Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

Happy due date Lou! Thats great about being engaged. I'm sure if will happen before your induction date. That seems like a long time to let you go! I spose its better to let things happen naturally. That's good to stay busy. I'm sure it's hard to rest with being uncomfy but that's my best advice is get some good naps in now! i really regret not leaving work early. Coulda really used some time off before baby came. Oh well I'll sleep when he's in college ;). My doggy id doing just fine (a lot better than I expected). He's a very high strung dog but he picked up on our energy and body language right away and so he is very calm around the baby. He is very curious and loves to sniff/lick the baby, but we try not to let him get too close. The only problem is it's like having 2 kids. My dog gets into everything and we have so many baby things laying around that are enticing to a curious dog, like diapers, burp cloths, stuffed animals, etc. He thinks everything is for him. Sometimes I just have to let him be naughty and get into things when I am in the middle of nursing.

Jess, I'm glad Conor is sleeping a bit better. That must be so rough holding him all the time. Dylan is just now entering the faze of wanting to be held constantly. Even though he's little, my arms/back are so sore/tired. My aunt sent us an ergo carrier and DH really loves to put him in there while he works on the computer. Dylan just sleeps the whole time and even has to be woken up to eat! Have you tried a sling/carrier. I find it to be not very comfy atm. It presses baby on the my tummy and breasts and puts when on my neck and shoulders. I think when I'm less sore it will be better though.

BFing continues to be a struggle. He gets on an sucks a couple times before dozing off. I have to constantly bug him to keep him awake. Or if he's overly hungry he cries and doesn't want to latch. I got really impatient last night as I had just dozed off and he was up again to feed. Ended up in a fight with DH because he said I needed o be more patient, which pissed me off because he has NO clue how much patience I've had. It was no good. We agreed that I should wake him up if I am starting to feel like I'm losing patience and need a little break. I feel so much pressure to do everything on my own at night because he is working and has to be up early. From his perspective he thinks "how hard could it be" and "all you have to do is feed the baby" and "you can sleep all day." I don't think he's very sensitive to what I'm going through. He keeps telling friends/family how "easy" it's been having a baby. Maybe it's easy for him, but it hasn't been for me. Anyway, I think the fight had more to do with lack of sleep anyway, but it's also good to get things out in the open. Anyway, I know he's trying to do his best to help me but at the end of the day there's no way he can understand what it's like being a mom. Just like I can't understand the pressures of being a dad and the sole bread winner atm.

Sorry to be so long winded. It helps to work things out here.

Jess, I think you around right about LO sucking for comfort. It's just frustrating when he does this for a long time and then cries like he's really hungry. This is what happened last night and it's tough to be patient when I know I'll have to give him a bottle of expressed milk and then pump. The whole process is so draining/time consuming. I was trying to hold off on giving the bottle right away last night and that's when Dh got up and said "he's hungry!" As if I hand't spent the last 45 mins trying to address this issue :(. Then DH gives him a bottle and acts like super dad! Sometimes we do formula lat night. My sister swears that it helped her son sleep longer at night, I haven't noticed a difference but then again I think he would be eating every 1-2 hours no matter what these days.

Lou, as for the bottle feeding I would recommend holding off the first month if you can. I know my situation is different and I wouldn't do anything differently, but sometimes I wonder if breastfeeding would be easier if we hadn't bottle fed so early. If you do decide to give LO a bottle in the first month I would find a bottle that's close to your nipple shape and make sure LO opens wide to latch on, just like he would your breast. It might be fine if you do it occasionally in the beginning. I think the problem for us is that Dylan is used to the bottle and not having to work as hard to latch on or get milk out.
Hey ladies,

Saw health visiitor yesterday who confirmed conor gettibg more than enough milk from me but is sucking for comfort so altho the milks there sometimes he's letting himself drift off before finishing a feed...

Sooo... Little man got a dummy... As much as I said I wudnt get one it was great, he didn't cry all day jst sucked away happily, gave him a bottle of forumla before bed and he slept for 6 hours, and still went on boob fine for morning feed...

I think every baby is different, and you have to do what you have to do....

Maybe due to dylan being so small he's still going through a growth spurt to catch up hence the feeding on such a regular basis,
Conor had a 45 minute feed and then a 3oz bottle straight after, and was still fussing as though hungry but put dummy in.and he was happy and fell asleep...
I know its not ideal but have you considered a dummy, you might find he doesn't actually NEED to feed as much as he does, more than he wants to for the comfort?

