Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Coy- so sorry dear I couldn't be available when you needed us..... I guess by now things have got settled. I can imagine how helpless you must have been. Whom to take care? Kids, dh. Sometimes things all fall on our head together.....:growlmad:..yesterday my dh BG went up 360. He started to feel weak, tired and had severe headache.... We had to go to the priest for the ceremony..... Gave dh a tablet... Gave him a head massage....told him to rest. I was worried....my mom started calling me why I was getting delayed to reach the temple..... We were so late.....
How is your dh? During winter it must be very difficult for him... You did the right thing by talking to your DD 's...
When is your school starting?

Patrice- you really need a good sound sleep. Getting a massage is an excellent idea.....

Ashley- it can be ovulation but I can't be totally sure. Did you take a test?

Msperry- you have two kids.....I never knew? This is your third baby?
Coy-glad you had a decent night's sleep. I have been able to sleep well myself :thumbup:

AFM, im on cd19 today and it seems like my cycle is going by pretty quickly. Also speaking of time going by...cant believe dh will be here next friday :happydance: Im super excited. Yesterday, I decided to treat myself and so i did my hair and DH loves it. I always wanted to go to a salon and get it done but its hard to find someone who you can trust with your hair so I just been doing my own hair since I was 16. Now back to my cycle :haha: The midwife had told me I suppose to get AF on the 4th week of the BCPs. Which means now im going from a 35+ cycle to a 28 day or less cycle :thumbup: I think thats pretty good because that will increase our chances more seeing that I will be able to go through my cycles which means more tries compared to now where my cycle is sooooo long that I get less chances. Also, im almost at the point where I have only 3 more months left to go :thumbup: I will be off the bc in no time so im happy about that. Im hoping we can immediately start ttc after i stop the bcp but if we cant...then i guess a little longer wait. I dont mind waiting right now because right now dh and I are not living together and he is going through the process of changing his job so i want to wait until he gets stationed before we ttc. So atleast we are together and dont have to worry about catching ovulation during a trip or anything. Well in 17 more days...it will be my birthday :happydance: Im turning 23 on the 28th so I cant wait. Well thats all for now.
Coy- so sorry dear I couldn't be available when you needed us..... I guess by now things have got settled. I can imagine how helpless you must have been. Whom to take care? Kids, dh. Sometimes things all fall on our head together.....:growlmad:..yesterday my dh BG went up 360. He started to feel weak, tired and had severe headache.... We had to go to the priest for the ceremony..... Gave dh a tablet... Gave him a head massage....told him to rest. I was worried....my mom started calling me why I was getting delayed to reach the temple..... We were so late.....
How is your dh? During winter it must be very difficult for him... You did the right thing by talking to your DD 's...
When is your school starting?

Patrice- you really need a good sound sleep. Getting a massage is an excellent idea.....

Ashley- it can be ovulation but I can't be totally sure. Did you take a test?

Msperry- you have two kids.....I never knew? This is your third baby?
Yes this is my third bundle of joy..but its sh's first he's so excited but it took us almost 2 years of trying as I was diagnosed with secondary infertility..
Msperry- woow.....your 3rd.... How old are your kids? Every baby brings in so much of joy.....

Patrice- you mus be looking really nice with a new hairstyle....28th is my wedding Anniversary too... We will be celebrating 5 years of wedlock. Can't believe it's going to be 5 years..... Enjoy your time with dh.... You must be waiting to start TTC........

It's 28 weeks....I am already starting to feel heavy......when I am taking walks I can't walk for long...can feel my legs aching..... The 3rd trim is different......now I get it......I have started gaining weight quickly. 1 pound a week..... Will post a pic soon....
Msperry- woow.....your 3rd.... How old are your kids? Every baby brings in so much of joy.....

Patrice- you mus be looking really nice with a new hairstyle....28th is my wedding Anniversary too... We will be celebrating 5 years of wedlock. Can't believe it's going to be 5 years..... Enjoy your time with dh.... You must be waiting to start TTC........

