that is so adorable! i bet he is going to make such a great big brother!
i was actually thinking of taking dylan to the store this weekend and letting him pick out a special gift to give audrey when she comes too. im trying to think of different ways for them to kind of bond. we are getting dylan a big gift "from audrey" for when she is born. we arent sure yet...but either a big train set or maybe an outside jungle gym. we want to make sure he doesnt feel overshadowed by her arrival.
i am afraid that i will be the same way after labour...just wanting to get home. i really dont enjoy hospitals at all...and even just my appointments are enough to make me uncomfortable. so i am really not looking forward to the 2 days in hospital after audrey comes. that is if everything is perfect too...a c-section requires a minimum 3 day stay, and other issues lengthen the stay as well.
when you say it that way about the BH contraction, i can understand it too! my tummy going rock solid is uncomfortable for me...and its only affecting my tummy. i cant imagine what it feels like to be inside there with everything tightening around your body. bobby is convinced that she is claustophobic because she goes so crazy with i have issues with claustrophobia and so does my stepson. poor little thing...i bet she cant wait to get out of there!
that sucks that andrew probably wont be able to make it to the scan. so they just assign you an appointment? you dont have any say in the scheduling? luckily we are able to schedule everything ourselves and pick the best times for mine and bobbys works. it sounds like his work is out of control! what type of place doesnt allow someone some leave after they have a child...and its unpaid at that! one thing i like about the military is that they give dads 10 days free, paid leave after the baby is born. but bobbys work is being shitty too. they are sending him on a business trip for a week right after his leave is up. he threw a fit to his supervisor, saying he had given them 10 months notice that he wanted to take vacation after his normal 10 days and that they always said it was fine, and now theyve changed their minds. the supervisor said tough luck pretty much. so the only way he doesnt have to go is if she comes late and he is still on his free leave when the date of the trip rolls around. but she will have to be as late as september 17th for that to work. and as much as i dont want him to leave, i also dont want to be that late. lol. im nervous if he does leave though, as i dont have any support network here and will basically be on my own. my mom is planning to come out soon after the birth so im hoping she can make it out for when he is gone.
speaking of impending labours...i am driving myself mad analyzing every twitch and pain. this morning though (and this may be TMI, so skip the next few lines if you dont want to read about gross things) im pretty sure that i lost a good portion of my mucous plug. it just came out in a trip to the toilet, and i cant imagine what else it would be. ive been having BH contractions quite a lot today, and have been pretty crampy all day. i dont want to get my hopes up, but maybe this is the beginning of something...even though the doctor said on monday that everything was still closed. probably me just overanalyzing