Looking for bump buddy due 20th Sept?? x

thats how mine were when they were coming regularly! they scared me because, even though i hadnt had too many BH contractions, i knew they were different because of the stronger pain down below. hopefully yours make some progress and you can get your baby show on the road! im leaving work soon to go home and get a car to drive to the hospital...will definitely let you know what she says! hopefully it will be good news and not "youre stuck at 1 and probably will be that way for awhile" lol

hehe. i was all for DTD to get things along until i read a thread about a womans water breaking during sex!! ahhh...i think that would turn me off of it, like, forever. lol. DH is relentless though. he is constantly coming after me and trying to get me in the mood and i always have to swat his hands away. for me its hard to get into when i feel completly and utterly unsexy. i dont know how he even wants too...i imagine it must be like having sex with a whale at this point. lol. we did this past weekend, but not again since. its crazy because it used to be like every night and i never was off of it...guess having another human being inside of you can change things though!

keep me updated if your real contractions return! fingers crossed that maybe baby mia is ready to come out and meet her family! :D
Happy 39 weeks!!! Not long now... hows things? I was woken 3 times during the night with the pains but they were hours apart and I have had none since! I am now considering researching self induction methods lol x
thank you! although it looks like youll be able to wish me a happy 40 weeks and probably 41 weeks too...bleh! went to the doctor yesterday and im still at 1 cm and only 25% effaced and she hasnt moved down at all...still a -3 station. basically the doctor told me it will most likely be awhile and i will probably go overdue. i think it was the most disheartening news ever...i was so hoping i would have progressed. but i guess audrey is pretty comfortable in there.

i looked into the techniques for bringing on labour...they all say to walk a lot, go up and down stairs, eat spicy food, eat fresh pineapple, and have sex. so i think we are going to start employing those methods soon! lol. i weve been walking every night and i already eat a ton of pineapple. so tonight we will have something spicy for dinner and ill make bobby have sex with me. ;)

ahh...i just want to have this baby already! have you lost any more of your plug? did you ever heard from a MW about the colour?
I lost a loads this afternoon when I went to the toilet and it was pretty green, I have googles it and there are a few sites that say it can be tinged green, I still cant get in touch with my midwife she is a total nightmare. My sister thinks I should ring the doctors but Im pretty sure my GP will say that I need to see my midwife. Im at the hospital on Monday and will definitely be mentioning it there.

I know 100% what you feel like about Audrey being so high up, that is exactly what happened with Luke and my Midwife told me I would not go into labour naturally unless he dropped as with first babies they need pressure on the cervical muscles for them to begin dilating fully! I was mortified! He never dropped until I was induced bu I will be hoping and praying that Audrey drops a little bit for you. Have you got a birthing ball? I love mine, its really good for helping baby engage as it opens the pelvis.

I am gonna try my hand with Andrew tonight, I dont know how lucky I will be as he seems repulsed at the moment hahaha x
well if youre finding some things on the internet that are saying its okay, then maybe its not such a concern. but, at the same time, it would be nice if your MW would just ring you back! i couldnt take that...youve been trying to get ahold of her for over 2 days now. i mean thats pretty ridiculous! at least you are going in on monday, so thats not too far off now and you can ask then. just seems like there should be an easier way to get some information, if only to put your mind at ease a little.

yesterday i had my cervix checked at the appointment and after there was a little bit of blood, but nothing bright or new. and then today the paper is still tinged a little brown, but its barely noticeable. im wondering if this is okay or normal. they said after a check you could get some blood, but now its been almost 24 hours. its not much though, so i guess ill just keep an eye on it.

it is crazy how high up she is! its pretty much physically painful to sit at a proper angle with good posture because she is so high into my ribs and that pushes her up a little more. i wish she would just drop already. i do have a birthing ball, and i use it every night when i get home...15-20 min intervals about 4 or 5 times a night. i wish i could bring it to work and sit on it here, but my coworker looked at me like i was insane when i mentioned it. so i never even asked the boss! lol. and then we have started going on 1-2 mile walks each night as ive heard that can help her drop too. my doctor said that its very unlikely to go into labour naturally if she doesnt drop on her own...and i really dont want to be induced! they say it is more painful that way, but i wonder if that is actually true.