It's 28 weeks....I am already starting to feel heavy......when I am taking walks I can't walk for long...can feel my legs aching..... The 3rd trim is different......now I get it......I have started gaining weight quickly. 1 pound a week..... Will post a pic soon....

yea i have an 8 year old daughter and a 5 year old son
shradha-cant believe how fast your pregnancy is going by. Soon you will see baby :thumbup: And july 25th will mark dh's and I 4 yr wedding anniversary and feb. 18th marks 7 yrs we have been together :shock: cant believe it will be that long.

AFM, im on cd20 and this morning I discovered that I have LOADS of thick, creamy white cm :shrug: Have no clue what it means because my cm never looked like this before. It was more on the watered down side but this time its very thick. Dont know if that means im getting closer to ov and the cm is going to change soon or what but i guess its just a wait and see. Now i get to see if AF is going to come during the 4th week of the bc like the midwife says it should or im going to get it in the middle of the pack again. Hopefully whenever it does decide to show up....it will be spotting and doesnt lasts long like the last one because im ready to enjoy alone time with dh. Im researching nice places we can go to while he is down so he can enjoy his time here and it can be a romantic little getaway while he is here because unfortunately i got a phone call from my MIL and she says she definitely has to move now so now she will be here when dh comes down to visit :nope: Oh well dh told me thats not going to stop him but at the sam time i just want us to be free and not have to be secretive about what WE do. But we shall see. Today, im going to straighten up a bit and also relax because i need all the relaxing i can get before MIL comes in. DH is pretty pissed at MIL because he is telling her what she can and cannot bring and she is fighting with him saying she is still going to do it so he is pretty pissed off at her because he says she is rying to do whatever she wants to do and thats not going to work. Atleast i actually have proof that n matter if i stand my ground...this lady does whatever she wants and i think thats going to be a problem once she gets here. Hoping we dont end up arguing most of her stay here though. Well as an update. I talked to my ex friend and everything went well. We are now okay with talking again and found out it was all a misunderstanding and rumors just going about so we both apologized and now are trying to mend our friendship again :thumbup: Soon I will only have 3 months to go with the BC and also dh wants to be a medical corpsman. And he talked to corpsman and they told him that he is most likely never going to be assigned to a ship and just have shore duty and if he gets deployed...they will fly him out :happydance: Happy about that because if he has shore duty then that menas that he will be there with me everyday and so we will have no problem ttc because he will be there for the pregnancy :happydance: So fxed that he gets that job :thumbup:
AFM- my 6-week doctors appointment went fairly well. Guess what?! Aeryn now weighs in at a whopping 10.02 pounds! :shock: lol! Who says breastmilk doesn't rock? Breastmilk totally rocks :haha: Plus I lost another 10 pounds so I am pretty happy :) I am 130 now :shhh: got about 15-20 to go! :bodyb:Got my stupid pap smear out of the way :roll: thank goodness, everything else looks great and doc said I could be as aggressive with my working out as I wanted to be :thumbup:

Now...onto dh. The poor man is being abused by our children! :haha: Seriously, he is so good with them but they take advantage. "Accidents" happent hat aren't so...nice, iykwim. The other day Kat was sitting on his lap watching cartoons and he got, um, well- kicked VERY hard right where it counts.....and today at the doctors office he was helping the dd's sanitize their hands as were leaving and T- being a proper 8 year old- decided NOT to do what dad said and made a grab for the sanitizer and shot dh right in the eye with it :nope: Good thing doc was there, right? :haha:
All the tests i've taken so far with my RE have came back normal. Next cycle I'll be doing a dye test but I'm sure that will be normal too. After that, I have to schedule a meeting with my RE so he can look over all the tests ive done so far and I'll give him a list one ones to do if we didn't cover them all.

I think i'm ovulating...TODAY. I woke up and all day i've been crampy and one the left side sore.

Coy - No way! Your daughter is ALREADY A MONTH OLD?!!!!!!

Shradha- I didn't test/opk for ovulation because I'm not ttc right now. We are waiting until our trip next fall.

TTC UPDATE: Waiting until October. (Seems like forever though...UGH) I'll be taking OPK on the cruise. LOL
Coy-Oh my poor dh. Hoping the girls calm down so he wont be a punching bag :haha: And glad your doc visit went well cant believe Aeryn is already a month old.

Ashley-Even though Ocotber seems so far away..its going to come rather quickly. Because December is almost done so time will just fly.

