Looking for bump buddy due 20th Sept?? x

I hope mothers do know best, my mum still thinks Mia will come naturally haha...I will actually see my midwife again tomorrow as she is coming out to do my birth plan... a little late in the day but at least she is coming. You are right though I wont see anyone at all next week which Im pretty sure is wrong! Im going to ask my midwife tomorrow if I can come up to the clinic or if she will come out to my house and do a sweep!

I went to se my cousin today, she is now 12 days over and has no signs what so ever, she is so big its scary I feel sorry for her, she has been crippled with SPD and has a litle boy who is 6 month younger then Luke, I cant imagine how she is coping! I complain that I have it bad and I havent evenhit my due date lol. She has her section booked for thursday, they werent keen on inducing her that far over due to a previous big baby and emergency c-section.

I can imagine you are totally pissed off at work, are you going to finish this week off and that be it? I mean at the latest you would be induced Monday/Tuesday right?

I will be praying that something happens overnight for you so you get some good news at your appointment tomorrow! x
awww i hope for your sake that your mom is right about mia deciding to maker her appearance on her own! :) you still have a few days before your due date and your midwife seemed optimistic that things may happen soon. with all these good vibes aroun dyou maybe it will happen soon and you wont even have to worry about more appointments and inductions. :)

it seems crazy that they would not check you for that long. even at my military hospital, where the service often leaves a lot to be desired, they make you come in weekly after 38 weeks. just seems silly to leave a woman that pregnant on her own that long... that would be great if she could do a sweep or something for you in the next week. plus im sure it would just put your mind at ease meeting with her in between this appointment and the next. i know for me its just comforting going in every week even though nothing is happenening...if they left me that long without an appointment id go crazy.

thats crazy with your cousin. you would really think that if she has had a previous pregnancy where the baby was big and she ended up in emergency c-section, that they would have induced her by now instead of letting her go for 12 days overdue. thats why i think its crazy that they are doing the same with you! i understand that they wont just induce for everyone who wants their baby now (like me! lol) but when there is a history of issues, they should take that into consideration. at any rate, your cousin is quite the trooper! i can believe she has gone so far over, has been ill, and is still taking care of a 3.5 year old! and i thought just going into work everyday was rough! lol

i think i would be okay with work if nobody talked to me. hehe. there is a lady here that is on one of the projects that im on and she keeps asking me if im going to make it 2 more weeks so that i can be here for the deadline. and then she will tell me how lucky i am that im getting out just before the deadline. yesterday she asked me if i was happy that i was going to be gone just before the deadline and i looked at her (tried to bite my tongue and couldnt :-/ ) and said "no, im not happy. im four days overdue. im uncomfortable and i have a big baby jabbing into my ribs and every other organ in body. im sitting at work, doing drawings for this project to help you get everything done in time, and i shouldnt even be here anymore!" she didnt say much to me after that...lol. i am pretty sure that i am taking time off after tomorrow. i had wanted to save it, but i just cant do it anymore. tomorrow is the end of the pay period and (hopefully) when we get an induction date...so it seems like a good time to stop. like you said, at the most it would be taking 3-4 days off. i can use it to make sure the house is in impeccible shape and make sure everything is completely prepared. :)

thank you for sending the good thoughts! im hoping that we go in there and she says "okay, lets induce tomorrow!" hehe. it would be perfect because so long as i dont have audrey before thursday, bobby will get out of his business trip to guam because he will still be on paternity leave. plus i wouldnt have to take any vacation that way. it would be the best for everything :)
I cant imagine having to work with PEOPLE hahaha, I can just about tolerate Andy and my parents lol.

My midwife came out today, didnt say a lot really, she wont perform a sweep at all, she said thats why the hospital want me in (yeah when Im 10 days late) so Im really disappointed. She only did my birth plan, she still seems confident that I could go into labour even with Mias head being free.. I did say to her do I not see anyone until 30th Sept now? she looked in her diary and said well you dont have to... I felt like shouting at her, what if my blood pressure is high or there is an issue with Mias heartrate.. something that I wouldnt know myself!!! I think she could tell by my face I wasnt happy about not seeing anyone for over 2 weeks so she told me to pop in to the clinic next thursday before she starts and she will give me a quick check over! Frigging idiot!