isnt it so weird how some men go off of sex completely with a pregnant wife and others go just the opposite way? i wonder what it is that makes them either love it or hate it. i had told bobby yesterday after the appointment that we were having sex every night until i go into labour and he was so excited. then, last night, i fell asleep snoring on the couch at like 830. poor guy... i have a bit of a head cold coming on right now and its zapping my energy and will to do anything. maybe tonight though. im loading up on vitamin c and hoping this thing doesnt get any worse.

if andrew gives you any resistance just remind him that youre pregnant and hormonal, and it really is just in his best interest to do as you say! ;)
Aww how its the head cold today? You feeling any better, I cant imagine feeling poorly on top of being heavily pregnant, I was ill for my first 5 months, I had every cold, flu and virus that was going, I was off work for weeks and weeks!!!! Im pleased those days are over and Im feeling fairly healthy, actually my Mum commented this morning that I look really well, my hair is shiny and my skin looks good which is great news haha!

I think it is normal to have a bit bleeding after an internal, I know I always do, they say not to worry unless it is red and fresh blood so fingers crossed it will ease off.

I honestly cant tell you whether being induced is more painful as I cant compare it with anything, what I can tell you is that the hormone drip I think its called Syntocinon (I may have to google that) is the devils tool!!!! I dilated pretty quick at first then stuck at about 4 1/2cm for hours so they gave me that to speed my contractions up and it literally doubled the pain I was in, I can remember saying to my mum that I wanted it taking out lol, it did work though and I started to dilate again.

My cousin was due yesterday and there are no signs of her little lady coming yet, she hasnt even had a twinge and her baby is engaged (3/5 I think) she had her consultant appointment and they said they refuse to induce ladies who go over if you have had a previous section as it can rupture the uterine scar so they have booked her a section for 16th Sept and if she hasnt gone naturally by then she will have to have the section. Im thinking that my hospital will probably do the same thing although I have the issue of Mias head not engaging I am going to ask for my section to be booked earlier than 14 days over.. I mean if she isnt going to engage what is the point of waiting about? Im obviously not going to go into labour naturally am I? I just havent got a clue...

So did you see my thread about pooing when you push hahaha, I was furious with Andy over it, he just informed me that I WILL... I dont know that, and he doesnt either, it would seem that quite a lot of women have done though which has now sent me into an anxious state thinking that I wont want Andy down there looking for babies head to see a big poop coming out! My god, where is the dignity hahaha, it all goes out of the window doesnt it?? x
im doing okay today. its this really horrible spot that im in with this silly cold...its like im stuck in the "ive got a cold coming on" stage. so i have a bit of a headache, my nose is a little runny, and my throat is a little sore...but i can tell i havent gotten it completely yet. im stuck in limbo with it! i wish it would just come on fully so that i could get over it, or it would go away. im still loading up on vitamin c though, so maybe thats helping ward it of and preventing it from becoming any worse. i hope so!

i guess i cant complain...i wasnt sick at all in this pregnancy! im glad youre feeling better! 5 months is a long time to feel ill, thats for sure. how sweet of your mom to give you all those compliments. normally i hate compliments, but at this stage of pregnancy when i feel fat and ugly, i enjoy them very much. last night DH told me that my belly was sexy, stretch marks and all, and i kissed him like 10 times. i dont care if it was a lie or a half-truth....it just feels good to hear sometimes! lol

the icky old blood has gone now but im losing more of my plug now...last night and this morning. its like going to the bathroom lately always holds some new surprise these days...you never quite know what youre going to get! lol

i think that sometimes the medicine for induction is necessary, i just hope that she finally decides to come on her own. another girl i know on here had her baby last week and she was induced. apparently she had a reaction to the medicine and it caused her to immediately have super strong contractions 1 minute apart. and then they baby was reacting bad and she was reacting bad....eeek! that just scares me. i guess i want this to go as naturally as possible. the doctor is already talking sweeps too...if i havent progressed by next weeks appointment. i dont really know what that entails, but it just seems so terrifying. lol

that whole not inducing if youve had a c-section before doesnt really make sense. i mean, if it causes the chance of rupturing the uterine scar then wouldnt natural labour cause the same chance? and to make a person wait 14 days! eek...if they know they cant do anything as far as induction they should just go ahead and schedule you. i agree that if it does come to that you should just ask it to be earlier. my hospital will let me go 14 days over too before they induce. i really hope that it doesnt come to that...it seems like so much extra time to wait! hopefully your cousins baby makes something happen too...with the baby that far engaged it seems like it would be happening soon!

