Looking for bump buddy due 20th Sept?? x

Poor Audrey not liking the internal... I rememeber being in labour with Luke and he wriggled and kicked after every contraction as if to say stop this its horrible!! Bless!

Yeah bag packing is a complete pain, in my bag I have 2 nightdresses (one for labour one for after) 5 pairs of pants, 16 pads, 4 breast pads, 2 nursing bras, some warm socks (stongly advised), some slippers, coming home outfit and toiletries and nipple cream etc... I have repacked a bag for Mia now that we think she may be small (even though I dreamt she was 8lb 6oz last night) I have 16 nappies, nappy cream, 2 newborn bodysuits and 2 in tiny baby and the same for babygrows, I also have a nice think blanket, a pair of socks, 2 pair of scratch mits and an outfit with hat and cardigan to come home in!! x
yea i am so scared that she is going to go into distress or something during labour because she sooooo hates anything messing with her. she hated the internal and you could tell she was upset. and everytime i get a braxton hicks she gets just livid and tries to kick and roll and do anything until it stops. so i can just imagine the contractions are going to set her in a right fit! i try to rub my belly when i get a BH contraction to soothe her and let her know its okay, but it doesnt seem to help calm her much.. :-/

wow! you really have everything you could need in your bags! how long after the labour do you stay in the hospital? i ended up packing some things for me, even though the hospital will provide everything. somehow i think having my own nursing gown and such might make me feel more human after the labour. i will definitely throw some socks in my bag though...i never even thought about that! i dont have any diapers or anything for the baby...just a coming home outfit and blanket. i put a rattle in there too, even though bobby insists that its just silly and she wont like it so young. but we will be in the hospital 2 days after the labour and i think i might try to see if she can grip it or something...even if just so say to bobby "ha! see i did use it!" ;)
Aww Luke bought a little rattle for Mia out of his own pennies the other day, he is so pround of it, he shows everyone bless him, she probably wont be interested in it for a few weeks but if it helps him bond with her its worth it haha.

Usually if we have a natural birth with a first child you would have to stay one night and with a second child you can be discharged immediately after the doctor has checked you over... if you have a section however it can vary, usually at least 2 days. They obviously keep you in longer if there is a problem, like my cousins baby had a bit jaundice so she had to stay in 3 days and cried to come home constantly!

Im not surprised babies dont like contractions and internals... when I get a BH contractions my tummy goes like a brick, I imagine its pretty squashy in there for them!

I got my next scan date in the mail today, its tuesday 31st August, the day after we have a bank holiday, its at 2pm too so I doubt that Andrew can get off work to come with me, hopefully everything will be OK and he wont be missing much though... his work are being really shitty with him, they are even being fussy about him taking 1 week off unpaid when I have Mia and said it depends if they are busy! He works in a bloody call centre!! I said as long as he can make the labour and bring me home from hospital Im sure our parents can rally round to look after Luke and take him to and from school. He starts his first day there on 6th so Im hoping baby is either 3 weeks early or dead on time!!
that is so adorable! i bet he is going to make such a great big brother! :) i was actually thinking of taking dylan to the store this weekend and letting him pick out a special gift to give audrey when she comes too. im trying to think of different ways for them to kind of bond. we are getting dylan a big gift "from audrey" for when she is born. we arent sure yet...but either a big train set or maybe an outside jungle gym. we want to make sure he doesnt feel overshadowed by her arrival.

i am afraid that i will be the same way after labour...just wanting to get home. i really dont enjoy hospitals at all...and even just my appointments are enough to make me uncomfortable. so i am really not looking forward to the 2 days in hospital after audrey comes. that is if everything is perfect too...a c-section requires a minimum 3 day stay, and other issues lengthen the stay as well.

when you say it that way about the BH contraction, i can understand it too! my tummy going rock solid is uncomfortable for me...and its only affecting my tummy. i cant imagine what it feels like to be inside there with everything tightening around your body. bobby is convinced that she is claustophobic because she goes so crazy with them...plus i have issues with claustrophobia and so does my stepson. poor little thing...i bet she cant wait to get out of there!