AFM, its cd21 today and I am exhausted. Today, I suppose to go down to Miami to help MIL bring up food from her freezer here. Im going to go later because Im not up for the drive right now. I been down lately just because of the whole moving thing and Im just ready for DH to come home. He says im not going to be here for long so thats a good thing because im really ready to get out of this house and be with him. Hoping its before i get off the BC so we can still enjoy each other for a little bit while he is in school for his new job. He says once they change him then Im moving to wherever he is so im happy about that. Im just ready to be back together again and MIL can just be able to have the house to herself while we are gone. Atleast then I dont have to worry about privacy or anything. Well, I dont know when AF is coming nor do I know when I am suppose to ovulate. Since AF started in the middle of the pack...im hoping it didnt knock it off track and now its going to come every 2nd week of the BCPs. But if i think about it..if it did..then it would be every 28 days that my cycle came so maybe that isnt a bad thing. Well, im going to watch an episode of my show and then start cleaning up around the house. Oh and dh said something to me that was very thoughtful last night. He told me that the way I am now..he can tell im in mommy mode and with that being said..just from being around me, he know i am going to make a wonderful mommy :cloud9: That was pretty sweet of him. He has been doing nice things and saying nice things like telling me he loves me and how pretty I am just because and I appreciate every minute of it. Cant wait until he comes home next Friday :happydance:
Coy- that's amazing.....losing weight that quickly....I wish I too can... Glad everyhing went good with the doctor . Poor dh... Aeryn is already 1 month....wow:hugs::happydance:......

Patrice- yea....time is flyg..... Can't believe.... It's just few more weeks...:happydance:....

Ashley- time will fly....don't worry. Soon you will TTC......
Coy- that's amazing.....losing weight that quickly....I wish I too can... Glad everyhing went good with the doctor . Poor dh... Aeryn is already 1 month....wow:hugs::happydance:......

Patrice- yea....time is flyg..... Can't believe.... It's just few more weeks...:happydance:....

Ashley- time will fly....don't worry. Soon you will TTC......

Shradha- I miss our late night (well early morning for you! :haha:) conversations! :hugs:

Yes, I am trying to lose the weight. I finally found a doc-approved protein shake I can drink. It has phenylalanine in it, which is an amino acid found in all proteins and doc said it was safe. I will research some more before drinking it...My goal is to lose another 15-20 pounds which would put me at about 10 pounds or so lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight :thumbup: Of course once I really start building muscle I am tossing the weight scale--muscle weighs more than fat so I don't need the mental stress :haha:

How are you feeling? You are getting so close now, I can't wait to see beautiful pics of you and your babes :cloud9: I remember when you got your bfp! Oh, (hint hint) can't wait to see more bump pics too!!! Save them for babes to look at when (s)he gets bigger :)
AFM- bbt'ing is not going well--when I do get awesome sleep I seriously take advantage of it! :haha:
Patrice - It must be hard being away from DH. I really love and support not only military personnel, but their families as well. They also sacrifice! Also, yeah..October does seem like forever but hopefully it'll fly right by :)

Coy- What is bbt? ;)

AFM, No word on if the credit ding (that is keeping us from getting a home loan) has been cleared up. We hired someone from a credit service to help us but last time we checked nothing was changed. This whole process is frustrating and our lease is up in Feb. So - kind of sucks not really knowing. And, my MIL has made it clear she really doesn't want us moving back into her house (long story..). So, i'm feeling somewhat panicked. Been watching Sabrina & Xfiles series latley. It's been fun. I still am having a hard time sleeping though. Been that way since I lost my 2nd baby.

I am also going to start to take pole dancing classes for fitness. LOL. Hope it works! ;)
Thats a good question where is Stephanie and Laura and Emma? Must be busy.

Ashley-bbt means Basal Body Temperature. Also, yes in the beginning it was hard but after awhile of being away...i have gotten use to it and we video chat etc until we can see each other. Im jsut glad he is coming home for vacation on Friday. And im pretty sure time will fly. December is almost gone before it even started. As far as the credit thing goes...did you ever try using equifax? I used equifax and found alot of fraud etc on the account and I called up the businesses personally and got it fixed in no time. Also, you can have equifax dispute the items for you and it doesnt take long depending on what it is...hope that helps. And i have always wanted to take pole dancing classes. I did it twice and loved it but stopped going once I went into bootcamp. So now just go to wait it out until I move with DH.

