Looking for Bump Buddies! (due Early-Mid February 2013)

Congrats on a great u/s and for holding strong and not finding out Premomt! I don't know how you do it!

Congrats on the pink bump vonamausi!

Awesome profile pic MrsBabyBump! Ours wasn't as clear this time!

Anyone getting a 3D ultrasound?
Nope~ no 3d for me!

so is the count 2 boy 1 girl so far? I think that's the count... I cant remember! loL!

We did our orientation walk through at the birth center yesterday and...... It was amazing! We both fell in love with the place :) The rooms are big, and the tubs are inviting... The staff is happy and outgoing.. There was a woman laboring when we were there, and we didn't hear or see her. The centers birth place is just uh-maz-ing and then the womens health side is just as great. Very spacious and just great!

As we were walking out dh goes... "Ut oh...." I said "what?" he was looking up and around "oh no..." I start looking around "WHAT?" "I think I have a good feeling about this place :)"
What a jerk lol
glad ya'll have found a birth center you both are comfortable with :)
and i'm not sure if i get 3d/4d pictures or not, i hope so though!
my next appointment at the end of this month is however going to be my glucose test /:
kind of nervous. & heard the drink that is 50% sugar, makes some women throw up its so sweet and awful tasting...yippee! :p :haha:
ive heard horror stories like that too... so not looking forward to it. :nope: but its for the greater good right?
Yuck, I'm not looking forward to that one either! Apparently has to be on an empty stomach too?
definately for the better good, i just hope we can stomach it lol.
and they didn't tell me not too eat or anything. not even to drink only water.
i just gathered my information from what i looked up.
it said sometimes it helps to eat something a couple hours before.
but mine is at 9 in the morning so i'm not sure how well thats going to work out:haha:
ok as promised- here are the pics from my U/S. a week later :dohh: lol!


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So has anyone "over done it" lately? I feel like I may have today. either that or i was dehydrated. Probablly dehydrated. :-/ I really didn't have that much to drink today and did a fair bit of work... Yikes in thinking about it- I really can't pin exactly what or how much I did drink. I think I had some water with breakfast, a small glass at my massage, then a large glass of chocolate milk with lunch... and before lunch I vaccumed the car, and conditioned the leather seats. then I went to work. I did a 1hr massage, then had a small break and sipped on chocolate milk spiked with coffee, and then waxed people for 3 hrs.

I have GOT to be better about that! I came home and was having back pain and then it started radiating into my front. DH wanted to go over to the neighbors for dinner and a movie but I really felt like crap so here I sit with my feet up, now chugging water.

I'm gonna pay for this tonight with bathroom trips... :nope:

the glucose drink is very sweet and will make u shutter lol i never threw up but gagged enough to make up for it lol. this will b the forth time for me.. uggh. u can imagine it to taste like orange pop (crush) with 3 large spoon fulls of sugar mixed in. its better when its cold... not that there is much to make it better. i cannot remember if u have to fast before but i know during the test while u wait.. u cannot eat or drink.
i think u were right.premont i got the girl .. two boys and a team yellow.. i havent been posting much since i write on my cell and it just takes so long but i have been faithfully stalking this threat lol
I really must have been dehydrated cuz I didnt even get up more than once that night.. Kinda scary! So I've been better about drinking even if I'm not thirsty. Which is hard to do for me! But a must. Eccd0- my husband playing with the keyboard. .. Brat lol

So how are you ladies all feeling lately? Getting many punches or kicks? I get me lots now!
Where is everyone? it's so quiet round here lately... Guess no news is good news though right?

Nothing really new going on here... trying really hard not to buy every baby item in sight lol. It's even harder now that i belong to a few groups on Facebook that are full of moms wanting to get rid of baby items at really cheap prices.
DH is working a TON right now. His job has him on 12hr days 7 days a week :-/ Makes for some lonely time by myself... and I'm not that motivated to do much around the house. Sometimes I will get an urge to clean... but it's short lived lol.

I offended my best friend a few days ago... That's been fun to deal with now.
Back story is~ she has carpel tunnel syndrome and has had it for years now. Certian things aggrivate it like working to much on the keyboard, or with her hands in general. She's taken on the roll of throwing me my shower, and just recently made up all the shower invitations. While doing so~ she posted on FB how much her hands were hurting while doing them.
So we went to get pedicures and she handed me the invite- a cardboard brown invite with a cute polka dotted onsie on the front. The inside was stamped with the information hand written in with a note to in leiu of bringing a card- instead bring your favorite childrens book inscribed with your name in it.
Very cute- plain, and gender neutral. after looking at it I asked her if she had hand stamped it.. She said yes, I asked about the onsie- she said she had hand cut them out of different papers and attached them to the card. at this point i said "why do you do this to yourself!?"

Wrong thing to say aparently... I didn't mean anything bad by it- more that why does she over do something that could have easily been purchased in a 24 pak at walmart? Especially since she has CTS. Now mind you she hand quilts, and is a very crafty person period, so for me to say that was well insulting I guess...
In any instance- she expressed her feelings, and I told her I was sorry.. But i'm not sure if we are OK just yet... we had a bonfire last night at their house, and she seemed ok, but I just can't tell if something is lurking under the surface....

