Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Thanks ladies! Actually as babies all 3 are virtually identicle--and all with dh's face! Kt has lighter curlier hair...T's hair is past her butt now.

Shradha- how are you feeling? Will they step you up to an appt. every 2 weeks soon?

Patrice- af staying away still?

question...bleeding stops so I start opk'ing but anytime we bd next morning I bleed a little, just spotting. irritating cervix maybe? :shrug:
coy-your girls are adorable. and yes af stayed away :thumbup:

AFM, im on cd14 today and went to my ob/gyn appt today. I had my annual pap smear and talked about the effects of birth control and everything. She wants me to come back in March. She wants me to wait until month 4 to see if my AF is going to regulate to showing up on week 4 of the BC each month. So im hoping that my AFs regulate to showing up on week 4 because if it does..that mean im going back to a 28 day cycle :thumbup: I had some spotting after the pap smear which is normal but now im having sharp, shooting pains through my back :shrug: So now I got an appt in january for the hematologist, appt in february for my primary care doctor, and appt in march for the ob/gyn :thumbup: And then in April...i will be off of the BC :happydance:
Patrice- wow, you gt a busy shedule girl! :thumbup: I am so glad you have a doc that is finally seeing the bigger picture and getting the ball rolling so to speak.

Will you look for work in CT or taking some time off? :huh:
Coy- Wow......T has lovely hair...... isnt it difficult to maintain?? The credit should go to you as you must be the one taking care. I love long hair. My mom has lovely long wavy hair like T but I dont seem to have inherited it. My hair never grows beyong my chest.
My blood work is on the 17th and doc appt is on 23rd...maybe I may have a scan....

Patrice- next year you will be very busy.... time will fly...yay for 28 days cycle....

ATM I just had a small nap but when I woke up I felt sharp pain in my belly. It went away after few mins. I felt the same way when I woke up in the morning.....Is it so because I was sleeping on the side??
Coy-well dh is changing his rate so he wont be in submarines anymore. He is waiting to go to a surface rate so im not moving to CT because he isnt going to be there.

Shradha-Im hoping i go back to 28 day cycle.

AFM, im on cd15 and tomorrow marks the end of month 1 of the BCPs. Currently, im on the "reminder pills" which are the non hormonal pills. Im hoping by next month my cycle becomes regulated or atleast to being close to being regulated. DH will be home in 13 days :thumbup: Cant wait! I have been cleaning what I can. Not much to report here now.
Shradha- it is advisable to sleep on your side but you have to expect all kinds of aches and pains while your body is adjusting. In some respects the first pregnancy is tougher that way as your body is adjusting to all the newness. But if it is extremely painful and either keeps returing or does not go away always give your doc a word and see- that way puts your mind at ease :thumbup:

Patrice- ah, so you will be staying in FL? Are you happy about that, or...?

Laura, Steph, Emma, Ashley- :hi: Love you ladies!

AFM- :shrug: lol, crazy busy last few days, not really doing much iykwim, but keeping up with kids. This lo of mine demands to be carried constantly now....except at night which I am eternally grateful for! She sleeps beautifully and usually only wakes me twice to eat at night :thumbup: And Kat has even given me a break the last 3 night!!! :happydance: Hope she keeps it up. Anyway yesterday Aeryn was a handful- today she is sleeping peacefully on the bed next to my computer so :thumbup: I closed the door to keep my other 2 hooligans :shhh: lol...
Got my Christmas tree up and lights on so now will maybe decorate it today. I bought the blu ray disc "Muppet Christmas Carol" and will watch it with the girls...they have managed to try and take apart my kitchen btw...the table suddenly became all wobbly and I discovered they ahve sat under it and taken all the screws out :dohh: so dh and I have to replace all the nuts and bolts and...sheesh....I also have finals for this course in geology today so hopefully will get that all done and get a small break soon.
Hi Coy :wave: :D

Sorry I've not been great at updating on here. I've mostly been posting in my journal, the links in my signature. Only getting up twice a night is fantastic!! I'm with you on the sleeping at night, Xander only really naps on be during the day but I don't mind as he sleeps through in his cot at night. Your girls do make me laugh, taking the screws out!! :rofl: they're so smart!!

