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Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Yes i got AF. Onto Clomid cd5-9, follicle scan on cd12 and trigger shot, and then IUI on cd13.

AFM, im on cd4 today and i just realized that for the first time in like 13 years that I had a 28 day cycle and a 14 LP :thumbup: So that cycle was pretty good. Nothing new to report here. Still bleeding and DH will be back home Saturday. I got to go in tomorrow to go pick up my Clomid prescription to start taking it on cd5 which is tomorrow. Im very tired so im just going to do school work and relax.

Penelope was born December 5th at 39 weeks & 0 days. We are so happy that after two back to back 2nd trimester losses we finally got our little baby! I got a tubal ligation during my c-section. She was 6lbs 15 oz & 18 inches long :)
she is adorable and omg Ashley, she looks exactly like you.

Well dh decided he will do a SA but he wants to just do Clomid and trigger shot one more time before trying the IUI procedure. At first, I was highly upset but now im just content and compromised. He wants to make it as natural as possible and he feels if im inseminated, then the doctor is doing his job for him. So i dont want him to feel less of a man so im just respecting his wishes.
How is everyone?

AFM, im on cd10 today and my follicle scan is on Thursday. I was suppose to go in to get the IUI the following day but DH and I talked and he wants to try again naturally with just the trigger shot and timed intercourse before doing IUI. He is going in tomorrow to do a SA so he knows whats going on. At first, I was upset because I was like finally this might work for us the best way possible and now he is turning it down but after listening to his reasons, I compromised. One more time wouldnt hurt actually because it was just one time we tried it and it failed so who knows what would happen next time. Also, DH just want it to be special and as natural as possible. He feels that if its IUI, then the doctor is doing his job and it kind of makes him feel like he cant do it on his own and also he think that he wouldnt have that special attachment to the child because he would keep thinking how the child was created. Even though i told him at the end of the day, the child would be ours and no matter how the child was conceived, it wouldnt make him less of a man, I compromised with him and just said okay let's try. I rather us try again and he feels content and just be like okay you are right it didnt work now we can do the IUI than to have him really have no attachment or excitement if we get a bfp through the IUI he didnt want at the moment. So let's see what will happen this cycle.
AFM, im cd11 today and DH is off work. I have to do a few errands today and school work. I have also applied for jobs too. I want to work in an office environment. Im so tired of retail now. Also, I finally called my doc office to inform them that we want to try one more time the natural way before doing the IUI procedure and they said its fine its up to us to decide whatever we want to do. I have to call back though to see if she put the order in for the SA that my DH needs to do. Also, tomorrow is my follicle scan and if all goes well, then I will have my trigger shot the same day. Other than that, there isnt really much news. Oh and my birthday is in 10 days :happydance:
She's just perfect Ashley :cloud9:

I hope the SA goes well Patrice, as well as the scan and trigger shot :hugs:
AFM, im cd12 and my follicle scan went amazing. Pics are below. My follicles range from 20.2-23.6 :happydance: As you can tell, i have multiple follicles this time so that increases our chances. My doc said they highly recommend doing the IUI and after speaking to DH and showing the u/s pics, he has agreed to do the iui :happydance: So tomorrow, we will get the IUI. That's all for now.


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I know. I am excited. Last time, i had 1 or 2 but this time i had 4-5 follicles. Either my left or right ovary was covered with big follicles. And even my doc was saying "wow there's some here and some on top of those also." That made me feel good because i thought that this cycle would've been a bust for sure. Well now im feeling really good about this cycle and my nirse says that she is pretty sure more than 1 follicle is going to release. So multiples maybe :happydance:
wow Ashley!!! Thats a beautiful pic! Pene is a stunner! Congrats Mommy....so happy for you.

Patrice- keeping fingers crossed....really excited.
Thanks shradha.

AFM, im cd13 today and it started to snow here. When it snows, everything on the island is shutdown. So since the base is shutdown, im assuming the naval hospital is closed which means no IUI today. Just my luck right. One step closer to get pushed two steps back. Well even though we werent suppose to, dh and i dtd last night. It was more so an accident than planned. So now it looks like DH gets his timed intercourse wish just like he wanted. Oh well, i guess its time to sleep. There's nothing to do.
I don't know what's going on I'm 8 days late I'm not sure what's causing my cycle to be messed up..don't have my. Hopes up we only bd'd once this cycle so idk
Monae-did you test with a hpt?

AFM, im cd14 today and i think i o'd yesterday. I was feeling very nauseous, irritated and had on and off mild cramping. Never felt this way before but i remember my friend was telling me thats how she felt when she ovulated and so i was thinking hmm maybe thats what im going through. DH and I dtd 3 times yesterday. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once in the evening. My temp went up but not really significant difference. My dh told me i felt hot this morning which im assuming is caused by the trigger shot. When dh comes home, im going to dtd again today to cover my bases. If i havent o'd yet, then i should ov no later than today. So we shall see. Just hoping this time it happens.
I havent tested because i figured af would be here already and i been trying not to get my hopes up. not sure what to think
I would just test just to see. So you know if whether or not you are pregnant. Do you temp?
Patrice - Don't feel bad....hope you and dh had a good time. I have never experienced snowfall. This time the temperature is dipping low to 13 degree C....enough to wear a sweater...so I am happy...
Monae- Fingers crossed for you..

Ashley - must be busy with Pene....

Steph- So nice to see you...How are you all? Missing you...

Coy- Hope you all are doing good..Missing you too a lot...
A pic of us

Shresh is sooo adorable and you are so beautiful. Looks like you are having a fun time.

AFM, im cd15 today and instead of my temp increasing, my temp dropped. I dont know if i am o'ing today or what. I was suppose to ov no later than yesterday (36 hours). If my temp doesnt go up tomorrow, i will be calling the docs to let them know that i think i didnt ovulate so they can probably do a scan and check to see if i o'd or not already. But based on the temps, i havent o'd yet which is pretty nerve wrecking. Hoping something happens this cycle because it seems like this cycle is cometely out of whack and everything is getting messed up. So we shall see what tomorrow holds.
I went to the dollar store and bought opks and this is the result...definitely positive.


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AFM, im on cd16 today. And today i had a massive temp spike from 97.45 to 98.06! Well dh and i didnt dtd last night and it had me freaking out. Until i researched that you actually get a temp rise after trigger shot around 2-4 days AFTER trigger. Its been 4 days after trigger and yep ended up getting my rise. Which means i am actually 2dpo today. Because it is saying that i suppose to ov no later than 24-48 hours on ovidrel. Well if thats true then cd14 is my ov day so technically, we didnt miss ov :happydance: Im going to still call the nurse and ask her a few questions. Hopefully, she can put my mind at ease. Hoping to get a scan to confirm that the follicles ruptured also. But we shall see.

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