Looking for Bump Buddies! (due Early-Mid February 2013)

I think spotting after DTD is normal. I haven't had it yet, but I expect it might happen sometime! I read something about how certain cells that are usually inside the cervix often move to the outside during pregnancy and they can get easily irritated and bleed a little and its harmless. =) Makes sense to me!

And I've had a lot of weird pains. The only one that is worrying me is a downward shooting type pain. I used to get it with AF so I am sort of concerned. =( I also have had no symptoms for almost 2 weeks but I'm hoping I'm one of the lucky ones who felt better early. All the sickness and soreness early on certainly made up for that, lol.
oh yes,, lol.
spinach dip and chips.
and tomatoes w/ garlic salt..Mmmm:)
I predict that Mrs will have a boy, and kitty a girl lol. Old wives tale says that savory cravings =boy and sweet=girl :rofl:
Butterfly- I've had that shooting down pain a few days ago. Very uncomfortable. Had to lie down and rest.
So I've been asking the lo to give me some kicks at different times throughout the day if I have a moment where I can lie down. And it seems like the times I feel like it may be moving are in the am when I just wake up, or after dinner when we watch tv. It seems like the baby has moved from my right side to (at least kicking) my left middle/ top of the uterus. I can't get a "response" movement by pushing down or in on my belly yet though.
Who knows. Maybe I'm just totally crazy and feeling gas this whole time thinking it's baby movement lol.
i really hope your prediction is right!
and i'd say its movement, unless we all just have alot of gas. haha xD
Hey ladies!

Well I was really looking forward to getting to 9 weeks after Premont mentioned getting some energy back around that time. You were right, Premont, I am finally feeling a little more like myself after 3 weeks of being SO tired and dizzy and stuck on the couch! Now I'm not out bike riding quite yet :winkwink: but getting out and about, some shopping and more cleaning/laundry is such an improvement. Still tired in the afternoons and still have the bloat, but so grateful for the extra energy! Hope it lasts!

We're now hoping to keep our vacation plans to London in Sept we made before learning we were expecting. Didn't cancel in the hopes I'd feel better in 2nd tri - now possibly could go? London is our fav "home away from home" and it's been so disappointing thinking we'd have to cancel this year (especially since it could be quite awhile before we could go back again once lo arrives). Going to start getting back on the treadmill (just walking) tomorrow and see how it goes.

At last appointment (3 weeks ago) dr said go and enjoy yourselves, no restrictions. My next scan is a week from today!!!

Hope everyone is doing well!
glad to hear your doing well kitty:)
and london sounds amazing,,i definately think you should still plan on going.
my next app. is also in one week!
but i think all im scheduled for is a doppler reading):
but its better than nothing lol
what happened to everybody? ):
i miss my bump buddies!
hope to hear from ya'll soon:)
Hi MrsBump

Had my appt today. No scan, but got to listen to the little heartbeat! They found it really quickly, was about 170 which they said was good. It's still pretty hard for me to believe there's really somebody in there! :haha: gained about 4-5 pounds which the dr was pleased about because I was a little underweight. Next appt not for another 5 weeks, and as long as no problems, it'll just be another Doppler. Also dr said I'm approved for London, he saw no reason why we shouldn't go and enjoy ourselves! Yeah!

Hope everyone's feeling well!
soz I've been MIA... I was camping in the woods last week with the fam damily. :) Lots of fun!
its been years since we got to go... 4 years to be exact.
It really was great to see all of my family in one place. I also got to spend a lot of quality time with my neice who is 6 months old. :-D what a DOLL!
She's just a good baby all around it seems. hardly ever crys, and its pretty easy to figure out why she does when she does.

I'm feeling... pretty good right now. I have my moments where food does not seem appealing- mostly after I've cooked it and it's ready to eat :-/ but over all- pretty good.
my belly is rounding out... I don't feel like its a baby bump yet, more like my middle has just lost its curves.
but one wonderful thing- I've been feeling the baby move regularly all over my tummy. one day it will be on the left, the next the right... and sometimes if I'm really still and concentrating I swear I can feel the baby slide or flip. Maybe that part i'm making up lol IDK. I'm wondering where my placenta is... I'm wondering if its low and that's part of my bleeding problem I had in the beginning....

How are y'all doing?
glad to hear everyone is doing good:)
and my appetite isnt like tht, i swear im always hungry even after i eat lol.
im looking forward to being 12 weeks, hopefully i'll have sum movement going on too:)
and how far along are you kitty? i'll be 12 weeks and 2 days whenever i go this friday for my 1st doppler try!:happydance:
My appetite is way down too! I'll still get a craving for something or think I am hungry, then only half finish whatever it is even though I badly wanted it a moment before lol! I sort of have to eat my meals in stages... half now, half later. Or I save half for tomorrow's lunch which I usually can't do because OH eats a lot (and stays quite slender, grrr unfair). Hehehe.

Camping sounds so much fun! I might be going up to a cottage with OH's family at the end of August, depending how I'm feeling. There will be a 2 year old and 4 year old there so that should be interesting! I'm just sad because a lot of the activities, I won't be able to do like horseback riding, jumping on the water trampoline, grr. I'm hoping someone will pity me and drive me up to the wolf sanctuary that is supposedly nearby. ^_^ I would love to see wolves, sad as it is that they can't live in the real wild.