Anyway, hope your appointment goes better than mine haha, Im still feeling the same as yesterday, crampy and just not right but nothing has come from it yet so Im waiting patiently! Still waiting for the famous 'waters breaking' but I just cant see it happening... We even DTD last night and if anything I felt better afterwards hahaha!

I built up some courage to check my cervix today, I have checked it before but not since my plug came away, Im about 1.5cm dilated but I can feel the bag of waters and there is definitely no mucus plug left lol... to be honest it doesnt feel a lot different up there, I think that to progress any further I would need her to drop lower... so bouncing on the ball and doing star jumps it is! Oh and Im having a spicy curry for tea tonight!!! xx
hahaha! i am the same way! i dont really like working with people on a good, non-pregnant day. but at least then i can have some self restraint and watch my tongue. but lately my overdue, pregnant bitchiness has been hard to control! ;)

i wonder why she wont perform a sweep for you..ive read about people getting them weekly from 37 weeks on! and its not like its a dangerous procedure either. it just seems silly. i wonder if its because mia is to high up? like with audrey the doctor couldnt reach to sweep around the entire cervix because audrey wasnt pushing it down far enough yet. if she thinks youre that close to labour, you would think she would just help you out a little and do the sweep...and i cant believe she didnt find anything wrong with you not being seen for the next 15 days! like you said, things can happen quickly and they might be things youre not immediately aware of. at least she agreed to check you over next week, but it doesnt seem like you should have to beg for that kind of attention! i would be livid...i think bobby would have just gone absolutely mad on the woman. lol

i know exactly what you mean! bobby keeps saying that sex is the key, but everytime we DTD all of the cramping and contractions actually stop! its like doing the reverse of what its supposed to. hopefully it does something for you. ive never gone into labour, but it seems like the feeling of being off could be an indication that its coming soon. between the sex and the curry you might be having mia before i have audrey! ;)

im keeping my fingers crossed for good news today. i dont think ill take it very well if my doctor is a bitch again. i just want an induction scheduled so that i can at least start counting down to a date. i just dont think audrey is coming on her own...shes still up so high and i cant see anything starting while shes like that. i was thinking about checking my cervix, but i dont really know what im doing up there. lol. it sounds like everything is set for you though! i really hope mia starts making her way down soon. maybe we will end up with babies on the same day! ;)
So have they booked your induction or have things started naturally for you (by any chance)... I thought my waters had broke this morning, I woke up a little bit wet but when I got up and checked my waters werent leaking and I must have just dribbled a bit in bed :-( how embarrasing! So the hot curry hasnt worked, I have officially tried everything (but castor oil) and she hasnt made an appearance so Im just going to give up and hope that she will make an appearance on her own without me doing anything.

My cousin has her section today (so does an old school friend of mine as well... not that Im jealous) I will let you know the weight and everything as they were expecting a big baby xx
How did your appointment go? My cousin had her baby today, Baby Millie weighed a whopping 10lb 4oz (they got her growth scan wrong didnt they) and she has black curly hair like her partner... also my other friend Sophia had a baby too... 2 weeks early due to complications, h is called Shay and is 7lb 9oz... Imjust a little bit jealous but probably not as jealous as you as you have another 11 days on me.

