Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Thanks Laura and I guess AF heard me complaining because she packed up and left finally. Thank goodness. I kept checking my panty liner and now I am only having white/clear discharge only. So I take that as a good sign. I think im going to start back taking my temps starting next cycle. First, I want to see what this new doc is going to say and do before I start the temping regime again.
Patrice- Cute profile pic!

Laura- Aww, solids already! Sounds like you're introducing at a great time, it really does seem like he's ready. And they say that being able to sit up is one of those signs. He really is growing up fast... talking, sitting up, eating solids! Big boy!

I live in Northern California which is about 6-7 hours north of LA, where Disneyland is. So... kinda far, but in the big picture, not very far. Still an all day drive though. Most people who visit California come here to go to Disneyland... not really much else, although there is San Francisco, which is the closest big city (about an hour away from me) and there are many things to do and see there. It would be great if one day we could all meet up somewhere and have a sort of bnb reunion (or union, I should say!). Even if we're old and gray and our babies have babies... well, hopefully sooner than that!

I bought the angelcare monitor today. He's sleeping in his crib with it right now. I was surprised to find out that when the alarm goes off (if it were to detect no movement for 20 seconds) it sounds off in the nursery! I don't understand why it doesn't just sound off on the parent unit?! After all, we are the ones that will be running in there to check on him. It just doesn't make sense to me. If there is a false alarm, then it would be waking him up for no reason. And it is VERY loud. Now, I don't mind waking up to a loud false alarm, but I don't want it constantly going off in his room and startling him! For those of you that know about this monitor, does it tend to give false alarms a lot?

Laura, btw, when I was at the store today I saw the Bumbo seat and I never realized it was so expensive! Like $45! Which is probably like 90 pounds? (I just noticed I don't have a pound sign on my keyboard). Was going to get one, not sure sure if it's worth it now!
Steph- just wanted a quick opinion..... What do you really think about cord blood cells storage? Coz till now my dh wanted to store ours but few mins before he got a call from his Sis from Canada....she said it's a waste of money. She has not stored her's. She also said that the cord blood cells don't cure anything.....just wanted to know what exactly you know about it...... Now dh is against storing it.
Bumbos sell for around £30-40 here, I wonder why it's so expensive in the US :shrug: Apparently they were recalled not long back because babies were toppling out of them and getting hurt. My aunt had been planning on getting one for Phoebe but refuses to now. Surely if you're watching the baby it's fine? I've seen parents put the bumbo up on counter tops etc before and it's most likely situations like that that cause injury! I still plan to get one for Spud anyway.
Patrice- so finally you are a free bird:happydance:.... AF has left you and you are doing well. Nice pic of you and dh.

Laura- Xander....yay for starting eating solids:happydance:

Steph- how is Nicholas ? Hope his cold is not that bad. How are you? Has your cold gone?
The bumbo cost us £30, $45 equates to about that so similar price. They are harder to get now on the uk due to the recall. I found a thread on here with an email address to write to and they will apparently send you the new harnesses not that I've had any or a response. We don't plan on using it anywhere high though and we also have the tray table which actually works really well at stopping him from tumbling out.

I had an unexpected day trip to San Francisco once!! I was supposed to be catching a connecting flight to Australia there but we got diverted to Canada to drop off a sick passenger so missed the connection. The airline put us up in a hotel and on a flight the next night and the only other passenger on the plane getting the connecting flight was an English guy who worked for Cisco systems in San Francisco. We spent the day there seeing the sites in a rental car he put on his company card!! It was fantastic, he was a brilliant guy, a family man so really looked after me, I was only 21 and traveling to Australia alone. I have some very fond memories of my 24 hours in San Francisco!!
Shradha - I think with the cord blood it's because it's such a new thing. It's only done in a few cities in England I think and a couple of private companies. Although there are uses now in treating some diseases I think it's more of a thing for the future, with stem cell research it's likely over the next 10/20 years there will be a lot more uses and benefits than there are now. I guess to fork out the cash to pay for it to be stored its reliant on these advances. You'd also need to consider the reliability of the company storing it. What happens to the blood if the company fails. Personally I think if you can afford it then its worth doing just in case but for us we couldn't but I don't feel like we're hugely disadvantaged by not having it.
Hello ladies hope everyone is doing well. Steph that would be terrifying but glad your little guy is okay... Update for me well I have no idea what cd I am on since my cycle has been weird had started on Sept 29 to the 4th then when I started on the vitex on the 9th I started bleeding again and that went on for a little over a week I had mid cycle ovary pain but don't know if I o'd AMD have been having cramps now for the last two days so thinking that af is right around the corner would like for it to hurry up so I can get a betterfefeel for when I'm going to o this time..also promised myself that I'm not going to take any more hpt unless I miss af..
Steph-Thanks and maybe you should read the manual and see if it explains why it goes off on the baby's unit and not the parents' unit. Im with you though, it should go off on the parents' unit instead of baby.