Lou... Woooo come on baby! Fingers crossed lo will make an appearance this week for you! Xxx
So funny you mention the dummy as I just hopped on here after Dylan dozed off blissfully with one in his mouth. I think he's doing the same as conor. We had put them away when a lactation consultant said to hold off, but I think maybe noes the time to bring them back. I don't honestly have a problem with them. To tell the truth I don't see the big deal as he gets a bottle sometimes anyhow.

Dylans growth spurt continues!! He gained more than 2oz per dat since last doctors visit. He's nearly 7lbs now which is what the dr expected him to be a week and a half from now :). It's really good validation that what I'm doing must be working! Only gave one bottle (dh insisted) yesterday and the rest was at the breast. I really feel like we turned a corner, of course I dong want to speak too soon. I am wondering when it's okay to stop waking him to feed at night. Tonight he was up after 1 hour fir first feeding but then he slept for 3 and I had to wake him to feed. Gonna call the dr and ask if IRS ok to let him go since weight gain is no longer an issue!
I don't wake conor at night, he can go anything upto 5 hours before he wakes up, during the day he'll feed every 2-3 hours and midwife said as long as he's doing that and having about 6-8 feeds minimum in 24 hours that its fine to let him sleep and make the most of my sleep time!

As conor feed happily in the day I'm quite happy to let him sleep, if he's hungry he'll soon let me know and start stirring. I find he spits his dummy out if he's getting hungry xx
Hi Ladies,

How are Conor and Dylan doing this week? Is conor still sleeping well through the night Jess? Sounds like Dylan has been doing great weight wise! My friend swears by feeding on demand and not waking.

Midwife update: Sweep was fine, not at all painful or anything. The midwife was very impressed with how relaxed i was, she said if she didn't know better she would think it wasn't my first baby. I'm 1cm can strech to 2cm, partially effaced. Cervix is forward and baby is right there and ready. She said basically my body is all ready, i just need to go into labour! 41 weeks today!
Lou, that's good your making progress. Even if it does come to induction it will be better if you have made some progress on your own. It's crazy that Dylan will be 1 month old this week and you are still preggers.

Nights are still rough. Dylan is eating every 1.5-2 hrs pretty much round the clock. If I'm lucky he'll go 3 hours, but that is rare. And sometimes he eats for close to an hr so I only get 30 mins off and he's ready to eat again. It's so nice when Dh is at home to help out because I can barely go to the bathroom, let alone eat or shower sometimes. So much for my dreams for getting in some long stretches of sleep at night. I keep reminding myself it's good he has a healthy appetite but I'm hoping he will get a little stronger and learn how to be more efficient each session so that maybe we can get a little more time in between feedings. But at least I don't have to pump all the time anymore. Although I am still pumping for night time bottles as Dylan is often too tired to eat much during the night and I'm too tired to keep him awake to feed sometimes. So I try for a bit and if I can't wake him I change his diaper and give him a bottle.

Jess how's the sleeping going with Conor? Does he like to be swaddled? Have you tried a white noise machine? Have you gotten out of the house at all? I get out to go to the store and walk the dog sometimes and it's nice to get away for a little bit as otherwise I feel a bit of cabin fever. Over the weekend I went to a baby shower which was nice. Everyone was so surprised when I told them I had a baby 3 weeks ago.

Well the little man is stirring again so I guess my time is up ;). Keep us posted Lou! Can't wait for news of your LO.
Hi ladies,

Hope you are all well. Just to let you know i had a little boy at 9.42am on 2nd June after 35 hour labour. He weighed 8lb 3oz and is doing well. We were kept in hospital for a day as he needed oxygen when he was born. Pic is below, he is feeding well now. on :cloud9: We named him Foley

Mama2b home Dylan is going a bit longer between the feeds for you now xx


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Congrats lou, he's gorgeous! Love the name too! 35 hour labour exactly the same as me... Hope it wasn't too bad for you!

Mama2b how's dylan doing now?

Despite the length i do not wish he was born by c section still as i'm feeling so well, i had not tears or stitches. The only thing i feel bad about is that i had pethidine, which i always said i didn't want. I asked for an epidual at 29 hours after only being 5cm and the midwife said it is normally 1/2cm an hour (in my head i thought i can't do anouther 10 hours) and i was so tired. but the hospital had no high rish rooms free, i was in the low risk room with the pool, so was told pethidine or nothing. I went for anouther hour then took it. Felt terrible when he came out as he was rushed out as his breathing laboured and he was blue, and it was because of the pethidine.

