Looking for Bump Buddies! (due Early-Mid February 2013)

at my 28 week scan they said Braylen was weighing in at 3.8 lbs :wacko:
does this mean i'm gonna have a huge baby? lol.
no not at all.. first of.all ur havin a boy.. second they r.estimates! they told.my friend.she will.have a small.bb.. 5-6 lbs at the most.. he.came out 8lbs5oz!!! shows.u.they.can b.out.. if.they.were.accurate.i.would b worried right now.since shes.almost half a.lb too light
That's what I was thinking too Von... IDK why they even try to estimate with US anymore. it's so inacurate!

I'm gonna go get a pedicure today! my tootsies need some lovin!
Well i never thought about it, lol. But u/s do seem as if it would be a little hard to judge weight from. And ohh how nice a pedicure sounds:) its been too long since I've had one. Enjoy! I'm definitely hoping to squeeze one in around 37 weeks so my toes look pretty at LO's arrival :)
soooo great news! placenta has moved into a way more appropriate position and my hematomas r almost gone! which means? i no longer need a c-section and am allowed to go full.term! of.course he said thinhs can still happen and to b prepared in.case i still end up needing one but hey... she can now stay and.grow longer and.stronger!! i still will need.surgery about 6-8weeks after.for the.endo and will get my tubes tied at that point:) i believe with all the.problems i have been having and already having 4 i totally.deserve that so i dont loose the rest of my marbles! lol! so he.says bb was 4 lbs not what i thought.. i never.seen.the.ending number.. he.said.according to.that.she.is.slightly smaller.than average but like we.already.said.. ultrasounds.r.very inaccurate!!
so because of the ultrasound.i have an.idea where.the.main part.of my placenta.sits.. last night i somehow ended.up.sleeping.on my back in the.middle of night.. i mived and.felt.this.extreeme stabbing pain right there.. as i try to move it stabs.more.and.really.made.me.squeal in agony.. took.forever.for the.pain to ease off ajd.for.me.to.roll on side.. of coursr i ended ip.getting out of.bed and.marching to bathroom. u simply cannot wake up.without doing the.march.. either.way.. usually when my.alarm sounds.i.will sit propped in bed till my brain.says.good motning which usually.is 5.mins.. bbg is.usually up and.im enjoyingbher squirms.. well this morning... -nothing.... yap. so i.worry.. poke drumm and.wiggle.. nadda.... i get up thinkin.shes.just sleepin in.. i het kids up and.ready.for.school.and.as.im.getting my.coffee brewed there she.is.... bump.. poke and roll... i was.sooo relieved i wanyed.to do the gangnam.style.. aiaiai... what a turd!
so im happy i.dont have to be cut... but iys a.little.bittersweet.. biiiig chance.i will not have hubby by my side.now.that its no longer scheduled.... we.will.try.out.best but he.might b.workin.. and that means.he.could.b anywhere at.that.time... so im depending.on other.ppl to.come.and.get me.to.hospital... and.my.labours have always been pretty quick whith each preggohood it went.a.lil.faster sooooooo ya... im an.hr.from.hospital and.by time.someone.will b here... who knows. here is to hopin hubby will b here:)
how u.ladies.makin out? notice the braxton hicks getting more intence? im getting alot more.flow:-\ and at times tinged.with blood.. told.doc.but he aint.worried.with my chart..
once again.. pardon my typos... sigh.. all my phones fault of course:p
Wow von thats great news! but I can understand your concern with hubbys job... Fingers crossed he will be with you and it will all go smoothly!
And oh how true it is about the march... I wake up 3-4 times (or every time I need to roll over really...) and each time I weigh out the pros and cons of going to the bathroom at that time. "I don't really have to go right this minute, but if I try to go back to sleep and have a contraction I might piss my pants if I don't go now... Fine I'll get up..." *take deep breath, grunt and prop myself upright, swing legs off bed and waddle to potty. :haha:

I don't feel like my BH are getting stronger.. or more frequent really. I've been feeling them all along and not much has changed :shrug: I also have not felt like baby's dropped yet, which should be happening at any time now...