We're good. Xander's been a bit of a pain. I think he's teething really badly and hit the worst wonder week so has been very grumpy. On a positive he's mastered sitting up now! I just put a few cushions around him just in case but can leave him sat up on the floor playing with his toys. He's backs now fully straight and he's hand are off the floor, he even started moving his legs around but staying balanced today. I think bum shuffling may be happening in the next few months!!

On teething did any of your girls go off their food? Xander is taking a lot less in his bottles, he's prob only had about 15oz today, half of what he usually has & he eating less solids.

Patrice - glad you're getting somewhere with tests & you enjoyed your time with DH. How come he's not continuing with the submarines?

Shradha - some twinges can be digestion related. Trapped wind got a whir lot more painful for me when I was pregnant!!

Ashley - Disney cruise looks fantastic from the pics on Facebook. It would be a great time to TTC again. We conceived on 2 holidays & intend to start TTC again during our next holiday in May next year.
Coy- your girls are beautiful..just like mama :)
Patrice sounds like everything is coming into order.. hows the mil?

ATM- Not much to update just under 2 weeks till my appt with the dr and hearing the hb..me and dh had a bump in the road last weekend but i think i spoke my mind and well things seem better only time will tell.. also put in for a pre approval on a home loan fx hope i get a pre approval we could sure use it cuz our rent is way too high..ms still hasn't showed her face yay me.. and i have actually started gaining weight back after losing so much from being stressed out but i weighed 116lbs 2 weeks before getting my bfp and now am 120
Coy-Im okay with being in FL until further notice which I dont mind since i got to go to my doc appts.

Laura-he doesnt want to do submarines anymore because he dont want to deal with close quarters with all males.

msperry-my mil is doing good. she still in her house.
Hi ladies!

Laura- yes they do go off food a little while teething, plus loose stools, etc, but try to feed him very often anyway poor little fella :sad1: Teething is no fun :nope:

Msperry- hope you and dh are ok and it all works out w/the house! :thumbup: Can't waiit for your appt!

Shradha- where are you?:huh:

AFM Just wanted to post a couple pics of Aeryn. She's cute in red! :cloud9:


Love them! Red really does suit Aeryn. Are her eyes dark brown now? Looks like they night be from the pic. Shew looks really clever too, like theres a lot going on in her mind! How much does she weigh now? Looks like she's growing really well.

Xander's still really off his food. He's had about 18oz of formula & only 1 serving of solids at lunch & dinner. He was having 3 each time (3 icecube sized portions) his nappy contents are very different as well!! Still no tooth though.
My husband said he is totally wanting to TTC on her vacation trip in October!

We also are thinking of moving to Austin, Texas USA...has anyone ever been there?
Today me and mom are going to shop. Finally it's a big chance for me. Tom we are going to have some ceremony which I was thinking will not be possible as my in- laws were supposed to do it. It's like baby shower..... My mom says she will do it for me.... But it will only be a family matter not calling friends over as we hardly have time...Tom is the only auspicious date. Will call friends over when the baby is born. Will visit the temple... Have a lot to do.. Have to call a priest and arrange things for the rituals....

Coy- she's so adorable:kiss:....the red dress is very pretty and suits her.

msperry - the weight gain is normal.....and is important. You must take care of yourself and eat well. You will need all the energy..... You are lucky that ms is keeping away....

Ashley- you seem to have made a good plan...... Hurray for TTC during your vacation......

Patrice- things seems to be going your way....

Laura- I keep popping in your journal to see you.....is Xander getting irritated ? I mean is he having any problems while eating?

Steph- where are you?
Aw, I am kind of sad today.....dh is in a lot of pain because of the cold weather and our dd's are acting up seriously bad...I am at that point I don't know what I can do to make or keep everyone happy. So I have shut Aeryn and myself in my room and am just working on my school :sad1: We were all watching the Nutcracker together but the dd's are being terrible when I am around :sad1: Put it this way- they have each bawled and sobbed and cried loudly and fought over nothing- they fought over a scrap of garbage paper that came from a toothbrush wrapper! :saywhat: and the youngest one kicked dh in the, um, yeah :blush:, and the oldest keeps screaming she's not to blame for anything, and they keep demanding more stuff....they are mad because I told them "no" I won't go out in the cold garage and bring in more toys for them to fight over. First they were playing with a stick horse. Then they started fighting over it. So I got a second one so they wouldn't have to share....so then they fought over who got the brown and who got the white one :roll: Wtf is going on?! Aaaargh! O my gosh I am so sad and ashamed at the same time...I am not sure what to do at this point.
Coy-Aeryn looks adorable in red. And so sorry you are having a bad day :hugs: Maybe you need to just sit the girls down and tell them that you dont appreciate their behavior lately and kind of punish them in the sense like no tv or no toys for a few days until they learn and can show you that they can get along without throwing tantrums. Maybe that will work :shrug:

