Looking for Bump Buddies! (due Early-Mid February 2013)

Wow, that's quite a lot of info and quite a weekend! Sounds like you are getting well prepared before baby comes.

How's everyone feeling these days?
Not very pregnant Countrygirl... LOL! My apetite is ok, my energy is back, my pants even fit! so right now I'm like.... is there still a :baby: in there?!
In all honesty I feel great, which is weird! I guess what they say about the second tri is true.
How are you?
It's weird, I was a bit backwards! I had a bit of nausea start up from 12-14 weeks but it's since much better. I'm glad you are feeling good! I'm just feeling a bit pudgey lol I have a few pairs of pants that fit but I've purchased some mat. jeans just waiting for the day these won't fit anymore! When do you get to see baby again (next u/s)?
In a few weeks. @20 weeks.
I'm so frustrated with dh right now... We can not come to an agreement about birth classes and I'm just really anxious to get registered already... A few moe weeks of this and I'm just gonna give up on him being my coach. I can't handle feeling this way.. :sad1:
I want to take Bradley classes which start in September and run 12 weeks and are not cheap. He doesn't want to spend that much, and doesn't see how they could be more beneficial than Lamaze classes that are 3x less costly and lengthy.
I just don't know how to talk to him about this without getting defensive...
its your pregnancy and you should feel comfortable..
if bradley classes will help you then he should understand.
don't give up hope on him, keep tlking about it, maybe he'll come around.
I just posted a long rant in my journal (link is in the spoiler) about classes and how I'm feeling... Go have a read and give me some advice please :flower:
This thread is always so quiet! Where is everybody? I want something to read!!!
lol I'm here! I just don't come on much especially over the weekends. How's your avocado doing? Anyone have their gender scan booked?
Baby's doing just fine. Had a dr appt yesterday, and the HB was nice and strong and easy to find. and of course the LO was moving around while she was trying to listen in.
Our next appt is Sept 27 and Ill be around 22 weeks then. The U/S is that day, but we are not finding out the sex till birth..
So we will haveto make sure to tell the tech NOT to show us :laugh1:

I've got a little belly now! (finally!) it's not large at all, but its firm and its out there. I can still "suck it in" though lol. But I was laying in bed a few days ago and realized- ye, there it is!
How about you Country?
lol premomt! id love to have ur patience! i NEED to know:-\
I'm going to find out, I totally understand the wanting to wait but it's not for me! We find out Sept 12! Awesome to hear yours is doing well pre! I totally have that little belly too, whenever I see it I suck in though and it's gone too! Won't be long before we can't do that I'm sure...
i'm the same, i have to know lol.
the wait is killing me!
so glad we've all made it this far:)
Yes indeed Mrs... 12 weeks was when I had a MMC at age 18 so this is a step in the right direction. But I always worry.... Especially reading about late term mc and still births...
I'm not going to stew about that stuff. I know that it's always a possibility but I saw 12w as a major milestone and from here on out, whatever will be will be. Enjoy your time with your LO inside cause it won't be long before it's out!
I agree. But its always in the back of my head. I just try not to stew about it.

So I've offically "popped" and people are starting to pat the belly. :dohh: I'm not sure how I feel about it....
I've only had a few close friends and family do it to me so far, but it's still kinda sucky.
I always thought I'd be the proud one letting everyone and their mother rub on it, but currently I'm just feeling like the fatness is now not hide-able.

Idk. The two friends I have instinctivly patted then retracted their pat saying "i'm sorry- Does that bother or offend you?" I just politely say that there are only a select few who will be able to do that to me.
Then my dad today came in and greeted me, then gave my belly a little hello tap. Kinda cute, but kinda unexpected too. :laugh1:

My mother on the other hand has been giving me crap since I told her I was pg, saying "you're getting fat now!" and "look she's got a belly already" Backhanded compliments in a way as she can have no tact sometimes, but I know she means well. It's just waring on me, and I don't want to offend her by saying something mean, nor am I one to generally let things bother me to this point. I usually let them roll off.