that sucks that andrew probably wont be able to make it to the scan. so they just assign you an appointment? you dont have any say in the scheduling? luckily we are able to schedule everything ourselves and pick the best times for mine and bobbys works. it sounds like his work is out of control! what type of place doesnt allow someone some leave after they have a child...and its unpaid at that! one thing i like about the military is that they give dads 10 days free, paid leave after the baby is born. but bobbys work is being shitty too. they are sending him on a business trip for a week right after his leave is up. he threw a fit to his supervisor, saying he had given them 10 months notice that he wanted to take vacation after his normal 10 days and that they always said it was fine, and now theyve changed their minds. the supervisor said tough luck pretty much. so the only way he doesnt have to go is if she comes late and he is still on his free leave when the date of the trip rolls around. but she will have to be as late as september 17th for that to work. and as much as i dont want him to leave, i also dont want to be that late. lol. im nervous if he does leave though, as i dont have any support network here and will basically be on my own. my mom is planning to come out soon after the birth so im hoping she can make it out for when he is gone.

speaking of impending labours...i am driving myself mad analyzing every twitch and pain. this morning though (and this may be TMI, so skip the next few lines if you dont want to read about gross things) im pretty sure that i lost a good portion of my mucous plug. it just came out in a trip to the toilet, and i cant imagine what else it would be. ive been having BH contractions quite a lot today, and have been pretty crampy all day. i dont want to get my hopes up, but maybe this is the beginning of something...even though the doctor said on monday that everything was still closed. probably me just overanalyzing though..lol
How much was there? I lost parts of my plug when preg with Luke but it only ever came away in little parts... like bogies haha... yak!!! I read a thread on here the other day from a woman saying that hers came away and was the size of a golf ball... holy shit!

Over here paternity leave for the father is only entitled to be paid and to take the time off if he has been there a certian amount of time and unfortunately (as this pregnncy wasnt planned haha) he wouldnt be entitled to anything until 16th October :-(

We are also getting a present for Luke from Mia, I want to try and get something that both Luke and Lexi can play with so was thinking about a small trampoline or something, although the weather is turning here now so maybe an indoor toy would be better!!
it wasnt too big...at least not as big as a golf ball! i think i would have passed out at that! it was more like the size of a pinky finger...maybe a little smaller. i had read that it could come out in bits, but i havent had anything since. so...who knows whats going on in there!

awww...that totally sucks about the paternity leave. damn that christmas holiday...just fell a little too soon! ;) hopefully they start working with him a little though and at least let him take the time off unpaid like he is requesting. at least you have some family support there with you though, just in case they continue to be ridiculous about the whole thing... :-/

we went looking this weekend for a gift from audrey. we went to toyrus and it was absolutely insane in there! you have never seen so many kids running around! they were having a sale and so it was the worst ive ever seen. we did some looking around and got some ideas for the present, but decided we would come back when it had calmed down a bit. we were thinking an outdoor present, but then we started thinking that in the beginning we will be indoors quite a bit with audrey. so now were leaning more toward something that can be done indoors. we dont have a fence or anything on our yard, and so we dont like dylan to be out there unless one or both of us are with him. i guess we better figure it out soon though, only a little bit longer now (hopefully!)

so over the course of this weekend i have developed the most intense back ache EVER! it just came out of nowhere on saturday afternoon and hasnt left. this morning i had to have bobby pretty much haul me out of bed...its making walking and working a lot more difficult now.. :-/ bleh! i just keep telling myself "17 more days...i can do this for 17 more days" and i dont know what ill do if i go over! lol
Awwww 17 days will fly by, I have 28days to go now even though I secretly hope she comes a little bit before that! Im finding that I wake up with back ache but it eases once Im on my feet, I cant understand what is causing it as Im lay down during the night, I think maybe Im twisting myself funy to get comfortable but Im not sure... cos Im asleep hahaha.

Mia has been really active today!! A little crazy in fact, at one point I thought she was turning breech again as my tummy was literally changing shapes... puts paid to my idea that her head was engaged as it clearly isnt if she can wiggle this much!! Unless of course she has had a huge growth spurt and is now about 8lb haha.. I doubt it!