Hows conor doing
Don't feel bad about it hun, it was a long labour so anything that helps take the edge off cant be bad!
i had remifentanil and i struggled with my breathing so i had oxygen whilst in labour but Conors breathing was fine, just made me super sleepy!!

I think all babies react differently to the drugs, some babies are fine and other babies take a little while to get back to normal. Nobody is to know until baby is born!

Conor is doing fine, hes on both boob and bottle now as boob just isnt filling him up, hes happy going between the 2 so i don't mind.
As for the sleeping, hes still sharing my bed at night as wont settle in his but hes getting better, going in his bouncer for a bit now and happy to sleep in his carseat so i think we;re making improvements even if just small ones at the moment.

Hows being a mummy treating you?? Is LO sleeping and feeding well?? xx :hugs:
Yay!!!! Congrats Lou! Foley is just adorable. Sounds like the labor was quite long but if you are feeling well thats wonderful! I was wiped out after my 20 hrs. So funny that your little guy is bigger than mine who has been here over a month now!

We went for 1 month check-up the other day and he's grown 2 inches in length and he's 7lbs 3oz. I thought he would weigh more by now, but our Ped was really pleased with the gains, esp since it's all been in the last 2 weeks. He's still a little guy. Looking forwards to getting over the 8lb mark. BFing is okay now. I only pump 1-2 times per day to ave bottles for night time when we are both too tired to stay awake. He was on that every 1-2 hour feeding schedule for a while and it was exhausting. He was doing a lot of cluster feeding too. Then yesterday was a breakthrough and we went 3 hours between feeds all day long!! Of course then night time hit and he was waking every 2 hours exactly. Dh keeps saying it's no big deal, but then he rolls over and goes back to sleep. Ped said since we know he can go 3-4 hours no problem it's okay not to feed him if I'm okay with that. So I try to get him back to bed when he wakes, but sometimes he just wants mommies boob. I think part of the problem is gas. He gets it a lot and we keep him upright during/after feeds but we also just elevated his basinet and started giving gripe water and it seems to help a bit too. Poor guy looks so uncomfy when he's gassy.
Foley's doing well feeding, at his first weigh in yesterday he has gained an ounce. 5 days in! Midwife said to expect loss, but no my greedy guts loves mummys milk! He us feeding well, cluster feeding today. Wakes up every 2 to 3 hours at night, but will have a cluster feed once a night. He sleeps well once he is full. Just set up my movement monitor as im so paranoid when I sleep! Hes a week.old tomirrow, cant believe its been a week.

Mama2b glad dylans putting on good weight now, and going longer between feeds now. must be nice to get some more rest. Its hard when dh is sleeping and we are up feeding. Have you been out and about much with Dylan?

Jess glad conor is doing well, hopeforly he will keep making progress with his sleeping on his own.

Have either of you fed in public yet? Ive got to do shopping trip with my friend in next 2 weeks, nd Foley can feed for up to 45 mins sometimes, be a long coffee break!
Hey Ladies!

Lou, way to go on the weight gain! That's very rare for them not to lose any weight in the beginning...excellent! How is Foley sleeping?

Lots of excitement here! Dylan rolled over today!! He's so strong, I put him down for tummy time and he rolled right over onto his back. My DH and my parents were here to witness but Dh thought that I helped him until he did it a second time!! And he almost rolled from back to front but I think that one might take a while. It was so amazing. He's growing and developing right before my eyes! He's up to 8lbs now too!! So weight gain is great! He's a little booby monster now. Nights are still tough. He'll have one long (3-4hr) stretch sometimes in the beginning. It's so nice when I can get more than an hour of sleep in a row. But lately I've been so tired for the mid night diaper changes that he ends of peeing on me and himself and I have to wash and change him! And the most disgusting thing happened the other day...PROJECTILE POOP!! I was changing him and lifted his legs to wipe and the poop shot out about 5 feet!!!! It got my hand and slid down my arm, went into his piggy bank :( and got on the upholstered rocking chair and rug :O. I screamed so loud when it happened and Dylan just had a look like "what?!"

Well tomorrow is my Bday! It's a big one, I'm turning 3-0. Not going to do much. Go to farmers market maybe go for a nice walk and dinner.

