Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Coy and Shradha..

I had a spare Pregnancy test kit and tested( not with early morning u****!! coz i kinda remembered only at 11AM).

Got a biiiiiiggggg darrrrkkkkkk:bfn:

i know u girls told me not to test.Hmmm out of curiosity i did:cry:

will wait till 8th and test..thanx for the support ladies...

Akshu..the preg kit that we get in India do not predict early preg...like the kits what they get abroad.....so unless its 12dpo and more it will not show...... I got mine on 14dpo... so dont lose hope..get few more kits...and test after 2 days....I tested with apollo preg kit, preganews in the evening at 4 pm....so nothing to worry.....I too used to think morning is best..but you can test anytime... no probs..... The wait, the curiosity is normal.....Dont feel depressed.... you can test again.... :thumbup:
Good evening Shradha! (I am guessing you are probably in bed by now?!) It is noon here...the girls and I took a hike up into the hills a short distance then home again. The sun always starts to get hot in July and it is showing in the morning now. Best time for my walks are just as it's coming up :thumbup:

How are you feeling? Nausea is normal, emotions are normal, lol, sometimes you feel like a different person :wacko: Totally normal :)
Today morning was feeling so dull......had to go shopping for fruits.....met my neighbour...I dont know how she understood.....She started asking me..wow shradha you are glowing...are you expecting? I just blushed......:flower:...but i dont think I am glowing....:shrug:...I feel so sick and tired......I think my MIL must have told her...... I keep getting some tingling sensation in my belly now and then.......I guess have to wait till the scan..... My mom will be coming over next thursday to stay with me for 3 months........ MIL will be going to canada this saturday. SIL is better now...today she will be discharged..

Coy- wow...I am getting so much of positiveness from you........... eating healthy....exercising...... good !!!!!!!!!! I am happy for you....

Steph - how are things going on? Waiting to hear the birth story from you and laura....

Patrice- Oh..........I guess its going to be boot camp for you......

Alicia- Keep testing:thumbup:
Good evening Shradha! (I am guessing you are probably in bed by now?!) It is noon here...the girls and I took a hike up into the hills a short distance then home again. The sun always starts to get hot in July and it is showing in the morning now. Best time for my walks are just as it's coming up :thumbup:

How are you feeling? Nausea is normal, emotions are normal, lol, sometimes you feel like a different person :wacko: Totally normal :)

yes..........I feel different.........I feel my body has become all weak and loose.....Terrible mood swings......... today I felt like eating something sour..... tasted some lime pickle which MIL has made....
Ashley-hoping you can find an ob soon!

to the newcomers-FXed for you and hope you catch those eggys!!!

Laura-How is baby Xander?

Steph-How Brandon doing?

Coy & Emma-How are you ladies doing?

Shradha-Yes boot camp it is which I was rooting for thank goodness!

AFM, im 12dpo and my temp consistently is dropping and is now 97.89 so i give it a few days before AF arrives :happydance: Well even though today is the 4th of July, i will be celebrating alone :cry: I just came back home from taking my DH to the recruiter's office so he can go to the hotel. I will be able to say my final see you later tomorrow. It's a sad moment because we have ALWAYS been together so parting for months will be hard but I believe we will get through it and it will make us stronger. I think I have cried my eyes out enough for right now but I have a feeling it will happen again. Well im glad AF is on her way because now I will be able to go to boot camp and also i wont be alone going through the pregnancy without DH. DH and I made the decision to just cancel the doc appt and go to the doc once we get stationed so we dont have to worry about the high copays etc ($55 each visit to see my ob/gyn). So now im just alone in the half empty house and cant wait to see DH tomorrow so I can give him a BIG hug before he leaves. Its sad but Im strong and believe we both will get through it.
Ashley-hoping you can find an ob soon!

to the newcomers-FXed for you and hope you catch those eggys!!!

Laura-How is baby Xander?

Steph-How Brandon doing?

Coy & Emma-How are you ladies doing?

Shradha-Yes boot camp it is which I was rooting for thank goodness!

AFM, im 12dpo and my temp consistently is dropping and is now 97.89 so i give it a few days before AF arrives :happydance: Well even though today is the 4th of July, i will be celebrating alone :cry: I just came back home from taking my DH to the recruiter's office so he can go to the hotel. I will be able to say my final see you later tomorrow. It's a sad moment because we have ALWAYS been together so parting for months will be hard but I believe we will get through it and it will make us stronger. I think I have cried my eyes out enough for right now but I have a feeling it will happen again. Well im glad AF is on her way because now I will be able to go to boot camp and also i wont be alone going through the pregnancy without DH. DH and I made the decision to just cancel the doc appt and go to the doc once we get stationed so we dont have to worry about the high copays etc ($55 each visit to see my ob/gyn). So now im just alone in the half empty house and cant wait to see DH tomorrow so I can give him a BIG hug before he leaves. Its sad but Im strong and believe we both will get through it.