There are 2 other ladies who are around their due dates who have gone into labour today, our time is so close!!!!! x
the appointment went well! the doctor was in a much better mood and was a whole lot nicer. she checked me and i hadnt progressed at all...still at 1cm and thick. plus audrey hadnt dropped at all. i think if there had been any change, she would have wanted to give it more time, but since it was all the same she said she recommends an induction. so today we went up to the hospital to have a nonstress test and fluid check done to make sure everything is favorable for an induction. the nonstress test was perfect and i have tons of fluid left still, so things are good. we hadnt had a scan since 20 weeks either and the tech was nice and let us see her face and checked to make sure she was still a girl ;) and then right as we were leaving we heard from the doctor that were scheduled for an induction tomorrow!! so we have to call in tomorrow at 530 am just to make sure they have enough beds and all...but we should be having a baby tomorrow! :)

that is awesome about your friend and your cousin! Millie was a big baby! the doctor yesterday said that ours is a "good size" baby. i asked what that meant and she said 8 lbs or over...so im a little nervous that shes gonna be a big one too! :-/ it sounds like its baby mania for you today! its hard to not be jealous...but our little ones are coming soon! i have to be in the hospital for 2 days after the birth and wont have access to internet, but i hope than when i come back to send an update and pictures that i find that baby Mia has made her appearance too! maybe the doing nothing will get her to finally come out! :D
Oh Im so excited for your update, whenever you get this I hope things went really well for you and Audrey is here and healthy (but not too chunky lol). Take care!!!! xxx
we are just waiting this morning. we had to call in this morning at 530 and they told us to call back at 800. its just waiting now...hopefully at 800 they say to come on in now. im ready to get this thing started! :) i think audrey is excited too..she woke me up at 515 kicking away at her daddy. i was curled up next to him and my tummy was up against his side. she was kicking so hard she woke us both up! lol. anyway...im off to try to distract myself during this wait. hopefully my next update says "i have a baby!" lol. hope you have a great day and tell miss mia that its time to come out already! ;)
ahh! things have been amazingly crazy! audrey ended up being born on 19 september at 934am after about 14 hours of labour. it was so much more painful than i ever imagined and i ended up getting the epidural at about 6cm. i just couldnt take it anymore. but the good part was that it only took me 14 minutes of pushing once i reached 10cm! so that was pretty awesome. afterwards though i ended up having postpardum hemorraging and losing about 3lbs of blood spontaneously. it was terrifying, but they got it all under control and everything was great after that.

little miss audrey was 7lb12oz and 20.5" long. she has some beautiful dark brown hair and grey/blue eyes. we are so completely in love. hehe. :) shes doing really well with everything but the transition from the hospital to home has been kind of rough. she really only wants to sleep when someone is holding her. as soon as you put her down she is good for about 20 minutes before she wakes up. its made for some long sleepless nights the past two days! lol.

i will try to figure out out to post some pictures...but im not sure how to do it. hopefully i can figure it out. :)

so how have you been? i know ive been out of touch for a bit...has miss mia made her appearance? any new information on that front? i hope you are doing well and i cant wait to hear how everything is going for you! :)
here are a couple pictures. ive never uploaded on here, so im not sure how theyll come across. hopefully not too huge! :)

the first one was when we were getting ready to leave the hospital on tuesday and the second is right when we first got home.

https://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/shananana85/IMG_3689.jpg https://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f121/shananana85/IMG_3699.jpg
Awwwwwwwwww my god Im sooo happy for you, Audrey is absolutely amazing and well done you, Ive been in labour hun and I know how bloody painful it is so I dont blame anyone for getting the epidural lol. CONGRATULATIONS!!! New babies love to be cuddled, my sister struggled with my neice Amelie and they ended up with her in their bed for the first few months, bad idea cos she is now 2yrs and isnt the best at bedtimes still!!

Ive had a terrible few days actually, Ive really been struggling as Im so uncomfortable, Im 4days over today and yesterday we got SOOOOO excited because at 5.20pm when I was in the bath I started to have contractions, they were dead on 5mins apart and got gradually worse over the next couple of hours but then all of a sudden they dropped to every 10 mins then stopped... I had Lukes school uniform ready for him to go to my parents, I was totally prepared to ring the hospital and everything... and then nothing.

I got up this morning feeling fresh as a daisy and the contractions havent started again!

Im now settling myself thinking that I wont be going into labour naturally again and that I will be going into hospital next Thursday to be booked in for induction, fingers crossed they might get me booked in for next weekend or at the latest the Monday (4th October)... if she decides to come before then than I will be over the moon but if not then hey my body just doesnt do labour haha.