Hope you ladies and your little boys are doing well!!
Hope you had a great birthday mama2b! Did you do and/or get anything nice?

Go Dylan! He sounds like he is doing really well, and turning over now too! Dh had the same with the poop this week, went all over him!

I feel for your long evening feeds, foley foes the same. After bath it's usually 2 and half to 4 hours of cluster feeding. He tends to have good sleep after (fingers crossed as I've just put him down!). How does Dylan do after his long feed?

Otherwise he tends to wake once in the night, then early morning. Dh does night nappy change as I attempt to wake myself!

He has gained anouther 7lb by day 11! Health visitor and midwife very pleased! He has joined Dylan with being a boobie monster! He's having awake time during day now too which is nice.

Jess how's conor doing?
Hey Ladies! It's been a crazy couple of week with visitors. My family and then Dh's. It was rough feeling like I had to entertain people in my home as well as take care of Dylan. Our families mean well but were not very helpful.

Dylan is growing and changing so much! Everyday it seems like it's something new. He did start a really rough patch around 6 weeks and he's had a lot of fussiness since then. I guess this is supposed to be the peak and then it gets better. He eats everyday 2 hours day and night. Sometimes he cluster feeds so it's even less time btwn feds. Other times we get lucky and get a 3-4 hour stretch at night. Last night he was up 5 times :(. I keep telling myself it will get better. It's rough because for a while he was going longer btwn feeds, so I got a little taste of what's possible. But he's still little, so the eating is good I guess. With the fussiness he also won't tolerate being put down during the day and some nights. And sometimes even holding him doesn't stop the crying. He likes to be put in the moby sling and we just got a big swing that he will sleep in (thank god). We had a little one before but he hated it!

Tomorrow we go for 2 month check-up. I am looking forward to seeing how much he's grown the last month. But I'm not looking forward to all the shots. It's really hard for me to watch.

Can't wait to hear how Foley and Connor are doing? And of course mommies too :) Do you guys miss being pregnant at all. I know it's crazy because I feel like I complained a lot while pregnant, but I really miss it sometimes. I didn't expect that at all.
HI mama! hope the 2 month check up went well! I'm not looking forward to the injections either (it's creeping up fast!). Hope Dylan is being a little less fussy for you and your getting a little more sleep. She is looking great in your avatar!

Foley is doing good, still trying to perfect our latch. Its ok for him, but need to perfect it for me really. he had gone to 9lb 5oz by 3 weeks, health vistor is around next week and see how he is doing. He has had some fussy days, last two have been hard, but seems back to normal again now. Know it's all growth spurts but it is hard. Also DH broke his collarbone when he was 3 weeks, so i have had to do everything (dog, baby, house etc) which has been very stressful and tiring. But his little smile makes up for it - could just watch him all day!

We are booked in for baby massage and swimming, really looking forward to starting some activites with him

Hope you both are well xx
Wow Lou! You must really have your hands full with Oh's injury. Do you have family around to help? I rely so much on DH because we have no family around and no babysitter. These days I can't even have a shower without Dh's help.

Dylan's 2 month checkup went well. He's 9lbs 5oz now! Ped. says he's collicky :(. I was hoping it was just a growth spurt. He has good days and bad ones. It's really tough when he cries for no apparent reason and nothing will settle him down. I convinced Dh we need a big swing, he said they were too big/expensive before so we got a travel one. Anyhow, this thing is like magic and I can actually put Dylan down and he'll sleep for sometimes hours in it! I feel a little bit guilty, but I just can't carry/hold him 24/7. My back/arms get so sore.

Night time is about the same. Up pretty much every 2 hours. Sometimes we'll get lucky and he'll have a 3-4 hour stretch or other times he'll get up back to back and I get no break. Our ped said to stretch his feedings out during the day, but this doesn't really make sense or feel right to me. So I've been doing the opposite and feeding him all the time. Sometimes he eats, sometimes he confort sucks. I don't think it hurts anything and I just can't stand his crying sometimes. I just try to remind myself to enjoy all these moments (even at 3am) because soon he'll be big! This, and the knowledge that it will eventually get better keeps me going. And I just love having naps with him during the day from time to time. No more swaddling for us at night. Last night he rolled onto his tummy in the swaddle and started freaking out when he couldn't flip back over. Thankfully I had just set him down so I was right there to flip him back. I knew it was only a matter of time because he's been rolling tummy to back for some time now. Plus he's always been a side sleeper.

