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Well ladies, pretty sure O'd yesterday and we have done lots of bd :) Fx for us! Woke up this am with cold sore on my lip :O haven't had 1 of those on years! Really pretty annoying! Really hope we caught that eggy, because I O'd on the side I have a TUBE :) xxx

Sounds very positive for you! :thumbup: Great timing and YAY!for ovulating on your tube side! :hugs: Now the (drumroll) TWW. :haha: Aaargh!right?!
Shradha- don't stress out! Too early for a hb is just that--too early. Especially with an abdominal scan (I can't imaging doing a transvaginal honestly though, but I am extremely modest :blush:). I'd say within another weeks or so you'll catch that amazing little flickering hb and you'll feel sooo much better! :thumbup: For now try to relax :)

Btw, not sure if I ever knew, but how old are you (hope you don't mind me asking)? As far as the bp and glucose levels...90 is slightly higher than average if you are fasting but not super bad. Def something you can comtrol through a few simple diet changes. Do you put sugar in your tea, etc? I have learned to adjust my taste, no sugar in my teas, no added sugar to cereal, etc. I def get my share of sweets though :blush: shame on me, right?! :haha: Try to avoid white-flour breads, etc. You'll do awesome! :thumbup:
Shradha, thanks for asking about my glucose, I am going to go check on dh's meter now. Bear in mind I have had one small cup of unsweetened tea, a few saltine crackers, and a granol bar.......

My glucose is currently at: 108. :dohh: Good thing I am checking it! I normally rest at an average 80 or so and get shaky if I drop to like 65 or 70...Hmmm...I am going to call the hospital (it's a weekend here now :roll: so no doc office open) and double check those levels. :shrug:
Hm. The Registered Nurse at the hospital tells me that she conferred with the other nurses :wacko: and they THINK 108 is ok but to check it again in half hour to an hour and see if it has dropped or risen :shrug: K, I will do so! :thumbup:
Ah, the thunderstorm was awesome last night! :rain: It is 10:am here and still very beautifully cool :thumbup: Some clouds and cool air...(breath innnnn) Ahhhh. :laugh2: I actually slept very late, well, 7:15 anyway :shrug: Anyway I usually do when it rains, it's so relaxing. And I woke up to aching shoulders, chest muscles, and back muscles :huh: I did some :bodyb: yesterday evening and that long very hot walk is all...Dh says its the prolactin terrorizing my muscles groups and to expect to get sore sooner and prob for longer durations..:sadangel:
Thanks coy :) and yes the dreaded ttw is now upon me! Aargghh! Don't know how I'll cope with the wait! Really hope its our month... I went to have a reading from a psychic and she said there's a baby coming for me, its being made right now! Sure hope shes right :) xxxx
Thanks coy :) and yes the dreaded ttw is now upon me! Aargghh! Don't know how I'll cope with the wait! Really hope its our month... I went to have a reading from a psychic and she said there's a baby coming for me, its being made right now! Sure hope shes right :) xxxx

Sounds Promising with the psychic reading. Are you temping through the 2ww? That used to help it go quicker for me.
I am really not feeling well today. I posted before about having a slightly raised temp, well it's been getting higher & I'm now feeling all achy & shivery & my temp is 37.9 (100.2) no idea what's causing it tho, a uti never gives me a temp & I don't really have any symptoms of that. My stitches seem to br healing fine, not sore at all any more & a bit itchy. Thought maybe it's mastitis but haven't get any symptoms in my breasts. Going to have to get myself to the Drs on Monday I think.
I am really not feeling well today. I posted before about having a slightly raised temp, well it's been getting higher & I'm now feeling all achy & shivery & my temp is 37.9 (100.2) no idea what's causing it tho, a uti never gives me a temp & I don't really have any symptoms of that. My stitches seem to br healing fine, not sore at all any more & a bit itchy. Thought maybe it's mastitis but haven't get any symptoms in my breasts. Going to have to get myself to the Drs on Monday I think.