I have now decided that the section is probably going to be the safest option if I go 14 or more days over, I am too worried about labouring for 12-14hrs and then getting the emergency section, I need to be as fit as possible for my family and I am worried about the recovery time from a forced induction and possible emergency section as opposed to an elective section. For all I am devastated about it I just think it will be better for us all in the long run!!

I will definitely keep you updated though, at the worst case she is only 10-12 days away and for all Ive been off work for bloody ages pretty soon I will have a little lady to gaze at just like you!!! x
thanks! im pretty smitten with her myself. its amazing because i can sit and stare at her all day, even when shes not doing anything. i think its all still a little surreal that shes here and that i made her. lol. she is doing a little better with the sleeping thing now. i think she just had her days and nights mixed up and she wasnt sleeping as heavily at night...so she would wake up easily. shes a lot more awake during the day yesterday and today though...and last night she slept a lot better.

im so sorry that youre at that uncomfortable stage. i know my spirits went downhill pretty drastically as soon as i went overdue. it was just so uncomfortable and i kept having false labour. i hope that the contractions start back up and lead to labour for you! i know for me, by the time i was induced i was so close to going into labour on my own, but audrey was just still so high. my water broke as soon as we went in and they were just checking my cervix. they said that is really uncommon for that to happen and it probably would have broken on its own within the day, but i may have ended up with a section because she wasnt moving down without the strong pitocin-induced contractions.

ill keep my fingers crossed that she decides to come on her own...like today! :) but, if not, hopefully they will be able to get you in for the induction quickly and you wont have to wait around for days like i did. i think its probably a good thing that youre now open to a section if you do end up going so far overdue. i really can believe that theyll let you, but if its in the best interest for yours and mias health, then its probably a good idea. and since youll have luke and mia, as well as your little stepdaughter, to take care of. youll definitely need to be in the best shape as possible! i know we had dylan this weekend and it was a little chaotic with him and audrey at the same time...i guess it will just take some getting used to.

i hope that you have an update soon that mia has arrived! i cant wait to see pictures of her and hear that youre well. :) im sending you all the best wishes that something productive happens soon! and in the meantime that you can keep your spirits up :)
Hey there, so Mia was born on 29th September 9 days late, those lazy September babies eh?... I have put the birth story up but I needed an emergency sectiion after only 3hrs of labour as they thought my scar was rupturing, it was all a little crazy... I actually read my birth story back and was worried it would scare some first time Mums but then again it was pretty scary yet totally worth it.

I really wanna put some pictures up of her as the day after she was born she was so swollen and bruised and now she has the face of a little angel haha, for some reason my laptop is saying that the pop ups are blocked and it wont let me click on attachements, I have tried turning the pop up blocker off but it still does nothing when I click on attachements... I may try some kind of photo uploader when I get the time! x
oh so many congratulations! she is absolutely adorable! i will find your birth story and read it through...it sounds like the whole thing was a bit scary there! im glad it all came out just fine in the end though. how are you recovering after having the section? i hope that it is going better than with luke and youre not having any complications! hopefully youre getting lots of help with the little ones :) i am still getting used to the whole routine...bobby went back to work on monday and my mom left last friday. so this week i have been pretty much on my own during the days. but we are getting it all figured out and its not too hard...i just dont have nearly as much time as before. im constantly running around trying to get the cleaning and such done when audrey is napping. i know they all say to "sleep when she sleeps" but i just cant seem to...thats the only time i can get things done! lol.

anyway, i really hope things are going great on your side of the pond! :)
hiya, Im not doing too bad with the recover, Im still pretty sore and swollen around my scar but Andrew has been really good helping out and Ive managed to get a bit rest... Mia however is another matter, she is a little devil child, she cries as soon as she is put down and wont settle unless she is picked up and nursed... I have been in tears tonight as I sent over 2 hrs trying to settle her but as soon as her back hits the carrycot she starts to scream! Im hoping that its just a passing phase and that she will settle down soon, Luke went into a routine really quickly so this is a shock to the system :-( x

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