Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Laura- if you keep filling a pad every 2 hours then def go in again in the morning as you will lose too much...I worry about hemmhoraging, you know? If you feel at all faint GO! Also- drink lots of water and eat something salty to help you keep some fluid in :nope:

I will, it actually started to slow down last night but back heavy again this morning. I felt a little light headed yesterday morning with it but not today. I am thinking its my first af now as I've had a spot break out, classic af symptom for me. I've also got a headache, another symptom but it nay be down to the 4 hours if broken sleep I had last night!! Desperately trying to get Xander back to sleep so I can grab another couple if hours!! My sis is here so may be handing him over to her when he next wakes up!! How do you function on such little sleep Coy?? I'm dreading having to go back to work & function on less than 8 hours sleep!! I'm going to be a walking zombie!!

Think i'm just going to have to accept much heavier afs now I'm on blood thinners but like you say try & keep my fluid levels up.
Do you all want a lovely vision? LOL :blush:

..........I totally just puked up a fish sandwich. Eghhh....:sick:

:haha: given how bad your morning sickness is you were brave to even have tried it!! I like fish but not in sandwiches, unless it's a fish finger!! Do you guys get them out there? Fish finger sandwiches are heaven!!
Ashley, that almost tops the spaghetti bath... but not quite :haha:

Laura, the blood thinners will probably make AF's a real nightmare. Not that great anyway, but even more so when you've just had nine months off from them as well! :hugs:
Ashley, that almost tops the spaghetti bath... but not quite :haha:

Laura, the blood thinners will probably make AF's a real nightmare. Not that great anyway, but even more so when you've just had nine months off from them as well! :hugs:

I've had 9 months worth of bleeding since giving birth i recon!! My bleeding wasn't that bad to start with they thought because of the haemeridge I had after giving birth but it hasnt stopped for more than a day in the past 6 weeks!! It gets lighter & lighter then comes back again!! Then since being on blood thinners it got heavier when it came back! Now to have gone straight into af is really annoying!! It's totally killed our sex life. I felt healed enough to give it a go around 4 weeks but haven't been able to due to the bleeding. I just know its not going to be my usual 7 day af, it's going to last weeks!!
Hey! Wow, where do you all find the time to post! I've missed you guys but I barely have any time to sleep let alone come online! Coy, that's amazing you can function on so little sleep. I am used to getting 9 hours (without kid interruption) and when I get any less i just start accruing sleep debt. Brandon still doesn't sleep for more than 3 hours at a time. Including nighttime. And keeping Nicholas under control has been a challenge. He's been acting up a lot-- I know there is the terrible twos, but what about the fours??

Laura, sorry you are taking so long to heal... I just stopped bleeding (I think)... and it was definitely on and off for a while, just when I thought it was gone it would come back. I hear it's perfectly normal to continue bleeding for 12 weeks or so. And you being on the blood thinners, that can't be helping. I didn't read much of the past posts, but have your clots cleared up?

Emma- HOME STRETCH! Almost there! I haven't read your journal yet, but I'm going to catch up right now to see if you're getting close!
Welcome back Steph :flower: I'm sorry Nicholas has been acting up lately, has he fully adjusted to Brandon being here yet? I hope bubs starts to sleep through a little longer soon! xx
ok now for my rant and if any of you ladies can relate at all please fill me in with your details....ok so about 3 years i ahd the mirena put in for birth control and had severe reactions or problems to it although my doctors said the problems i was having had nothing to do with it i still beleive that it was due to mirena as i did not have these issues until the implantation of mirena..they included severe pelvic pain,pain when urinating, pain with intercourse, anxiety attacks,depression, mood swings, swollen lymph nodes especially in groin area, bacteria vaginosis, bladder infection, fatigue..the lists goes on..after having this birth control method in for a few short months while the symptoms i was having had gotten better they have still not gone away..and still the doctors i have seen will not say that my problems are linked to the mirena use..i have been doing research and now i also believe that my infertility is because of this awful drug as well. i have another appointment this coming week to speak again to my doctor and also to have a blood test to check for silicone poisioning which has been linked also to the mirena and the symptoms of this poisioning include all the things i have had and listed above..i am now seeking legal advice in reguards to a lawsuit against the makers of mirena..how many women have to go through this type of pain and heart ache and some even death because of mirena...i know i am ranting and hoping for other out there who have experienced the same thing to come forward and step up..the amount of money and time i have spent on doctors does not even compare to the metal state this awful drug has caused and now the icing on the cake as if the monthly pains aren't enough i'm now infertile as well..well that's out now just have to try and stay strong and wait for my appointment and then possible surgery
Great to hear from you Steph :hugs: Brandon looks even more gorgeous in his recent smiley pics!! How's his medical issues? Are they improving? I was wondering the same as Emma re Nicholas.

