Looking for official TTC buddies!!


New Mummy!
Jan 21, 2011
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Hi people!!

I haven't been on here long and wanted to see if there's anyone wanting to be my TTC buddy?? I'm on 2dpo today (25th Jan 2011)...

Anyone the same or close??

Can't wait to hear from you!! :happydance:

Baby dust :) xx
Hi!! I am 5dpo and I would love an official buddy :) how old are you and where r u from? 27 here from alabama
Oooh we're quite close then! How long is your cycle??

And I'm from the UK, fairly close to Birmingham :) xx
I am close to Birmingham in Alabama, too funny. This is my first month charting so I have really no idea exactly how long it is. I do remember it coming reg around 28-30 days apart though, until last month, I was 2 weeks late and dr gave me progesterone pills but says horomone levels are normal. Strange. Now im 5dpo And have really sore bb's, cramping on left side since 3dpo and im exhausted. Its getting worse with everyday :-/. Had a temp drop this morn too. Just kinda lost though.
The Birmingham thing is freaky lol

Oh the first month TTC is the worst in my opinion lol, it was the only cycle where I REALLY convinced myself I was pregnant and wouldn't take no for an answer :haha: After feeling sorry for myself after AF showed up I haven't really pinned my hopes on a BFP that much every month, I do my best to stay realistic... sort of lol

I don't know much about temps, am planning on starting to chart them next cycle. But I think it's the only thing I don't do. You're talking to a cm checker, saliva tester, opk addict, checking for ov pains 24/7 and online charter kind of woman haha

Throughout all my TWW's I never really got that feeling of exhaustion and I've never been pregnant so that's a really good sign for you in my opinion :) I never really have sore boobs either, just the occasional sensitive nipple when I'm wearing a particular top... and I'm always getting cramps/twinges in my TWW... got them right now as I type, only really mild and they keep switching from the right ovary area to the left :shrug:

I wish we could just know when we've conceived... like if we could feel it happening, no need to POAS every month then :haha:

Well i have been cking CM, opk addict as well, temping, ect. I never have any symptoms until the day before AF, im not getting my hopes up though. I am wanting to know why im feeling like this though. Dr told me she would run some invasive tests but I wanted to see if keeping track of it first. Have u taken clomid
Hi there- I am 1 dpo, O'd yesterday. We've been trying for about 4 months now, I haven't quite started charting yet, but probably will try some new things if it doesn't happen this month. My cycles are irregular but I generally know when I'm several days before O. Actually this cycle I tried that Saliva test (fertile focus) but it didn't work! And I was clearly ovulating because I was using the test strips. I had crazy ovulation pain/soreness, even continuing to today, hopefully that is a good sign?? Probably doesn't make a difference, although I like to think that when I feel it that means I am ovulating "stronger" if that even makes sense. Anyway, let's keep each other posted about symptoms etc during the next few weeks!
By the way, I am REALLY tired, which I don't usually feel this way during/right after ovulation...?
I do not ever feel anything after ovulation, but do 1-2 days before AF. Since this is my first month charting I have no idea what to expect. I never really paid this much attention to it before. According to my mental notes, I am still 10 + days before AF. I dont know if its the Progesterone pills that did this (only took 1 pill for 3 days 21 days ago) or if I am imagining it? Ugh, why does this have to be like this. lol
I am 1DPO today, & I would love a TTC buddy! This is our 3rd cycle of trying & I am already so frustrated by it all!
Steph32 - I use the Fertile Focus microscope and it's worked perfectly for me lol... had normal non fertile dots for days, then partial for a day, then full on ferning for 2 days over ovulation, then back to non fertile... are you using it first thing in the morning??

lilbecksxx - I know what you mean... with every month you just get more and more frustrated lol... nightmare... these babies had better be worth the hassle LOL!

Katertots - No, I've never taken Clomid... I don't know that much about it to be honest :blush: I wouldn't bother with the tests though, if it's your first cycle charting, you will notice a lot of things going on in your body that you never noticed before, purely because you're looking out for any differences that could mean pregnancy... I've been there, it's so confusing :cry:
LOL tell me about it!!!! I feel sorry for my poor husband too, having to put up with me crying my eyes out everytime AF comes!
I've always had really bad AF's so I'm used to feeling sorry for myself on CD1, have done it for years lol!
I'm all good!! I've not been stressing too much when work has been giving me plenty of reasons too... but I won't get into all that on here lol :)

I'm actually really upbeat after my psychic conception reading today lol, she got a lot of stuff spot on with me which was very surreal to read about in an email :haha:

How about you? xx
Hi I'm 6dpo today. My AF is due Feb. 2nd. I have a 33-35 day cycle. So far I have been exhausted and been feeling cramps every now. I am yawning due to fatigue as I type right now. My husband told me that my BB's feel heavier but I don't really notice a difference. I had a restless sleep last night but I think it was due to me taking a long nap yesterday, which I never really do. My temp is all over the place..one minute my husband is saying im burning up then the next I'm normal. I have the a/c on 70 degrees right now and I still feel like I'm burning up. Last, I crave taco bell like every day now which is funny because when I was pregnant the last time, that's all I ate was taco bell but the pregnancy ended with a blighted ovum at 5 weeks. Hopefully, with all what's going on we all should be getting our BFPs
I'm doing okay, I feel that it's a bit early for me to start obsessing about symptoms so there's not much for me to do right now, lol... At 2-3 dpo I'm actually still feeling cramping on and off, maybe still from ovulation, I don't know. IF I am pregnant this month I am hoping I don't stress out too much the next few weeks for fear that it won't stick! Does anyone feel that way? I'm so paranoid about doing anything in these few weeks that might compromise a potential pregnancy!

TTC- Yeah, the fertile focus never did show the ferning during ovulation, it only showed the dots and little clumps, even on my peak day (OPK was very bold positive!) I did use it first thing in the morning, and then at all hours. Never worked. I made sure to follow the exact instructions. So who knows?

Good luck to us all, BABY DUST!!!!
By the way TTC, where are you getting this psychic conception reading? Sounds interesting!
Steph32 - When I asked, everyone recommended Gail and Jenny Renny... some of the others tend to repeat the same reading to lots of different women apparently :shrug: Gail is on ebay, under the name psychic123 I think... Jenny has her own website, so I'd just type her into Google :) Gail is very in depth if that makes any sense, she tells you how many children she can see you having, what gender they are, when they will be conceived... she also mentioned a situation going on with my Mum which was weird lol, I'd never even said anything about her! Jenny just gives a month you will get the BFP and the sex of the baby and that's about it. And I'm at 4 dpo now and I'm still getting the odd ovulation pain, but I get that every cycle on/off.

mzswizz - Welcome :) The food craving sounds promising, my boobs always feel heavier from the day after ovulation right up until I'm a few days into AF. But if that's not usually the case for you then I'd say it's a good sign! I've read that if you're noticing any symptoms that are "out of the ordinary" for you, then it tends to be a good sign :)

Good luck to everyone xx
@TTC Thanks. Usually around the time of AF my boobs use to get sore which made me think pregnant but it was just AF now, I don't get sore boobs at all. The only thing I really notice before AF comes is a few cramps around Ike it is due and then bam I get hit with the AF and painful cramping. I have been having mild cramps on my right side of my lower abdomen lately and I have been burping alot more than usual. Yesterday I was like a burping machine even if I didn't eat anything which was weird. I haven't implanted yet if I am pregnant and I am now 7dpo. An online ovulation calendar estimated that I should be implanting around 9dpo and have implantation around 10dpo. So just patiently waiting to see what is going on. Hopefully it is a BFP and not AF!

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