Lara, I would call today if you can- Monday is two days away and with an adult you really don't want to psh it with afever of 100.2 - my concern is because you recently had a baby and had surgery. There is def something going on so please see if you can get it checked out today, or at least in the morning! :thumbup: The achy all over is signaling an infection to me and if it's not the items you mentioned,i could be placental :shrug: which is very potentially dangerous. Def get it checked out asap.
Re: my BS issue has been solved :roll: My average is around 75-80 I think and I read it is common after a full meal for a pregnant woman to jump to 108 :shrug: However I did not eat a full meal. I ate one of those delicious yet evil granola bars! :growlmad: 16 grams of sugar in one of them! Anyway it caused my glucose to spike to 108 (maybe higher after) then within an hour it plummeted to like 59! That's horrible, I am not buying them anymore because I don't want the girls eating them eaither. Teagen says to me "am I on a diet?" in kind of a snotty tone! :haha: I told her "No, but as your father is diabetic and I am pregnant we are going to eat healthy- even you". To which she had nothing to say :rofl: For once :rofl:

I will stick to my simple carbs and proteins :thumbup: Oh, and ice cream :blush:
Laura- My first thought when I was reading your post was mastitis. But you said you don't have any breast tenderness or hardness right? And lumps that you can feel? I had it a few times before and that's how it started out, with a fever and flu feeling... before I noticed that I did have a blocked duct.

Coy- I already responded to your fb post, but 108 is still within normal range, but a one hour reading will give you a more accurate BS because that is when it typically reaches it's peak.

Shradha- YES, it is too early for a heartbeat so don't worry! The heart doesn't start beating until sometime around 6-6 1/2 weeks!

Ashley- So happy for you that everything is looking good! Have you had any MS yet? Hope you don't get it as bad this time.

Thanks Coy and Laura for the BF'ing advice. I did pump some to have dh give a bottle for one feeding last night and it worked out. Although my boobs woke me up anyway... all that pumping to get enough for one bottle stimulated them into thinking I wanted them to make more milk so they got engorged last night. But I did get a few more hours of sleep so that's good. Coy, I hope you're right that the reflux is due to just the baby not adjusting yet and hopefully once things regulate it won't be an issue. Does the milk really respond by getting creamier? When does that happen?
I am really not feeling well today. I posted before about having a slightly raised temp, well it's been getting higher & I'm now feeling all achy & shivery & my temp is 37.9 (100.2) no idea what's causing it tho, a uti never gives me a temp & I don't really have any symptoms of that. My stitches seem to br healing fine, not sore at all any more & a bit itchy. Thought maybe it's mastitis but haven't get any symptoms in my breasts. Going to have to get myself to the Drs on Monday I think.

Lara, I would call today if you can- Monday is two days away and with an adult you really don't want to psh it with afever of 100.2 - my concern is because you recently had a baby and had surgery. There is def something going on so please see if you can get it checked out today, or at least in the morning! :thumbup: The achy all over is signaling an infection to me and if it's not the items you mentioned,i could be placental :shrug: which is very potentially dangerous. Def get it checked out asap.

To get seen before Monday I'd have to go to A & E. in the uk you can only be ill during working hours!! I thought it might be placenta or at least internal so gave my tummy a good old poke & no tenderness at all.

Those bars sound nasty if they do that to blood sugar, I always thought granola bars were supposed to be really healthy as it was good sugars & slow release.
Laura- My first thought when I was reading your post was mastitis. But you said you don't have any breast tenderness or hardness right? And lumps that you can feel? I had it a few times before and that's how it started out, with a fever and flu feeling... before I noticed that I did have a blocked duct.

Coy- I already responded to your fb post, but 108 is still within normal range, but a one hour reading will give you a more accurate BS because that is when it typically reaches it's peak.

Shradha- YES, it is too early for a heartbeat so don't worry! The heart doesn't start beating until sometime around 6-6 1/2 weeks!

Ashley- So happy for you that everything is looking good! Have you had any MS yet? Hope you don't get it as bad this time.

Thanks Coy and Laura for the BF'ing advice. I did pump some to have dh give a bottle for one feeding last night and it worked out. Although my boobs woke me up anyway... all that pumping to get enough for one bottle stimulated them into thinking I wanted them to make more milk so they got engorged last night. But I did get a few more hours of sleep so that's good. Coy, I hope you're right that the reflux is due to just the baby not adjusting yet and hopefully once things regulate it won't be an issue. Does the milk really respond by getting creamier? When does that happen?

Glad the bottle worked out. It works well for me as I get a few extra hours sleep but not so well for DH as he was up for almost 3 hours with him!!

My left breast was hard this morning before Xander fed from it & when he did he ended up spitting up, something hes never done from breast milk so I assumed it was due to it being so full. It's not hard now & I've had a good feel of both & can't find any lumps. Perhaps something will come out in a day or 2?