Oy, women... I just don't get it sometimes...

PS i've never been a girlfriend girl. always been "one of the guys" . relationships with women are too complicated! lol!

So how are you lovely ladies doing now? anyone having braxton hicks yet? I've been having a few..

One night in class I felt my tummy and it was hard in one spot. I chalked it up to baby's butt being there, but then a min or so later I felt it again and the whole right side was hard! Definitly a BH contraction. And TMI~ but the last time I had a big O, along came a BH right after! SO WEIRD to feel and know that's what it was! I felt it start from the bottom and work its way all the way up my abdomen till my belly was rock hard! and it seemed like it lasted for a loooong time! (probablly not more than a minute tho in reality.)

Our bodies are so cool!
Hey girls!

Good news from my scan last week - baby is healthy and is a boy! Dr also made a point of looking closely at his heart (as I was born with a heart condition that could have been passed down), and said his heart looked really good and healthy! So relieved!

Hi Premont- I hear you - women friendships do seem to be more complicated. I remember being in college, looking around, and realizing I always had more fun when hanging out with my group of guys, less drama I guess! LOl! Now being older, most of my friends have moved, are spread out across the us or abroad, none in town except work associates, so I'm actually looking forward to making some new local friends as LO grows. I'm planning on taking some "mom and me" exercise classes after he arrives to get back in shape and meet some other new moms.

I agree with you, though, if she had ct pain why not just get some cute invites at Hallmark or something? Guess we're just not the crafty type, so we don't understand? I'm sure you 2 will be fine, seems such a minor thing/comment. Hope you have a fun time at your shower!
Thx kitty- we seem to be doing fine, though I still feel like im walking on eggshells a bit...

So great your scan went well and all looked good! And a little boy :cloud9:
Makes me rethink not finding out... Ahh!

So its national pregnancy and infant loss month here in the states, (as well as breast cancer awareness month) and it is making me sad, nervous, and anxious reading loss stories and hearing about it from fb friends etc...I too had a loss in 2009 and I had no idea there were support groups like there are at the time.
I know I should not watch videos and visit the loss sections on here because it makes me worry.

But do any of you have fears about stillbirth or infant loss? I've seen unbelievable stories of infants living for a month and then passing away.. I just can not imagine the feeling of loss and sorrow those parents have...
After carrying a child and bonding with it in utero to have it in my arms is my greatest wish, and I am frightened of the possibility of loosing it after birth...
Ugh I need to think happy thoughts...
yes i agree and my results from doc today made me worry again alot more:-( the hematoma i had on my placenta which made me almost loose her twice is still a big mass and has not gotten any smaller:-( in my shock i forgot to ask how big he meant by QUITE LARGE ... sigh
baby measured perfect though.... now to hoping.it wont cause preterm labour or preclamsia *spelling* ... frustrating!
so to.different topic.. at what week u girls hopin to have ur baby shower?
My shower is scheduled for Nov 10th, to the dismay of my bestie who for some reason wanted to host it much closer to my due date...

We chose that day because a few of my mother's good friends are flying into town for a surprise visit for her 50th birthday. These friends also helped raise me, and I am excited for them to come!

How about you?
mine is sometime in November too. no set date yet though. lol
we already have pretty much everything though, so i have no idea what to ask people for..besides diapers of course. :haha:
my luck sorta threw me off balance today:-(... hematoma burs and has the doc keep me in the hospital over night to perform yet ANOTHER ultrasound:-\ bb is doing so far. even played tag with nurse who tried to get heartbeat again lol... i on the otherhand feel like crap:-( sore and frustrated. hopin i can go home tomorrow.
how have u girls been doing?
has ur belly buttons popped? mine has at least a week ago.. since this is bb number 4 im pretty far out there lol
Nope my belly button is still an innie. In fact I still feel less than "like a house" which sometimes amazes me. Have begun to waddle a bit though.. LOL!

So sorry you are cooped up in the hospital with aburst hematoma... But thankfully bb is AOK! Scary stuff though...

Mrs- I have a HUGE list as this is my first and I just want to be so prepared! Its probablly really overkill but hey- I can sell what I don't need and maybe that will help with what our shitty insurance will be..

Any of you ladies getting kicked in the vagina? My little monster seems to LOVE to stand/ kick my cervix and bladder. Its a rare treat when baby kicks me in the abs!
sorry to hear your sick and in the hospital, glad bb is ok though!
hope you get released soon.

and i think i'm just going to let them get whatever they want to and return it if i don't need it as you said. lol

my lil' man usually kicks me in the bladder or right below my belly button.
DH can even feel him at night when we're sleeping, i'm not the only one getting woke up. haha:haha:

also we picked a definate name! :)
i love being able to say his name instead of just "he" or "him" when talking to people about LO now! and does anybody know when your suppose to change to a maternity belly button ring?
i was just told doc believes its placenta previa... if that is the case im not allowed to go home... at all.. till baby is born and will b transferred to halifax at 24weeks

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