Aw, Patrice, it is tough isn't it? My dh and I have been together now for almost 10 years - every single day of it! :) Whenever we are apart even for a few hours it is hard. But you will get thorugh it and yes- be stronger for it :hugs: And time will fly. I think you need to find a new diversion to help you pass the time. Just make sure it isn't chocolate and ice cream (which is just what I'd want to do) :haha: or all that hard work training will be lost! lol :) You leave in September? When does dh get back?
Coy-i leave on July 23rd so actually in a few weeks. And I will see DH tomorrow for his sworn in before he is shipped off to boto camp. I might even see him at boot camp because we will be in the same facility :thumbup: It is tough for now but with all the cleaning up, paying the bills and working out i will be doing, it will make time fly and especially when i get into boot camp. So im excited and ready to go but at the same time just missing dh so much because now i have to sleep alone in our bed and usually i cuddle up to him to go to sleep.
Coy..u and girls climb where??hill??do u have one near ur house???wow....sounds really cool..i mean will it be full of plants and trees???i wanna see ur place..your house sounds like a perfect place for vacation ha ha:)

how r u??hws health???eating properly???
Hi Shradha...

I did the test with the free HPT which i got with opk..will tell my DH to get one hpt while coming home..will do it day after tomo..Hope it is BFP

When is ur DOC apnt???MIL told neighbour??it happens..My DH feels that his mom cannoy keep any secret..so we dint even tell her that we aretrying for a baby..Otherwise she is a nice lady:)
Wow Laura, that must have been so scary! I'm sorry you had to experience that. So glad Xander is okay though. So is this something they will continue to monitor with him, do they say if it's totally cured or if he'll have a problem with his platelets and blood sugar? I didn't know the 2 were related, and it does seem odd that it is a blood compatibility issue if both you and DH are A+. Are they giving you any more information about it? I kind of know how you feel about all the pokes and prods, Brandon had to be pricked every few hours at the hospital to monitor his BS because of my GD. All was fine though. But man, those nurses at the hospital were just relentless and always barging in our room to bug us about something. Well I'm glad everything is okay and the team at your hospital knew what to do... and that's great you are breastfeeding successfully now!

I am still kind of feeding on demand and he is still EBF. Haven't introduced a bottle yet, although we gave him a paci pretty much right away because he has a very strong rooting reflex and would nurse all day long if I let him. He is having slightly longer stretches at night, he'll go from 2 1/2- 3 hours which is good... better than 2 hours!

Patrice- Stay strong, I know how hard it is for you to be away from your DH cause I know how close you two are. But this will be good for you guys and your future family and I know you'll get through this as you have a strong marriage.

Shradha- Sorry if I may have missed this, but have you had your first OB appt yet?

Ashley- How are you doing now? Any more pink discharge?

Coy- Have you had any more ultrasounds? Will you be getting a 3D/4D one?

Well, as they say, I should "sleep when the baby sleeps" so seeing that the baby is sleeping I should do just that...

Sorry I haven't gotten around to writing my birth story, I never really did the first time around so I really don't want to procrastinate too long!
Hi Ladies!

Ashku- yes, we have hills near our town, in it, around it, lol...Tons of plant life:thumbup:

Steph- write your birth story so I can "hear" it, lol! Before you forget stuff :winkwink:

Laura- resting up at all? I bet not, not just yet anyway, the first couple weeks is the toughest in ,y opinion then things seem to regulate. :)

Patrice- you'll be off soon too then, the short wait will make it easier!

Shradha- hw are you feeling?

Ashley- how are you today?

Sorry if I am brief tonight ladies, I am utterly exhausted! I searched the garage today for a specific fan that dh and I install in our bedroom window every summer as it has been so hot at night...Well, by time I remembered to look for it it felt about 200 degrees in the garage! :wacko: So it was hot and dusty and I searched forever, moving boxes, etc...until I sat down to think where I would have stored the fan. Guess where I found it? Yep. In my bedroom, propped against the wall by the window behind the drapes - still plugged in :dohh: :dohh: Aaargh!