There have been so many babies born this weekend, seems like loads of ladies went into labour around the same time, I am really excited for when our turn comes!!! x
dont feel bad...im secretly hoping that we get this show on the road a little early too! i never thought i would want her to come early, but as i get more uncomfortable and more impatient i am all the more ready for her to come already! as for the back pain, i kept hoping that the more i walked around and got up and about that it would ease. but so far it hasnt. and now im walking all over like an 80 year old woman! my coworkers must be getting a laugh off of it. lol. i bet your pain could be from sleeping in weird positions...i always wake up in the strangest positions throughout the night. it catches me off guard and i find myself questioning "how could that possible have been comfortable?" usually im awoken by some pretty strong kicks though, so i take it that audrey and i currently have different viewpoints regarding comfort in general ;)

wow! sounds like you have a little mover on your hands. i was sort of wondering the same thing about the movements...because audrey is still moving quite a bit and giving big kicks and rolls. it seems mostly like she rolls over a lot side to side, because ill see her little bum go from one side to the other. but if shes able to roll around like this, then probably shes not even engaged yet? i dont really know that much about engagement and how it restricts their movements... i mean, i love that shes active and i love watching her move...but if shes not engaged then i guess my dream of getting this thing started already is probably wishful thinking! drat!

oh i cant wait until its finally our turn! i love this board and all, but sometimes reading everyone elses stories about how their water is breaking or they had their baby, i get a bit jealous. it never happened until lately as ive gotten more impatient. im sure that youre right and our time left will fly by, but right now it doesnt seem to be going fast enough! :-/

does it feel like little mia is bulking up any? maybe those big movements are caused because shes been packing away some meat on her bones! i hope that is the case and that next time you go for your scan they see that shes grown a bit :) fingers crossed!
I definitely think she is bigger, I may astound everyone on Tuesday when I go in adn they estimate her at 7lb hahahah, I doubt she will have grown that much but you never know.. Im not sure about movements when they are engaged, usually with first babies once they engage they stay down there and I believe they can turn round and round so their back faces your left, then right then tummy etc... but obviously not round in circles (if you know what I mean).

I cant believe you are almost 38weeks and still working, you must be SOOOO uncomfortable! I literally dont have the energy to run up the stairs sometimes, however I have been nesting a little bit today, also our bath hot water tap broke so I decided to take off the bath panel myself and change the taps, unfortunately I discovered that that as our toilet is close to the bath its impossible to change the taps without actually loosening the bath off and moving it... and I cant do that on my own whilst 36 weeks pregnant (although I would have given it ago a few weeks ago I reckon haha).

I am totally with you in the jealousy... when I see that people have gone into labour the FIRST thing I do is check to see how far along they are, if they are like 38weeks I feel really jealous, its only the really overdue ladies like mumof1+1 who I dont feel jealous of. I really am ready for Mia to come like NEXT WEEK haha.... This sunday when I hit 37weeks I have Luke and Lexi on my own, Andrew is going to a football game and a drink with a friend, my parents are away at a Christening and Andrews folks are on holiday, it would be just my luck for my waters to break hahahah, fortunately I have a sister who is 30mins drive away but she has a 2yr old and is 25weeks pregnant herself (with another little girl), she would be my only option to call haha x
she may end up being that big at the next scan...they may have just made a bad estimate last time too. im keeping my fingers crossed that when you go in they see a big (but not toooo big! *wink*) healthy baby mia :) i keep feeling like audrey must be engaged just because i feel like i have a watermelon resting on my pelvic bones lately. when i atand up it all feels so heavy...like they will break under the pressure. but, at the same time she is still all up in my ribs too. so i really dont know what is going on in there...unless i have the worlds first 30" baby in there or something! eeek! :-/ she does roll from side to side a lot. its so weird to see her little bum go rolling past from one side of my stomach to the other. :)

the working thing is getting harder and harder. i feel like a zombie at work a lot of the time...i just cant really focus and im so tired. plus, they seem to not be giving me as much work so im kinda bored too. i think they dont want me to start too many big things and then end up leaving in the middle of them. hopefully not more than 10 work days to go now though! :) thats crazy that you were going to change the taps in the bathroom! bobby would kill me if i tried to do something like that right now...but at the same time, if it needed to be done id probably attempt it! hehe. he yelled at me this weekend because i was on my hands and knees scrubbing the bathtubs and the floors. i told him that it had to be done though, and he certainly wasnt doing it! lol. i just cant seem to get things clean enough! maybe its a good thing im not home during the days...i would spend a fortune on cleaning supplies over the next couple of weeks if i were! ;)

yeah i am the same way. i was ready once i turned 37 weeks. and then im reading about people at like 37+1 and their waters are going and such...argh! and then i see the women who are way overdue and i think "oh god i hope that doesnt happen to me" lol. im convinced they shouldnt give you an EDD...they should just give you the month. ive just gotten so fixated on the date that ill be at a loss if that day comes and goes without a baby! :-/ lol.