i didnt see your post about the pooing, but i have this fear too! i think that it is quite common, but its not necessarily for sure that it will happen. i personally dont want bobby down there no matter what. i just dont want him to have that image burned into his head! lol. i hardly want the doctors down there even! i am still nervous about pooing though...even with just the doctors down there. everyone says that its common and they are used to it, but i have never pooed in front of anyones face before and id like to keep it that way! ;)
Hows the cold doin? Has is arrived or died off lol... Im still the same here, no more signs at all really, few niggly pains etc but nothing more than usual, Mia does seem lower as I struggled with walking yesterday but Ive thought that before and the midwife said she wasnt engaged.

I have my appointment with my consultant in the morning, Im taking my Mum with me as Andrew has to work (he can get time off for scans but this is just a chat) Im hoping to go in there all confident and tel them I want to be either induced on my due date or a section booked for 7 days over my date as I honestly feel if I havent gone into labour naturally by then that I wont go into labour at all.. I also think that if I go too far over I wont be able to give birth naturally as Im convinced my pelvis is too narrow... Im going to mention this tomorrow about the babies not engaging and see i they have a way of checking the possibilities.... either way I hope that I will get some answers tomorrow.

It is Lukes first day at school tomorrow as well, he is really excited! We went shopping on Saturday to get him some school shoes, he was running and tripped and smacked into a brick wall, he cracked his little head and I thought for a split second had knocked himself out, he was concussed and was trying to be sick, went really hot all over I didnt know what to do!!! He bit right through his tongue (which has healed amazingly) and had blood all over! He was screaming Im sorry mammy I love you! It was heartbreaking... he was only saying sorry as Id been shouting at him not to run so he knew it was his fault! He has a gorgeous bump and a massive purply bruise all over his forehead... the bloody school with report me to social services on his first day hahaha, he is absolutely fine now thank god, although he wont put on a hat and wouldnt let me dry his hair after bath time!!
i think it has offically died off! hooray! but now it seems like bobby is getting it again, so i hope it doesnt end up getting passed back to me. thats the worst about colds it seems...take forever to get rid of them because they just get passed from on member of the family to the next. at least if audrey came now i wouldnt have to worry about not being able to breathe through the contractions!

i think that your idea for going into your appointment with your concerns right out there at the forefront. you dont want to have the same thing happen that happened with luke and end up with a section as a last resort, and so that should be an honest concern. hopefully they wont have any disagreements toward it. its not like youre just being impatient or anything, you have honest concerns. maybe youll be wrong though and she will be engaged! i know what you mean, i really cant tell about the engagement thing either. most of the time i feel like audrey si so far down that she couldnt possibly go any lower, but then i go in and find out shes as high up as possible. argh

poor luke! oh my gosh i bet the little guy was in some pain after that! and then he was apologizing too..that about breaks your heart. dylan does the same thing when he gets hurt doing something that hes been told not to do. in a way i guess its good because maybe next time theyll listen more, but at the same time its just sad and you feel so bad for them. that will make for an awesome first day of school picture! years down the line it will be funnier, im sure. i hope he has a great day...first days of school are so exciting. hopefully he will make great friends and like his teacher too. best of luck to the little guy! :D
Well I had my appointment, Mia still isnt engaged, I felt like she was really low as well so its pretty disheartening, the consultant did palpate my tummy and said she has a lot of room to move so the fact that she isnt engaged is not a concern to them at all. I asked at what stage I would be induced and they said if she was a big baby shey would do it at my sue date but she is still really small so they are bringing me back at 41wks if I havent delivered by then and they will give me the option of being booked for a section or being induced, I am going to ask to be induced (even if it ends in a section then at least I tried). I am with my midwife next week (when I wil be 39+1) and Im going to ask her to do a sweep at 40 weeks (they usually wait until 41) Im pretty sure she will do it for me as she knows how much I want to have a natural birth!