I think clots have cleared up as my main symptoms have gone. Still get some chest pain occasionally & get out if breath quite easily but nowhere near as bad & think it's just the damage left from the clots. Still need treatment for prob 6 months to make sure no more develope. Waiting for a haematology appointment & seeing a respiratory specialist in November. Hopefully finally in the mend!!

Have any of you watched the closing ceremony of the Olympics? Towards the end a band called Take That sing rule the world. Not sure if you'll have heard of them out if the uk but they were a huge boy band in the 90's & got can together about 5 years ago I think and are as popular as ever, I love them!! Anyhow the lead singer of the band, Gary Barlow lost his baby daughter who was still born just last week & he found the strength to stand up & sing that song. Such a beautiful song with lyrics which must have been so hard to sing, here's the first 5 lines.

You light, the skies up above me
A star, so bright you blind me
Don't close your eyes
Don't fade away
Don't fade away

What an truly amazing & brave man. My heart breaks for him & his family :cry:
Laura- Awww, that is so sweet... how sad though. I have never heard of that band... maybe vaguely... but I don't think they were very popular here in the US. The most popular ones over here in the 90's were N Sync, Backstreet Boys and 98 degrees... I didn't watch the closing ceremonies yet, but I'm recording it. That's what I've done throughout the whole Olympics, recording the events and watching them later! My favorite to watch was the gymnastics.

Re: Brandon's medical issues, we go back to the cardiologist at 2 months old to see if he still has his murmur (it's called pulmonary branch stenosis)... if he does, he wants to do an echocardiogram to see exactly what is going on and make sure it's not a more serious problem. I have my hopes up that it is just an innocent murmur he will grow out of. Still having problems with the choking/congestion while feeding... I'm trying not to get too worried about it, because they say as long as he's gaining weight, not getting a fever, then it is not making him sick. They say if he was aspirating, he would be truly sick. And he appears very healthy and gaining lots of weight! I still worry that he is "micro-aspirating" and hoping that it is not something that slowly accrues and causes damage over time. But we've seen different ENT's and got second opinions, I don't really know what more to do about it... I don't want to have to go through so much testing, especially swallow studies or scans that would expose him to radiation at this young age. So... another thing I'm just hoping he needs to "mature" into.

Re: Nicholas I think he's just going through that whole "but I thought the world revolved around me" stage. He's not getting 100% of our attention (which he was used to) and no matter how much attention we give him it is never enough... so he doesn't listen and acts out... this was something I was fearing from the time I got pregnant... I was also afraid to have another boy because I always wanted Nicholas to feel like he was my baby boy... I didn't want him to feel like he is taking a backseat to his younger brother. But, it is what it is... definitely not playing favorites and don't want him to feel that way, but babies just demand more and he needs to learn that. Not sure exactly what else to do.