oh hopefully sunday will NOT be the day that you go into labour! i cant imagine having two little ones and rushing to the hospital alone! hopefully nothing like that happens for you after this weekend though. i know personally, i have gotten so clingy to bobby lately because im getting closer. this weekend he got plastered at a going away party for a friend and that was his last blast...no more drinking because hes on baby watch. and then hes been in a conference all week and away from him desk, but its not a conference i can call him at and hes not allowed his cell in the building he works in. so i made him give me the number of some low ranking airman that would be outside the door of the conference...just in case anything happens. lol. im just getting paranoid i guess.

thats very cool that your sister is pregnant too! are you guys close? i think it would be awesome to have a family member to share teh pregnancy journey with :)
Yeah we are really close, she moved away when I was young (she is almost 7yrs older than me) and ended up getting married and settling in New Zealand so I took a year out when I was 20-21 and travelled Australia and New Zealand and lived with her for 3 months, when I came home we missed each other terribly and eventually her and her husband split and she came back home :) She just remarried in June to the father of her daughter (and another on the way) I was a heavily pregnant bridesmaid lol...

I have been really paranoid about Andrew being away for too long too, I definitely think its something you get at this stage, he went out the other day and forgot his phone and I was furious when he got home haha, I had a total rant telling him to be more responsible hahaha

So has any more of your plug come away? Audrey definitely sounds as if she has engaged to me - do you have a hospital check up soon??
that is really cool that youre so close with you sister, expecially because she is a bit older. my brother is nearly 19 years older than me and we arent very close at all. my mom said it was like raising two separate families. when i thought he was so cool and wanted to follow him around, he just found me annoying. and then when i was a little older and not so annoying, he was already out of the house and doing his own thing. i bet backpacking around new zealand and australia was awesome! im totally jealous! bobby is most likely going for a trip to australia for a week in the beginning of november for work...and audrey and i were going to tag along. but the airfare is $2000! and thats from hawaii....where we are almost halfway there already. so probably not. especially because were planning on going to colorado for thanksgiving holiday the end of november to see family. oh well...next time! :) how neat that you were able to still be a bridesmaid for your sister, even 7 months pregnant! i bet she really appreciated it. and it must have been so cute...the both of you pregnant up there :)

hehe! i love that you chewed him out for forgetting his phone! that sounds exactly like something i would do lately. DH called me near the end of my work day yesterday and said he was going with a few coworkers to have a drink or two...argh! it made me so upset. i was like "fine...whatever...talk to you later, im at work" and then he texted me asking what was wrong and my response was something like "you and your incessant need to drink" lol. it ended up being only 2 beers, but it made me so made because its not like im asking that much of him...a couple weeks of no beer or bars. how hard is that?! i think he doesnt know how to take it though, because ive never cared before. its silly even to me, but i think its just nerves with being so close.

it seems like little bits and peices are still coming away...maybe a little bit every day or two. but nothing too substantial like that first bit that i had. my next checkup is 1 september...it will have been 2.5 weeks since my last one. seems like quite a long time between checkups at this point to me. bobby was talking to this girl at his work that is due two days before me and she was saying she has been having once a week visits now since 36 weeks! so he thinks i should call and try to make one for tomorrow to get checked...because apparently she is already 2 cm dialted. but i dont think theyll see me for no reason and on short notice. so its probably just going to have to wait until next wednesday. im anxious to find out if anything has changed though! eeeek...so impatient.

your next appointment is next tuesday right? has andrew found out if he will be able to go with you? im still sending little mia the best thoughts...telling her to bulk up a bit! ;) is she still doing her somersaults and cartwheels in there? ;)
Hey, Mia has been much quieter last few days, Ive also lost a quite a big chunk of my plug and its now coming away in little bits, no blood or anything in it though so Im not too worried, the other day when I had really bad back ache it came away then and I was worrying thinking 'oh my god Im gonna go into prem labour' but I think I was just over reacting, other than the usual back ache and niggly pains there has been nothing really different... I thought maybe she was a bit lower down but then today she seems really high again, she is a little bugger!!!