Oh well- this is a journey, and I'm feeling pretty good about it so far. :winkwink:
Hello all! I haven't posted forever; I keep forgetting to check my subscribed threads! I just wanted to say, I'm still in. =) My gender scan is booked for 18 weeks, which I hope isn't too early but they are booked solid during what will be weeks 19-22 for me, grr. So Sept.7 it is!

I also have a little belly, but it just looks like pudginess lol. I feel self conscious of it too around people who don't know I'm pregnant. My OH's best friend saw me the other day before we told him and he kept doing a double-take at my belly, LOL. It was kinda funny. And after we told him, he said "OH!!! I actually was wondering... but thought nah, she must just be snacking a lot lately." ROFL.

I can't get mad about it though. xD I have a nice layer of fluff all over, but mainly my arms/legs are the same... I've gained about 7-8 lbs already and most of that is around my middle, mostly at the front but my back has lost its usual curve and my hips/butt are curvier. My whole midsection has no definition now, it's like.. a weird rounded rectangle shape. I'm disappointed I didn't get bigger bb's but I guess that means less stretch marks and droopage, hopefully lol. There's good things about both ways. :D

Though the last few days, I've noticed my belly weight starting to push forward and I'm getting a bit more definition in my hips and back again which is nice. And lots of stretching pains, which is not so nice... lol. ^^ My mom says its because I'm having a boy LOL. Everyone is so convinced!
Premomt - That's exciting you've popped! It's not going back in so try to embrace it! I have no idea how I'll feel about people touching my belly but probably a similar reaction to you. DH has been touching it a bit which is so sweet but strangers/outsiders is a different story!

Butterfly89 - I'm jealous you've only gained 7 lbs! I gained that in my first tri! I'm up 10 total now. What do you think you're having? I'm feeling boy for myself :)
I haven't gained shit yet! I mean maybe 5lbs from the week I found out, but I figured by now I'd have gained about 10. I'm NOT complaining, but I'm a little concerned ...
i'm up 10lbs, and gender scan is sept 24th:)
but im sure everything is fine with your LO.
thats pretty normal weight gain, from what i've read.
My baby is the size of a sweet potato! :happydance:

Currently I am feeling good :thumbup: I've switched over to mostly wearing maternity pants now as they are just so much more comfortable. I can still (well as of a few days ago anyways) fit into my pre preg shorts, but can't button most pairs, and have to wear a belly band with them to keep them up. But I've gone to a few second hand stores and found some maternity clothes for really great prices. Eventually Ill probablly go and buy from a department store, but when I can get the same name brand at a second hand store for $4 versus 20, I think I will.
18 weeks today...
Wow. Where has time gone?! I feel so unprepared too... I have not bought anything (well besides two fitted diapers I purchased at an auction for the wounded warrior project) and the baby room still has our computer, weights, a pull out couch and some other random junk in it. Granted my husband has been in the midst of a renovation of our hall bathroom floors (which will also be the babys bathroom) so I guess that's SOMEthing... But just not enough...

I am having a hard time wanting to wait for my shower to get things. I have registered at about 4 online stores for different products, and I know I am missing items on them that I will need. Thankfully there is a huge consignment sale happening in about two weeks that I will be going to with some friends so that will get the ball rolling.

I guess things are starting to geere up for us... We are going to a birth center for a meet and greet/ walk through Sept 8th. I am wanting to switch offices as I feel like a # and not a person at the facility I am currently with. Plus I am REALLY hoping to avoid a hospital birth if at all possible, and would like to deliver at the birth center. So I am hoping this walk through will give us some good insight into what we could expect there, and cost.
The following week on the 12th, 13th and 14th is the giant sale (of which I hope to go to 2 days in a row as the second day is the 50% OFF day.)
That same night our Bradley class series is starting- though we will be missing it for the sale.
The following week will be class #2 of the Bradley classes, and from then through december the hubs and I will be going through the classes every week for 2.5hrs.
So I'm hoping the baby will start to take more of an "active roll" in our daily lives from here on out. Cause right now daily I still have to remind myself I am pregnant...

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