Looking for March Bump Buddies!

Jessica GL on Monday can't wait for an update

Zodi is doing well with the combi-feeding, on Tues he goes back to see if he's gained any weight. Such a trooper

Is it just me or has Bella been MIA for a minute?
Glad to hear zodis doing well, hope his appt goes well. I was also just thinking Bella has been awful quiet. Maybe Jacob has made his grand entrance !
Oh man I think I may be the last one in this group to have their baby....
Allforthegirl only time will tell and if you are you know what they say, save the best for last! ;) :hugs:
LOL! Hi ladies! You guessed it! I'm usually on BnB on my work computer (because IMO it's so much easier on a computer than on a phone).

Jacob Henrik was born 2 weeks early, at 10:57 PM on March 7, 2016! Long story short, my waters were leaking & I had to be induced. I was already 5 cm dilated. They gave me pitocin at 10:05 PM & he was out at 10:57 PM. No pain meds! Baby boy was 8 lbs, 11.6 ounces (huge for 2 weeks early) & 20.5 inches long! <3


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Bella congrats!! My brothers birthday is the 7th :) big healthy boy! Hope your both doing well
Thank you! Funny, I had a crazy feeling he might come on the 7th! DH & my anniversary is the 7th of August & DD's bday is the 7th of May! All our important family dates are the 7th :) Unfortunately, he shares a birthday with my aunt & DH's cousin's daughter. But, we have a ton of March birthdays in our families, so avoiding every birthday is near impossible. Oh well. :)
Congrats on your big boy! And yay for your med-free labor

allforthegirl :hugs: Declan will come when he is ready
Congrats Bella he is so lovely! That was a really fast labour!! :shock: Glad you are doing well.

AFM i am thinking I will be having an overdue baby. :shrug: He just seems so comfy in there :haha:
Bella what a coincidence of your family's special days, it's cute! Can't wait to see pics of your little man and I hope Madelyn is adjusting well!
Thank you! Madelyn is absolutely in love with her brother, whom she refers to as "my Jacob." :haha: thought I posted a pic with my birth story, but here's another! :)


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Bella oh it didn't show up for me! So cute about Madelyn and omg he is precious look at those cheeks!!
Bella doing super well how about you?

Had my two week post partum today and Adrianna is weighing 6 pounds 8 ounces!! So excited!
Bella doing well. At our 2 week check up Zodi only gained a half ounce from the one week :( so over the weekend we did supplementing with breast milk and formula--poor guy is backed up from the dairy UGH--and today he has gained a whole half pound from Friday. So we are both excited to EBF again. Other than that we have had some fun and tears over getting to know each other. He likes to cluster feed!

Physically I am not sore anymore and my bleeding has mostly stopped :thumbup: I have actually gotten a lot done today for the first time PP---just general housework but it feels good to slowly integrate back to normal life now that I'm not gigantic/adjusting to mommyhood. My back hurts often but I'm hoping to start yoga here soon again and my body I must say looks pretty darn good for being 18 days PP :) I only have stretchies on the tops of my thighs, some how they all missed my tummy

Bella how are you adjusting to two children? Glad that Madelyn is loving Jacob! Hopefully the trend continues
Bella doing well. At our 2 week check up Zodi only gained a half ounce from the one week :( so over the weekend we did supplementing with breast milk and formula--poor guy is backed up from the dairy UGH--and today he has gained a whole half pound from Friday. So we are both excited to EBF again. Other than that we have had some fun and tears over getting to know each other. He likes to cluster feed!

Physically I am not sore anymore and my bleeding has mostly stopped :thumbup: I have actually gotten a lot done today for the first time PP---just general housework but it feels good to slowly integrate back to normal life now that I'm not gigantic/adjusting to mommyhood. My back hurts often but I'm hoping to start yoga here soon again and my body I must say looks pretty darn good for being 18 days PP :) I only have stretchies on the tops of my thighs, some how they all missed my tummy

Bella how are you adjusting to two children? Glad that Madelyn is loving Jacob! Hopefully the trend continues

Oh no! That's worrisome! Glad formula helped & you're back to EBF! Lucky you, skipping the stretch marks! :thumbup:

AFM, EBFing here too. Nips are finally starting to toughen up to that newborn latch! :happydance: DD has had an odd preference for my left side for MONTHS so hasn't nursed on the right & I had a bit of "nipple trauma" on the right side - pretty intense pain every feed from that side... But we've been using APNO, (all purpose nipple ountment) working hard on our latch & it's slowly starting to feel better!

To answer your question, I love being a mommy again! I feel like I've mostly skipped baby blues this time around. Maddy is just SO excited & lives Jacob so much. She has acted out here & there, but she has never shown anything but love & pride in regard to her brother. The hardest part for me is making sure I give her time with me too. Tough with a cluster feeding newborn. Let's just say my ring sling is my new best friend!
Today my goal is to find a new pediatrician for Adrianna I can't push it off any longer as her 1 month check up is coming up quickly! Still feeling good DH and I DTD the night before last and last night and it was a pleasant experience besides the beginning part and I was kinda nervous but it turned out well! I've got 5pounds to shed to be back to pre pregnancy so maybe I'll start some exercises soon. Haven't been to worried about that though, been more busy enjoying my baby and family. Like Daisy I got lucky and didn't get any stretch marks, we'll see if I'm as lucky next time :haha: . Overall no post partum blues, the first few days home I did feel at night time a little down in the dumps but nothing significant and it's passed so that's a plus :thumbup:
Glad everyone is doing well, and settling into motherhood smoothly.

AFM I am still waiting around for my pumpkin to come. though the way I am trying to look at it is that everyday more is one more day closer as the end is close no matter what!

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