Have y'all ever thought about youtubing a weight loss or ttc journey? I have thought about it. I watch a few weight loss channels and have been watching the live pregnancy tests. I thought it might be fun lol..
I think a weight loss one would be cool like a moving collage of all the pictures...or a pregnancy one like that. I don't know if I would wanna do the pregnancy tests or anything though haha
Ok so TMI but I wiped earlier and got some brown gunk. Looks like I am spotting so pretty sure AF is coming on! Plus I am super crampy. Would today be considered CD1 or when I get a full flow?
Things are going good. I met my steps goal yesterday and I will today as well. My mom helped me take out a tree stump and weed a big section of my yard so I have been getting lots of activity in today.
I enjoyed 2 cheeseburgers for lunch. More carbs than I'd like but the weather is perfect for the grill and it's what I have.
The rest of the week I need to focus on getting our costumes done for the weekend and my house cleaned for company.
Thankfully no but we have another cell fixin to come through. I just popped my spaghetti squash chicken parm in the oven (pics later) and watching A Girl Like Her with my daughter. Hits close to home because she has been a victim of bullying. It was so bad I pulled her out of school and homeschool her. We are going to try high school this year. I hope she doesn't have to deal with that crap.
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