Looking for Bump Buddies! (due Early-Mid February 2013)

good morning! been up since 5.30:-( karl had accsident for first time in months after cat sang a song i swear.. i been restless all night getting up alot and waking often I cancelled my doc app for this morning cuz driveway is drifted so its gonna take me a while to clean that.. already done a little this morning but its been a bad few days with crampy feeling so i best not push it:-\
yea don't push it von. all that you're saying about crampy feeling restlessness and loose bowels suggests to me that you're bod is prepping. Hopefully you can push it off a bit.

What was your dr appt for this am?

Mrs I dont have another appt till next week. At that appt I will be meeting with the partner dr at the hospital, be seen by him to get a "go ahead" for a birth center delivery. I don't anticipate any problems so hopefully all will go well with seeing him.

But I am still ( I think...) dealing with a yeast infection. I just can't tell!!!! So I am going to call the midwife and see if i can take another monistat package. Last one I spoke with told me she'd rather not have me do monistat because my cervix may be opening, and she'd rather put me on diflucan.

We shall see what they say when I call!
i go every 3 weeks to the blood specialist to make sure that my platelets aren't dropping too low. they are still dropping, but the dr doesn't seem to worried about it..i just am expecting not to get my epidural, since he won't give it to me if my platelets are 100,000 or less..and they were at 119,000 three weeks ago, and now at 109,000. Yikes!
take it easy von, don't want you going into labor quite yet!
i seen on fb that you got it plowed though so hopefully the weather will cooperate up there and not give you any more problems.
what was your app for? did you get to reschedule for soon?
premom good luck with your meeting, i'm sure you'll not have an issue.
have you wrote a birth plan or packed your bags? my doctor told me not to register at the hospital yet, that it was too early still. and that was when i was 34 weeks! lol, i think i'm going to go ahead and register anyways after this 36 week app since we'll be in the town i'm delivering at.
yess totally got it plowed so thank goodness! Just another.checkup really.. was hopin i.could.skip this one but doc.called.me.back.telling me to get my butt in his office.tomorrow o_O persistant or what uggh
its odd ur doc.told u to.wait mrs... they automaticly.preregistered.me.at 30 weeks :-\ ur right premomt bb sits soo.low i.can.feel it in my hips and she.totally kicks.my hip bones! not pleasant! my.waddle.is that of a drunk hippo:-( aweful and.very painful.. and.with the.snow.making the.ground.uneven.makes.it.soo much worse:-( i can feel.her.hickups on my muchacha.for.crying out loud!
oh and.mrs.... i hope.so.very.dearly u will get ur.epidural if.u.wanted.one!!!!!
It's all aches and pulling and streching.....sleepless nights...now. I can feel my uterus pulling....
I am back from the appointment. Scan went well but couldn't see baby as they were more interested in seeing the measurements, umbilical arteries etc. Baby is 2kg. HB- 139, movements good. When I asked her about my DD, she said you still have time. Nothing to worry. I got my second shot of tt. She again told me to get my antibodies test done, surprising 2 weeks before I got one. I guess she is getting worried about my -ve blood group :haha:..... My thyroid tests are normal..... Doctor was very happy by my reports...thank god...touchwood. I have put on 1 kg in a month. Bp- 140/80. Next appointment is after 15 days.
Nice bump vonamausi & premomt :happydance:.....

Mrsbabybump- my doctor too keeps telling me to get blood work done in every 2 weeks. Reports are normal. Hemoglobin levels have gone down from 12 to 11, the doctor says it's ok, in fact good as baby is pumping the iron from me.
I don't get why they won't tell you your due date?.
Things are much different there..whew.
Glad everyone is doing good:)
I'm inpatiently awaiting my scan tomorrow. And anxious to see if labor is brought up. Or my induction date, I'd really love to have a set day! Lol.
Will update you ladies tomorrow!
It is annoying...not knowing the DD :growlmad:
Friends I never asked what names have you decided to call your LO? As you already know the gender:happydance:.....
I have to yet decide....
I dont know gender so we aren't telling names. :) von im glad youre back to semi human and not ill.
Im just trucking along still. Still working my last day will be the 25 so I've got some more time yet.
We have our bags packed and carseat installed tho so thats exciting.
Im just countingndown the days now...
We chose Braylen William Paul :)
and your ahead of me pre, lol
We have yet to pack our bag or get carseat installed
We do have LO bag packed and ready though :)
Had my scan today and he is head down, weighing in at a whopping 6.3lbs.
I'm hoping he arrives on the 20th of Jan. But he'll be stubborn if he's anything like his father :p haha.
WHAAAAAHHOOOO MRS!!!! i bbsat again today and.realized im getting too pregnant to.watch 5kids at once.... the kids im bbsitting r 5months and 2 years... im real.sore.everyday all day cuz she sit soooo low... so ya im gonna have to take a break.watching the.kids unless its an emergency. i went to doc yesterday and he.told.me my specialist will ptob check my cervix at next visit which will b at 35.weeks... been having menstrual like.crampin and.alit mor.cm happening :-(
Hopefully everything will go good at your app, I'll keep my fingers crossed:)
and does more cm mean something? ..I've been having it alot more lately also..
more cm means its prepairing... once u see a glob lookin like a loogie with or without blood it means ur probably getting.loosy goosy haha.. thats ur plug... hasnt happened here yet thank.goodness. i sorted through my maternity pants and.shirts yesterday and wowies.. most dont.fit nomore!! ladies.dont.forget after bb is.born ur still a little.tender.and.swollen around.the middle.and.maternity pants r heaven.send!! so dont get rid.of.none.yet till.AFTER :) muuuch more.comfy!

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