Msperry- I don't have direct experience with Mirena, but I was having a casual conversation with my acupuncturist about it, and she says she constantly sees women come through her practice with infertility issues as a result of the IUD. Most women aren't told this in so many words, but she said that how it prevents pregnancy is by putting the uterus in a constant inflammatory state... eventually resulting in things like painful periods and infertility issues. Doesn't sound too great when you think about it like that huh? And it makes me mad that doctors don't tell you this... there are many teen moms that are encouraged to use this and they are not given full informed consent. Even older women don't really ask their doctors enough questions about side effects and the consequences of using such types of birth control.
Laura- Awww, that is so sweet... how sad though. I have never heard of that band... maybe vaguely... but I don't think they were very popular here in the US. The most popular ones over here in the 90's were N Sync, Backstreet Boys and 98 degrees... I didn't watch the closing ceremonies yet, but I'm recording it. That's what I've done throughout the whole Olympics, recording the events and watching them later! My favorite to watch was the gymnastics.

Re: Brandon's medical issues, we go back to the cardiologist at 2 months old to see if he still has his murmur (it's called pulmonary branch stenosis)... if he does, he wants to do an echocardiogram to see exactly what is going on and make sure it's not a more serious problem. I have my hopes up that it is just an innocent murmur he will grow out of. Still having problems with the choking/congestion while feeding... I'm trying not to get too worried about it, because they say as long as he's gaining weight, not getting a fever, then it is not making him sick. They say if he was aspirating, he would be truly sick. And he appears very healthy and gaining lots of weight! I still worry that he is "micro-aspirating" and hoping that it is not something that slowly accrues and causes damage over time. But we've seen different ENT's and got second opinions, I don't really know what more to do about it... I don't want to have to go through so much testing, especially swallow studies or scans that would expose him to radiation at this young age. So... another thing I'm just hoping he needs to "mature" into.

Re: Nicholas I think he's just going through that whole "but I thought the world revolved around me" stage. He's not getting 100% of our attention (which he was used to) and no matter how much attention we give him it is never enough... so he doesn't listen and acts out... this was something I was fearing from the time I got pregnant... I was also afraid to have another boy because I always wanted Nicholas to feel like he was my baby boy... I didn't want him to feel like he is taking a backseat to his younger brother. But, it is what it is... definitely not playing favorites and don't want him to feel that way, but babies just demand more and he needs to learn that. Not sure exactly what else to do.