I had an appt yesterday... Nothing new really to report. Saw a different midwife, I'm measuring right on track.
I had that yeast infection a few weeks ago, and since I never really knew that I had it, I wasn't sure if it was gone yet. I told her that and she asked if i was itchy or burny and I said no but I wasn't to begin with. She said not to worry about it at this point and if anything changes to call and she would write me a script for diflucan. She said she'd rather I use an internal medicine instead of the cream now that i am so close to d day.

So I wake up today- get in the shower and notice I'm itchy. great. TMI~ discharge is also clumpy and a bit yellow. So now I wonder what to do. could the discharge be plug? probablly not.... I'll call today and they'll probablly put me on diflucan, which I don't want to do because our insurance plan does not cover scripts until after our deductible is met...which wont happen until after the bebe is born... *sigh. Stupid insurance crap!!

Gotta go, have a client in 1.5 hrs.
It's 6:18 on a friday night and I'm sitting at home alone.
DH had a co-worker who was leaving the company so his coworkers asked if he wanted to meet them out tonight at a local brewery.

I really didn't want him to go... But I had to be a good wife.
All through the pregnancy up till like the 6-7 month mark he has refrained from drinking anything. Then he had a few times where he did, and we had a huge fight (not about the drinking per se, but about the fact that he let me down) and I told him I wouldn't expect him to not indulge when there was booze present.

The problem I have still is that he has a really hard time realizing when enough is enough. I don't care if he has a few beers or one or two mixed drinks. It's when he downs a 6 pack by himself in 2 hrs or drinks 1/3 a bottle of vodka in an evening that bothers me.
Regardless- I've been trying to be really REALLY good about holding my tounge when he drinks now. We had some discussions about it a few months ago and now I'm just trying to be civil about it.

We had two different childhoods. His father was an alcoholic, my parents partied once in a blue moon. So we saw different things growing up and had different "normals". So I have a problem when he drinks during the week. Any more than 2 beers or two glasses of wine during the week I feel is unecissary. There is no reason to get drunk during a work week.
And on the weekends~ Be smart about it. Don't get shitfaced friday and saturday and then drink beer while watching football sunday too. It's just not healthy...

I didn't used to think this way. but then again, I didn't used to have the same resopnsibilities as i do now nor have the same recovery issues as I do now either.

I'm rambeling.....:dohh:

So he's out with some coworkers. They went out and met up around 6.
I didn't want him to go for a few reasons. one- cause our bank account has very limited funds in it. 2, cause its a place I've not been to and want to go with him. 3, I feel like lately hes been distancing himself from me. 4, I am worried that he will again take it too far, and the possibility of him getting a DUI or DWI scare me.
I asked him if he wanted me to play DD, and he told me I'd not like to hang around the guys he's gonna be with.
I asked him if he'd be home before I was asleep, he said probably not. :nope:
I told him I'd really like to see him home before midnight, and that I hoped it would be closer to 11. He said "we'll see..."

I know I'm being dumb but I just hate that he is deciding NOW to have a life outside of us. He's not ever been one that goes out with the guys... And now of all times it just makes me a little sad. I can't expect him to always want to be home with me or out with me... but right now at 8+ mo pregnant I feel like he's walking away a bit.
I'm sure I'm over reacting.... Just sucks feeling this way.
Vonamausi- That's great news! I remember in my 12th week scan my doctor was very worried. My placenta was low lying...she prepared me for a c-section in the future and told me complete bed rest for the second trim. I was very worried...but thank god, in my 20th week scan the placenta had moved up to the left. So she told me to get a bit active and start going for walks.

About the weight of the baby I have no idea. I have a scan on Monday. So will get the exact picture of my baby. Waiting to have a look at her/him. Started packing my hospital bag. Everybody here is telling me to get ready coz now women go into labour early in the 8th month. I still have time.... Just don't want to leave it for the last min.