The midwife at the hospital said to me that I should eat a full pineapple, followed by a curry, then jog up and down the stairs, and have sex a few times!!! I am going to try all of these methods today (Luke has already been dipping into the pineapple though lol)

He enjoyed his morning at School, he has been very secretive though, wont tell me anything that happened, or what he had for lunch or anything, he brought a book home so we have been reading through that, hopefully he will go back no problem tomorrow! He didnt even shed a tear this morning, I really had to hold it back! x
what is it with these babies of ours refusing to move down!? i think they are just doing it to mess with us ;) i hope that the midwife will do the sweep for you to try to get things moving along a bit. i have read on here some women that have had 2-3 sweeps already by the time they reach 40 weeks. i guess maybe its just different with each hospital or something. i know that my doctor said last wednesday that if by my next appointment (this coming wednesday when ill be 39+6) we could talk about a sweep if there hasnt been any progress. so i dont know if that means she would maybe do one then or if i would have to wait until the next appointment (at 40+6) im not even sure what a sweep entails and the whole idea of it is kinda foreign to me, but i think that i would take one if it might help get things moving. it doesnt seem like it will hurt the baby or anything...it seems like a pretty routine thing that hospitals offer.

hehe! i love your plan for the day! just so you know though, it has to be fresh pineapple. the canning process removes the enzyme that helps promote thinning and and such. i found that out after devouring a whole thing of the canned stuff. but luckily this is the pineapple mecca, so ive been getting fresh ones lately. hopefully combining all of these things though, you will have something happen! :)

aww...how cute! i wonder why he is being so secretive about his day! thats too funny. dylan always comes over to our house and launches into a big monologue about what happened at school. hes still in that brutally honest stage though, so sometimes he will be like "i hit my friend in the face. it wasnt nice. i said sorry. i wont do it again" eeek! i hope that lukess second day goes as well as the first did! and maybe then he will share a little more about what went on :D and congratualtions for keeping yourself composed...i probably would have been in tears (like the sobbing kind hehe)
Ahhhhh you are officially over due now!!! Did you get your sweep on Wednesday and has anything happened since? Hope so!!

I went for a really long walk yesterday and totally over did it, I made myself really sick and had to lie down for a few hours yesterday afternoon. Last night I tried a really hot curry but it has done absolutely nothing. I have got 10 days until my due date but got a letter off the hospital yesterday saying they wont even assess me for induction until 30th... so I have to go in and be monitored and given an internal on 30th and if baby is fine they will leave me a little longer! This means they probably wouldnt take me in until 4th October!!!! I realy dont know what Id do if that happened, I could cry thinking about it so Im actively encouraging her to come at any time now!!! :) x
i know! i am convinced that they should not give us due dates...because then we are just bound to get attached to them and be disappointed when we see them come and go without much of a twinge at all! argh! so yes, audrey is officially more patient than i am and stubborn to boot! when we went to the doctor on wednesday she checked me and she said i am still 1 cm but its a "generous 1 cm now"...whatever that means. she tried to do the sweep, but audrey has actually moved up higher and so she couldnt reach around the entire cervix...so she ended up doing a sort of partial sweep. it did something because i bled quite a lot for the entire day afterwards and i was super crampy...but nothing has come of it other than that. im still really crampy and having loads of braxton hicks, but it doesnt seem like labour will be soon since audrey just refuses to drop down.

it was frustrating to hear that i can probably expect and induction, but not nearly so frustrating as when i asked her to approve me to start leave on monday (ill be 40+4 by then) because its just getting really hard to make it through the day at this point. she told me no! she said that i was fine, there was no medical reason for me to stop working, and that working would prevent me from going stir crazy...seriously?! i think i can manage at most a week and a half at home... but she said that she wont be signing the forms until the baby is born. it was really disheartening. so its been a bleh couple of days between that and my due date passing..

wow! that is a long time to leave you overdue before even checking the baby out! i wonder if it has something to do with her being small in the one checkup, that they want to give her extra time? hopefully you can get the whole thing started naturally. ive been doing the walking thing too and eating hot curry every night...but its not doing anything so far. i find that too much walking makes me feel pretty ill lately too. be careful and try not to push yourself too far! my doctor said that, when i go in next wednesday, they will check the baby and if everything is okay we can discuss induction either that weekend or early the next week. so i am looking at being between 9-12 days overdue before they get me in to induce. its really not the best news to hear, especially when weve been doing so much to try and get these babies to come!

try to stay in good spirits! and im always here, waiting right along with you! :)
I typed you an absolute essay of message earlier today and it crashed and hasnt posted, swine!!!