Msperry- I don't have direct experience with Mirena, but I was having a casual conversation with my acupuncturist about it, and she says she constantly sees women come through her practice with infertility issues as a result of the IUD. Most women aren't told this in so many words, but she said that how it prevents pregnancy is by putting the uterus in a constant inflammatory state... eventually resulting in things like painful periods and infertility issues. Doesn't sound too great when you think about it like that huh? And it makes me mad that doctors don't tell you this... there are many teen moms that are encouraged to use this and they are not given full informed consent. Even older women don't really ask their doctors enough questions about side effects and the consequences of using such types of birth control.
Strobe- sad thing is before gettin the merina put in I specifically asked my Dr if there were any risks to worry about especially fertility because i knew I wanted more kids and she reassured me that was not a concern with merina and it was promoted highly to be effective bc for a five year span the only warning she gave was that if it was not properly placed could puncture the uterus and cause problems and that's why they measured your cervix to ensure that didnt happen but from the time I had it placed to now 3 years latter I am still having issues and now come to find out infertility ad well I would never recommend this form of bc to anyone if I had been properly warned about these possible side effects I would have opted to continue taking the pill everyday. It's gotten to the point that the constant roller coaster of pain and discomfort is effecting my daily lifrand wish I could find more answers or even a cure to this as its becoming debilitating physically and emotionally
msperry: i personally know a woman who had SUCH a hard time getting pregnant after the Mirena iud. she did end up with a baby but it wasnt until awhile of trying. I also lost a baby at 14 weeks gestation in January, and while I have no proof....I sincerely think my mirena caused it somehow since i got pregnant just three months after i had it out. I also know someone personally too who had a loss not long after she had her iud out. I would NEVER suggest an iud, let alone the mirena to anyone for birth.control.
my breats JUST started to be really sore.......kind of late, huh? I also havd been CRAVING tomato sandwiches! Had two tonight. Mmmmmm!
msperry: i personally know a woman who had SUCH a hard time getting pregnant after the Mirena iud. she did end up with a baby but it wasnt until awhile of trying. I also lost a baby at 14 weeks gestation in January, and while I have no proof....I sincerely think my mirena caused it somehow since i got pregnant just three months after i had it out. I also know someone personally too who had a loss not long after she had her iud out. I would NEVER suggest an iud, let alone the mirena to anyone for birth.control.[/QUOTE. Sorry to hear about your lose that's one thing I am afraid if if i do finally get prego is mc did you have any other issues with the iud I have had horrible pain every month from about mid cycle till af starts then feel better for a few days to a week then name the cycle starts all over again..my Dr suggested I have surgery to check for endometriosis but i have a feeling if i go through with surgery they may find something worse or I'm scared they will idk I just want some relief but funny thing is the last two months when i had taken clomid aside from being an emotional mess I actually felt better did not have one episode of the swollen glands in my groin which have become almost unbearable..
Steph- wow, great to “see” you again, we have all been missing you! :hugs: Re: sleep deprivation…is there anything else? :huh: LOL! I did take a nap yesterday though and stunned myself! I just went into the bedroom to reverse the fans in the window and then I woke up about an hour later :shrug: Re: Nicholas bad behavior…sounds totally normal! I’d make a quick assessment from my own past experience with T and Kat and venture to say he is a bit jealous. So hard for them to not be, especially when they had mom all to themselves for so long! Teagen was that way, she became very moody and acted out almost constantly after a couple weeks. Then as time went on and she realized mom and dad still loved her very much she relaxed. Kat is showing signs of that impending problem already…the other day I brought some blankets in out of storage and she grabbed her Christmas Grinch blanket and roughly stated “The baby CANNOT think that she can have this TOO! It mine and Teagens- for cuddling!” and marched out of the room. :roll: That plainly outlined where her concerns lay! :haha: Poor little ones, they go through a lot of mental anguish! I know it is hard but I tried to find time to make sure T had her own time with Kat when she was a baby. Let her sit and hold the baby, etc, but also tried to do special things with her, trip to the library or museum, even for just half an hour, so she understood she was still important :thumbup:

Laura- ugh, AF is a nightmare most of the time anyway- blood thinners makes it even worse. What has your doc recommended?

Ashley- you too with the tomato sandwiches?! Wow, I ate tons of those, mmmm! :haha:

Msperry- wow, mirea does sound like a nightmare! :growlmad: I have no experience with it but I do know I took the Depo Provera shot for 2 years and was consequently infertile for nearly four years! It took me an additional 2 to get my AF back with Clomid and Black Cohosh. I am so glad that you are researching it and getting an attorney! Way to go girl! I am confident you will shake the effects of the drug but it is so infuriating!

AFM- I am pooped with a capital "P" tonight. Not sure why. I did have to write a miserably long essay on the boring subject of corrections :roll: and make it sound interesting :haha: ow, anyway, it took me half the day but thank GOD I am done with it now! lol! Ugh, ready for a nice shower and, something healthy to snak on (yes, ice cream counts :ice cream: ) lol...

Hm, I skipped the garage last couple days as I am just heartily sick of it. I have not got round to the closets however as laundry is kicking my butt! WOW there is a lot to do to prep for a new baby! :shock: Like I had forgotten or something :shrug: Anyways, I have been sorting baby clothes :wacko: and am making progress. Got sorted what I need for the first 6 months and am stopping there! I will continue when the time arrives! :thumbup: Today I caught up all the household laundry (what is UP with that? :shrug: :huh:) and finally got a start on baby stuff, did a huge load of baby blankets-- I found over 25 blankets in storage along with a ton of almost new burp cloths :thumbup: Better not be without those! :haha: It is so funny when you have kids...My dh is usually so discliplined with his clothes, etc, because of the Marines. One day he was wearing an extremely expensive leather vest over his western gear and I pointed out that he had a huge burp-up stain and what looked like a booger on his shoulder :sick:. He stared at me for a momet then said "....And?" as though I'd lost my mind! :rofl: Kids'll do that to ya....:haha:
Laura- oh dear...so much flow...hope you are feeling better...

