Looking for June 2012 IVF Buddies

So ladies, the tech today saw on the u/s that the placenta was lying on my cervix but wouldnt say more so i have to wait till tuesday to see my dr!! :( any good stories about that??
rox- sounds like you have placenta previa. please dont go google cause you will scare yourself. they very very often move (well technically they dont move the uterus just grows and the edge gets further away from the cervix)., just means you need more ultrasounds. worst case scenario it is a complete previa and doesn't move then youd have to get a section and there would be a higher bleeding risk but.. it is super common and generally resolves
So ladies, the tech today saw on the u/s that the placenta was lying on my cervix but wouldnt say more so i have to wait till tuesday to see my dr!! :( any good stories about that??

oh Roxane, I am sorry you are worried but try not to stress too much about it. A friend of mine who also had placenta previa just delivered her little girl with no complications and a natural delivery. Everything will be fine! :thumbup: she was saying that she didn't feel the girl kick as much but later in the pregnancy she felt her fine, so don't sweat it! :hugs:
Rox- as the girl shave said it often "moves" up as baby grows. A few ladies on another forum have them and on subsequent scans they have moved.

I really am flailing around unsure what I should buy to get started with got a few clothes, few blankets. Will get more socks and scratch mits and some swaddle blankets. Will send dh out if need more when bump arrives as would like some pink/blue! Going to get some bottles just in case. Want to bf but if I can't don't want a crying hungry baby, crying hormonal mum and no bottles :)
I am too (getting some bottles). Besides I'm planning on pumping and maybe alternating one baby bf at the time while the other one eats breast milk from the bottle... I've heard you can BF both babies at once but that sounds like it would take skills... something I don't yet posses ;)

This afternoon I'm going to go to baby stores to compare products and prices and start a register. Any suggestions on which stores are your favorite ones?
wana- there is a great video on tandem breast feeding. if you cant find it ill look for it later (work computer at the moment).

im so lazy. ive bought nearly nothing. cant be bothered to think about packing a hospital bag, figure if i forget stuff or need or want anything ill send one of my parents out for it. i wanna have a baby shower and despite all kinds of people saying they wanna do it.. no one is doing it. so looks like i get to throw my own, which feels like more trouble than it is worth (cuase then i have to register etc which im too lazy to do). sigh just having a meh day. weird crazy dreams. stupid cat is waking me up every morning etc. this am i dropped my car key fob which of course landed in the middle under my new car which is much wider than my old car. so there i am in the driveway at 6:45 crawling under my car. just not feeling it
drsquid, so sorry your not having such a good day and nobody will plan your baby shower! This is not cool at all!! :(
Im very lucky to have a sister-in-law that lovessss planning things and she is awesome at it! She is going to do everything!!
I didnt buy anything yet, Im waiting till after my baby shower, what Ill be missing ill get then! I wont be missing much, Iam very fortunate to have awesome parents and parents in law that will buy ALL the big things and then the baby shower Im sure Ill get alot of things I need!
well ihave all the big stuff (bought car seats), was given a stroller, crib, exersaucers, bouncy chair. breast feeding pillows etc. just wanna have a party. i literally had no fewer than 5 people SAY they wanted to throw me one but nada. i do have one friend who offered but she lives forever away and no one (including me) is gonna wanna drive that far. one friend said she'd do it with me (so it doesn't look bad... ie throwing my own). but.. i still gotta do all the work which makes me wonder if i wanna bother
But maybe somebody is throwing a surprise one, so you wouldn't know?!
We have all big items on order now but need small things. Don't have baby showers over here. I'd just ask closest friend (s) to help you do your own. Xx
well, I came back from trying to register for some stuff. DH and I were able to get 8 things in our registry after spending 3 hours looking around the store... pretty overwhelming! there are so many products out there, I think they had like 50 different swings and bouncers, all these cribs/bassinets, car seats, we want the "snap and go" type but they didn't have any in the store... gee so much to get!

I hope you all had a great weekend! :hugs:
It is overwelming the stuff out there!! I have tried to get things that last a while/ multifunction so don't waste money/ have too much stuff. X
nice thing about twins is i joined a twins group and get to borrow a lot of that stuff.. and ive been given a lot of stuff from other moms.
so turns out I do have placenta previa, had it at my 18 and 20 weeks scan.. a complete one from what Ive understood!! So probably no chance of it to move since its completely covering the cervix.. we will go for another u/s in about 4 weeks to determine for sure if ill have placenta previa the whole pregnancy.. he didnt say to stop anything for now.. he said if at the next scan it didnt move then we'll start by stopping any sexual activiies then he will monitor me closely to determine when I will stop working and it'll probably be a c-section.. so my ob didnt seem too concern about it, cause thats all he said.. like if thats all it is then its not too bad, im ready to give up sex if thats going to help the baby and me for sure.. stop working early, I dont mind that at all and c-section well, whatever! But Ive heard alot more horror stories about that then this.. so I dunno!!
Roxane - try not to worry. He is obviously keepin a close eye on things and preparing you for a section of nothin changes. Keep positive! After all the talk in my work today about childbirth all I can say is - I'm getting scared an worried I won't be able to cope with it!

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