I cant believe that bloody midwife wouldnt sign you off, that is a crock of shit! I think we are so lucky over here, we arent allowed to work past our due dates (although the thought of still being at work right now makes me want to cry) and if we are sick in the run up to maternity leave starting with anything that is pregnancy related then you are automatically signed off and your leave begins on the first day of your absence!!!

Ive been getting some really strong BHs this evening, they have been regular as clockwork every 5 minutes and really uncomfortable but my sister has kindly informed me that BH contractions mean absolutely nothing to labour and they dont increase in pressure to turn into proper contractions at all and I need to stop wishing for every pain to be her coming and it might actually happen... I will remind her that in December when she is due, the bitch haha.

The letter from the hospital says that I am to go in on 30th September which is term +10days and they will check my cervix (Im presuming to see if Im favourable for induction... if not they may recommend the section) and they are going to put a trace on the baby, hopefully just to make sure my placenta isnt ageing and make sure her heart beat is OK. Then at the bottom it say, after this we will discuss induction for the following week... which would take us to week commencing 3rd October :-( it seems like frigging ages away!

I hope Audrey drops a little bit... did they think that it was strange that she wasnt? I remember when I went in to be induced and the midwife in the hospital said it was rare for a first baby not to drop... yet Ive heard of it a few times on this forum, I think they were just bulling me when I was in there lol xx
ahhh! i hate when that happens! its happened to me a couple of times...i think this site just has hiccups every now and again. sometimes, if im writing a long message ill do it in word and then copy and paste it over, because i dont want to run the risk of losing it. ;)

yea she was really adamant about how i didnt need to be off and im fine. i was thinking "yea...im technically fine, but im oh so sore and unable to focus anymore" so ive decided the past few days that im not going to sork my ass of at work. im trying to relax as much as i can. its hard to do technical drawings when youre much more focused on every twinge that is going on in your body! i think they should institute the same thing here that you have to stop work after your due date...its just getting to the point by that time that you just arent very productive anymore.

hehe...i know exactly what you mean. i still time my BH contractions, even though i know they dont technically mean much. they are always about 20 min apart...but sometimes they get to 10 or even 5. i always hope that they will turn into something, but havent yet. i would definitely remind your sister when she is at term and counting every twinge because shes soooo ready to have the baby already ;) everyone keeps telling me that its best that audrey have a few extra days in there if she needs them. its really annoying, even though its true. when my mom or MIL or bobby say that i have to bite my tongue to keep from saying "yea...its really easy to say that when youre not the one that has been carrying her around for the past 10 months!" ;)

i wonder if you can request an earlier time to be checked? it seems like they would at least check you when reach your EDD...to wait until 3 October to even discuss anything with you? youll be 2 weeks over by then! maybe they hope that you will just go into labour naturally before that... it seems like they are leaving your appointments so long though. im not sure how it works over there, but i would be calling to request that i get checked earlier than that.

the doctor didnt say much about how she hasnt dropped, but she did seem pretty sure that i would be in next week and we would be discussing scheduling an induction. i have read in so many places that the baby should dropp between 37-39 weeks, so i think its a little odd that she hasnt at all... :-/ but since the doctor wasnt overly concerned, i guess that means that its not uncommon and doesnt signal anything ill as far as health goes. hopefully, at least!
I was reading a thread earlier today where a girls baby isnt engaged and its her first too, loads of people said its nothing to worry about and that their babies didnt engage until labour! Maybe you do have a chance of going in naturally? Any signs of that stubborn little lady yet? My cousin is 11 days late now, she is sick but excited as her section is booked for thursday so at the latest she will have her baby then... I wish we knew!

I have been getting some really strong signs of early labour today, I have done loads of housework and tried dancing about a little with some music on the Ipod lol, afterwards I have had really bad back ache and feeling like I need the toilet loads, Im finding it hard to get comfortable this evening which is unusual cos Im still not that big bump wise and I usually get comfy OK... I know that this could go on for weeks (I had a friend who was in slow labour for 3 weeks) so Im not building my hopes up, like my sister said if I stop praying for it every second it may happen!!