Do you find Brandon has a lot of alert time or is it mostly spent on breast as it seems to be for Xander?
Laura- My first thought when I was reading your post was mastitis. But you said you don't have any breast tenderness or hardness right? And lumps that you can feel? I had it a few times before and that's how it started out, with a fever and flu feeling... before I noticed that I did have a blocked duct.

Coy- I already responded to your fb post, but 108 is still within normal range, but a one hour reading will give you a more accurate BS because that is when it typically reaches it's peak.

Shradha- YES, it is too early for a heartbeat so don't worry! The heart doesn't start beating until sometime around 6-6 1/2 weeks!

Ashley- So happy for you that everything is looking good! Have you had any MS yet? Hope you don't get it as bad this time.

Thanks Coy and Laura for the BF'ing advice. I did pump some to have dh give a bottle for one feeding last night and it worked out. Although my boobs woke me up anyway... all that pumping to get enough for one bottle stimulated them into thinking I wanted them to make more milk so they got engorged last night. But I did get a few more hours of sleep so that's good. Coy, I hope you're right that the reflux is due to just the baby not adjusting yet and hopefully once things regulate it won't be an issue. Does the milk really respond by getting creamier? When does that happen?

I noticed the biggest milk changes at right around two weeks or so, then as you go on you'll notice another shift. As Brandon grows your milk will change to accomodate his needs. Pretty awesome, huh!
Aw, I love the pics Steph- he's gorgeous! That last one makes me laugh, he is def thinking something!

Re: thanks for the BS advice, yeah, the bars taste awesome but once dh and I started looking they are loaded with corn syrup, etc, so not as granola-y as I thought! The honey oat bars are good, but :shrug: I get that reaction when I eat toast with jam too, so have cut that out as well.

Laura: now Steph mentions it I did have an issue with a duct before but did not bring on any fever :shrug: but if you are feeling okay....nothing like achy pains like AF or anything? Just wondering how you could identify problems in that area :huh: If you have Tylenol take that to help with fever and my MW prescribed Motrin (Ibuprofen) after birth so am guessing it is safe while nursing...
Yeah Laura I'm temping and will do so throughout the tww... Sorry to hear your not feeling too good hun, but I agree with the others maybe you should get checked over just to be safe, last thing Xander needs is a poorly mummy! Go get checked girl ;) xxx
Gorgeous pics Steph. He is such a cute baby.

Wantbb2 - you'll have to put your chart in your siggy, Coy & I love reading charts!!
Laura- My first thought when I was reading your post was mastitis. But you said you don't have any breast tenderness or hardness right? And lumps that you can feel? I had it a few times before and that's how it started out, with a fever and flu feeling... before I noticed that I did have a blocked duct.

Coy- I already responded to your fb post, but 108 is still within normal range, but a one hour reading will give you a more accurate BS because that is when it typically reaches it's peak.

Shradha- YES, it is too early for a heartbeat so don't worry! The heart doesn't start beating until sometime around 6-6 1/2 weeks!

Ashley- So happy for you that everything is looking good! Have you had any MS yet? Hope you don't get it as bad this time.

Thanks Coy and Laura for the BF'ing advice. I did pump some to have dh give a bottle for one feeding last night and it worked out. Although my boobs woke me up anyway... all that pumping to get enough for one bottle stimulated them into thinking I wanted them to make more milk so they got engorged last night. But I did get a few more hours of sleep so that's good. Coy, I hope you're right that the reflux is due to just the baby not adjusting yet and hopefully once things regulate it won't be an issue. Does the milk really respond by getting creamier? When does that happen?

I noticed the biggest milk changes at right around two weeks or so, then as you go on you'll notice another shift. As Brandon grows your milk will change to accomodate his needs. Pretty awesome, huh!

I knew that the milk adjusts to the demands of the baby, as far as the quantity and properties of it, but didn't know that it actually changes consistency (other than the transition from colostrum to milk). It really is amazing though, I heard somewhere that the baby's saliva sends signals to the nipple (yes, the actual nipple-- I guess it has receptors or something) and tells the nipple what it needs, as far as nutrients, vitamins and antibodies. So, your breast milk is very specific to your baby. It's fascinating... my dh even thinks so, whenever we talk about the benefits of breastfeeding and how incredible it is.

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