Looking for June 2012 IVF Buddies

I couldn't sleep well last night.... I was having nightmares about breast feeding and hospital bags... weird... I guess because I made my hospital bag last night and I kept thinking I forgot to put something in there...
Next week I have 2 doctor's appointments, one is with my OBGYN, the other one is with the perinatal doctor. I finally made an appointment to go see a pediatrician the following week (on Feb 14). So many things to do, so little time!
wana- wow that is busy. it gets more busy toward the end. yesterdy was my 2nd nst, today was a growth scan and ob. next week i have ob, nst and newborn care class., still havent packed a bag

amazingly enough boy was back to head down today since breech yesterday and given how uncomfy ive been this afternoon im thinking he may have flipped again. crazy booger. they didnt gain as much as i hoped (she is now 5lbs 2 and he is 5lbs 3) so less than half a pound in a month. ob was happy though and says they look good. and apparenlty the boy has tons of hair
Well drsquid, for twins that is awesome weight!! They are ready anytime now!!! :) So exciting

I am not that busy for some reason.. I dont have twins but I do have complete placenta previa.. I see my ob every 2 weeks and thats it! I should get another u/s but I dont know when yet... probly in a few weeks, a lil before my c-section!
Wana, I didnt have nightmares about breastfeednig but Im sooo worrried not to be able too.. I want to breastfeed sooo bad that Im scared I wont be able too for some reason! ughh!! the main reason is cause I had a nipple piered for a year about 6-7 years ago.. they say it doesnt affect it but I dunno!
Rox- don't beat yourself up if you can't. I will try but have bottles ready in case it doesn't work out. Some people can bf one then struggle with their
2nd. Just do your best.
I'm going to be a mum this month!!!!!
Yippppy Lindy!!!!! That is crazy!!!! :) And my c-section is in less then 7 weeks!!!
Can't wait to hear about your birth story and see pictures!!:)
crazy how time has flown by! I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow and I'll have 8 more weeks to go, if that!
Lindy, yes, you will be a mom this month and from the loos of it drsquid will be joining you! so exciting guys!!!! I can't wait to see pictures of the babies too!

drsquid, I also think their weights are awesome! good job!!! I'm sure it's getting more and more uncomfortable. I'm surprised they can still flip around at this point, you would think they run out of space already.

noasaint, I hope everything is good with you hun :hugs:

rox, I really don't know why I had nightmares. I went to the Bfeeding class and they really make you feel like you absolutely have to bfeed or else you are not providing good care for your baby... I think they over do it. I will give it my best and that's all I can give, so if it doesn't work or if I'm going insane with bfeeding 2, I will do formula. Of course i will try pumping too but you never know what could happen. I think as new parents we have to be flexible in knowing that not everything we plan can go exactly as we planned for, so be it.
baby shower this weekend for you rox!! have fun!!!

btw, I went to an infant safety and CPR class last night. Very informative. If you all get a chance to take one I highly recommend it.

:hugs: to all
Just saw mw. Baby is so low down it hurt when she pushed. Seeing her again on Wednesday. All ok. Just waiting game now!
yay.. my baby shower sunday!!! I CANNOT wait!!! It has been the longuest week ever.. and now the longuest day!!!!!! I go to my friends baby shower tomorrow too!! hehe
Lindy... good luck.. cause it can happen anytime!! :) Can't wait!
So jealous of you ladies having baby showers. They sound fun bee don't have them over here. Hope yours goes well rox
thx!!! Yeh its such a good thing to have especially because you get soooo much stuff so you don't have alot to buy and you get alot of little things too that you wouldnt think of which is nice! Too bad you don't have those where you are!
i enjoyed my babyshower at my house (did a combo holiday party) and had one at work. still gotta send thank yous to work which is tough cause the person making the list screwed it up.

yay soon babies for everyone =)

breastfeeding- i plan on doing it. have a pump (hospital grade) but still have to get the bags and bottles for it. if i have to supplement ill supplement. but yeah i think that is the problem with the classes.. they tend to be so all or nothing. the baby needs to eat. if you stress mom and baby out then the baby may associate boobs with hunger pain etc. so a small amount of formula before to take the edge off, or formula after may do the trick til enough milk comes in
They say over here not to mix till 6 weeks old but book I read said ok to combination feed.
There is what "they" say and then there is what may or may not work for you. I don't have any kids yet but if the baby is losing weight or you are both struggling everyone I've heard of has said that adding formula helped them get over the hump without making themselves or the baby miserable
I know what you mean drsquid, you can't listen to everyone or else you might go nuts... I think we should decide as moms what to do with our babies. We don't want to harm them, and I am sure we won't, if we do either way.

Rox, let us know how the shower went and if you managed to get the dresser you wanted.

Noasaint, I hope everything is ok.

Lindy, how are you doing?
Hi ladies!! Getting so close for lots of us, very exciting. Can't wait to see some birth announcements.

I'll be BF too if I can. I had a breast reduction 7 years ago so we're not sure if the ducts were left in tact. I've got 4 different brands of bottles on hand just in case and formula of course. I hope to be able to pump so DH can get up in the middle of the night with a bottle and I can sleep sometimes. So if she doesn't latch I'm fine with that, I'll just keep pumping.

Had a slight scare today but all is ok. For two days I barely felt any movements and last night I drank some o.j. and laid on my left side to do kick counts and felt maybe 2 in a long stretch of time. I used my doppler and found the HB just fine so I waited till I saw the OB today. They hooked me up to a fetal monitor for 20 minutes for a non stress test. Baby L is doing fine, she's just not making big movements anymore so I can't feel them but the test showed she's definitely constantly moving. Today I had a few big movements I felt so that was reassuring. From now on I'll be on the monitor for 20 to 30 minutes each appointment. today's word was that they want to induce me at 39 weeks since she's measuring small and my age is working against us. I'm freaked out to say the least. I'm glad we prepared everything early but it's starting to be very real now!!!
I had a wonderful shower! It was perfect! I posted pictures in my journal!
No I didnt find a dresser but me and dh will go shopping tomorrow!

Noasaint.. That is scary!!! Glad you got some reassurance today though!!
that's great Rox! I'll go to youur journal next to take a peak ;)

noa, don't worry!! baby L will be fine and you'll do great! did they tell you her measurements? keep in mind they are not 100% accurate. 5 more weeks girl!!!! so exciting!!

Lindy, 40 weeks today!!!! yeepeeeee!!!!! I can't wait to see pictures soon!!

how's it going drsquid?

My perinatal appointment was good, overall. Baby A is measuring 3 lb 10 oz and baby B is measuring 3 lb 11 oz. Both weights are right on target and cervix is nice and closed. The only thing is baby B is showing extra fluid in his lungs and he has to be monitored closely. Doctor said it is typically the case with boys to have this issue and that it usually clears up before giving birth, however if it doesn't, he's going to have to have surgery to open up the urethra :(. I am a little worried but I am hoping it's going to go away on its own. We just have to wait and see...
Saw mw again today and rebooked for Monday when I will be 41 weeks. She offered to do a sweep but as I'm content, everything ok with baby she said wait and let nature do its thing! She said baby is very chilled out. BH is always around 120-130 and not a big kicker. I think he/she is saving their energy for when it is here!!

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