Im at the midwife at 2.30pm tomorrow so fingers crossed she might have some good news for me!!

When is your next visit? Wednesday? xx
i am hoping that she finally moves down on her own and that this isnt a sign of induction being necessary! every story i read about induction makes me wish more and more for a natural process. im keeping my fingers crossed, pleading with audrey, and anything else i can think of! ;) 11 days late...i just cant imagine. i am having a hard time with this whole overdue thing. i was so proud of myself for doing well in this pregnancy and keeping my emotions in check and everything...i had only cried 2 or 3 times since i fell pregnant. but i just started crying out of nowhere last night because im so fed up with being uncomfortable and just not knowing. your cousin is a much stronger lady than i am! i guess if it comes to induction though, ill might do better once i have a date of when it will happen. hopefully we will schedule it at my next appointment on wednesday. if not, i might be facing a complete breakdown! ;)

hopefully these symptoms turn into something for you! its so hard not to get your hopes up when you have symptoms like that, and its always so disappointing when they dont turn into anything. i was getting my hopes up last night even (like most days lately!). i had strong, frequent BH contractions all day. i bounced on the ball and walked around and cleaned all day, bobby and i DTD, and then all last night i kept being woken up by strong contractions and really crampy feelings. but then this morning they were all but gone...so today im just tired and not in labour! argh. i keep telling myself the same as you...it will probably happen just as soon as i convince myself that its not going to and stop symptom spotting. but i just cant seem to help it! lol

i will be thinking good thoughts and sending you well wishes for your appointment tomorrow! hopefully you will find that mia has engaged and youre dialting!! :) are you going to ask her if you can change your appointments for when you go overdue? maybe with her understanding your previous situation she will be more understanding and be able to help out with it a bit? hopefully something! let me know how it goes! :)
Hey hows things? Mia still isnt engaged and has now turned back to back, little bugger! I had a feeling she was posterior as Ive been getting back pains when I get braxton hicks and she is pressing on my bum more which was making me think things were starting! At first the midwife couldnt find her heartbeat as she is that far back, she thought she was breech!! I said she definitely isnt breech I feel her kicks really high up!

On the plus side the midwife said I look imminent and it could happen any time going off the way Ive been feeling... Im not 100% certain I agree with her, Im still convinced I will go over due and be induced...

I amin for assessment on 30th September and they are hopefully going to induce me on 4th October if I havent gone by then... I bloody hope she comes!!!

When do you get your date for induction? Tomorrow? xx
i told bobby last night that audrey is making mommy moody. lol. i am usually really easy going and dont let myself get too worked up, but i think yesterday was the point when i hit the fed up stage. i walked into work and got tons of "ohhh...so you didnt have the baby over the weekend?" comments. i had to bite my tongue because im huge pregnant and what a stupid question that is. and then all day long it was "so when do you think shell come?" and "oh its not much longer now...it cant be" argh...was all so annoying. i just avoided leaving my desk at all because i didnt want to talk to people and risk saying something that would land me getting fired! lol

at least with the engagement thing, they say its common for second babies not to engage until labour comes. so maybe thats not so much of an indication of when it will happen! for the back to back thing...you can still have her naturally that way right? ive just heard that it is maybe more painful that way? hopefully she gets herself rolled around before she starts heading out :) it seems like a good sign that the midwife feels that things could start soon. for me i only ever get "yea...we will be seeing you next week, unless some drastic changes occur"...thats never reassuring! lol. i still cant believe you wont see anyone for a whole 16 days now too! i bed she comes out for you sooner than that though :) im keeping my fingers crossed for you...because going overdue is like the work thing EVER ;)

tomorrow i go in and she will check me and the baby out. if things are okay for induction then i think we will schedule something then. im have this horrible fear that she is going to change her mind and say "oh...lets give it one more week..." :-/ but hopefully she wont and we will schedule an induction for the weekend or the beginning part of the next week. my mom is flying in on monday...i gave her so much crap about buying her tickets for so late and that she was going to miss the first week or so of audreys life...turns out she is probably going to be right on time! i guess maybe theres some truth to that old saying "mother knows best" lol

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