Otherwise, I feel slightly better. My sickness is less frequent, haven't fainted as much lately. My belly still doesn't look pregnant, and I agree with you Premomt, it's just like I've lost my shape! I never had a ton of hip-waste definition because I'm short waisted, but it was definitely never so rectangular as now LOL. I've gained steadily two inches all over including chest, hips, waist, legs... even my ankles and wrists seem bigger to me!

I also bought something amazing. Stretchy "jeggings". They look like skinny jeans but are stretchy and loose waisted. They are the best invention EVER. And they're very flattering to the butt area. LOL. Even have pockets! :) I wish I had known about them before even, just so comfy and look good with everything.
Hi ladies! Where is everybody?
not much new here, had a dr appt thursday and had to wait for over 30 min to be seen and it wasn't even that they had a delivery or something. She blamed the air conditioner being out and it being so hot. :-/
Then when she was using the doppler, the baby moved and she said "that was the baby moving, but you didn't feel that. you wont until at least 18 weeks." and I cut her off and said " I didn't feel that but I do feel the baby often and have since about week 10" and she looked at me like I was dumb. :smh:
Did I mention I want to look for a new office? I really wish DH was more open to me finding a new doctor.
These are just some of the most recent reasons I want to switch. There are others as well.

Other than that- it was DH's birthday on wed, and thurs was our anniversary. 4 years:cloud9:
wow, how rude.
maybe she's never been pregnant? b/c i've also felt my LO move and though it isnt a full fledge kick im pretty sure we know what we feel.
but atleast you got to hear the hb:)
maybe you'll get your wish of a new dr, i hope so!
Happy Anniversary btw! :) & bday wishes to yours.
not really anything new for me either, had to reschedule my doppler app to this monday, so im very anxious lol
cbass-I was just thinking how cute your play on "sea-bass" was with your name LOL!
probablly not what you were intending though lol!

I'm due feb 2, so we would be great buddies! how are you feeling latley?
OK ladies I just posted a long rant on my journal page https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/p...ournal-second-times-charm-4.html#post20062043

Go have a read!
Happy belated Anniversary Premomt! Did you do anything to celebrate?

I don't exactly know what a kick or movement would feel like but I've definitely felt the stretching in that area!
What a productive weekend~


We had such a wonderfully productive weekend! not really overall but more in the baby category lol!
overall- we didn't get anything we had planned acomplished such as getting the oil changed in our cars or cleaning the house. But DH and I had (last week) a great conversation about birth centers, classes, and home birth options. Although I still believe he is a bit delusional about how prepared he thinks he may be without classes, I put his mind at ease by letting him know that our insurance will cover a birth center, and heand i are still interested in finding out more about what a home birth will cost us. So we plan on setting up a meeting with a midwife/doula to find out more about cost.
The other part of the weekend that was so successful was that I think DH is on board with cloth diapering!!!
We went to Baby's R Us yesterday and walked the asiles just looking at stuff and compairing ideas about what we liked. We got to the diaper asile and walked through looking at prices and brands, then turned the corner and lo and behold they have a cloth (well hybrid really) diaper section! So he got to see some styles up close and personal
When he picked up this package
I thought he may be coming over to the dark side...
Isn't it cute?!? Little denim booty cover! I said to him "wouldn't this be so cute on a little booty?" and he pointed to the large box of 96 disposable denim fashion diapers and said "yes they would be"
I tried not to get aggrivated, and said "yes 96 diapers at 17.99 (I think the in store price was more like $20+) does seem cheaper than a set of 2 gpants for 29.99 plus the required inserts for them at another 13$, BUT how many uses can you get out of THESE versus Those?"
I think he got the point there.

Then when we got home before dinner I started watching a series of 7 videos on youtube called "cloth diapering 101" and he asked "what are you watching?" I said "some info about cloth diapering, do you wanna watch?" he said "no." I asked "why not?" he said "because it's about cloth diapering." I was in the kitchen and rolled my eyes.
After I finishe dinner I continued watching the set of videos, and he said from the kitchen "if you wait, Ill watch them too."
So we sat and watched the set of videos through and he made me stop a few times and replay the video at certian spots like when she talked about how a cloth diapered baby potty trains by age 14-18 months versus a disposable diapered baby 3-4 years. or when she talked about how a stash of prefolds and covers should only cost about $150. And I learned along with him that wool covers contain lanolin which when mixed with urine create a soap! So wool covers don't need to be washed but only every 3 weeks or so! And that When you throw a poopy diaper in the trash without shaking out the poop into the toilet you are actually violating World Health Orginazation and CDC laws, and that this is the reason why irradicated diseases have been reintroduced to our water systems.

Disposable Diaper Companies do NOT tell us these things!

He even at the point when she was talking about diaper sprayers said "we will need to get one of those." (after repeatedly telling me we could never get one as he knows of people who had them and they were faulty and caused major flooding)
So I *think* he may be on board! :woohoo:

Now I must go, I have alot to do today!

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