Premomt- don't worry. I am sure your dh is equally waiting for the little one as you are. He has been with you all these months. I am sure you can spare him a day to have fun. He will be back soon.

Mrsbabybump- did you get induced? How are you doing?
i hear u premomt...it can be very upsetting seeing someone diastance themselves in a time of this:-( it may b his.way.of.rebelling before.bb is.here.. for.all u know his.friends.might tell him.all.sorts of.horror stories about being trapped and all:-( he needs.to get it out of his.system without.dissapointing u. he isnt.going about it the right way but.he.may have a completely.differentnstate.if mind...u know.. just like someone.having a midlife.crisis... he.may.totally snap outta it once.bb is here... he may even.realize how hard he made it for u... all this wont help u.right.now.though... u need.to.have a gooood loooongbtalk with him.... alcohol will.destroy many wonderful things.. and.right.now its.breaking a beautiful.bond.and he.needs.to.see.that! only thing to.do is.to.truly tell him how.everything makes.u.feel... let.him.listen withoutbtalking.. then.walk.away.for.him.to.actually.THINK.without.letting him get.defensive.... let him.come.to u when hes.ready.. he.will.prob try.to.defend.right away.. stay calm.and.ask him.just to.hear u.out. im.soooo sorry fornthe.typos but im.again.replying on my phone.and hurrying before i get attacked.by my kids again:-(
worst thing u.can.donisnsuffer.in.silence.. but also dont.accuse and.get.mean.... truly voicenur.feelings and.ur concern... the love u.miss ..... the attention ... this.is a wonderful.time.between u two.... this.bb was.made with love... it should.b born with love... remind.him.of.times.just u two.shared and how.it made.u.feel... alcohol can daze.that and.eventually.break what was once.so.precious. i hope.sooo much u can read all of.this uggh need.to.startbusing the.computer:-( hugs...
I haven't been induced, lol.
And I'm sorry your feeling like that premom) :
i agree with von though, maybe its just his way of rebelling before lo is here..have that chat with him asap. I hope everything gets better soon!
Von congrats on your exciting news!:) glad its working out how you wanted.
I go Wednesday for my 36 week ultrasound, and hopefully discussing my set induction date. :) even though I'm still hoping to go on my own around 37 or 38 weeks :p
Hope all ya'll are doing good!:)
sooooo.... been getting menstrual like cramps on and of for last few days... and u guys knew about my bowels already haha.. but this morning i got a surprise.... yup... it turned waaaayyy too runny *totally way to.graphic lmao* sigh... cant win haha! i had a convo with one.of my friends.. who is seriously believing that 35 weeks is full term.... ummmmmm ???? what is amazing is that even though i.feel like im.stretched to the limit.... no new.stretchies!!!! whoooop... knock on wood!
you look lower too von... seems like lo is gonna come sooner than you think... :winkwink:

I don't think I will talk to him. He did need the time away, and it really doesn't happen well ever, so if it happens more frequently I will definitly voice my concerns.
For now, ill just hold my feelings in. lol!

We had a great night last night. an impromptu dinner date downtown some starbucks and walking around window shopping and people watching. Like we used to do. And probablly wont be able to do again soon! It was fun :) Just me and him...
Ill have to post a pic today too :)
here I am today!


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Von- i know! I'm so excited :) I've been nesting and dh has to i think he's worse than me! Ha. I've been having menstrual type cramps too. They come and go and i dnt feel much pressure but when I'm walking it feels like my hips are grinding together or something, its uncomfy :p i can't tell if I'm dropped yet though ..
Premom- I'm glad your feeling better and had a good outing with your dh. Your pictures are soo cute, i love your bump:) have you got any stretchies?
no stretchies on the belly... just the bbs. but they came around the 15 week mark. I am pretty sure I haven't dropped yet either...
None for me either, *knock on wood
maybe we'll drop soon, any doc apps soon ladies?
i go to blood specialist tomorrow morning and ob for 36 week check up and ultrasound on Wednesday :)

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