Shradha-Thanks and yes i am officially a free bird from AF :happydance: And thanks.

msperry-hoping your body straightens out so you can figure out whats going on :hugs:

AFM, im on cd13...wow this cycle is flying and its day 2 of no bleeding so AF is officially gone :happydance: Im super happy because she over stayed her welcome. Well in 5 days i have my doc's appt and in 20 days...i see my dh. Cant wait for us to have our little quality time together. Hoping that would bring forth a bfp :haha: But you never know. I know AF will probably be postponed now seeing that it took forever for the bleeding to stop or maybe my body just might still continue everything on time and if that's the case...by the time I go to see DH...it will be close to the time AF is due :dohh: Really hope I dont endure an AF while away because that would suck. It seems like AF knows when to ruin it for me. Thank goodness its Friday today. Going to be running errands and go out tonight just to get out this house.
OMG Posts to catch up on! :happydance: I gotta back up a few pages :haha: Wanted to add a couple of pics real quick--

Here is a pic of T and Kat trick-or-treating...T is Charlie Brown's mucked up ghost costume and Kat is (obviously) Poe the teletubby...


And here is a traditional pic of Aeryn- we have pics of each dd in this blue dress sitting in daddy's cowboy hat at a week old :)

Notice her full lips and dark hair?

Coy- Aeryn is so cute! Even though she looks so big already (for just over a week old!) she must be so small to fit in daddy's hat! What a cute idea. Can you show us the pics of the other girls too? It would be fun to see the comparison.

Patrice- Glad AF is gone and you have a fresh start for when you see the new doc!

msperry- It does take your body a while, about 3-6 months, to get used to the vitex and for your cycle to normalize. So if you get some irregular bleeding and stuff, it's just your body trying to readjust back to what it should normally be.

Shradha- Re: cord blood, exactly what Laura said. Cord blood research is a fairly new thing and they are conducting trials right now for future uses and treatments many diseases/conditions. I know they have already successfully used stored cord blood/tissue for leukemia and cancer patients, and are on the verge of finding treatment for autism. What's also good about it, is that if a sibling or a family member gets sick, they can also use the cord blood because it will most likely be compatible. It is very expensive, but God forbid if one of my children were stricken with a serious illness we would have a chance at saving their life. It's something we can barely afford, but it's a small price to pay in the long run. The first year of storage is the most expensive, paying a large monthly fee, but after that you just pay an annual cost of around $150-200. We bank with CBR, which is one of the most reputable companies.

Laura and Emma-- Oopsie re: the bumbo price! I went the wrong way for conversion! I wasn't thinking straight. But yeah, 30 pounds or 45 dollars is still a lot. I do remember it being recalled too, so I actually didn't know it was back on the market until I saw your pic Laura. But yeah, I assume that if one is using it the right way (not putting it on high surfaces or anything) that it's safe to use.

So... update on the monitor... used it last night, and I think it worked well! And no false alarms. It's amazing how that sensor can detect the slightest breathing. So, I did sleep better, although I was still on edge because I wasn't sure how it was going to work. I was also afraid of the alarm going off and scaring him. I did find out though, that it gives a pre-beep 5 seconds before the real alarm starts sounding off. So it gives me 5 seconds to haul ass to his room and turn it off before it wakes him (that is, if it's a false alarm).
Here's a video I took of Brandon that I wanted to share with you guys. I uploaded it to youtube. I was getting him to laugh by imitating a sound he made... he thought it was the funniest thing.