Then we all went out in our front yard and sat on the tailgate of our truck to watch fireworks, that was fun! The girls had fun, it was an adventure because it was "dark" outside :haha:

Then I managed to give them milk, brush their teeth, put pajamas on them and get them tucked in bed and asleep, washed the dinner dishes, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the living room floor (there was grass and crackers everywhere :shrug: , banged out an assignment that I forgot was due tonight :dohh: and took a shower and washed my clothes (jeans, shirt, everything) BY HAND- wtf was I thinking?? Serious baby brain! :nope: Anyway after the firworks that all took place in about an hour so I am "whupped" as they say, lol! Shower felt great though! Now I am trying to convince myself I'm not hungry and go to bed! :rofl:
Coy- you are one super women.....Hatsoff dear............cant imagine......I feel so tired all the time.....how do you do it?? taking care of 2 kids , dh and home, studies???? where do you get all that stamina and strength....I just feel like sleeping..thinking about cooking and all is making me go mad......:growlmad:.....
Steph - Hope you are taking full rest..... How is Brandon doing? I will be going for my first scan on 13th july..... very curious......

Laura- how are you feeling? Hope Xander is doing good..

Patrice - Awww...Dont worry ..its matter of time soon you will be with DH..... days will fly away....
Shradha- Yay!for your first scan! :happydance: Only about a week away, the time will fly :thumbup: Re: your exhaustion- it's normal for first trimester. Your body is doing so much you are working hard even when you are asleep. Making baby, making placenta, making more blood--everything and it takes its toll on your natural energy. Rest as much as you need and try not to worry about getting stuff done! Glad your mom is coming to help take care :hugs:
Akshu- Yeh ...... I know....MIL cant keep any secrets...Its fine...I have still not told my relatives....my mom had told me not to tell anyone before 3 months.....you must be aware of the customs and all.... so I was a bit hesistant...thats all.... She is good to me too.... All the best :dust:

Ashley - how are doing?

Meperry- are you tempg? how are you?
Woke up fairly refreshed today...found out that is because it rained all night long :cloud9: I always rest better in the rainy weather. Although I did get woke up several times last night by my children, lol...Kids. :roll: Today I took my morning walk in a light rain sprinkle, it was nice. Trying to decide what to do with this cool day...should I clean in the house, finish the girls room (I need to organize their clothes is all that's left really) or clean out my closet - dh has taken most of it over so I never really use it anymore...I thought the wife was supposed to take over the husbands closet?? :growlmad: lol...Anyway I am now stuck folding my clothes next to my bed and am starting to get more than a little pissed about it. Once I "hulk out" and get angry I will get some serious changing done in here :haha:

Or maybe I should focus on emptying, cleaning, and reorganizing the garage? Noooooo! (lol).
Plus I am suddenly a little more than peeved at dh- not his fault really, prob just my hormones. He told me about Hawaii years ago and that they had nude beaches there...I teased him about it and he shrugged and told me how all the women were fake- barbie dolls, etc, fake bbs, fake tans, bla bla...so I joked about how he wouldn't want me ona nude beach for all to see and he stated firmly "Of course not!!" And I (being and idiot) pressed him with the compliment-hunting comment "why? would you be embarassed at me or something?" to which he replied seriously "Of course not! There are a lot of really fat guys and big huge ladies that go to those things too".


Now I ask you. Would you assume he is calling me huge, heavy, and fat?! :growlmad:. I have decided it hurt my feelings and now he can't figure out why I am mad at him. I think I shouldn't set myself up for stuff like that especially since I would never attend a nude beach ever in my life anyway! Sigh. :dohh: lol
Coy, all I have to say on the matter is... MEN! :roll: I think he was just trying to say that if a lot of "big huge ladies" go to those beaches, then of course he wouldn't be embarrassed by you when you're so slim and toned (which FYI, you are from what I've seen of your pics! I look like an elephant compared to you! :rofl:) xx
Coy-Men just dont know how to word things correctly sometimes :dohh:

Steph-Thanks and yes I believe we will get through this. I believe time will just fly by. Only 18 more days!!!

AFM, i am officially cd1 today :happydance: My temp dropped below coverline to 97.26 today so i knew since this morning, that AF will most likely be here today or tomorrow. Well today was very heartfelt. The family and I got to be with DH as much as possible before he had to leave to go to the airport. I miss him dearly already :cry: But atleast I have 18 days before I get to see him again :thumbup: So atleast everything has worked itself out. I got to spend time with dh before he left, i got AF today and now i get to go to boot camp :happydance: AF made herself known. I was in the store with MIL and nephew and I started getting bad cramps followed by sharp pains in my back and I knew that it was AF on her way. By the time I made it to my mom house to visit before they went out of town and I used the bathroom, she came full on so i made it just in time and didnt mess up my underwear or anything :thumbup: Well, atleast now I know how my chart & temps suppose to look when I ov. And looks like i dont have a progesterone issue at all so thats another good thing. So now Seamen Recruit Clayton is awaiting departure from the airport and im waiting patiently by the phone for his phone call letting me know he made it there safely and then in 18 days im next and I too go from Future Sailor Clayton to Seamen Recruit Clayton! So im excited and nervous at the same time.

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