Swimming and massage sounds fun. I should look into some things like that for us to do. I take walks with my neighbor and her little boy (who is only 2 weeks older than D) and we have lunch sometimes. I'm really trying to lose these last 10lbs so I can fit back into all my clothes.
Hey ladies, glad you and babies are well!

Afm - conor has severe colic, hes also ff only and now fully co-sleeping as won't sleep in his own bed as wants to be held constantly and he isn't overly keen on the swing.
Little man has got swimming lessons booked to start in september, can't wait to take him!

Also booked our wedding too, getting married in cyprus next summer so need to shift my jelly belly! Currently a stone over my original pre-preg weight, ive gone from being a size uk6 to gaining a pair of hips and a jelly belly so a size uk10 now on bottom half... Eeek!

Conor loves to sleep on his side and snuggle upto me in bed, he's so strong and holds his head up steady nOw but he hasn't quite mastered rolling over yet!

I'd like to do the baby massage and there's a nearby centre which I'm hopefully starting it with next week, but the first session is jst after his injections so not sure if he'll be impressed! Xxx
mama great news on the weight! sounds like he is doing great. I agree with you on the day feedings, that he is saying doesn't seem to make sence. Surely that would make the nights worse? I feed on demand and it seems to work fine. Glad he loves his swing and gives you a little break, don't feel bad, it's nice to get just a little time to get bits done! How did you find the weight came off till now? Was it quite easy? I've got 10lb to lose too, but took no effort to get back down to what i am now. Guess BF really does help! Sorry he's a bit colicy, has he given you anything to help with it?

We have DH parents and my dad not too far away. My dad is popping over in evening when he can to walk the dog for me, so one thing less to do as Foley cluster feeds every evening so no chance get him out.

Jess sorry to hear conor has severe colic. It might be really nice for him for a massage after his injections, hope you enjoy it. Congratulations on booking the wedding, i'm sure you'll be down to your pre preg size by then. You started on your planning yet?

AFM Dh back at work sort of, just 2 hours a day - but i'm his taxi as he can't drive. It's really crazy busy, and foley loves to be awake during the day, might get little nap in afternoon if i'm lucky so doesn't give me much chance to do anything around the house. It's a mess! Got the HV on Friday to see how he is doing weight wise. He is back in bed now (he likes to lay in then stay up rest of day!) so taking my chance to surf the net for half hour, then really need to shower before he wakes up! Any one else have a very noisey sleeping baby?
Jess, sorry to hear bout the colic. I know it's rough. I don't think Dylan's case is that bad. Do you find anything that helps? I'm sorry nursing didn't work out for you. Do you find it any easier with ff? So many times I've thought it would be easier, but then again the grass is always greener on the other side. That's really exciting about your wedding planning too! I'm sure you will get back in shape by then.

We are still having some nursing chalenges here. Trying to wean off of the nipple shield is tough and I don't think Dylan is getting a good latch as my nipples are SO sore and it takes him forever to nurse (though it did with the shields too). He nurses for 40 mins usually (both sides) and every 2 hours pretty much still day and night. He clusters in the afternoon/evening and I wish that led to longer stretches of sleep but it hasn't lately. We've lost our 3-4 hours at night and he's up every 1-2 in the beginning now :(. Gonna start him on Zantac for possible silent reflux. See if that does anything.

I sort of don't know what to try for making nights easier. I've read/heard up so much on the topic and everyone has a different opinion. Feed less frequently during the day or feed more frequently (tank up), start a rigid schedule, etc. It doesn't really seem to make a difference what we try and I really don't want to have him on a schedule now as far as feedings go. So I guess I will just hope he will grow out of this naturally. I hear 11lbs is supposed to be the magic number for sleeping longer stretches. We are still doing some co-sleeping. Some night's he needs it more than others. But DH wants to move him into his room/crib. I am not ready, but then again part of me thinks it might help him sleep longer, you never know. He is a very noisy sleeper, as is Dh (snoring).

Lou, I'm glad you get some help with the dog. My doggy has been sick :( and some days it's impossible for me to take care of baby and puppy. Like when Dylan refuses to go into a carrier/sling. He's so strong now! He stands up and I'm worried he'll pop out of the top. So I end up having to hold him anyway.

Can't believe Dylan is 2 1/2 months now! He's already grown/changes so much. Part of me wishes they could say this small forever, then the other part of me can't wait to watch him grow and change some more! Looking forward to so much!

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