Aww Brandon has the cutest laugh!!

Aeryn is another little cutie Coy, can we see the pics of her sisters in the hat too??
Steph- awwwwww.....Brandon :kiss::kiss::kiss: so cute!! I liked his laugh so much:happydance:.....

Re- cord cell- the main concern is that I don't know how genuine and authentic the company here in India are? Looking into the situation here in India where power cuts are so common and the summers are terrible. I hope they can store it well......

Coy- Aeryn is another cutie :kiss::kiss: so are your other little one's......:hugs: all the three are going to be stunning ladies.:happydance:

Msperry- hi..... Hope you are doing good.
Steph-Brandon has the cutest laugh ever. I remember the first time i made me niece lugh. I would put her hat on te top on my head and then act like i sneezed and the hat would fall off and she thought it was the funniest thing ever.

Coy-Aeryn is adorable!!! I think she favors you. And look like she's ready for camera time already how she posed :haha:

AFM, cd14 im going to vote today and just spend time with the dogs. I have been soo busy that I havent really been showing my dogs the proper attention and boy do they let me know it. Wednesday is oming up pretty fast and also Ihave to find a dentist so I can get everything out the way before the trip. Feels good to not have any bleding. I think i had like 2-3 bleeds for October :nope: Not good at all. Hoping i skip Novembr then :haha: Just wishful thinking.
Aww Patrice. I bet you are a fantastic Auntie.

Steph - Brandon the most fantastic laugh. A proper baby giggle! I love it. You know it's really nice to see him in real life rather than just a pic! Brandon was a really early laugher wasn't he? Has it always been a proper giggle? Xander has been laughing for a while but until this morning it wasn't a proper giggle then suddenly today he did it for the first time! :cloud9: he needs more practice to get it as good as Brandon's though!

Coy - beautiful picture of Aeryn. How are you doing?
He has been laughing for a while, but I think the first proper giggle was around 3 months old. You know those pics of him at 3 months with the blue "handsome 1" shirt? Daddy was making him laugh so I could get some good smiles, and that was one of the first times he had a real, kind of hysterical belly laugh. Daddy gets him real good, better than I can. And it's usually when he's overtired and just before he needs a nap. He doesn't know whether to laugh or cry!

I should have posted a video a long time ago, I never thought to just upload to youtube and post a link! It's great to be able to have you guys see him "in person!" Would be great to see videos of Xander, Phoebe and Aeryn as well!
Hi ladies!

LOVE the pics and videos! Patrice- awesome pic of you and your dh! :thumbup: And Steph- Brandon has the cutest laugh! What a gorgeous boy :hugs: Glad yu have the monitor and it works well...I should get one of those! lol! I wake up all the time to check her breathing :shrug: We're MOM's...what else can we do? :huh:

Yes, I will get the pics of the other 2 dd's and post here- it is amazing to me how similar they all 3 look! Patrice- you really think she ersembles me?! I don't see it yet...She has my eyebrows, my chin, and my ears--all the "Mr. Potatoe Head" peices :haha: but has dh's coloring- my dh has black eyes, black curly hair, tan skin (Italian and Oglala Lakota Sioux). Her nose is dh...it's fun to try and pnpoint the genetics! :)

Shradha- how are you feeling today? Babes will be kicking up a storm all the time now :hugs: When is your next appointment?
Was thinking of posting a birth story but not sure? :huh: Nt much to tell really but I know some ladies (like me, lol) like to read them just as a sort of a heads up or reminder of what is to come. I think I will so Shradha will know some of what to expect, but every woman is a littl;e different. Yet, despite our differences there really is only one way to labor--get it out! :haha: Lol....
AFM- ah, I actually woke up on my own today! Albeit it was 10 a.m. :blush: and I was more than a bit late egtting evryone their breakfasts...Oh well, I told dh "thank you" as he keopt the girls in the living room while I slept, and Aeryn must be on my schedule :haha: as she slept too... Felt good, I am still tired but not that God-awful rummy...

Today I have to shop for the weekend and work on my course final. Bleh. :haha:

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