AFM, im on cd17 today and have lots of discharge. Also, i have on and off spotting going on. Really dont know what thats about but i guess its just my body adjusting to the BCPs. I already started my 2nd month pack today. 11 more days until I see DH so im happy about that and already he is planning to give me money so i can go treat myself and have a me day before he gets here :cloud9: Im happy about that because I really need one. I have been more stressed than anything lately. This morning, I woke up with a headache and I really dont know why. Its probably due to dh and I having a bad night's sleep and could barely sleep so we were on the phone with each other until we could fall asleep which was around almost 6am :nope: Hopefully, we are able to sleep tonight though. Time is really flying by. Today is my friend's birthday and in 19 days.....it will be my birthday. Plus in 21 days...its my mom's birthday. So alot of birthdays coming up. Today was a productive day. I went down to Miami to visit my family and I also decided to send a message to my ex-friend that I wanted to talk to her about the situation that caused us to stop being friends and dislike each other. I want to be the bigger person and be able to sit down like mature women and converse about what happened because I think it was all due to false allegations. Ever since then, I had so much anger and hate towards her and I dont really want to live that way. If she doesnt want to ever talk to me again then atleast I can say I tried and just forgive her and move on but just wont talk to her. If we solve the situation then thats good but if we ever became friends again, it would take ALOT of time for me to gain trust and believe her again. So let's see how it goes. And I talked to DH about it and he is proud of me and supports what I am doing.
Yes I think the girls need to settle down! :growlmad: lol! Dh and I talked to them a little bit about materialism...they just want, want, want lately and I am fed up with it. I remember one Christmas when I was a kid we decided to make each other's gifts and make all of our decorations. I think maybe one year soon we will have to do that with our girls too.

Sorry to hear about the headache :nope: I think you will sleep better once your dh is home and everything is settled. OMG I hope you MIL is not living with you when he gets there! LOL! Try bd'ing with mom in the house :blush: lol! Wow, and a me-day would be freaking awesome! First thing I would do...go workout at a gym for a while, buy an amazing pair of knock-out jeans and one of those all-around hoodies, then I would get a mug of the most expensive Starbucks coffee on ice and I'd go chill somewhere. If I was in FL it'd be a big rock on the beach :cloud9: Here in Idaho? Um......probably a mountain somewhere :haha: Patrice- count me IN! :rofl:
Have lots of watery CM with some white. What does this mean?! Ovulation? No..can't be, already?
ally understand where you are coming from.. my two get the same way at times I was so furious with them yesterday that they always complain when i ask for their help and that they always want me to do things for them and buy them things i had had enough i went off blew a gasket and told them that with their behavior lately that if they find one present under the tree this year they should be very grateful and that there are so many kids that don't get Christmas and don't have homes and they are getting old enough to help out around the house and pick up after themselves..my 8 year old is really a good help the majority of the time and my 5 year old needs to get off the boob and start taking some responsibility for himself and become a little more independent and do things on his own like getting himself dressed and getting his socks and shoes on and cleaning up his messes when he makes one instead of walking away from them...as for Christmas kinda feel bad cuz i have no money to buy presents and i mean none.. luckily dh should have some money next weekend but wont be much this year. hang in there coy and try to breathe..
Coy-i totally get you on materialism. My niece is like that. I guess its a phase kids have to go through in life. My parents taught me to humble myself and if i do good then i will get a gift so i had to be on my best behavior especially around xmas :haha: Oh and trust me if MIL is here while dh is here....she cant stop us from bd'ing. When we first got married, e were living at dh's house until we went to closing on our new house so for a couple months and we bd'd every chance we got and didnt care if she was there :rofl: And i think we ALL need a me day :thumbup:
Thanks ladies :) Yes, we talked to the girls...especially my 8 year old. I want them to be appreciative of what they have and stop demanding more.

Hm, fairly decent nights sleep last night! :saywhat:lol! Odd....

Ashley- hm, are you charting at all? could be ov--aren't you on bc though? or did you stop? when is your re appointment?

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