AFM, im cd22 today and i just experienced loads of watery white cm :shrug: Dont really kno whats going on but its all going to be a wait and see for me. I have been busy cleaning for 2 hours so far this morning. I have cleaned both upstairs and downstairs' bathrooms and rearranged everything under the sinks. Also, washed the dishes and swept the floors. Now i have laundry, folding, and mopping to do thats left. Im just trying to clean what I can. The other things have to wait until everything gets rearranged and I can see what Im working with afterwards. I also have to go back down to Miami to move more food up here. Im thinking by the end of this day, Im going to go to bed early again. I went to bed around 7:30 last night. Its just so much I got left to do but Im going to take a break at the moment. Even though I clean up....the house still looks a mess with all of MIL things still over the place but Im not going to stress because DH will be home soon to help me get rid of most of this stuff. I cant wait until January 2nd because DH told me yesterday over the phone that he has a brthday surprise. Its a nice overnight getaway at a hotel :cloud9: Just what we need because I know its going to be stressful with MIL here and DH and her arguing all the time. He says he tried to get it booked for my birthday but they werent available. He wont tell me the hotel or anything we are going to do but he gave me hints saying its alot of nightlife and daylife so bring clothes for both occassions. And i think we are going somewhere nice because he was throwing hints about bringing the dresses that I got. I told dh i had an appt that morning then after that we are free to enjoy ourselves. I cant wait!!! A nice overnight stay at a hotel and places to go and see is just what we both need. He says he wants to start the New Year with a bang and right so im happy we doing this. Also, cant wait for him to get re-rated so I can pack up and leave. He found out that he was suppose to be pulled out of submarines within a week of the approval :dohh: Its been almost a month?! DH didnt even know it was suppose to happen so fast. But the lieutenant who has been helping him through this process is so helpful and she is getting things done so his process can go forward so she said he will hear something either before he leaves or when he comes back on their follow up appt on Jan. 8th sooooo im excited because I might be leaving in January or February :happydance: So nothing but good news over here so far :thumbup:
well it's gonna be a long day.. been up since 4am my princess has been throwing up since then dh cleaned the first one since it was all over the floor but he used so much cleaning chemicals had to let the room air out after that..got my little man off to school then stopped by the store to get some things for my princess' hope she can start to keep something down soon..on another note my yummy breakfast today is two egg mcmuffins with cheese yum yum.. although my waist line is starting to get bigger which i don't like cuz it's not baby it's just me getting my muffin top back after loosing it previous..i can't wait till wednesday to see how much i weigh and hear baby's heart beat. i think i'm up to 125lbs and pre prego i had gotten down to 116lbs.. yikes but i know why i have gained cuz these cravings i have wanted sweets which im usually not much of a sweet person but i have been wanting them more and more lately and then i always love my salty stuff both together is packing on the pounds gotta find something else and start drinking more water again bc i noticed that i haven't been drinking as much as i was in the beginning and i wasn't having as many sweet and salty cravings when i was drinking 8-12 glasses o0f water a day. other note i have been sick the last 2-3 dayas now swollen glands inneck and now today the left side of my face is swollen some and very sore i had some left over amoxicillian so i took one this morning hope it helps..
Sorry I've been awol lately, I tend to post Phoebe's updates in my journal (link is in my siggy). Usually I'll have finished typing in there and then little miss is wanting some attention so I don't get chance to write anything in here :( I'm reading every day though! :D
Sorry I've been awol lately, I tend to post Phoebe's updates in my journal (link is in my siggy). Usually I'll have finished typing in there and then little miss is wanting some attention so I don't get chance to write anything in here :( I'm reading every day though! :D

Same here! For being so tiny they are sure demanding :winkwink:
Coy- I too miss the talks.... You are doing the right thing..... With hardly any sleep it must be difficult to do bbt...
I do feel tired all the time.... Having aches.... I too am waiting....will start getting my hospital bag packed now....

Patrice- you must be really tired cleaning up... Glad you could get some sound sleep.

Ashley- so sad your MIL was so harsh....

With babies around steph must be really busy...Laura n emma are busy in their journals. You can catch them there.

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