Andys work have informed him as he was short paid by 1.5 days last month that they will (ever so kindly) pay him that back on the week I give birth so he isnt losing a full weeks pay (although he shouldnt have been short paid in the first place IMO) I think his work are a bunch of pigs personally!!

Hows things with you? You still managing at work? I cant begin to imagine how uncomfortable you are!!!! x
maybe shes been quiet because shes focusing so hard on gaining some bulk! :) i have been losing my plug more too...but now its sort of brownish in colour and a lot more disgusting than the clear bit that i lost before. but now its also a lot smaller. so i am wondering if i lost a good bit of it early and now that im closer to EDD that the smaller bits are bloodier. who knows. its good that you are loosing some though...its a sign that something is happening! but im the same way as you...audrey hasnt dropped at all by the looks of it.

saturday night i started having regular contractions so i timed them and for about 4 hours they were 10 minutes apart. and then we went to bed but they kept waking me up. so i woke up at 230 and started timing again and they were about 5 minutes apart. that went on for about 2 hours and then DH decided we were going to L&D to get checked...mostly because i hadnt been checked in 2.5 weeks since i somehow got missed for getting an appointment last week. plus, i wasnt sure they were real...ive bnever done this before! lol. he kept asking...is this real and i couldnt answer because i dont know. but we tried all the tricks to see if they were braxton hicks...have a snack, change positions, go for a walks...and they persisted. so we went up there and the receptionist was a huge bitch. she was like "you should have called, i could have saved you a trip...they dont want to see you until youve been having them 1-2 min apart for 2 hours" bobby was like "yea, and then you have the baby on the way to the hospital...just check my wife please" lol. the nurse was really nice and i was having contractions about 5 minutes apart. but my blood pressure was high..and its always low. so they took a urine and blood test because they got scared about preeclampsia. came back normal, i think it was just nerves. and then the doctor checked me and im only 1 cm, 25% effaced and at -3 station...so shes still way up there. so they said to keep timing and come in when theyre 3-4 min apart and more painful. lol. but then they slowed way down yesterday and now im only having maybe 2-3 per hour. so i guess its normal to start and slow like that...but kinda sucks! lol. but im off work today because i have to go back in for some pre-e tests "just in case"

that is complete shite about being short paid! i mean, its nice that it will be paid back at a convenient time, but it never should have happened in the first place! i cant imagine that. and its taking them a long time to pay it back too. if there is an accounting mistake, it should be paid back as soon as its caught, in my own opinion. argh! good thing it isnt me, id be having words with those people! lol.
ooh ooh ooh...i almost forgot! congratulations on 37 weeks today! hooray for full term...now little miss mia could technically decide to come out whenever she wants to :)
OOOOOOOOHHHHH you are having irregular contractions!! Wow, how exciting (and not particularly nice) for you.... how is it going now? Any progress? Im sure that when you get to the bloody part of your plug thats the last part and it means that labour is closer... have you tried any eviction techniques yet???

Well Mias scan went REALLY WELL, I was amazed, they are now estimating her at 5lb 11oz, I had been saying to Andy that morning I reckoned on about 1lb growth and thats what it is! Yay! She was fast asleep on the scan but they showed me her hair and her little feet were rested right up in my rib cage haha. I didnt need to see the consultant as there were no worries (my water levels have gone up too which makes me think maybe I lost a little hind waters but they have regenerated! So I wont be induced early and am now officially waiting to go into labour!!

I have my consultants appointment next tuesday and Im hoping to get in with my midwife tomorrow as my mucous plug has been coming away in a really strange green colour! and Im worried Im getting an infection!

