I'd go out on leave Jan 25. That gives me a full week before my "due" date. IF I am feeling good still at that point I may still take clients.
How about you?
i have been on sickness leave since i have been taken off work rediculously early because of my INTENSE bleeding... by that i mean it.collected in my sneakers:-( that.was.from the hematomas so ya... i have been pretty unlucky with complications.this.time.around. apparently this.can happen when u r on ur forth baby... plus doc wonders if the IUD is still.floating around.somewhere and causing issues. im blaming it on getting old lol.. stepping into.the thirty.category on the first of january o_Od
ooh, i never thought of a comparison pic, i will do that next chance i get :)
we have a birthday dinner to go to tonight for DH's grandma or i would get on it today lol.
as for maternity leave i don't work, i wish i did seeing as how OH is lazy as hell lately and hasn't even been looking for a job. i guess he just expects one to fall out of the sky and everything just fall into place magically?
honestly i'm getting so fed up with him lately. all he does is sit on his ass (pardon my french) and play video games. i mean i know we're young but your almost 20 years old you need to get your shit together. especially with a little one on the way.
its sad seeing as how i'm freshly 18 and already am more mature and adult-like than he will ever think of being at this point..ugh:growlmad: as soon as Braylen is here and the first 6 weeks is up, i will be looking for jobs like a mad woman and i WILL find one soon hopefully.
sorry for my rant ladies, hope everything goes well with your maternity leave premom, and maybe all your problems will subside after LO is here von. wishing ya'll the best of luck!:flower:
GOOOD MORRNIING LADIES<3 so sittin at hospital doing the 3 hr glucose test... YUCK! if u thought first drink was bad... second is.even stronger.. sweeter!! holy bananas! and that on an empty stomach yuck!!
ironicly premomt i was reading ur post last night.and.was.eating a banana as.i.read.it lol.. so i ate two muhahahaha
yess.. money... it blows! hubby is workin for.eassons trucking and is gone two weeks.at a time comin home.for 4.days then is gone again:-\ its almost like being a single.parent with three.kids at home and sporting this bb belly! now with winter.comin... snow ice and.all the.beautiful.things that wibter.brings..its ruff:-\ but we r women... we.can do all this and.still.save the world right?

blargh.. feeling.yucky... onky been 20mins.since.i.drank the.orange.crap and my tummy is just.turning. dont.help.bbg is.currently.practicing her karate eeekkk! oh maaan and of.course i placed a period pretty much after every third word.. sowwy.. fat finger.syndrome lol
good luck! i hope you passed it :)
and gone 2 weeks at a time? holy crap, idk if if i could do it.
i guess whatever pays the bills though :p
i'm just tired of worrying about money and everything else. i don't want to live in income based apartments forever and especially with a kid. their alot rougher than what i would like Bray to be around as he's growing up.
BUT that being said i couldn't take it anymore and flew off the handle yesterday. me and DH did some serious talking (well mostly me yelling, and him looking at me all stupified) :haha: hopefully it got through to him though. and he will be going to the unemployment office this monday, the only day their open :/ and applying for everything there :thumbup: his aunt is also going to try and pull to get him a job at the factory she's been working at all her life, things might be looking up:happydance:
and i go to my 2nd 2 week check up in 2 days :D
still haven't read your rant yet premom but i'm getting around to it soon, and that comparison pic tomorrow with my 32 weeker!, promise :)
what websites are good for making them btw?
hope you ladies are doing well! :flower:
IDK what website is good for making a collage, I just meant attach two pics to your post. Ill do mine in a sec.
Von I hope you passed! The glucose test makes the LO crazy!!! Fingers crossed for you!
And wow I can't imagine your life with your kids and one on the way with your hubs being gone so much... My hubs talks about going overseas again for a year to make$$$ but I just cant imagine raising a child without him here. not only for support, but because he'd miss SOOOOOOOO much! I keep telling him ill divorce him if he leaves again.

And mrs I didn't remember that you were 18! so young... I loved that age! I hope your man grows a pair and gets his shit together! You can't raise a kid on 0$! They cost a shit tonne of money!

Right- off to post pics
So I get what you were asking now mrs. I go to www.resize2mail.com and make the pics smaller with that site. purdy easy to do. :thumbup:


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oops- can only upload 5 at a time I guess.
Here's my today pic :thumbup:


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oh i wish i could upload pics.... hubby took the labtop along :-\ U got a cute bump premomt.. niw i feel like a whale.. u see my last pic i put up not that long ago?

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