Steph- Nicholas will understand....he is small now..with age everything will be fine.

Coy- i didnt lift any weight....sometimes when I sit I have terrible pain....
Good you are having some rest.....

Msperry - :thumbup: for appointment....I am sure you will be prego soon:happydance:....

Akshu- the block is easily curable.....so don't worry....it sounds and looks scary.....but now a days....all these procedures are easily done. Soon you will give us good news.....fingers crossed for you...GL..:thumbup:

Ashley- I too am having cucumber and tomato sandwich :happydance:... My breasts are tender.....skin is very dry....have to apply cream in the whole body....

Oh I am feeling sick.....feel like puking:nope:
So i spoke with a dr today who is going to work with me in detoxing this aweful stuff that's left over in my body after having the mirena and he believes that after my body is detoxed that my progesterone levels will come back and i will have no problems with the ''o'' and should be able to get prego although this detox process can take over a year before the toxins are out of my body i have hope now and have a dr that will listen to my concerns and not just tell me i am crazy fr thinking the cause of all my pain and probelms including infertility was the mirena
Shradha- I am sorry you are sick, it will fade though given time :thumbup: Just think- before too long you will have your baby in your arms! :happydance:

MsPerry- I am so glad you have found a great doctor! And detoxing is such a positive thing, it will help immensley I am sure!

AFM- stilled pooped today, I stayed up til almost 1 am doing school last night...today I am actually doing baby laundry :happydance: Got all my blankets washed and folded, washed all the white onsies and tops, and now the other onsies and body suits. Also went and got a package of newborn diapers, rash creme, and wipes :thumbup: So technically ready for whenever :haha:
So i spoke with a dr today who is going to work with me in detoxing this aweful stuff that's left over in my body after having the mirena and he believes that after my body is detoxed that my progesterone levels will come back and i will have no problems with the ''o'' and should be able to get prego although this detox process can take over a year before the toxins are out of my body i have hope now and have a dr that will listen to my concerns and not just tell me i am crazy fr thinking the cause of all my pain and probelms including infertility was the mirena

You might want to think about doing some things to heal your uterus... remember it is a powerful and self-healing organ (that's why so many of us go through so many problems, m/c's, surgeries, etc and yet still able to get pregnant)... try taking red raspberry leaf, that will help strengthen your uterus, also doing things like massage (look into mayan abdominal massage) or rubbing castor oil on your abdomen to increase blood flow to the area for healing...
Coy, I can't believe you are in your thirties already! (weeks that is) Boy I was gone for a while.
So i spoke with a dr today who is going to work with me in detoxing this aweful stuff that's left over in my body after having the mirena and he believes that after my body is detoxed that my progesterone levels will come back and i will have no problems with the ''o'' and should be able to get prego although this detox process can take over a year before the toxins are out of my body i have hope now and have a dr that will listen to my concerns and not just tell me i am crazy fr thinking the cause of all my pain and probelms including infertility was the mirena

You might want to think about doing some things to heal your uterus... remember it is a powerful and self-healing organ (that's why so many of us go through so many problems, m/c's, surgeries, etc and yet still able to get pregnant)... try taking red raspberry leaf, that will help strengthen your uterus, also doing things like massage (look into mayan abdominal massage) or rubbing castor oil on your abdomen to increase blood flow to the area for healing...

You are so knowledgable on natural healing! I've missed your advice. Anything for fighting sleep baby?!

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