Sooooo... I really hope things start to happen for you, here is some fairy dust!!:dust:
yea i have to agree with the not particularly nice part! ;) but at least its a sign that something is going on. they have slowed down a lot since sunday...now im pretty much only getting 2-3 every hour. and i have my doctors appointment tomorrow afternoon, so it will be interesting to see these ones that are more spread out are helping along any progress. i think the biggest issue is that she is still so high up and refuses to drop, so ive been going on a lot of walks and bouncing on the birthing ball. i read that those should help provoke her to move down a bit. we also had curry last night because of the whole spict food thing...but im pretty sure thats a myth! just left me with heartburn! lol. im not sure if the plug has fully come away now or what, but im not getting anything else since last night. hopefully thats was the end of it and it means audrey will be coming soon! its gonna be really unfair if i have to spend weeks with these contractions before the big day comes! ;)

oh yay! i am so glad that the scan went well and she has gained some weight. that must be such a load off of your mind that its not such a concern now. now were both just in the waiting game! and thats awesome that you could see her hair! i havent had a scan since 20 weeks, so i didnt know it was so clear that you could see hair even. too cute :) i guess ribs just must be a comfortable place to rest your feet when youre a baby...cause audrey is constantly jamming her little toes into mine too ;)

oooh that is strange that youre getting a greenish tint with your mucous plug. ive never heard of that. hopefully you can get an appointment for tomorrow...dont want to be risking any sort of infection or anything! maybe its just the last bits or something. are you getting any blood with yours? maybe were both just really close to having these little girls! :) fingers crossed that thats the case!!!
Well the stupid bloody midwife hasnt even rang me back, I have only had a show twice today, its been runny and snotty and still looking pretty green to me but I have no one to ask for a second opinion obviously. I am thinking maybe my plug is regenerating itself and just coming away in bits cos there seems to have been loads of it... I only had blood in it once, it came away on the Friday when I lost a few big chunks and on the Saturday I had felt really sickly and crampy and when I got up and went to toilet there was a bit blood in it then, but only like strings of brown blood nothin red or scary lol.

If yours has stopped it certainly sounds like thats the last of it out (Im not sure if they really do regenerate themselves or not) so the nest step will be your waters going (mine didnt go until I was 4cm dilated and in full blown labour).

So you think Audreys head is still high then? I often feel Mia pressing down low but se seems to move out straight away, it frustrating as I think labour is more likely to start and progress if she drops lower. Although it is possible for your waters to go whilst th head is still high, apparently it can cause complications if the babys cord is lower than her head if that happens... Lukes head didnt engage until labour so it does happen :)

Hope things pick up for you though, have you had your doctors appointment yet? x
thats insane! is there someone else you can contact just to tell them what is going on, even if it isnt your normal MW? i have heard that they plug can regenerate because some people lose theirs before 30 weeks and it grows back until labour. maybe you are having that, or maybe you just have a lot to get rid of. i still havent had anymore, but there was about a week between losing the first big bit and then the days of losing smaller amounts, so it could just be on hold. lol. hopefully you can get some answers from someone soon though, because if green is a sign of infection i think you need to get checked right away probably. maybe you can just go in anyway...better safe than sorry sort of thing?

when i went in on sunday morning they said she was still at a -3 station and pretty high up there. sometimes it will really feel like she has dropped and i swear she must be near to just falling out, but then 20 minutes later it will feel like she has burrowed her whole body into my ribs. so i really have no idea what is going on in there at all. hopefully both of our little girls decide to drop down and come out soon! we are tired of waiting girlies!! ;)

my doctors appointment is this afternoon. i cant wait until we go...i just want to find out if ive made any sort of progress. i think that if i have dilated anymore or she has dropped, i will probably stop work at the end of this week. its getting pretty unbearable really.
Let me know how it goes at the doctors, I will keep my fingers crossed you have had a little bit progress... I have had 3 painful contractions this evening! totally different to Braxton hicks but they just stopped. The first one I was sat cross legged on the sofa and my tummy tightened (like a BH) but with it I got an ache across the bottom of my bump and into my cervix! It made me freak a little bit! I got another one 10mins later and then another 12 mins after that and now Im just having BH contractions irregularly!

I have told andrew I want to DTD tonight to see if it starts anything but I doubt very much my luck will be in hahaha x

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