Laura - So sorry your starting to feel discouraged already. I hope you get a BFP soon...and a little girl possibly? How cute would that be for Xander to have a little sister!
Emma- Thank you! (hugs)
AFM, I went to my LAST OB appointment today. They have me scheduled for birth next Thursday (so, 10 days) but once a week I go in and they give me what is called a non-stress test. They basically monitor the baby. Well, my fluid level has been going down each week and today it was at a 8. They induce around 5-6. They want me to come back on Friday and than again next Monday. I'm imagining if my amniotic fluid has gotten to a 5-6 at those appointments they will just admit me into the hospital and deliver her. The low fluid isn't from dehydration, but they think they placenta is starting to get really bad. My Braxton Hicks contractions have gotten pretty strong - not painful, just more intense. So I am hoping they continue and just turn into real labor. Wouldn't that be great!